Missing Planet.star from StarChart: Yale Star Catalog.

philm at astroatc.UUCP philm at astroatc.UUCP
Mon Feb 16 06:58:18 AEST 1987

In article <2495 at eagle.ukc.ac.uk> rjf at ukc.ukc.ac.uk (R.J.Faichney) writes:
>I am missing planet.star too. Could someone kindly email it to me?
>UUCP ..mcvax!ukc!rjf  JANET rjf at uk.ac.ukc

(1) Planet.Star was not supplied with the package since it has to be generated
for any particular time, date and place by software that was posted with
the rest of the starchart package - read the file README.
                                    - - - - - - - - - - -
(2) This is not the appropriate newsgroup for this discussion, try 
net(comp?).sources.bugs or net(comp?).sources.d   .

Kirk  : Bones ?                |  Phil Mason, Astronautics Technology Center
Bones : He's dead Jim.         |  Madison, Wisconsin - "Eat Cheese or Die!"
...seismo-uwvax-astroatc!philm |  I would really like to believe that my
...ihnp4-nicmad/               |  employer shares all my opinions, but . . . 

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