uuslave.c (Straight from the BBS in NJ)

allbery at ncoast.UUCP allbery at ncoast.UUCP
Sun Feb 1 11:04:56 AEST 1987

As quoted from <378 at telesoft.UUCP> by bruceb at telesoft.UUCP (Bruce Bergman @spot):
| > As quoted from <1683 at hoptoad.uucp> by pozar at hoptoad.uucp (Tim Pozar):
| > | 
| > |     I picked off the uuslave code.  Could you point me the direction of ...
| > +---------------
| > 
| > The posting mentioned the fact that we're all pretty well stumped by it.  (I
| > don't have a C compiler, so I can't translate it to C on my PC ...
| > 
| > ++Brandon
| Hmmm.  I also got a copy of uuslave.c and have had time to investigate it in
| depth.  If you have not bothered to find out the guts of uucp, no, you
| probably will not make sense of it at all.  Fortunately, in past, I did try to

Actually, I meant the I/O code; specifically, how to duplicate it using UNIX
system calls or the I/O routines of MSC 4.0, etc.  I don't grok CP/M-80 C
I/O calls.

++Brandon (Resident Elf @ ncoast.UUCP)
 ____   ______________
/    \ / __   __   __ \   Brandon S. Allbery	    <backbone>!ncoast!allbery
 ___  | /__> /  \ /  \    aXcess Co., Consulting    ncoast!allbery at Case.CSNET
/   \ | |    `--, `--,    6615 Center St. #A1-105 	   (... at relay.CS.NET)
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