Kermit ][ (file 1 of 3) Documents

zben at umd5.umd.EDU zben at umd5.umd.EDU
Sat Oct 18 10:36:14 AEST 1986

From: Ben Cranston <zben at>
Subject: Kermit ][ (file 1 of 3) Documents
To: unix-sources at
Return-Path: <unix-sources-request at BRL.ARPA>
Received: from BRL-SMOKE.ARPA by Xerox.COM ; 17 OCT 86 16:35:33 PDT
Received: from USENET by SMOKE.BRL.ARPA id a017123; 17 Oct 86 15:33 EDT
Newsgroups: net.sources
Message-ID: <1293 at umd5>
Original-Date: 16 Oct 86 20:48:49 GMT
Keywords: kermit apple

Well, we finally got the manual scanned, and with about a day of manual
editing it is reasonably usable (though certainly not perfect).  Look for
the source code over the next several nights.  Thanks to Chris Torek and
Liz Allen for the sharmaker.

------------  cut here  ------------
: Run this shell script with "sh" not "csh"
export PATH
if [ x$1 = x-a ]; then
echo Extracting man.readme
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >man.readme
Some notes on the manual "manual.txt" file.

I started from a xerox of a xerox of a xerox of a Daisy output that had
overstrike bolding, underlining, and margin bars.  We used a Kurzweil
scanner to re-input the text.  The bolding and margin bars didn't make it.
The underlining was manually entered, with the control strings "<u" and
">u" signalling start-underlining and end-underlining respectively.

The shell script "man.ul" just removes these control strings, so it can
be used if your output device does not do underlining.  If you have access
to a device that does have underlining, you can use an analagous shell
script to change the control strings into the control sequences your 
device uses to make underlining.

Page-ups are marked by a "formfeed" character in the text.  I hope they
make it through the distribution process...

//go.sysin dd *
if [ `wc -c < man.readme` != 842 ]; then
	echo error transmitting man.readme --
	echo length should be 842, not `wc -c < man.readme`
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	chmod 644 man.readme
	echo -n '	'; ls -ld man.readme
echo Extracting man.ul
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >man.ul
sed <manual.txt -e 's/<u//g' -e 's/>u//g'
//go.sysin dd *
if [ `wc -c < man.ul` != 42 ]; then
	echo error transmitting man.ul --
	echo length should be 42, not `wc -c < man.ul`
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	chmod 755 man.ul
	echo -n '	'; ls -ld man.ul
echo Extracting manual.txt
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >manual.txt
      Appendix A-2
Kermit-][ for the Apple II

         July 1985

                         APPENDIX A-2
                       TABLE OF CONTENTS

A2.1 Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1

A2.2  Getting started  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1

A2.3  SET and SHOW or STATUS commands  . . . . . . . . . . .   1

     A2.3.1  Baud  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     A2.3.2  Local-echo  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     A2.3.3  Parity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     A2.3.4  Slot  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     A2.3.5  Card  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     A2.3.6  Mark  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     A2.3.7  Timeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     A2.3.8  File-warning  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     A2.3.9  Debug . .   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     A2.3.10  Phone  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     A2.3.11  Scroll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     A2.3.12  Video  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     A2.3.13  Escape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     A2.3.14  Drive  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     A2.3.15  End of Line (EOL)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     A2.3.16  Repeat-Proc  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     A2.3.17  Save . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6

A2.4  Giving a DOS command within Kermit-][  . . . . . . . .   6

A2.5  CONNECT command  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6

A2.6  BREAK command  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7

A2.7  Returning to Kermit-][ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8

A2.8  Transferring files from micro to host  . . . . . . . .   8

A2.9  Transferring files from host to micro  . . . . . . . .  10

A2.10  Exiting Kermit-][   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12

A2.11  Converting an Applesoft BASIC file to a text file . .  12

A2.12  Converting text file to Applesoft BASIC program . . .  13

A2.13  Converting Apple binary file to/from text file  . . .  13

A2.14  Kermit-][ transfer error messages . . . . . . . . . .  14

A2.15  Adding to or changing Kermit-][ code  . . . . . . . .  18

                         APPENDIX A-2
                       TABLE OF CONTENTS

A2.16  Files on your Kermit-][ distribution disk . . . . . .  19

A2.17  Configuring a Kermit-][ working disk  . . . . . . . .  22

A2.18  Modifying the KERMITA program . . . . . . . . . . . .  23

A2.19  Recent Improvements to SERDAC Kermit-][ . . . . . . .  24

Note: Changes to the original Kermit-][ documentation in Appendix
A-2, published in May 1985, have been noted with vertical lines
in the page margins.  For a summary of major changes, see Section

                         Appendix A-2

                   Kermit-][ for the Apple II

A2.1 Introduction

     Kermit-][, Apple Kermit, can transfer sequential ASCII text
files, with logical line lengths up to 256 characters, between an
Apple II, II+, or IIe, running Apple DOS 3.3 (or any compatible
Apple DOS operating system) and any host computer that is running
its own version of Kermit.  This appendix assumes that you know
how to use both the Apple and the host you want to communicate
     The examples assume that you are communicating with the
Sperry UNIVAC 1100, but it would be fairly easy to modify the
commands to apply to other host computers.  The commands
necessary on the micro would remain essentially the same, no
matter what host you are communicating with.  There is a separate
Appendix B describing the Kermit implementation for each SERDAC
host computer.  In the following examples, what Kermit (or the
current computer operating system) prints is <uunderlined>u, what you
should type is shown with bold type, and explanation and comments
appear in ordinary type.  A carriage return is indicated as
(cr).  You can abbreviate any Apple Kermit command, as long as
the abbreviation is unambiguous.

A2.2 Getting started

     To run Kermit-][, either boot with the Kermit-][
distribution disk, or, if you have previously booted with another
disk, insert the Kermit-][ disk, and type EXEC GOKERM (cr) (if
you would like an illustrated introduction to Kermit-][, insert
the Kermit-][ disk, and type EXEC GOKERMIL (cr).  After Kermit-][
is loaded, you will receive the prompt <uKERMIT-][>>u.  You need not
keep the Kermit-][ disk in the Apple's drive once Apple Kermit
has been loaded, except when you need to SET SAVE command
parameters (see Section A2.3.17).  Typing HELP (cr) or ? (cr) at
the prompt provides a list of valid Kermit-][ commands.

A2.3 SET and SHOW or STATUS commands

     Before you connect to another computer, you must set certain
Kermit-][ parameters.  To display the current settings of these
parameters, type SHOW (cr) or STATUS (cr).
     To change a parameter, use a SET command.  To determine a
parameter's possible values, follow the command with a question
mark, e.g.:

     SET LOCAL-ECHO ? (cr)

     <uON OFF>u

                             A2- 1
     Note that although SET commands apply in most cases, due to
hardware limitations, not all SET commands have an effect.  For
example, if you are using a Hayes Micromodem II, SET BAUD 1200
has no effect, since that modem works only at 300 baud.

A2.3.1 Baud

     Your modem, serial interface card, and host system determine
the correct baud rate to use.  Default is 300.

A2.3.2 Local-echo

     Set this parameter to ON when connecting with a host such as
the UNIVAC 1100, which does not echo characters back to your
terminal.  Set it to OFF if the host does echo back characters
(echoplex).  Default is ON.

A2.3.3 Parity

     Set parity to the parity of the host system.  Default is

A2.3.4 Slot

     This is the Apple II slot number containing the serial
interface or modem card you are using.  Default is 2.

A2.3.5 Card

     This parameter names the serial interface or modem card you
are using.  Kermit-][ is currently implemented for the following:

     Card                              SET CARD value

     Hayes Micromodem II               MICROMODEM (or MIC)
     Apple Super Serial Card           SUPER SERIAL (or SUP)
     Cal Comp Sys 7710-D Serial Card   CCS
     Apple Communications Serial Card  COMMUNICATIONS (or COM)
     Novation Apple Cat Modem          NOVATION (or NOV)

Default is MICROMODEM.

A2.3.6 Mark

     Along with certain special pieces of information, characters
in a text file are grouped into units called <upackets>u before being
sent to the other computer during a file transfer.  The first
character of a packet is always the <umark>u character, which by
default is CTRL-A (ASCII 001).  On some systems, ASCII 001 may be
a flow control character- for instance, it might mean
"disconnect." Therefore, it may be necessary with some hosts
to set MARK to some other character.  Default is 001.

                             A2- 2
A2.3.7 Timeout

     This is the time in seconds after which the Apple will
<utimeout>u (abort a transfer) if it gets no response from the host
system.  If the host response time is very slow, or if the
message <uTRANSFER ABORTED DUE TO TIMEOUT>u appears, set TIMEOUT to a
larger number.  Default is 10 seconds.

A2.3.8 File-warning

     In most cases, it is desirable to set FILE-WARNING to ON.
This causes Kermit-][ to check your disk when receiving a file to
see if that file already exists.  If it does exist, then you are
given the option to append the new file to the existing one, to
overwrite the existing file, or to specify a new file name.
Default is ON.

A2.3.9 Debug

     In most cases, DEBUG should be set to OFF.  If you would
like to see every character (Kermit protocol characters plus
actual text) that is transmitted through the serial port during a
transfer, DEBUG should be set to ON.  This would normally not be
done unless you were trying to debug a new version of Kermit-][
or to try to discover why a particular transfer was not working
correctly.  Having DEBUG ON does increase the time required for a
file transfer, so you may wish to use it sparingly.

A2.3.10 Phone

     There are four possible settings of the PHONE parameter:

   1. If you are using a Hayes Micromodem II, set the PHONE
     parameter to the host's phone number; for example, SET PHONE
     5530803.  If you set the PHONE parameter to NONE, Kermit-][
     prompts you to enter a number.  Direct keyboard commands to
     the Micromodem are not available through Kermit-][.

  2. If you are using a Novation Apple Cat Modem, set the PHONE
     parameter to NONE.  If you have Apple Cat firmware, you will
     be directed to use firmware commands to dial the host.  If
     you do not have firmware, then you will have to physically
     dial-up the host using an alternative Apple II data
     communications program <ubefore>u you run Kermit-][.  There is
     presently no Kermit-][ autodial capability for this

  3. If you are using a serial interface card and an external
     modem combination that permits autodialing, set the PHONE
     parameter to the appropriate modem command plus the phone
     number.  For example, if you are using a Hayes Smartmodem,
     you might SET PHONE ATDT5530803.  If you set the phone

                             A2- 3
     parameter to NONE, you can type modem commands and the
     telephone number after issuing the CONNECT command.

  4. If you are definitely not using an autodial system, set the
     PHONE to NONE.  After you CONNECT, you will be given an
     opportunity to do a manual dialup.

Default is NONE.

A2.3.11 Scroll

     You can set the SCROLL to ON or OFF.  If SCROLL is ON, the
actual text of the file being transferred will be scrolled onto
your screen.  While this is handy to see where you are in the
file transfer, it does increase the time required for the
transfer.  Default is ON.

A2.3.12 Video

     The video features of Kermit-][ are quite nice.  Most of the
information scrolled onto your screen is done in hi-res.  The
program has its own hi-res character set, so you can see
transmitted characters in the proper case, without having to have
any special hardware such as an 80 column card (you still cannot
type lower case characters on an unequipped Apple II, though).
If you have a good monitor (not a TV), you may also see a 70
column display rather than the normal 40 column display.
Optionally, you may also look at scrolled data in <ureverse video>u,
that is black on white.  There are four parameters you can set
with the SET VIDEO command:.

     I    Reverse video
     N    Normal video (default)

     A    Auto line feed
     M    No auto line feed (default)

     T    Truncate at right edge
     W    Wrap around to next line (default)

     4    40 column display (default)
     7    70 column display

     For example, to set the display for reverse video and 70
columns, enter:  SET VIDEO I7 (cr).

A2.3.13   Escape

     As explained in Section 3.3, once you are connected to the
host, there must be a way for you to get back to the micro.  This
is accomplished with an escape character or sequence.  As you
type each character on the micro keyboard, it is checked to see

                             A2- 4
if it is the escape character or if it is part of the escape
sequence.  When the character or sequence is recognized, control
is returned to the micro Kermit.  The escape character or
sequence should always be easily typed on your keyboard and
something rather unique that you would never output to the host
in normal operations.  Although it has a somewhat different
meaning in other Kermits, the authors of Kermit-][ chose the
default escape character to be ESCape.  That is a sensible
choice, but if you would like for it to be another character, you
can specify it with the SET ESCAPE command.  The parameter value
should be the <udecimal>u value of the ASCII code- a value between 1
and 127.  Default is 27, the decimal value for ASCII ESC.

A2.3.14 Drive

     Sometimes while using Kermit-][, it is convenient to switch
the default disk drive from 1 to 2 or vice versa.  This can be
accomplished by issuing some "throwaway" DOS command as described
in Section A2.4 (e.g., CTRL-D CATALOG,D2), but it is much
simpler just to use a SET command (e.g., SET DRIVE 2).  Note that
using the ,Dn specification with the SEND or RECEIVE commands
(see Sections A2.9 and A2.8) also effectively changes the default
drive.  You may wish to use a SET DRIVE command to switch back to
the other drive once a particular transfer is completed.  Note
that when you SET SAVE (see Section A2.3.17), the drive setting
is always saved with the value 1.

A2.3.15 End of Line (EOL)

     The Kermit protocol provides for the specification, by each
computer participating in an exchange, of a character to denote
the end of a terminal input line (in the case of Kermit, the end
of a packet).  In most systems, this character is the carriage
return (ASCII code 13).  The Apple doesn't really care what the
value of EOL is; Kermit-][ will end packets (and recognize the
end of packets) with whatever character the host wants to use.
The catch is that both the Apple and host must agree on what EOL
is, and for agreement, YOU must tell Kermit-][ what character the
host needs to detect.  Default is 13.

A2.3.16 Repeat-Proc

     Kermit-][ allows for limited <urepeat character processing>u
when RECEIVEing data.  With most data, the default processing
(Repeat-Proc = ON) is sufficient; transfers may be accomplished
without loss of data or any problems, and the special processing
will save transmission time.  If you are RECEIVEing data with
many long strings of repeated characters, Kermit-][ repeat
character processing may fail, and you will receive the message
<uREC BUFFER OVERFLOW. TRANSFER ABORTED.>u If this happens, change
the default by typing SET REPEAT-PROC OFF.  Then, restart the
transfer on both the host and the Apple.  See Section A2.14 (REC

                             A2- 5
BUFFER OVERFLOW) for further information.  Default is ON.

A2.3.17 Save

     Since it would be very cumbersome to reset all the above
parameters each time you use Kermit-][, you can use a SET SAVE
command to save the current parameter settings onto your
Kermit-][ diskette (note that DRIVE is always saved with a value
of 1).  Each time you run Kermit-][, the parameters are
automatically loaded back and become the initial settings for the
program.  The distribution disk contains a KERMIT/SETSAVE file
with the above described default settings.  You may reset them as
required, and your settings, if saved, will become the new

A2.4 Giving a DOS command within Kermit-][

     You need not exit from Kermit-][ to issue most required
Apple DOS commands (e.g., CATALOG, DELETE, RENAME).  Instead,
type CTRL-D at the <uKERMIT-][>>u prompt, followed immediately by the
DOS command and (cr).  If the DOS command you give is illegal,
you will receive the message <uSYNTAX ERROR>u.  If the command is not
executable (e.g., you try to delete a non-existent file), you
will receive the message <uDOS COMMAND CANNOT BE EXECUTED>u.

A2.5 CONNECT command

     The CONNECT command lets you log onto a host system as well
as to return to terminal operation from Kermit-][.  The <ufirst>u
time you use a CONNECT command, and subsequently, whenever you
reSET the local-echo, parity, baud, card, slot, or phone
parameters, Kermit-][ initializes itself with the last values you
SET and readies itself for a new dial-up and log-on to the
host.  If you are already logged-on to the host, this may break
the connection and force you to log-on again.  You may also have
to reSET any Kermit parameters you SET previously.  Otherwise,
CONNECT commands merely return you to the host.

     Remember:  Normally, to <uinitialize>u Kermit-][, you must reSET
at least one of the parameters listed in the paragraph above.
You may SET the parameter to the same value it had previously,
but it must be SET (e.g., if you were using the CCS card, you
could initialize Kermit-][ by typing SET CARD CCS (cr)).
Kermit-][ <umust>u be initialized anytime you wish to CONNECT to a
host the first time (dial-up and log-on).  Kermit-][ does <unot>u
need to be reinitialized once you are physically connected to a
host.  If it <uis>u reinitialized while you are connected, the
connection may be broken.

     Note: You may CONNECT to and log onto a host once all SET
parameters have been correctly established.  However, there may

                             A2- 6
be DIP switch settings required on your serial interface or modem
card that you will also have to change.  On the Super Serial
Card, for example, the terminal/modem block must point towards
modem.  On the CCS card, you must set the DIP switches for the
desired baud rate.  See your particular serial card or modem card
manual for required switch settings!

     You should now be ready to log-on to a host.  Type CONNECT
(cr) at the <uKERMIT-][>>u prompt.  As mentioned in Section A2.3.10,
there are four different ways of dialing up a host.  Consult
Appendix D if you are not using a modem, or if you have
difficulty connecting.  If you are using an autodial modem and
have set the PHONE parameter accordingly, just wait for the
modem's response telling you that the host's modem has answered
the phone and that you have a carrier signal.  This is usually a
<uCONNECT>u message.  If you are manually dialing, you will be
instructed to do so.  If you do not get a connection (the host
number is busy, for example), most autodial modems send a message
<uNO CARRIER>u and hangup.  If this happens, with one of the
supported serial cards installed, you may reinitialize Kermit-][
(without issuing a SET command) and retry the same phone number
by typing the Kermit-][ escape character ESCape, followed
immediately (within 2-3 seconds) by the letter N.  When you see
the prompt, just type CONNECT (cr) .  If the retry fails, or if
you are using one of the supported internal modems, you will then
have to ESCape back to Kermit-][, reSET the PHONE (or CARD)
parameter and try to CONNECT again.
     When you know that you are connected to the host, type in
the appropriate RETURNS or whatever to tell the host you wish
to log-on.  Log-on to the host and set its Kermit running with
the appropriate commands.
     If you want to log off the host system and log back on to it
or another host, you will have to get Kermit-][ to reinitialize
itself as described at the beginning of this section.

A2.6 BREAK command

     If you are using the Apple Super Serial Card, you may use
the BREAK command to send a break signal to the host.  The BREAK
command will have no effect at all if you do not have the Super
Serial Card installed!  The break signal may be required to
log-on to or disconnect from certain hosts (not the SERDAC
UNIVAC!).  If you need to send a break to log-on, first
initialize Kermit-][ by SETting the appropriate parameters.
Then, at the prompt, type in BREAK (cr).  This will do an
automatic CONNECT, let you dial-up, if applicable, and send the
break signal.  To complete the log-on to the host, type in the
key-ins you would normally need after the break signal.  If you
need to send a break signal to disconnect a host, type the escape
character to get the <uKERMIT-][>>u prompt, type BREAK (cr), and
answer the <uDISCONNECT HOST?>u question with a Y (cr).  You will be
disconnected and then will have the opportunity to reconnect.

                             A2- 7
Kermit-][ will be automatically reinitialized for the host and
physical connection you were just using.  If you do not wish to
reconnect, type the escape character to get the prompt back.
Reinitialize Kermit-][ to connect to another host or to do
whatever is desired.
      No matter what kind of equipment you are using, if you need
to send a break signal to the SERDAC UNIVAC (to interrupt output
and @@X something), it's much better and easier to break by
typing CTRL-SHIFT-P while "talking to" the host.

A2.7 Returning to Kermit-][

      To return to Kermit-][ from terminal operation, simply type
the appropriate escape character.  The default escape character
is the ESCape key.  After typing it, you should get the
<uKERMIT-][>>u prompt.  Note: When you are using one of the supported
serial cards, the first time you escape back to your Apple, there
will be a slight (2-3 second) delay before you get the prompt.

A2.8  Transferring files from micro to host

                              After CONNECTing and logging-on to
                              the host:

<u>>u at USE K.,KERMIT*KERMIT. (cr)  Run Kermit on the host (the Sperry
<uI:002333 USE complete>u         UNIVAC in these examples.  The host
<u>>u at K.KERMIT,R  MY*FILE. (cr)   commands will vary from host to
<uKermit 1100 2.3  test>u         host).  Use your own file name or
                              element name in place of MY*FILE.
                              If you specify none, the target
                              UNIVAC name(s) will be determined
                              by the Apple Kermit SEND

                              Note that the R option is used to
                              give the UNIVAC Kermit a RECEIVE

ESC                           Press the ESCape key to get out of
                              terminal mode and return to

[Back at Apple]

<uKERMIT-][>>uSEND CHESS (cr)     Specify the file to be sent from
                              the default disk.  Substitute your
                              own file name for CHESS.  If SCROLL
                              is ON, the actual text will scroll

                             A2- 8
                              by on your screen as it is being
                              sent.  You may send a file from any
                              drive by appending ,Dn to the file
                              name; for example, SEND CHESS,D2 to
                              send a file from a drive 2 disk.
                              You can abort the transfer at any
                              time, by typing the escape
                              character several times.  When the
                              transfer is complete, you will see:

                              and Kermit-][ will sound a bell.
                              As stated in Sections 3.7 and
                              A2.14, there are a number of
                              conditions that can interrupt or
                              abort a Kermit transfer, and
                              different ways of handling those
                              kinds of situations.  If, for
                              example, you should get an error
                              message, <uTRANSFER ABORTED DUE TO>u
                              <uTIMEOUT>u, reSET Kermit-]['s TIMEOUT
                              parameter to a higher value,
                              and start the whole transfer over

                              At this point, <uif you specified no>u
                              <ufile name on the UNIVAC Kermit>u
                              <ucall>u, and the SEND was completed
                              normally, you may SEND other Apple
                              files to the UNIVAC without
                              reCONNECTing to it.  The received
                              files on the UNIVAC will have the
                              same names as the ones you specify
                              in the SEND commands you use, so
                              be careful to use simple names
                              legal to the UNIVAC, and make sure
                              that you don't overwrite something
                              on the host!  Or, if you want to be

<uKERMIT-][>>uCONNECT (cr)        CONNECT to the host again to
                              check that the file (or element)
                              was properly received, to set the
                              host Kermit up to receive/send
                              another file, or to log-off if you
                              are finished.  There is no need to
                              re-establish the physical
                              connection (dialing or whatever
                              method was used) or to rerun
                              Kermit-][;  all CONNECT commands

                             A2- 9
                              after the first one put you
                              directly back to the host, as
                              long as you have not reSET any
                              transmission parameters.

@EOF (cr)                     When you return to the UNIVAC after
<uKermit end>u                    a transfer, you should ALWAYS type
>                             @EOF (cr) (or just @ (cr)) to
                              terminate UNIVAC's Kermit and get
                              the operating system prompt (>).
                              (You may have to type a few RETURNs
                              to get other hosts' attention so
                              you can terminate or command their

>.......                      Tell the host what to do next, and
                              then return to Kermit-][ by typing:.


A2.9 Transferring files from host to micro

                              After CONNECTing and logging-on to
                              the host:

>@USE K.,KERMIT*KERMIT. (cr)  Run Kermit on the host (the Sperry
<uI:002333 USE complete>u         UNIVAC in these examples.  The host
>@K.KERMIT,SW MY*FILE. (cr)   commands will vary from host to
<uKermit 1100 2.3 test>u          host).  Use your own file name or
                              element name in place of MY*FILE.

                              Note that the S option is used to
                              give the UNIVAC Kermit a SEND
                              command.  The W option is used to
                              specify a time delay so that you
                              will have time to return to the
                              Apple and set it up to receive the

ESC                           Press the ESCape key to get out of
                              terminal mode and return to

[Back at Apple]

<uKERMIT-][>>uRECEIVE (cr)        Tell Kermit-][ to receive the
                              incoming file and to store it on
                              the default disk.  (You can change
                              the default by using a SET DRIVE
                              command (see Section A2.3.14)

                              <ubefore>u typing the RECEIVE command.
                              If desired,  you may also indicate
                              the drive you want to use to store
                              particular received data by
                              appending ,Dn to the RECEIVE
                              command, e.g., RECEIVE,D2 will have
                              Kermit-][ store the data on the
                              disk in drive 2).  If SCROLL is ON,
                              the actual text will scroll by on
                              your screen as it is being
                              received.  Note that the file will
                              be put on the default disk with the
                              same name as you specified on the
                              host Kermit SEND.  You can abort
                              the transfer at any time, by typing
                              the escape character several
                              times.  When the transfer is
                              complete, you will see:


                              and Kermit-][ will sound a bell.
                              As stated in Sections 3.7 and
                              A2.14, there are a number of
                              conditions that can interrupt or
                              abort a Kermit transfer, and
                              different ways of handling those
                              kinds of situations.  If, for
                              example, you should get an error
                              message, <uTRANSFER ABORTED DUE TO>u
                              <uTIEMOUT>u, reSET Kermit-]['s TIMEOUT
                              parameter to a higher value,
                              and start the whole transfer over

<uKERMIT-][>>uCONNECT (cr)        CONNECT to the host again to set
                              the host Kermit up to send/receive
                              another file, or to log-off if you
                              are finished.  There is no need to
                              re-establish the physical
                              connection (dialing or whatever
                              method was used) or to rerun
                              Kermit-][;  all CONNECT commands
                              after the first one put you
                              directly back to the host, as long
                              as you have not reSET any
                              transmission parameters.

@EOF (cr)                    When you return to the UNIVAC after
<uKermit end>u                   a transfer, you should ALWAYS type
>                            @EOF (cr) (or just @ (cr)) to
                             terminate UNIVAC's Kermit and get
                             the operating system prompt (>).
                             (You may have to type a few RETURNs
                             to get other hosts' attention so
                             you can terminate or command their

>.......                     Tell the host what to do next, and
                             then return to Kermit-][ by typing:.


A2.10 Exiting Kermit-][

     After logging-off the host computer and terminating your
physical connection (e.g., hanging up the phone), get back to
Kermit-][ by typing the escape character.  When you see the
<uKERMIT-][>>u prompt, type either EXIT (cr) or QUIT (cr) to end the
Kermit-][ session.

A2.11 Converting an Applesoft BASIC file to a text file

     Since Kermit-][ transfers only sequential text files, you
must convert Applesoft BASIC programs to text files before
transferring them.  A utility program called B2T (for
BASIC-to-text) is on your Kermit-][ distribution disk
specifically for this purpose.  You can use B2T on any Applesoft
BASIC program, as long as there is no line number 0 in it.  To
create a text file, load your Applesoft program and type:  EXEC
B2T (cr).
     To change the Applesoft program PRIMESl to a text file
stored on disk as PRIMES2, for example:

     <u]>uLOAD PRIMESl (cr)
     <u]>uEXEC B2T (cr)
     <u]>uRUN (cr)

     Note that at this writing (7/85) there may be some
difficulties encountered in transferring Applesoft BASIC text
files to and from the UNIVAC.  UNIVAC's UMd-Kermit will accept
text lines greater than 132 characters in length, but it "breaks"
the lines at character 132.  For example, if you send a line of
157 characters, the UNIVAC will make it into two lines- one with
132 characters and one with 25 characters.  When you transfer

the text file back to your Apple, and try to EXEC it back to
a BASIC program (see next section), the second part of your
original line, now a line of its own, will be taken as a SYNTAX
ERROR or, if it happens to begin with a number, as an undesired
BASIC statement.  We are trying to modify the UNIVAC Kermit so
that this problem will not occur, but in the meantime, it would
be a good idea not to write new BASIC programs with lines
exceeding 132 characters if you plan to transfer them to and from
the UNIVAC.  If this is not possible, or if you have old programs
with many long lines that you need to transfer, contact SERDAC;
we have developed several interim Applesoft BASIC utility
programs to detect and fix "split" lines.
     Another thing that you should be aware of when transferring
Applesoft BASIC text files to the UNIVAC is that the usual call
to the UNIVAC Text Editor (@ED file-or-elt-name) WILL NOT let
you look at columns 81-132 (132 characters is the maximum length
you can look at).  If you have uploaded an Applesoft BASIC text
file, with lines 81-132 characters long, and you would like to
look at or edit it, MAKE SURE to use the "D" option on the Text
Editor call (i.e. @ED,D file-or-elt-name)!

A2.12 Converting text file to Applesoft BASIC program

     This is very simple.  Merely EXEC your file and SAVE it.  If
a file contains BASIC line numbers and statements, EXEC-ing that
file causes the text to be read into memory and stored as a BASIC
program, as if you had typed it directly into the system itself.
You must then SAVE the program with an appropriate name.
     To change the text file PRIMES2 back to a BASIC program file
and store it on disk as PRIMESl:.

     <u]>uEXEC PRIMES2 (cr)

     <u]>u (a series of right brackets will appear)

     <u]>uSAVE PRIMESl (cr)

A2.13 Converting Apple binary file to/from text file

     Although the host will not be able to interpret the contents
of a micro binary file under ordinary circumstances, it may be
handy to store one on the host disk for future transfer back to
an appropriate micro.  Unfortunately, as with Applesoft files,
there is no direct way to do such a transfer with Kermit-][.  The
Apple binary file must first be translated into a <uhex-text>u file
before it may be transferred to the host.  The hex-text file must
be easily convertible back to binary when it is transferred back
to an appropriate micro.  This process is relatively
straightforward.  For the specific purpose of converting Apple II
hi-res pictures in memory locations $2000-$3FFF or $4000-$5FFF
(or binary files containing those memory ranges), we have
included a complete picture un/packer and binary <--> text

picture file converter on the Kermit-][ distribution disk--
Applesoft programs P/U-GO and P/U, which call Apple binary files
     If you would like to un/convert other memory ranges (or
binary files containing known memory ranges), we have included
several Applesoft BASIC and 6502 assembler utility programs on
the Kermit-][ distribution disk.  Programs BITXT (executed via
EXEC EBITXT) and B-T will convert a binary file or memory range
to a transferable hex-text file. Programs TXBIN (executed via
EXEC ETXBIN) and T-B will unconvert a hex-text file back to
binary.  Those programs should only be used for memory ranges
between $300 and $89FF.

A2.14 Kermit-][ transfer error messages

     As explained in Section 3.7, there are a number of
conditions which can interrupt or abort a Kermit transfer.
Specific Kermit-][ error messages and associated remedial
actions are reviewed below:

Micro-to-host transfer

     While you are SENDing a file to the host (uploading), you
may see the following Kermit-][ transfer error messages:


     The file you specified to SEND is not on the default drive's
disk. The file transfer from the Apple cannot be begun.  Check
to make sure where the desired file is, and type the correct SEND
command when you see the <uKERMIT-][>>u prompt.


     An error was encountered while trying to read the file that
you specified to SEND.  The transfer is aborted at the point of
error.  The received file or element on the host will be
incomplete.  Make sure that the default drive is ready.  Take out
the disk and reinsert it; flip the drive door open and closed
several times.  Then, retype the SEND command when you see the
<uKERMIT-][>>u prompt.  If the error reoccurs, you will have to
"repair" the file or submit another copy of it on a different


     The file you specified to SEND is on the default disk, but
it is <unot>u a text file.  The file transfer cannot be initiated.
Check to see if you have the right disk in the default drive and
have spelled the text file name correctly in the SEND command.
Wait for the <uKERMIT-][>>u prompt and type in the correct SEND


     The host is taking too long to acknowledge data packets
sent from Kermit-][. The received file or element on the host
will be incomplete.  ReSET the Kermit-][ TIMEOUT parameter to a
higher value (say 5 or 10 higher than the current value) and
restart the transfer on both host and micro.


     The micro <--> host physical connection is excessively
noisy. The electrical interference is causing packets to be lost
or distorted on the way to and from the host.  Whenever the noise
level exceeds tolerance, the transfer is automatically aborted.
The received file or element on the host will be incomplete.
You may know a way to eliminate the noise and proceed with your
Kermit session by restarting the transfer on both the host and
the micro.  If you cannot eliminate the noise, re-establish
your physical connection (i.e. hang up, reinitialize Kermit (see
Section A2.5), reCONNECT, and redial (if applicable)), log-on,
and restart the transfer on both host and micro.


     You have chosen to manually abort the transfer by typing the
Kermit-][ escape character several times.  Any received file or
element on the host will be incomplete.  When you see the
<uKERMIT-][>>u prompt, you may type in any legal command.  If
desired, you may reSEND the same file or SEND another by typing
the appropriate SEND command when you see the <uKERMIT-][>>u prompt.


     When  you  see  this    message   without   any  accompanying
explanation, there may have been a problem in exchange of
Kermit initialization or control packets (Kermit-][ may have an
incompatibility with the host Kermit-][), or in getting access to
the target host disk file or element (e.g., the desired UNIVAC
file is not assigned to your run or is rolled out, or the
filename you specified in the SEND is illegal to the UNIVAC).
The transfer is aborted, often before data is really sent.  Check
the status of the target host file or element.  Make sure that
the name used in the SEND is "translatable" to a legal UNIVAC
name.  If the name is in doubt, and you don't want to specify a
legal target name in the host Kermit call, you may have to RENAME
the Apple file before attempting to SEND it again.
     Alternatively. there may have been a line noise problem
during data transfer which scrambled some of the critical packet
information (such as sequence number or packet type) so that the

computers got confused in verifying whether packets were properly
sent/received.  In either of the cases just mentioned, the
transfer should be restarted on both the host and the micro.

Host-to-micro transfer

     While you are RECEIVEing a file from the host (downloading),
you may see the following Kermit-][ transfer error messages:

(preceded by error # and line #)

     The Apple disk in the default drive is write protected, and
no received data can be written onto it.  Insert another disk, or
remove the write protection strip.  Restart the transfer on both
the host and the micro.

(preceded by error # and line #)

     An error was encountered while trying to write the received
file to the Apple disk.  The received micro file will be
incomplete.  Make sure that the default disk drive is ready.  Take
out the disk and reinsert it; flip the drive door open and closed
several times.  Restart the transfer on both the host and the
micro.  If the error persists, use another Apple II disk.

(preceded by error # and line #)

     While trying to write the received data to the Apple disk,
the disk was filled up.  The received micro file will be
incomplete.  Delete some files from the disk or insert another.
Restart the transfer on both the host and the micro.


Kermit-][ is attempting to append a text file to an existing
Apple II file which is <unot>u a text file.  Check to see if the file
or element name you specified to be sent by the host already
exists on the micro disk.  If it does, and the file is not a text
file, delete it, rename it, or copy the host file or element to
one with a different name before reSENDing it.  Restart the
transfer on both the host and the micro.


     The host is taking too long to acknowledge ACK/NAK packets
sent from Kermit-][. The received file on the micro will be
incomplete.  Reset the Kermit-][ TIMEOUT parameter to a higher
value (say 5 or 10 higher than the current value) and restart the
transfer on both host and micro.


     The micro <--> host physical connection is excessively
noisy. The electrical interference is causing packets to be lost
or distorted on the way to and from the host.  Whenever the noise
level exceeds tolerance, the transfer is automatically aborted.
The received file on the micro will be incomplete.  You may know
a way to eliminate the noise and proceed with your Kermit session
by restarting the transfer on both the host and the micro.  If
you cannot eliminate the noise, re-establish your physical
connection (i.e. hang up, reinitialize Kermit (see Section A2.5),
reCONNECT, and redial (if applicable)), log-on, and restart the
transfer on both host and micro.


     There are two conditions that can cause this error message.
XFirst, Kermit-][ cannot accept logical lines greater than 256
characters in length.  If the file that you are trying to
transfer to the Apple has such lines, you must figure out some
way of shortening them before you can use Kermit-][ to transfer
     Second, the Kermit protocol provides for <urepeat character>u
<uprocessing,>u whereby a sending Kermit can condense any string of
repeated characters (whose length is greater than four and less
than 94) to only three coded characters in a Kermit packet.  The
coded string is decoded by the receiving Kermit back to the
original string.  Thus, data with repeated characters may be
transferred very efficiently by Kermit.
     Kermit-][ allows for repeat character processing when you
are RECEIVEing data from a host.  Unfortunately, because of
design deficiencies in the code we received from the University
of Wisconsin, this ability is not always adequate.  If you are
RECEIVEing data with numerous long strings of repeated characters
in close proximity to each other within the file, Kermit-][
repeat character processing may fail.  If it does, you will
receive the <uREC BUFFER OVERFLOW>u message.  If you know that your
data has long strings of repeated characters, get the <uKERMIT-][>>u
prompt and SET REPEAT-PROC OFF.  Then, restart the transfer on
both the host and the micro.  If you aborted due to too many
repeat characters, turning off repeat processing should always
correct the problem.


     You have chosen to manually abort the transfer by typing the
Kermit-][ escape character several times.  Any received file on
the micro will be incomplete.  When you see the prompt, you may
CONNECT back to the host to restart the transfer, or you may type
any other legal command.


      There has been a problem in micro <--> host exchange of
Kermit-][ initialization packets, or there has been some problem
on the host which has interrupted the normal flow of data
packets.  (Kermit-][ may have an incompatibility with the host
Kermit-][), or in getting access to the host disk file or element
(e.g., the desired UNIVAC file is not assigned to your run or is
rolled out, or the filename you specified in the host SEND is
illegal to the UNIVAC).  Any received file on the micro will be
incomplete.  Restart the transfer on both the host and the


      When you see this message without any accompanying
explanation, there may have been a problem in exchange of
Kermit initialization or control packets (Kermit-][ may have an
incompatibility with the host Kermit-][), or in getting access to
the host disk file or element (e.g., the desired UNIVAC file is
not assigned to your run or is rolled out, or the filename you
specified in the host SEND is illegal to the UNIVAC).  The
transfer is aborted, often before data is really sent.  Check
the status of the host file or element you wanted to SEND.
      Alternatively, there may have been a line noise problem,
during data transfer, which scrambled some of the critical
packet information (such as sequence number or packet type) so
that the computers got confused in verifying whether packets were
properly sent/received.  In either of the cases just mentioned,
the transfer should be restarted on both the host and the micro.

A2.15   Adding to or changing Kermit-][ code

      We encourage users to add code for presently unsupported
Apple II serial or internal modem cards, or to improve on the
existing code.  The code modules you may need to access are
described in the next section.  As you can see by listing it, the
Applesoft KERMSHELL code contains a large gap between statement
numbers 3850 and 6170.  This is where you would normally insert
BASIC statements to drive a particular serial or modem card.
      The following information is needed for each additional
card.  If assigned to the proper variables as described below,
the subroutine at statement 6250 will poke this information into
KERMITA (KERM = 2065 decimal):

        Variable Poke to:     Function
        STREG%   KERM-l2   Status register address (least significant byte)
        TRREG%   KERM-13   Transmit register address (lsb)
        RCREG%   KERM-l4   Receive register address (lsb)
        TBIT%    KERM-l5   Transmit bit mask
        RBIT%    KERM-l6   Receive bit mask

      Do pokes for parity, local echo, and baud using the
variables PARITY$, LOC$, and BAUD.

      CALL  KERM + 17,A$ sends a variable such as A$ out the
serial port.  Autodialing may be done in this manner.

      CALL KERM + 20 initializes the communications interface card
and re-establishes previously set video parameters.  Call this
entry point before a call to KERM + 17, and before trying to
autodial the Hayes Micromodem II.

      CALL KERM + 3 sends keyboard typeins out the serial port
(checking for the escape character) and displays serial port
input on the Apple screen.

      CALL KERM + 6 fast reads a line of text from the Apple disk
file you are SENDing from.

      CALL KERM + 0 sends out a packet from the Apple and returns
the status code of the packet sent back by the host.

      CALL  KERM + 23    re-establishes previously poked video
parameters.  Call this entry point after any PR#0 statements.

      If you do successfully make changes, corrections, or
additions to Kermit-][ or its documentation, or you have
suggestions for same, please contact Robert Holley at SERDAC,
(305)-554-2700 (SUNCOM 441-2700) or at @MAIL Mailstop
BOB=HOLLEY.  We would like to know about your work!

A2.16 Files on your Kermit-][ distribution disk

      The following files should be on your Apple Kermit-][
distribution disk.  The stars indicate locked files:

      * HELLO        -   Applesoft BASIC boot file for Kermit-][;
                         invokes GOKERM.

      * GOKERM       -   Apple II EXEC file to relocate and RUN

      * GOKERMIL     -   Apple II  EXEC file  to relocate and RUN
                         KERMIT, including an illustrated
                         introduction.  RUNs program FROGPROG to
                         provide this introduction.

      * FROGPROG     -   Applesoft BASIC program to provide an
                         illustrated introduction to Kermit-][.

      * FROGPIX      -   Apple II binary hi-res picture file
                         loaded by program FROGPROG.

        KERMIT       -    Applesoft BASIC part of Kermit-][.  This
                          includes the user interface to
                          Kermit-][, and acts as a driver for
                          KERMITA.  The KERMIT file you originally
                          receive on the distribution disk is set
                          up to run with the Hayes Micromodem II
                          and with the above defined defaults.  If
                          you have a different serial or modem
                          card, you will need to DELETE the
                          original KERMIT file and recreate it as
                          described in the next section.

      * KERMITA      -    This is an Apple II binary file loaded
                          by KERMIT.  It contains the 6502 machine
                          code that creates and decodes Kermit
                          protocol packets, handles character I/O,
                          sends ACK/NAK packets to the host,
                          implements the video, scroll, and debug
                          features, etc.

      * KERMITA.S    -    This is an Apple II text file containing
                          the source 6502 assembler statements for
                          KERMITA, as written for the Apple II
                          Applesoft Tool Kit Assembler.

      * SET40        -    This is an Apple II binary file that
                          contains the special hi-res 40 column
                          graphics character set used by

        KERMIT/SETSAVE    This is an Apple II text file that
                          contains your saved SET parameters.  It
                          is used to initialize Kermit-][ each
                          time it is RUN or each time you do a SET

      * KERMSHELL    -    This is an Applesoft BASIC file
                          containing all the statements you need
                          to create an appropriate KERMIT program,
                          except for those statements which are
                          needed for a particular serial or modem

      * MIC.T        -    This is an Apple II EXEC file containing
                          the Applesoft BASIC statements needed
                          for the KERMIT program to control the
                          Hayes Micromodem II.

      * SUP.T        -    This is an Apple II EXEC file containing
                          the Applesoft BASIC statements needed
                          for the KERMIT program to control the
                          Apple Super Serial Card.

      * CCS.T        -    This is an Apple II EXEC file containing
                          the Applesoft BASIC statements needed
                          for the KERMIT program to control the
                          California Computer Systems 7710-D
                          Serial Card.

      * COM.T        -    This is an Apple II EXEC file containing
                          the Applesoft BASIC statements needed
                          for the KERMIT program to control the
                          Apple Communications Serial Card.

      * NOV.T        -    This is an Apple II EXEC file containing
                          the Applesoft BASIC statements needed
                          for the KERMIT program to control the
                          Novation Apple Cat internal modem (both
                          the 300 baud card and the 1200 baud
                          card, if applicable).

      * B2T          -    This is an Apple II EXEC file used to
                          convert Applesoft BASIC files to
                          Kermit-][ transferable text files (see
                          Section A2.11).

      * EBITXT       -    Apple II EXEC file used to relocate and
                          RUN Applesoft BASIC program BITXT.

      * BITXT        -    Applesoft BASIC program which can be
                          used to convert an Apple binary file or
                          memory range to a transferable hex-text

      * ETXBIN       -    Apple II EXEC file used to relocate and
                          RUN Applesoft BASIC program TXBIN.

      * TXBIN        -    Applesoft BASIC program which can be
                          used to unconvert a hex-text file
                          (originally produced by program BITXT)
                          back to a binary file or memory range.

      * B-T          -    This is an Apple II binary file loaded
                          by program BITXT.  It contains the
                          6502 machine code which is needed to
                          convert binary to hex-text.

      * T-B          -    This is an Apple II binary file loaded
                          by program TXBIN.  It contains the
                          6502 machine code which is needed to
                          unconvert hex-text back to binary.

     * TEXTTOPRINT  -    This is a useful Applesoft BASIC utility
                         program you may use to print out the
                         contents of a text file or to scroll
                         them to your screen.

     * P/U-GO        -   This is an Applesoft BASIC program which
                         introduces and documents the P/U program
                         described below.  When the intro is
                         complete, it automatically RUNs P/U.

     * P/U           -   This is an Applesoft BASIC program which
                         may be used to compact Apple II binary
                         "picture files" or hi-res screen memory
                         banks and to convert them to Kermit-][
                         transferable text files.

     * PACK/UNPACK  -    This is an Apple II binary file loaded
                         by P/U.  It contains the 6502 machine
                         code which is used to pack/unpack Apple
                         II hi-res pictures into a compressed
                         binary form.

     * BIN2TXT       -   This is an Apple II binary file loaded
                         by P/U.  It contains the 6502 machine
                         code which is used to convert an Apple
                         II binary file to a hex-text file.

     * TXT2BIN       -   This is an Apple II binary file loaded
                         by P/U.  It contains the 6502 machine
                         code which is used to convert an Apple
                         II hex-text file back to a binary file.

A2.17 Configuring a Kermit-][ working disk

     Many of the files on your Kermit-][ distribution disk will
not be needed for your normal work.  We suggest that you make one
backup copy of the original distribution disk, and then make a
working copy with only the files you really need.  That way you
will have some extra space with which to store text files to be
sent/received.  At the minimum, you will need HELLO, GOKERM, an
appropriate KERMIT program file for your equipment (see below),
an appropriate KERMIT/SETSAVE file, and KERMITA.  B2T and
TEXTTOPRINT may be very useful and only take up a few tracks.
     To minimize the size of the Applesoft KERMIT program, it is
configured for only <uone>u specific serial/modem card.  The
distribution disk contains a KERMIT program configured to drive
the Hayes Micromodem II internal modem.  If you are using a
Novation Apple Cat internal modem or one of the supported serial
cards, you <uwill>u <unot>u be able to use the furnished KERMIT program.
You will need to follow the procedure outlined below to

configure a new KERMIT program:

     1)   Boot your system with your System Master disk.  Remove
          it and insert the copy of the distribution disk.

     2)   <u]>uDELETE KERMIT (cr)

     3)   <u]>uLOAD KERMSHELL (cr)

     4)   <u]>uEXEC name.T (cr)

     5)   <u]>uLIST (cr)  (if desired)

     6)   <u]>uSAVE KERMIT (cr)

where "name" in step 4 is either NOV, CCS, COM, or SUP as
determined by the equipment you plan to use.  EXEC MIC.T (cr) if
you need to recreate the KERMIT originally on the distribution


     7)   BRUN the System Master FID program to copy from the
          Kermit-][ distribution disk to your working disk, the
          KERMIT file you just created, HELLO (replace the HELLO
          on the initialized working disk), GOKERM, KERMITA, and
          KERMIT/SETSAVE.  Also copy to the working disk any of
          the other files you think would be useful in your
          ordinary work.

     8)   Place the working disk in the default drive, and run
          Kermit-][ by typing in EXEC GOKERM (cr).  SET all the
          parameters you need for your serial/modem card, and the
          host you plan to contact.  Then, do a SET SAVE (cr) to
          save those default parameters on the working disk.

     You needn't change anything else on your working disk again,
unless you plan to SET SAVE parameters for a different host or an
alternative phone number or communications parameter like baud
rate.  If you want to change serial/modem cards, you will need to
reconfigure the Applesoft KERMIT program file as outlined above
in Steps 1-6.  You will also need to run the new KERMIT-][ and
SET SAVE appropriate parameters.

A2.18 Modifying the KERMITA program

     Since page 1 of Apple II hi-res memory is utilized by
Kermit-][, and the Applesoft KERMIT program is loaded over page 2
of the hi-res memory and above, there is really not much room
left to expand the KERMITA code, but you may want to make small

changes.  Follow the procedure outlined below:.

     1)   Delete the existing KERMITA file and make sure that
          binary file SET40 and text file KERMITA.S are available
          on the disk.

     2)   Modify KERMITA.S as required, and reassemble using the
          Applesoft Tool Kit or some similar 6502 assembler.
          Note the hex code address of the label SET40.  Store
          the object code back into a disk file named KERMITA.


     4)   BLOAD SET40,A$xxxx  where xxxx is the hex code address
          saved in Step 1.

     5)   BSAVE KERMITA,A$801,L$1800

A2.19 Recent Improvements to SERDAC Kermit-][

     Appendix A-2 of this manual has been revised to document the
7/85 version of SERDAC Kermit-][ and the associated programs
distributed on the 7/85 Kermit-][ distribution disk.  Changes to
the documentation since the 5/85 Kermit-][ distribution have been
noted by vertical lines in the page margins.  Specifically, the
7/85 Kermit-][ contains the following corrections/improvements:.

(1)  Kermit-][ problems with SENDing files with logical line
     lengths of 128-256 characters have been corrected.  Note
     that, for the present, caution must be exercised when
     transferring files with logical line lengths greater than
     132 characters to/from the UNIVAC (see Section A2.11).

(2)  Kermit-][ problems with RECEIVEing files with long strings
     of repeated characters have been corrected.  An option (SET
     REPEAT-PROC OFF) has been provided to disable repeat
     character processing if it is inadequate to handle specific
     data transfers.

(3)  It is now possible to SET SAVE a phone number with an
     embedded comma pause character.

(4)  A diagnostic message has been provided to warn you if
     you are trying to RECEIVE logical lines longer than 256

(5)  Screen instructions for auto-dialing when using an external
     modem and the Apple Communications Card have been corrected.

(6)  Statements 5449-50 in the Applesoft KERMIT program (see
     EXEC text file COM.T) have been removed.  The Apple

     Communications Card, as originally sold, can only be used
     with Kermit-][ at 300 baud.  If the card has been modified
     for use at 1200/300 baud, it can only be used with Kermit-][
     at 1200 baud.

(7)  Several redundancies and inconsistencies in Kermit-][ error
     messages have been eliminated.

(8)  Diagnostic messages have been added to flag erroneous or
     unexecutable Kermit-][ DOS commands.

(9)  Bells have been added to attract your attention to the
     normal (or abnormal) end of a file transfer, where you might
     not be watching your screen.

(10) You can now toggle the default disk drive with a SET
     DRIVE command.

(11) There is a new screen format for the SHOW/STATUS display.

(12) It is now possible to toggle the default drive by appending
     the drive number to the RECEIVE command (e.g., RECEIVE,D2).

(13) It is now possible to specify the Kermit EOL parameter
     (SET EOL) for transfers with a host machine which does not
     use the standard carriage return for EOL.

(14) There is now an option to invoke Kermit-][ with an
     illustrated introduction.  This requires the presence of
     files GOKERMIL, FROGPROG, and FROGPIX on the working disk.

     Associated programs on the 7/85 Kermit-][ distribution disk
contain the following corrections/improvements:

(1)  There are four new programs (BITXT, B-T, TXBIN, T-B) and two
     new EXEC files (EBITXT and ETXBIN) which will allow you to
     convert Apple II binary files (or memory ranges), to
     transferable hex-text files and to unconvert such hex-text
     files back to binary.

(2)  A small error has been corrected in the P/U picture utility
     program.  If you happen to answer the "PACK/UNPACK PIX FROM
     SCREEN 1 OR 2?" question with a non-numeric answer, the
     question will be repeated.

//go.sysin dd *
if [ `wc -c < manual.txt` != 63514 ]; then
	echo error transmitting manual.txt --
	echo length should be 63514, not `wc -c < manual.txt`
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	chmod 644 manual.txt
	echo -n '	'; ls -ld manual.txt
------------  ereh tuc  ------------
                    umd5.UUCP    <= {seismo!umcp-cs,ihnp4!rlgvax}!cvl!umd5!zben
Ben Cranston zben @ umd2.UMD.EDU    Kingdom of Merryland Sperrows 1100/92
                    umd2.BITNET     "via HASP with RSCS"

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