Crypt - a suggestion

Gary Puckering garyp at cognos.UUCP
Wed Feb 25 23:37:10 AEST 1987

I see Crypt as a tool similar to compress in it's usage.  Therefore, I
suggest that crypt should work like compress.  That is, it's syntax
should be something like this:

  crypt [ -k key ] file ...

In this form, any file which is encrypted would be replaced with a file
of the same name but with a suffix to indicate such.  Compress uses ".Z"
as it's suffix -- perhaps crypt could use ".X".

If the key were not provided in thhe command line, then crypt (or
decrypt) would prompt for it (once) just as it does now.

Any comments?
Gary Puckering        3755 Riverside Dr.
Cognos Incorporated   Ottawa, Ontario       decvax!utzoo!dciem!
(613) 738-1440        CANADA  K1G 3N3       nrcaer!cognos!garyp

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