GKS requests

Georges Grinstei grinstei at ulowell.UUCP
Sat Oct 18 22:42:25 AEST 1986

At the beginning of the summer we announced the availability of GKS
level 2b with Fortran and C bindings for VMS and UNIX.

However during August and September, the University of Lowell's Computer
Science department moved to its new 37,000 square feet location.
Because of the move and during this period all of the Nets were down.
There were many GKS request that were not received.

Generally the answers are:
      1. the price is $500 for educational institutions
      2. This includes sources and site license (and now a Pascal binding).

Please resend these requests and all new requests to:

	all informational requests to

				gks-info at ulowell

	all bug reporting to
				gks-bugs at ulowell

sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused.

UUCP: wanginst!ulowell!grinstein     n     Georges Grinstein
ARPA: grinstein at ulowell.CSNET              University of Lowell
VOX:  +1 617 452 5000 x2681                Lowell MA 01854 USA

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