Rogomatic Update / User survey

ems at prls.UUCP ems at prls.UUCP
Wed Feb 18 02:56:03 AEST 1987

In article <1050 at> mlm at (Michael Mauldin) writes:
  { several lines deleted -gpv}
>If you cannot access FTP, the sources are available by netmail.  To
>receive the sources by mail, send me netmail, and provide a return path
>that does not go through SEISMO (they have requested that I not send
>Rogomatic through their machine).  Rogomatic is shipped as 12 shar
>files each about 42k bytes long.

   I would imagine that there may be several machine on the net that don't
 want your sources passing through !  Don't forget, many of the 'network'
 connections are just 300 baud dial up lines ( UUCP connections for instance).
 Let's see;  42K byte files
           x 12  shar files  = 504K bytes + shar header and control lines

   504K bytes = (8 data bits + 1 stop bit + 1 start bit) per byte = 5Mbits
   At 300 baud I figure several UUCP sites will have their modems tied up
   for 4.7 hours !!
   I wonder how many suprised System Administraters are going to find 
themselves 'on the carpet' (again) trying to justify the cost of their long
distance UUCP connection(s).

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