dvix27 - DVI to Xerox 2700 driver (Part 2 of 2)

cudcv at warwick.UUCP cudcv at warwick.UUCP
Sat Feb 7 01:56:25 AEST 1987


Here's part 2 of my dvi->x2700 driver
--------------------------- cut here ---------------------------------
echo 'Start of DVI -> 2700 driver, part 02 of 02:'
echo 'x - Makefile'
sed 's/^X//' > Makefile << '/'
X# The following file and directory specifications may need changing at
X# your site:
X# where are the bitmaps stored?
X# where is the software to be installed
X# an Apollo-specific spool file
X         -DSPOOLFILE=\"${SPOOLFILE}\" '-DDVI2PS="/usr/local/dvix27 -q"' \
X	 '-DPOSTF="/usr/local/lib/laserf -c"' \
X	 '-DTEXTF="/usr/local/lib/laserf"' \
Xall: dvix27
Xdvix27: dvix27.o findfile.o
X	cc ${CFLAGS} -o dvix27 dvix27.o findfile.o
Xinstall: all
X	install -s -m 755 dvix27 ${BINAREA}/dvix27
X# The following may be useful if you are trying to run this as a
X# printcap filter
Xdvix27f:	dvix27f.c
X	${CC} -o dvix27f ${CFLAGS} dvix27f.c
echo 'x - README'
sed 's/^X//' > README << '/'
XThe use of this program may not be readily apparent.  If your
Xprinter's name is "laser", you would use a command sequence that
Xlooked something like this:
X	% tex myfile
X	% lpr -Plaser -d myfile.dvi
XIf you are using your own fonts, or want to restrict the range of printing,
Xyou should use something like
X	% tex myfile
X	% dvix27 -a '.:/usr/lib/tex/fonts' -f 1 -t 5 myfile > myfile.x27
X	% lpr -Plaser -l myfile.x27
XInstallation comments:
XThe font area is assumed to be /usr/lib/tex/fonts.  I do not believe that
Xthat this filter supports the TEXFONTS environment path.  The font area is
Xarranged in a new fashion that will probably be showing up in other device
Xdrivers as well.  All the tfm files are contained in /usr/lib/tex/fonts.  If
Xa file named SUBDIR is present in /usr/lib/tex/fonts (or whatever directory
Xname you select), then the name of the font is taken as the name of a
Xsubdirectory in searching for the pxl file associated with the font.  In
Xother words, amr10.1500pxl will be found in
X/usr/lib/tex/fonts/amr10/amr10.1500pxl.  When the file named SUBDIR is not
Xpresent, all pxl files are looked for in the directory itself, in other
Xwords, /usr/lib/tex/fonts/amr10.1500pxl in the above example.
XThere are some constants in dvix27 which may need to be changed, TOP
Xand LEFT define the (0,0) point on the page, measured in 1/300" from
Xthe *bottom* and left edge (TOP = 3500 gives the top edge of the paper
Xon A4).  The margin setting command is for A4 paper (search for %cm).
XNote that the fonts which come ready made with TeX are not much good
Xon the Xerox (they are too pale and weedy) - you should go back to the
XMETAFONT input and re-create them.  The 'qms' mode from waits.mf seems
Xto be a good first approximation.  Make up a METAFONT which includes
Xthe waits base (insert 'input waits ;' before the 'dump' in inimf),
Xand use lots of lines like
X	mf \\mode=qms \; mag=magstep 0.5 \; input cmr10
Xthen use gftopk on the GF files to produce PK files that dvix27 can
XI'm afraid there is no man page for this.
Xprintcap information
XWarwick use another program called dvix27f when the LaserWriter is
Xused with the /etc/printcap file.  dvix27f invokes dvix27 and laserf.
Xlaserf is basically the standard lpf, but is *really* transparent when
Xgiven the -c flag (well almost ...).  It uses a file which it expects
Xto find in /usr/local/lib/laser/setup to initialize the printer.
XChange the definition of setup in laserf.c if you want to move this.
XA sample setup file is in laser.setup, this will need changing for
Xprinters with different built in fonts or different paper sizes.  Both
Xdvix27f.c and laserf.c are included here.  Warwick's printcap entry
Xfor the 2700 reads:
X# Laser Printer
Xlaser|Laser Printer:\
X	:lp=/dev/laser:br#9600:fs#06360:mx#0:ff=\Eo\f:tr=\f:\
X	:of=/usr/local/lib/laserf:if=/usr/local/lib/laserf:\
X	:df=/usr/lib/tex/dvix27f:\
X	:af=/usr/adm/laseracct:\
X	:rf=/usr/local/ansicc:sd=/usr/spool/lpd/laser:xs#20:
XHistory and acknowledgements
XThe driver was converted by Neal Holtz of Carleton University from a
XSun previewer originally written by Mark Senn and later modified by
Xothers (see dvi2ps for specifics).  Additional modifications and
Xenhancements have been done by Scott Jones and Chris Lindblad at MIT.
XConversion to Xerox 2700 and to read PK files was done by Rob McMahon
Xat Warwick University (cudcv at uk.ac.warwick.daisy).
X(These notes added by Richard Furuta)
echo 'x - commands.h'
sed 's/^X//' > commands.h << '/'
X *
X * $Revision: 1.1 $
X * $Log:	commands.h,v $
X * Revision 1.1  83/11/23  10:56:00  mds
X * Initial revision
X * 
X *
X */
X#define  SETC_000    0
X#define  SETC_001    1
X#define  SETC_002    2
X#define  SETC_003    3
X#define  SETC_004    4
X#define  SETC_005    5
X#define  SETC_006    6
X#define  SETC_007    7
X#define  SETC_008    8
X#define  SETC_009    9
X#define  SETC_010   10
X#define  SETC_011   11
X#define  SETC_012   12
X#define  SETC_013   13
X#define  SETC_014   14
X#define  SETC_015   15
X#define  SETC_016   16
X#define  SETC_017   17
X#define  SETC_018   18
X#define  SETC_019   19
X#define  SETC_020   20
X#define  SETC_021   21
X#define  SETC_022   22
X#define  SETC_023   23
X#define  SETC_024   24
X#define  SETC_025   25
X#define  SETC_026   26
X#define  SETC_027   27
X#define  SETC_028   28
X#define  SETC_029   29
X#define  SETC_030   30
X#define  SETC_031   31
X#define  SETC_032   32
X#define  SETC_033   33
X#define  SETC_034   34
X#define  SETC_035   35
X#define  SETC_036   36
X#define  SETC_037   37
X#define  SETC_038   38
X#define  SETC_039   39
X#define  SETC_040   40
X#define  SETC_041   41
X#define  SETC_042   42
X#define  SETC_043   43
X#define  SETC_044   44
X#define  SETC_045   45
X#define  SETC_046   46
X#define  SETC_047   47
X#define  SETC_048   48
X#define  SETC_049   49
X#define  SETC_050   50
X#define  SETC_051   51
X#define  SETC_052   52
X#define  SETC_053   53
X#define  SETC_054   54
X#define  SETC_055   55
X#define  SETC_056   56
X#define  SETC_057   57
X#define  SETC_058   58
X#define  SETC_059   59
X#define  SETC_060   60
X#define  SETC_061   61
X#define  SETC_062   62
X#define  SETC_063   63
X#define  SETC_064   64
X#define  SETC_065   65
X#define  SETC_066   66
X#define  SETC_067   67
X#define  SETC_068   68
X#define  SETC_069   69
X#define  SETC_070   70
X#define  SETC_071   71
X#define  SETC_072   72
X#define  SETC_073   73
X#define  SETC_074   74
X#define  SETC_075   75
X#define  SETC_076   76
X#define  SETC_077   77
X#define  SETC_078   78
X#define  SETC_079   79
X#define  SETC_080   80
X#define  SETC_081   81
X#define  SETC_082   82
X#define  SETC_083   83
X#define  SETC_084   84
X#define  SETC_085   85
X#define  SETC_086   86
X#define  SETC_087   87
X#define  SETC_088   88
X#define  SETC_089   89
X#define  SETC_090   90
X#define  SETC_091   91
X#define  SETC_092   92
X#define  SETC_093   93
X#define  SETC_094   94
X#define  SETC_095   95
X#define  SETC_096   96
X#define  SETC_097   97
X#define  SETC_098   98
X#define  SETC_099   99
X#define  SETC_100  100
X#define  SETC_101  101
X#define  SETC_102  102
X#define  SETC_103  103
X#define  SETC_104  104
X#define  SETC_105  105
X#define  SETC_106  106
X#define  SETC_107  107
X#define  SETC_108  108
X#define  SETC_109  109
X#define  SETC_110  110
X#define  SETC_111  111
X#define  SETC_112  112
X#define  SETC_113  113
X#define  SETC_114  114
X#define  SETC_115  115
X#define  SETC_116  116
X#define  SETC_117  117
X#define  SETC_118  118
X#define  SETC_119  119
X#define  SETC_120  120
X#define  SETC_121  121
X#define  SETC_122  122
X#define  SETC_123  123
X#define  SETC_124  124
X#define  SETC_125  125
X#define  SETC_126  126
X#define  SETC_127  127
X#define  SET1          128
X#define  SET2          129
X#define  SET3          130
X#define  SET4          131
X#define  SET_RULE      132
X#define  PUT1          133
X#define  PUT2          134
X#define  PUT3          135
X#define  PUT4          136
X#define  PUT_RULE      137
X#define  NOP           138
X#define  BOP           139
X#define  EOP           140
X#define  PUSH          141
X#define  POP           142
X#define  RIGHT1        143
X#define  RIGHT2        144
X#define  RIGHT3        145
X#define  RIGHT4        146
X#define  W0            147
X#define  W1            148
X#define  W2            149
X#define  W3            150
X#define  W4            151
X#define  X0            152
X#define  X1            153
X#define  X2            154
X#define  X3            155
X#define  X4            156
X#define  DOWN1         157
X#define  DOWN2         158
X#define  DOWN3         159
X#define  DOWN4         160
X#define  Y0            161
X#define  Y1            162
X#define  Y2            163
X#define  Y3            164
X#define  Y4            165
X#define  Z0            166
X#define  Z1            167
X#define  Z2            168
X#define  Z3            169
X#define  Z4            170
X#define  FONT_00    171
X#define  FONT_01    172
X#define  FONT_02    173
X#define  FONT_03    174
X#define  FONT_04    175
X#define  FONT_05    176
X#define  FONT_06    177
X#define  FONT_07    178
X#define  FONT_08    179
X#define  FONT_09    180
X#define  FONT_10    181
X#define  FONT_11    182
X#define  FONT_12    183
X#define  FONT_13    184
X#define  FONT_14    185
X#define  FONT_15    186
X#define  FONT_16    187
X#define  FONT_17    188
X#define  FONT_18    189
X#define  FONT_19    190
X#define  FONT_20    191
X#define  FONT_21    192
X#define  FONT_22    193
X#define  FONT_23    194
X#define  FONT_24    195
X#define  FONT_25    196
X#define  FONT_26    197
X#define  FONT_27    198
X#define  FONT_28    199
X#define  FONT_29    200
X#define  FONT_30    201
X#define  FONT_31    202
X#define  FONT_32    203
X#define  FONT_33    204
X#define  FONT_34    205
X#define  FONT_35    206
X#define  FONT_36    207
X#define  FONT_37    208
X#define  FONT_38    209
X#define  FONT_39    210
X#define  FONT_40    211
X#define  FONT_41    212
X#define  FONT_42    213
X#define  FONT_43    214
X#define  FONT_44    215
X#define  FONT_45    216
X#define  FONT_46    217
X#define  FONT_47    218
X#define  FONT_48    219
X#define  FONT_49    220
X#define  FONT_50    221
X#define  FONT_51    222
X#define  FONT_52    223
X#define  FONT_53    224
X#define  FONT_54    225
X#define  FONT_55    226
X#define  FONT_56    227
X#define  FONT_57    228
X#define  FONT_58    229
X#define  FONT_59    230
X#define  FONT_60    231
X#define  FONT_61    232
X#define  FONT_62    233
X#define  FONT_63    234
X#define  FNT1          235
X#define  FNT2          236
X#define  FNT3          237
X#define  FNT4          238
X#define  XXX1          239
X#define  XXX2          240
X#define  XXX3          241
X#define  XXX4          242
X#define  FNT_DEF1      243
X#define  FNT_DEF2      244
X#define  FNT_DEF3      245
X#define  FNT_DEF4      246
X#define  PRE           247
X#define  POST          248
X#define  POST_POST     249
echo 'x - dvix27f.c'
sed 's/^X//' > dvix27f.c << '/'
X *    dvipsf.c - output filter for postscript to printer
X *      uses these other programs:
X *        /usr/lib/postf   (the lpr filter for postscript to laserwriter)
X *        /usr/local/bin/dvi2ps (dvi to postscript translator)
X *        /usr/lib/tex.ps  (the postscript prologue to support TeX)
X *
X *    Copyright 1985 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
X *    Author: CJL at OZ
X *
X */
X/* #define DEBUGGING */
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <signal.h>
X#include <sys/ioctl.h>
X#include <fcntl.h>
X#define PROLOGUE   "/usr/lib/tex.ps"
X#ifndef	DVI2PS
X#define DVI2PS     "/usr/local/bin/dvi2ps -q"
X#define CAT        "/bin/cat"
X#ifndef	POSTF
X#define POSTF      "/usr/lib/applef"
X#ifndef	TEXTF
X#define TEXTF      "/usr/lib/applef"
XFILE *popen();
Xchar *user,*host;
Xmain(argc, argv) 
X    int argc;
X    char *argv[];
X  char tfn[BUFSIZ],cmdbuf[BUFSIZ],efn[BUFSIZ];
X  register int ch;
X  register FILE *tf;
X  int olderrfd,i;
X  char *rindex();
X  FILE *ef,*of;
X  if (rindex(argv[0],'/')) argv[0] = rindex(argv[0],'/')+1;
X  for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
X    if (argv[i][0] == '-') switch (argv[i][1]) {
X    case 'h':
X      host = argv[++i];
X      break;
X    case 'n':
X      user = argv[++i];
X      break;
X    default:
X      break;
X    }
X  }
X  /* Copy the dvi data to a temp file, since we have to give it by name
X   * to dvi2ps.
X   */
X  if ((tf = fopen(mktemp(strcpy(tfn,"/usr/tmp/dvipsf.XXXXXX")),"w"))
X      == NULL) {
X    perror(tfn);
X    exit(2);
X  }
X  while (!ferror(stdin) && (ch = getchar()) != EOF) putc(ch,tf);
X  fclose(tf);
X  if (ferror(stdin)) {
X    perror("dvipsf stdin");
X    unlink(tfn);
X    exit(2);
X  }
X  /* Now divert standard error to a temp file so we can print it later. */
X  if ((ef = fopen(mktemp(strcpy(efn,"/usr/tmp/dvipsf.err.XXXXXX")),"w+"))
X      == NULL) {
X    perror(efn);
X    unlink(tfn);
X    exit(2);
X  }
X  unlink(efn);
X  fflush(stderr); olderrfd = dup(2); close(2);
X  dup(fileno(ef));
X  /* Run the filters */
X  if (user != NULL && host != NULL) 
X    sprintf(cmdbuf,"%s %s | %s -n %s -h %s",DVI2PS,tfn,POSTF,user,host);
X  else
X    sprintf(cmdbuf,"%s %s | %s", DVI2PS, tfn, POSTF);
X  system(cmdbuf);
X  unlink(tfn);
X  /* Now put back the old stderr */
X  fflush(stderr); close(2); dup(olderrfd); close(olderrfd);
X  /* And send all the messages to the printer */
X  if (user != NULL && host != NULL) 
X    sprintf(cmdbuf,"%s -w80 -l66 -n %s -h %s",TEXTF,user,host);
X  else
X    sprintf(cmdbuf,"%s -w80 -l66", TEXTF);
X  if ((of = popen(cmdbuf,"w")) == NULL) {
X    perror(TEXTF);
X    exit(2);
X  }
X  rewind(ef);
X  while (!ferror(ef) && (ch = getc(ef)) != EOF) if (ch != '\031') {
X    putc(ch,of);
X    putc(ch,stderr);
X  }
X  fclose(ef); pclose(of);
X  if (ferror(ef)) {
X    perror(efn);
X    exit(2);
X  }
X  exit(0);
echo 'x - findfile.c'
sed 's/^X//' > findfile.c << '/'
X/* findfile.c
X * Copyright 1985 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
X */
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <sys/types.h>
X#include <sys/dir.h>
X#include "findfile.h"
Xfindfileindir(area, name, mag, s, nname, nmag)
X     char *area,*name,*s,*nname;
X     int mag,*nmag;
X    FILE *f;
X    char buf[BUFSIZ];
X    int found = 0;
X    char *rindex();
X    sprintf(s,"%s/SUBDIR",area);
X    if (!access(s,0)) sprintf(s,"%s/%s/%s.%dpxl",area,name,name,mag);
X    else sprintf(s,"%s/%s.%dpxl",area,name,mag);
X    if (!access(s,4)) {
X	strcpy(nname,name);
X	*nmag = mag;
X	return(-1);
X    }
X    else {
X	/* look for the "pk" version */
X	(void) sprintf(rindex(s, '.'), ".%dpk", (2*mag+5)/10);
X	if (!access(s, 4)) {
X	    (void) strcpy(nname, name);
X	    *nmag = mag;
X	    return (1);
X	}
X	else {
X	    sprintf(buf,"%s/NEEDED",area);
X	    if (!access(buf,2)) {
X		sprintf(s,"%s.%dpxl\n",name,mag);
X		f = fopen(buf,"r+");
X		while (fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),f)) if (!strcmp(buf,s)) found++;
X		if (!found) fputs(s,f);
X		fclose(f);
X	    }
X	    return(0);
X	}
X    }
X/* -1 for a pxl file, +1 for a pk file, otherwise 0; name in s */
Xint findfile(dirvec,dirveclen,area, name, mag, s, nname, nmag)
X     char *dirvec[],*area,*name,*s,*nname;
X     int dirveclen,mag,*nmag;
X    int i,point;
X    char family[128];
X    strcpy(nname,name);
X    *nmag = mag;
X    point = -1;
X    (void) sscanf(name,"%[^0123456789.]%d",family,&point);
X    /* First check dir area given in DVI file */
X    if (*area && (i = findfileindir(area, name, mag, s, nname, nmag)))
X	return(i);
X    /* Then check along dirvec */
X    for (i = 0; i < dirveclen; i++) 
X	if (i = findfileindir(dirvec[i], name, mag, s, nname, nmag))
X	    return(i);
X    /* next check for closest magnification along dirvec */
X    return(findanyfile(dirvec,dirveclen,family,point,mag,name,s,nname,nmag));
Xint strdiff(s1,s2)
X     char *s1,*s2;
X  register int diff = 0;
X  while (*s1 && *s2) diff += abs(*s1++ - *s2++);
X  while (*s1) diff += *s1++;
X  while (*s2) diff += *s2++;
X  return(diff);
X	 family,point,mag,
X	 bestfamily,bestname,bestpoint,bestmag,
X	 min_df,min_dp,min_dm)
X     char *dir,*name,*family,*bestfamily,*bestname;
X     int point,mag,*bestpoint,*bestmag,*min_df,*min_dp,*min_dm;
X  DIR *dirstream;
X  struct direct *dirrecord;
X  char qfamily[128];
X  char type[4];
X  int qpoint,qmag,df,dp,dm;
X  if (dirstream = opendir(dir)) {
X    while (dirrecord = readdir(dirstream)) {
X	if (!strcmp(dirrecord->d_name+dirrecord->d_namlen-3,"pxl")
X	    || !strcmp(dirrecord->d_name+dirrecord->d_namlen-2,"pk")) {
X	qpoint = -1; qmag = -1;
X	(void) sscanf(dirrecord->d_name,"%[^0123456789.]%d.%d%3s",
X		      qfamily,&qpoint,&qmag,type);
X	if (!strcmp(type, "pk"))
X	    qmag *= 5;
X	df = strdiff(family,qfamily);
X	dp = abs(point - qpoint);
X	dm = abs(mag - qmag);
X	if ((df < *min_df)
X	    || (df == *min_df && dp < *min_dp)
X	      || (df == *min_df && dp == *min_dp && dm < *min_dm)) {
X		sprintf(bestname,"%s/%s",dir,dirrecord->d_name);
X		strcpy(bestfamily,qfamily);
X		*bestpoint = qpoint;
X		*bestmag = qmag;
X		*min_df = df;
X		*min_dp = dp;
X		*min_dm = dm;
X	  }
X      }
X    }
X    closedir(dirstream);
X  }
X	family,point,mag,
X	bestfamily,bestname,bestpoint,bestmag,
X	min_df,min_dp,min_dm)
X     char *dir,*name,*family,*bestfamily,*bestname;
X     int point,mag,*bestpoint,*bestmag,*min_df,*min_dp,*min_dm;
X  DIR *dirstream;
X  struct direct *dirrecord;
X  int df;
X  char pdir[MAXNAMLEN];
X  if (dirstream = opendir(dir)) {
X    while (dirrecord = readdir(dirstream)) {
X      if (dirrecord->d_name[0] != '.') {
X	df = strdiff(name,dirrecord->d_name);
X	if (df <= *min_df) {
X	  sprintf(pdir,"%s/%s",dir,dirrecord->d_name);
X	  scanpdir(pdir,name,
X		   family,point,mag,
X		   bestfamily,bestname,bestpoint,bestmag,
X		   min_df,min_dp,min_dm);
X	}
X      }
X    }
X    closedir(dirstream);
X  }
X/* finds the best match to the desired font */
Xint findanyfile(dirvec,dirveclen,family,point,mag,name,s,nname,nmag)
X     char *dirvec[],*family,*name,*s,*nname;
X     int dirveclen,point,mag,*nmag;
X  char foo[MAXNAMLEN],bestname[MAXNAMLEN],bestfamily[128];
X  int min_df,min_dp,min_dm,df,dp,dm,i,bestpoint,bestmag;
X  bestname[0] = '\0'; 
X  min_df = min_dp = min_dm = 9999999;
X  for (i = 0; i < dirveclen; i++) {
X    sprintf(foo,"%s/SUBDIR",dirvec[i]);
X    if (!access(foo,0)) scandir(dirvec[i],name,
X				family,point,mag,
X				bestfamily,bestname,&bestpoint,&bestmag,
X				&min_df,&min_dp,&min_dm);
X    else scanpdir(dirvec[i],name,
X		  family,point,mag,
X		  bestfamily,bestname,&bestpoint,&bestmag,
X		  &min_df,&min_dp,&min_dm);
X  }
X  if (bestname[0]) {
X    if (bestpoint > 0) sprintf(nname,"%s%d",bestfamily,bestpoint);
X    else strcpy(nname,bestfamily);
X    *nmag = bestmag;
X    strcpy(s,bestname);
X    if ((strcmp(bestfamily,family)
X	 || bestpoint != point || abs(bestmag - mag) > 2)) 
X      fprintf(stderr,
X	      "Substituted font %s at mag %d for %s at mag %d.\n",
X	      nname,(bestmag * 4 + 3) / 6,
X	      name,(mag * 4 + 3) / 6);
X    return strcmp(&bestname[strlen(bestname)-3], "pxl") ? (1) : (-1);
X  }
X  return(0);
echo 'x - findfile.h'
sed 's/^X//' > findfile.h << '/'
X/* findfile.h
X * Copyright 1985 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
X */
Xextern int findfile();
X/* int findfile(dirvec,dirveclen,area, name, mag, s, nname, nmag)
X *     char *dirvec[],*area,*name,*s,*nname;
X *     int dirveclen,mag,*nmag;
X */
echo 'x - fontstr.h'
sed 's/^X//' > fontstr.h << '/'
X/*                                                                          */
X/*	Structures defining the format of Xerox 2700 (EPS 1200)             */
X/*	laser printer font files.                                           */
X/*                                                                          */
X/*      Note: these structures only match the format of the external        */
X/*      file when used on PDP-11s, VAXes, or other machines with the        */
X/*      same size data types and same byte ordering.                        */
X/*                                                                          */
X/*	The structures are based on investigative work done by the          */
X/*	author, and include help from sources at least one of whom 	    */
X/*	wishes to remain anonymous. This help is gratefully		    */
X/*	acknowledged.							    */
X/*									    */
X/*	Tim Clark  Computer Unit  University of Warwick  June 1985          */
Xstruct xheader {        /* The font header - 24 (16 bit) words */
X	unsigned short magic;		/* should be 0xaaaa		*/
X	unsigned char rev;		/* revision number - unused	*/
X	unsigned char flags;		/* font type flags		*/
X	unsigned short lo_length;       /* length of file in bytes lsb  */
X	char fname[20];			/* font name in ascii		*/
X	unsigned char ulinedepth;	/* posn of underline below base */
X	unsigned char ulinesize;	/* thickness of underline	*/
X        unsigned char hi_length;        /* length of file in bytes msb  */
X	unsigned char strike_through;	/* unused ?                     */
X	unsigned char superdist;	/* superscript distance		*/
X	unsigned char subdist;		/* subscript distance		*/
X	short descend;			/* maximum descender		*/
X	short ascend;			/* maximum ascender		*/
X	short fheight;			/* font height - 1		*/
X	unsigned char lowchar;		/* first defined character	*/
X	unsigned char highchar;		/* last defined character	*/
X	char partno[5];			/* part number - unused		*/
X	char nulls[3];			/* reserved - set to null	*/
Xstruct xchardesc {      /* The "look up table" for each character.
X                           Each is 4 (16 bit words). */
X	unsigned short nbyte; 	/* the length of the pattern in bytes       */
X        unsigned short lo_loc;  /* the lowest 16 bits of the location of    */
X                                /* the pattern, expressed as a 24-bit       */
X                                /* quantity, which is the offset into the   */
X                                /* font file                                */
X        unsigned char hi_loc;   /* the highest 8 bits of the pattern        */
X                                /* location offset (0xff equivalent to 0)   */
X        unsigned char blocking; /* if "blocking" is zero then there is no   */
X                                /* pattern information. Otherwise the value */
X                                /* 63-blocking gives the number of bytes in */
X                                /* each row of the character pattern        */
X        char orgy;  		/* in two's complement. How much the        */
X                                /* character is above (or if -ve, below)    */
X                                /* the baseline (portrait) or from the      */
X                                /* typing position (landscape). Units are   */
X                                /* DOUBLE rasters.                          */
X	unsigned char width;    /* the amount to move the typing position   */
X                                /* on after drawing this character, in      */
X                                /* units of rasters.                        */
X	};
Xstruct def_str		/* This structure is not found in the font file -
X			   it is for convenience, holding information for
X			   each character derived from the "look up table". */
X	{
X	int bytes_per_row;	/* derived from xchardesc.blocking to give  */
X				/* the number of bytes needed for each row  */
X				/* of the pattern			    */
X	char *pattern;		/* the start of the pattern		    */
X	long location;		/* derived from hi_loc and lo_loc to give   */
X				/* the 24-bit index into the font file      */
X	};
X/* Font type flags */
X#define	PORTRAIT	0		/* 8 1/2 is width */
X#define LANDSCAPE	1		/* 8 1/2 is length */
X#define FIXED_SP	0		/* fixed pitch */
X#define PROP_SP		2		/* proportional spacing */
X#define SHORT_FONT      0		/* font fits into 0xffff bytes */
X#define LONG_FONT	4		/* font is more than 0xffff bytes */
X/*                                                                          */
X/*      The overall structure of the font is then as follows:-              */
X/*                                                                          */
X/*      A 24 (16 bit)word header of struct xheader			    */
X/*                                                                          */
X/*      A 256 byte "qualification table?"                                   */
X/*                                                                          */
X/*      A number of "loook up tables" of struct xchardesc. The number	    */
X/*      is xheader.highchar + 1.					    */
X/*                                                                          */
X/*      The character patterns.                                             */
X/*                                                                          */
X/*                                                                          */
X/*	vfont format. Taken from vfont(5)				    */
X/*                                                                          */
Xstruct vfontheader {
X	short		magic;
X	unsigned short	size;
X	short		maxx;
X	short		maxy;
X	short		xtnd;
X	};
Xstruct dispatch {
X	unsigned short	addr;
X	short		nbytes;
X	char		up;
X	char		down;
X	char		left;
X	char		right;
X	short		width;
X	};
echo 'x - laser.setup'
sed 's/^X//' > laser.setup << '/'
echo 'x - laserf.c'
sed 's/^X//' > laserf.c << '/'
X#ifndef lint
Xstatic char sccsid[] = "@(#)lpf.c	4.12 (Berkeley) 7/16/83";
X * 	filter which reads the output of nroff and converts lines
X *	with ^H's to overwritten lines.  Thus this works like 'ul'
X *	but is much better: it can handle more than 2 overwrites
X *	and it is written with some style.
X *	modified by kls to use register references instead of arrays
X *	to try to gain a little speed.
X *
X *	as a filter for the qume, literal really means it
X */
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <signal.h>
X#include <sys/types.h>
X#include <sys/file.h>
X#include <sys/stat.h>
X#define MAXWIDTH  132
X#define MAXREP    10
X#define	setup	"/usr/local/lib/laser/setup"	/* file on setup commands */
X#define	RESET	"\033+X\r\n" 			/* laser reset command */
X#define	OFFSET	"\033o"				/* offset output */
X/* nroff doesn't let you use all eight bits, so ... */
X#define	SO	'\016'				/* note to | 0200 into next */
Xint	soflag = 0; 	/* we've got to | 0200 next character */
Xint	nbs = 0;	/* no. of backspaces for literal mode */
Xint	maxcol[MAXREP] = {-1};
Xint	lineno;
Xint	width = 132;	/* default line length */
Xint	length = 66;	/* page length */
Xint	indent;		/* indentation length */
Xint	npages = 1;
Xint	literal;	/* print control characters */
Xchar	*name;		/* user's login name */
Xchar	*host;		/* user's machine name */
Xchar	*acctfile;	/* accounting information file */
Xstruct stat	stbuf;	/* to find other execute bit for offsetting */
Xmain(argc, argv)
X	int argc;
X	char *argv[];
X	register FILE *p = stdin, *o = stdout;
X	register int i, col;
X	register char *cp;
X	int done, linedone, maxrep;
X	char ch, *limit;
X	while (--argc) {
X		if (*(cp = *++argv) == '-') {
X			switch (cp[1]) {
X			case 'n':
X				argc--;
X				name = *++argv;
X				break;
X			case 'h':
X				argc--;
X				host = *++argv;
X				break;
X			case 'w':
X				if ((i = atoi(&cp[2])) > 0 && i <= MAXWIDTH)
X					width = i;
X				break;
X			case 'l':
X				length = atoi(&cp[2]);
X				break;
X			case 'i':
X				indent = atoi(&cp[2]);
X				break;
X			case 'c':	/* Print control chars */
X				literal++;
X				break;
X			}
X		} else
X			acctfile = cp;
X	}
X	/*
X	 * setup printer
X	 */
X	if (name && (i = open(setup, O_RDONLY)) >= 0) {
X		while ((col = read(i, buf, MAXREP)) > 0)
X			fwrite(buf, col, 1, o);
X		(void) close (i);
X	} else {
X		fprintf(o, "%s", RESET);
X	}
X	for (cp = buf[0], limit = buf[MAXREP]; cp < limit; *cp++ = ' ');
X	done = 0;
X	if (!literal) while (!done) {
X		col = indent;
X		maxrep = -1;
X		linedone = 0;
X		while (!linedone) {
X			switch (ch = getc(p)) {
X			case EOF:
X				linedone = done = 1;
X				ch = '\n';
X				break;
X			case '\f':
X				lineno = length;
X			case '\n':
X				if (maxrep < 0)
X					maxrep = 0;
X				linedone = 1;
X				break;
X			case '\b':
X				if (--col < indent)
X					col = indent;
X				break;
X			case '\r':
X				col = indent;
X				break;
X			case '\t':
X				col = ((col - indent) | 07) + indent + 1;
X				break;
X			case '\031':
X				/*
X				 * lpd needs to use a different filter to
X				 * print data so stop what we are doing and
X				 * wait for lpd to restart us.
X				 */
X				if ((ch = getchar()) == '\1') {
X					fflush(stdout);
X					kill(getpid(), SIGSTOP);
X					break;
X				} else {
X					ungetc(ch, stdin);
X					ch = '\031';
X				}
X			default:
X				if (col >= width || !literal && ch < ' ' &&
X				    ch != '\033') {
X					col++;
X					break;
X				}
X				cp = &buf[0][col];
X				for (i = 0; i < MAXREP; i++) {
X					if (i > maxrep)
X						maxrep = i;
X					if (*cp == ' ') {
X						*cp = ch;
X						if (col > maxcol[i])
X							maxcol[i] = col;
X						break;
X					}
X					cp += MAXWIDTH;
X				}
X				col++;
X				break;
X			}
X		}
X		/* print out lines */
X		for (i = 0; i <= maxrep; i++) {
X			for (cp = buf[i], limit = cp+maxcol[i]; cp <= limit;) {
X				putc(*cp, o);
X				*cp++ = ' ';
X			}
X			if (i < maxrep)
X				putc('\r', o);
X			else
X				putc(ch, o);
X			if (++lineno >= length) {
X				npages++;
X				lineno = 0;
X			}
X			maxcol[i] = -1;
X		}
X	} else while (!done) {	/* really literal */
X		ch = getc(p);
X		if (soflag) {
X			ch |= 0200;
X			soflag = 0;
X		}
X		switch (ch) {
X		case EOF:
X			done = 1;
X			break;
X		case '\f':
X			lineno = length;
X		case '\n':
X			nbs = 0;
X			if (++lineno >= length) {
X				npages++;
X				lineno = 0;
X			}
X		default:
X			if (nbs) {
X				fprintf(o, "\033rl%d ", nbs*25);
X				nbs = 0;
X			}
X			putc(ch, o);
X			break;
X		case '\b':
X			nbs++;
X			break;
X		case SO:
X			soflag++;
X			break;
X		}
X	}
X	if (!lineno) { 		/* charged a sheet just for moving to tof */
X		npages--;
X	}
X	/*
X	 * reset terminal
X	 */
X	fprintf(o, RESET);
X	/*
X	 * offset output according to other execute bit on printer
X	 *
X	if (!fstat(fileno(o), &stbuf)) {
X		if (stbuf.st_mode & 01)
X			fprintf(o, OFFSET);
X		stbuf.st_mode ^= 01;
X		fchmod(fileno(o), stbuf.st_mode);
X	}
X	 */
X	if (name && acctfile && access(acctfile, 02) >= 0 &&
X	    freopen(acctfile, "a", stdout) != NULL) {
X		printf("%7.2f\t%s:%s\n", (float)npages, host, name);
X	}
X	exit(0);
echo 'Part 02 of DVI -> 2700 driver complete.'
UUCP:   ...!mcvax!ukc!warwick!cudcv	PHONE:  +44 203 523037
JANET:  cudcv at uk.ac.warwick.daisy       ARPA:   cudcv at daisy.warwick.ac.uk
Rob McMahon, Computing Services, Warwick University, Coventry CV4 7AL, England

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