GNUPLOT 1.1: part 1 of 6

randy at chinet.UUCP randy at chinet.UUCP
Tue Feb 10 09:25:46 AEST 1987

In article <4327 at brl-adm.ARPA> black at (Rex Black) writes:
>>  I have tried putting GNUPLOT together on my PC/XT using the MS C 4.0
>> compiler.  The load string calls for a library called "EGA.LIB" which
>> iss not avialable.  As a result there are several undefined addresses.
>Extended Graphics Adapters are cards that XTs use to produce hi-res 
>graphics output on terminals.  If you have such a card for your
>PC, it should have included a floppy disk with EGA.LIB on it.

	Ega.lib is a library of programs posted to net.sources recently.
Here is the first part of the included DOC file:


              Graphics for the IBM's Enhance Graphic Adapter (EGA)
                              Version 02/25/86
                           for Microsoft C 3.00+
                            Turbo Pascal 3.01A+
                                                        DATE:   02/03/86
                                 IMPORTANT NOTICE
        The Enhanced Graphic Adapter (EGA) graphic routines for Microsoft
        3.0 and Turbo Pascal 3.01A was written and is maintained by:
                               Kent Cedola
                               2015 Meadow Lake Court
                               Norfolk, Virginia  23518
        Users of this software are encouraged to copy and distribute the
        graphics library and demonstrations programs which are a part of
        this package for non-commericial purposes.
        No fee or other charges may be made in the distribution of these
        programs without the written permission from Kent Cedola.
        Any program written with this graphic library may be sold, as
        long as the source code for the graphic library in not included.
        If you wish to include the graphic library with the product,
        please contact me for more information and written permission.
        The date of release will be used in instead of a version.  When
        requesting information, please included the date (version) of the
        copy that you have and the amount of EGA memory.  Write the above
        for the current release of the graphic library.

	If you failed to receive it, send me mail, and I will email it to you.
.. that's the biz, sweetheart...
Randy Suess
chinet - Public Access UN*X
(312) 545 7535 (h) (312) 283 0559 (system)

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