Missing files, games, and appropriate newsgroups

JLC3861%TAMVENUS.BITNET at wiscvm.wisc.edu JLC3861%TAMVENUS.BITNET at wiscvm.wisc.edu
Fri Feb 20 07:15:59 AEST 1987

I too am missing some parts of starchart: specifically, the Yale Star Catalog
data files. I have all the code files but no data to work from.
I would very much like a copy of any and all games that are being
distributed by readers of this network. I am currently operating as games
manager on a system, and more public domain games are always needed.
VMS games are especially wanted, but as long as the program is not extremely
convoluted I can (and have in the past) convert them.
Finally, on the subject of appropriate newsgroups raised earlier: some of
you may not know this, but this newsgroup is redistributed to ARPA and
BitNet sites as a mailing list known as Unix-Sources. In turn, our mail to
Unix-Sources gets ported to net.sources on USENET. I, for one, do not have
ANY access to USENET other then through remailers and redistributed lists.
I suspect many others are in this position too. So, before you criticize
someone for posting to the wrong newsgroup, ask: did that person have any
choice? For many of us the only way we can post is to go to net.sources -
net.sources.d and the comp.sources group are not available.
+ In-real-life: John L. Coolidge                                              +
+ BitNet:  jlc3861 at tamvenus                         TEXnet: VENUS::JLC3861    +
+ UUCP:    ...!psuvax1!tamvenus.bitnet!jlc3861      ATT:    (409)260-4665     +
+ ARPAnet: jlc3861%tamvenus.bitnet at wiscvm.wisc.edu                            +
+ USnail: P.O. Box C9   College Station, TX 77844                             +
+ These opinions are mine alone.  (Interested? Licensing can be arranged!)    +
+ Don't blame them on anyone else. They'll resent it.                         +

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