Looking for Minimal Perfect Hash Functions [Here's a C Program]

garry at batcomputer.UUCP garry at batcomputer.UUCP
Sat Feb 21 16:12:37 AEST 1987

In a recent article michael at orcisi.UUCP wrote:
>Here is a C program that will compute approximate perfect hashing functions.
>I received it through net.sources in Sept. 1984.
>...  based on "More on Minimal
>Perfect Hash Tables," Colorado State University Technical Report,
>April 1981, by Cook, Curtis R. and Oldehoeft, R. R., and "Minimal
>Perfect Hash Functions Made Simple" by Richard J. Cichelli - Comm.
>of ACM Jan 1980.

The posted program unfortunately does not have the property of being minimal.
(Did the 1984 version??)

Does anyone out there have a *minimal* perfect hashing function generator,
per the ACM article?

garry wiegand   (garry%oak.cadif.cornell.edu at cu-arpa.cs.cornell.edu)

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