Auto-forwarding in smail (patches)

Ronald S. Karr tron at nsc.UUCP
Sat Oct 11 11:52:37 AEST 1986

The following patches are a followup to an article I posted to net.mail
about patches to smail that cause auto-routing of unknown addresses to
a ``more intelligent site''.  To use, set FORWARD to the host that you
wish to have mail forwarded to.  To keep from having it hardcoded in
the program, you can set FORWARD to something like `forwarding-relay' and
then put a line like:

	forwarding-relay = seismo

in a pathalias input file.

If anybody is interested I also have a Makefile for building paths files
that works quite nicely, with lots of capabilities for hardcoding paths,
overriding paths derived from the USENET maps with paths derived from
maps generated locally, and such.
-------------------------------  Cut here -------------------------------
*** defs.h.old	Oct  3 20:37:48 1986
--- defs.h	Oct  3 20:37:48 1986
*** 56,61
  /* # define HOSTDOMAIN "host.dom"	/* replacement for HOSTNAME.MYDOM */
  **  Locations of files:
  **	PATHS is where the pathalias output is.  This is mandatory.
  **	Define LOG if you want a log of mail.  This can be handy for

--- 58,73 -----
  /* # define HOSTDOMAIN "host.dom"	/* replacement for HOSTNAME.MYDOM */
+  * FORWARD is set to the site that we wish to send mail that we can't
+  * address to.  Does not need to be a direct connection.
+  *
+  * This hack local to National Semiconductor.
+  */
+ /* #ifndef FORWARD
+  * # define FORWARD    "forwarding-relay"
+  * #endif */
+ /*
  **  Locations of files:
  **	PATHS is where the pathalias output is.  This is mandatory.
  **	Define LOG if you want a log of mail.  This can be handy for
*** resolve.c.old	Fri Oct  3 20:46:45 1986
--- resolve.c		Fri Oct  3 20:46:46 1986
*** 68,74
  	char *partv[MAXPATH];		/* "  "      "		*/
  	char temp[SMLBUF];		/* "  "      "		*/
  	int i;
  **  If we set REROUTE and are prepared to deliver UUCP mail, we split the 

--- 68,74 -----
  	char *partv[MAXPATH];		/* "  "      "		*/
  	char temp[SMLBUF];		/* "  "      "		*/
  	int i;
! 	int route_done = 0;		/* set if everything routed */
  **  If we set REROUTE and are prepared to deliver UUCP mail, we split the 
*** 100,106
  **  we are set to route ALWAYS or REROUTE) or a ROUTE form.
  		if ( rsvp( form ) != ROUTE && 
! 		    ( rsvp( form ) != UUCP || routing == JUSTDOMAIN ) )
  **  Apply router.  If BULLYing and routing failed, try next larger substring.

--- 100,107 -----
  **  we are set to route ALWAYS or REROUTE) or a ROUTE form.
  		if ( rsvp( form ) != ROUTE && 
! 		    ( rsvp( form ) != UUCP || routing == JUSTDOMAIN ) ) {
! 			route_done++;
*** 102,107
  		if ( rsvp( form ) != ROUTE && 
  		    ( rsvp( form ) != UUCP || routing == JUSTDOMAIN ) )
  **  Apply router.  If BULLYing and routing failed, try next larger substring.

--- 103,109 -----
  		    ( rsvp( form ) != UUCP || routing == JUSTDOMAIN ) ) {
+ 		}
  **  Apply router.  If BULLYing and routing failed, try next larger substring.
*** 112,117
  		form = parse( temp, domain, user );
  	DEBUG("parse route '%s' = %s @ %s (%d)\n",temp,user,domain,form);

--- 114,120 -----
  		form = parse( temp, domain, user );
  	DEBUG("parse route '%s' = %s @ %s (%d)\n",temp,user,domain,form);
+ 		route_done++;
*** 125,130
  		(void) strcpy( domain, "" );
  		form = LOCAL;
  **  If we were supposed to route and address but failed (form == ERROR), 
  **  or after routing once we are left with an address that still needs to

--- 128,168 -----
  		(void) strcpy( domain, "" );
  		form = LOCAL;
+ /*
+ **  Local NSC hack to forward unrouted messages
+ */
+ #ifdef FORWARD
+ 	if ( !route_done )
+ 	{
+ 		char forward[SMLBUF];
+ 		/* get the path to the forwarding machine */
+ 		if ( getpath( FORWARD, forward) == EX_OK ) {
+ 			char *p;
+ 			/* splice in the address */
+ 			sprintf( temp, forward, address );
+ 			/* split the address at the first ! */
+ 			p = index( temp, '!' );
+ 			if ( p ) {
+ 				*p = '\0';
+ 				(void) strcpy( user, p+1 );
+ 				(void) strcpy( domain, temp );
+ 				ADVISE( "forward '%s' = %s @ %s (%d)\n",
+ 					address, user, domain, UUCP );
+ 				return ( UUCP );
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 		exitstat = EX_NOHOST;
+ 		printf( "%s...couldn't forward to %s.\n", address, FORWARD );
+ 		form = ERROR;
+ 		return( form );
+ 	}
+ #endif FORWARD
  **  If we were supposed to route and address but failed (form == ERROR), 
  **  or after routing once we are left with an address that still needs to

  Ronald S. Karr			USENET: hplabs!nsc!tron
  National Semiconductor		ARPA:   decwrl!nsc!tron at ucbvax.ARPA
  Sunnyvale, CA				DOMAIN: tron at nsc.NSC.COM

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