Modifications to 4.3BSD su - part 2 (manual page diffs)

dce at mips.UUCP dce at mips.UUCP
Thu Feb 5 02:52:42 AEST 1987

Apply these diffs to /usr/man/man1/su.1 with patch:


*** su.1.old	Wed Feb  4 08:10:22 1987
--- /usr/man/man1/su.1	Tue Jan 20 09:00:00 1987
*** 4,29 ****
  .\"	@(#)su.1	6.2 (Berkeley) 5/5/86
! .TH SU 1 "May 5, 1986"
! su \- substitute user id temporarily
  .B su
! [ \-f ] [ \- ] [ userid ]
! .I Su
  demands the password of the specified
  .I userid,
  and if it is given,
  changes to that 
  .I userid
! and invokes the Shell
! .IR sh (1)
! or
! .IR csh (1)
  without changing the current directory.
! The user environment
  is unchanged except for HOME and SHELL,
  which are taken from the password file
  for the user being substituted
--- 4,44 ----
  .\"	@(#)su.1	6.2 (Berkeley) 5/5/86
! .TH SU 1
! su, ssu \- substitute user id temporarily
  .B su
! [
! .B \-f
! ] [
! .B \-
! ] [
! .B \-e
! ] [
! .B \-c
! ] [
! .I userid
! [
! .I command
! [
! .I args...
! ] ] ]
! .B Su
  demands the password of the specified
  .I userid,
  and if it is given,
  changes to that 
  .I userid
! and invokes the shell (unless
! .B \-c
! is given, see below)
  without changing the current directory.
! Unless the
! .B \-e
! option is given (see below), the user environment
  is unchanged except for HOME and SHELL,
  which are taken from the password file
  for the user being substituted
*** 34,55 ****
  If no 
  .I userid
  is specified, ``root'' is assumed.
! Only users in the ``wheel'' group (group 0) can
! .I su
! to ``root'', even with the root password.
  To remind the super-user of his responsibilities,
  the Shell substitutes `#' for its usual prompt.
! The
  .B \-f
! option prevents
  .IR csh (1)
  from executing the .cshrc file; thus making
! .I su
  start up faster.
! .PP
! The
  .B \-
! option simulates a full login.
! sh(1), csh(1)
--- 49,114 ----
  If no 
  .I userid
  is specified, ``root'' is assumed.
! Only users in the ``wheel'' group (group 0) or in the file
! .I /etc/su_people
! (described below) can
! .B su
! to ``root'', even with the root password (this can be overridden by changing
! .B su
! to have group wheel and turning on the set-group-id permission).
  To remind the super-user of his responsibilities,
  the Shell substitutes `#' for its usual prompt.
! The command
! .B ssu
! is a link to
! .B su.
! Executing
! .B ssu
! is the same as executing the command `su -c -e root'.
! .PP
! If the user tries to su to root and the root account has a password (as
! is the preferable case), the file
! .I /etc/su_people
! is read to see if that username is allowed to become root without a
! password.
! Since this can be dangerous, the file must have owner 0 (root), group
! wheel (0), and mode 0600 (read and write by owner only), or it will
! be silently ignored.
! See the manual page for
! .I su_people(5)
! for details on this file.
! .TP 4
  .B \-f
! Prevents
  .IR csh (1)
  from executing the .cshrc file; thus making
! .B su
  start up faster.
! .TP 4
  .B \-
! Simulates a full login by executing the shell with name `-sh'.
! .TP 4
! .B \-e
! Do not overwrite any of the environment.
! This means that the variables HOME and SHELL are retained from the
! original user and that shell is executed.
! For
! .I csh(1)
! users, this means that the aliases are taken from the original
! user's .cshrc file, which is very convenient.
! .TP 4
! .B \-c
! If any arguments are given after the username, they are executed as a
! command instead of the shell.
! For example, `su -c root ls' will execute the command
! .I ls(1)
! as root, whereas `su root ls' will execute the command `csh ls' as root
! (this is not the same thing).
! .TP 25
! .I /etc/su_people
! Special permission database
! sh(1), csh(1), su_people(5)

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