
dturner at imagen.UUCP dturner at imagen.UUCP
Sun Oct 5 11:14:11 AEST 1986

I was just wondreing if anyone has the sources to a good 
startrek game to run on a mainframe (vax 11/70 runing unix bsd 4.2)
if so could you mail;swap tape;send carrier pigon;smoke singel;etc. etc. 
and tell me where I can get a copy . 

Thanks in advance.

			It's not my planet monkey-boy

Name:	David R. Turner
Mail:	Imagen Corp. 2650 San Tomas Expressway, P.O. Box 58101
        Santa Clara, CA 95052-8101
AT&T:	(408) 446-3412
UUCP:	...{decvax,ucbvax}!decwrl!imagen!dturner

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