UltraRogue distribution

H462BATMS%GALLUA.BITNET at wiscvm.wisc.edu H462BATMS%GALLUA.BITNET at wiscvm.wisc.edu
Tue Feb 17 02:35:43 AEST 1987

>>>  I would be interested in recieving a copy of any UltraRogue program/source
>>> code(as long as it is legal), such as versions 1.03/1.02 or any more recent.
>>> all help is appreciated,thank you.
>>    I would also be interested in receiving a copy of any URogue versions
>>1.03/1.02 or more recent.
>    I too would appreciate a copy of the latest URogue source.
>    Thank you,
     I too would appreciate a copy of the latest Urogue source too. I am
on VAX/VMS too. I have larn and hack too but it is so big. You can get
them from bitnet to USENET network. But Bitnet dont support TCP :-(. Rather
mail then TCP. :-). I have access mod.sources and simtel20 bbs. Mod.sources
is in info-server at cs.sh.net. simtel20 bbs is in archive-request at simtel20.arpa.
Did you know anu RFC850 file?? If you have a formatted file, please send
me directly. And please send me Urogue source too.
UUCP:    ...!psuvax1!gallua.bitnet!h462batms

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