iadt3tb at gitpyr.UUCP iadt3tb at gitpyr.UUCP
Wed Feb 4 05:41:26 AEST 1987


A month or so ago, I got a source code copy of ARC for unix systems
off the net.  It works just like ARC for the IBM-PC/MS-DOS world.
Except,  my copy extracts files just fine however it will not produce
a good archive file.  I'm hoping that a new copy that some kind soul
will mail to me will perform as it should.

T. Terrell Banks
Georgia Insitute of Technology
Information Systems and Applications 
190 Third Street NW                      
Atlanta Georgia, 30332

Internet: iadt3tb at
    uucp: ...!{akgua,ihnp4,hplabs,seismo}!gatech!gitpyr!iadt3tb
  Bitnet: iadt3tb at gitvm1

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