Changes to arc for 286 System V

dan at prairie.UUCP dan at prairie.UUCP
Fri Feb 20 23:54:25 AEST 1987

   The following shell archive contains one new file, and some small
diffs necessary to make the recently posted System V ARC work on 286
systems.  Unbundle the archive, and apply the diffs with the `patch' 

-------------------- slice, dice, etc. -----------------------------
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create:
#	arcetab.c
#	diffs
# This archive created: Fri Feb 20 07:47:06 1987
export PATH; PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH
if test -f 'arcetab.c'
	echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'arcetab.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'arcetab.c'
#include	"arc.h"

#define TABSIZE	4096

struct entry                    /* string table entry format */
{   char used;                         /* true when this entry is in use */
    unsigned INT next;                 /* ptr to next in collision list */
    unsigned INT predecessor;          /* code for preceeding string */
    unsigned char follower;            /* char following string */
}   string_tab[TABSIZE];               /* the code string table */

if test -f 'diffs'
	echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'diffs'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'diffs'
*** Makefile.00	Fri Feb  6 20:36:52 1987
--- Makefile	Fri Feb  6 20:37:39 1987
*** 3,10
  #  CFLAGS = -O
  OBJS = arc.o arcadd.o arccode.o arccvt.o arcdel.o arcdir.o \
! arcdos.o arcext.o arcio.o arclst.o arclzw.o arcmatch.o arcpack.o \
! arcsq.o arcsvc.o arctst.o arcunp.o arcusq.o arcmisc.o
  SRCS = arc.c arcadd.c arccode.c arccvt.c arcdel.c arcdir.c \

--- 3,10 -----
  #  CFLAGS = -O
  OBJS = arc.o arcadd.o arccode.o arccvt.o arcdel.o arcdir.o \
! arcdos.o arcetab.o arcext.o arcio.o arclst.o arclzw.o arcmatch.o \
! arcpack.o arcsq.o arcsvc.o arctst.o arcunp.o arcusq.o arcmisc.o
  SRCS = arc.c arcadd.c arccode.c arccvt.c arcdel.c arcdir.c \
*** 8,15
  SRCS = arc.c arcadd.c arccode.c arccvt.c arcdel.c arcdir.c \
! arcdos.c arcext.c arcio.c arclst.c arclzw.c arcmatch.c arcpack.c \
! arcs.c arcsq.c arcsvc.c arctst.c arcunp.c arcusq.c arcmisc.c
  arc:            ${OBJS}
  	cc  ${CFLAGS} -o arc ${OBJS}

--- 8,15 -----
  SRCS = arc.c arcadd.c arccode.c arccvt.c arcdel.c arcdir.c \
! arcdos.c arcetab.c arcext.c arcio.c arclst.c arclzw.c arcmatch.c \
! arcpack.c arcs.c arcsq.c arcsvc.c arctst.c arcunp.c arcusq.c arcmisc.c
  arc:            ${OBJS}
  	cc  ${CFLAGS} -o arc ${OBJS}
*** arcio.c.00	Fri Feb  6 20:51:18 1987
--- arcio.c	Fri Feb  6 20:57:36 1987
*** 101,108
           return;                       /* then write no more */
!     fputc(hdr->size&255,f);         fputc((hdr->size>>8)&255,f);
!     fputc((hdr->size>>16)&255,f);   fputc((hdr->size>>24)&255,f);
      fputc(hdr->date&255,f);         fputc((hdr->date>>8)&255,f);
      fputc(hdr->time&255,f);         fputc((hdr->time>>8)&255,f);
      fputc(hdr->crc&255,f);          fputc((hdr->crc>>8)&255,f);

--- 101,110 -----
           return;                       /* then write no more */
!     fputc((unsigned char)(hdr->size&255),f);         
! 	fputc((unsigned char)((hdr->size>>8)&255),f);
!     fputc((unsigned char)((hdr->size>>16)&255),f);   
! 	fputc((unsigned char)((hdr->size>>24)&255),f);
      fputc(hdr->date&255,f);         fputc((hdr->date>>8)&255,f);
      fputc(hdr->time&255,f);         fputc((hdr->time>>8)&255,f);
      fputc(hdr->crc&255,f);          fputc((hdr->crc>>8)&255,f);
*** 106,113
      fputc(hdr->date&255,f);         fputc((hdr->date>>8)&255,f);
      fputc(hdr->time&255,f);         fputc((hdr->time>>8)&255,f);
      fputc(hdr->crc&255,f);          fputc((hdr->crc>>8)&255,f);
!     fputc(hdr->length&255,f);       fputc((hdr->length>>8)&255,f);
!     fputc((hdr->length>>16)&255,f); fputc((hdr->length>>24)&255,f);
      /* note the newest file for updating the archive timestamp */

--- 108,117 -----
      fputc(hdr->date&255,f);         fputc((hdr->date>>8)&255,f);
      fputc(hdr->time&255,f);         fputc((hdr->time>>8)&255,f);
      fputc(hdr->crc&255,f);          fputc((hdr->crc>>8)&255,f);
!     fputc((unsigned char)(hdr->length&255),f);       
! 	fputc((unsigned char)((hdr->length>>8)&255),f);
!     fputc((unsigned char)((hdr->length>>16)&255),f); 
! 	fputc((unsigned char)((hdr->length>>24)&255),f);
      /* note the newest file for updating the archive timestamp */
*** arclzw.c.00	Fri Feb  6 20:33:17 1987
--- arclzw.c	Fri Feb  6 20:36:04 1987
*** 41,47
  static unsigned INT inbuf;             /* partial input code storage */
  static INT sp;                         /* current stack pointer */
! static struct entry                    /* string table entry format */
  {   char used;                         /* true when this entry is in use */
      unsigned INT next;                 /* ptr to next in collision list */
      unsigned INT predecessor;          /* code for preceeding string */

--- 41,47 -----
  static unsigned INT inbuf;             /* partial input code storage */
  static INT sp;                         /* current stack pointer */
! extern struct entry                    /* string table entry format */
  {   char used;                         /* true when this entry is in use */
      unsigned INT next;                 /* ptr to next in collision list */
      unsigned INT predecessor;          /* code for preceeding string */
exit 0
#	End of shell archive
      Dan Frank
	ARPA: dan at			ATT: (608) 255-0002 (home)
	UUCP: ... uwvax!prairie!dan		     (608) 262-4196 (office)
	SNAILMAIL: 1802 Keyes Ave. Madison, WI 53711-2006

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