A Usenet article generator

cracraft at sonia.UUCP cracraft at sonia.UUCP
Thu Feb 19 04:29:00 AEST 1987

In article <906 at epimass.UUCP> jbuck at epimass.UUCP (Joe Buck) writes:
>I created a bit of a stir with this program in December 1986 when I
>used an earlier version of it to simulate a certain well-known net
>personality (Hi Laura!).  It digests Usenet articles and spits out
>other articles with similar characteristics.  You need lex to run it,
>but otherwise it should run on any Unix I know of.  
>- Joe Buck 	{hplabs,ihnp4,sun,ames}!oliveb!epimass!jbuck
>  Entropic Processing, Inc., Cupertino, California

Well, I compiled and run it, but at the end of producing its amusing
output, it constantly gives "Segmentation fault - core dumped". This
is on a VAX running 4.3BSD.


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