Need sources for LEX & YACC

Thomson at Thomson at
Sat Feb 28 04:45:07 AEST 1987

thfisher at watnot.uucp requested sources for LEX & YACC.  I tried to send him mail
directly, but the mailer barfed on the address.  I posted an inquiry on
the net about a month or two ago and received the following replies:
Date: 16 Dec 1986 14:49:13 PST
Subject: Re: public domain lex/yacc for PC
From: Billy <BRACKENRIDGE at c.isi.EDU>

Check out LEX.C in the <INFO-IBMPC> lending library. It was submitted
by James H. Coombs  <JAZBO%BROWNVM.BITNET at WISCVM.ARPA> who mentions that
he has PD versions of YACC available as well. The Library would welcome
conversions to other dialects of C as well as a YACC.
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 86 08:07:15 -0100
From: Bj|rn Larsen <x_larsen_b%use.uio.uninett at nta-vax.ARPA>
Subject: Yacc & Lex for PC

I just read your message in INFO-IBMPC requesting information
of a public domain YACC/LEX.

I have got a copy of YACC and LEX for MS-DOS that seems to be
100% compatible with the Unix versions. Using these two
programs and the Microsoft C version 3.0 I completeted all the 
examples covered in 'The Unix Programming Environment'
(Kernigan and whoever).

To be quite honest, I suspect that these two programs are not
quite as much in public domain as the guy who gave them to me 
insisted. It seems to me that they are a PORT of the Unix versions.

I only have the binary files, not source.

If you are interested, please drop me a note with your address,
and I'll mail you a diskette.

(Norway is a distance from you, but as I don't pay the postage
myself, I'll make it Air Mail.)

Merry Christmas!

x_larsen_b%use.uio.uninett at
blarsen at

Bjorn Larsen
University of Oslo, Norway
Subject: Re: Public Domain lex yacc
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 87 14:09:11 -0500
From: Mark Colan <mtc at>

You can get (nearly) public domain lex and yacc programs from The
Austin Code Works, 11100 Leafwood Lane, Austin TX 78750-0785.

I believe these lex and yacc are DECUS/1977 versions, the original source
of which was in the public domain.  Since some work was involved in
porting to the IBM PC, they charge a small fee.

Interestingly, the code (at least for yacc) looks identical to that 
found on the BSD4.2 source tape - which implies that BSD yacc is 
actually the public domain DECUS version.  Anybody have more information
on the origins of this software?  Is that true for any other BSD code?

I bought Austin Codeworks' port of yacc and have used it with both
Lattice C 3.10 and MicroSoft C 4.00 cleanly; the generated code
compiles without any diagnostics (and works properly).

I have not used their lex, but assume it to be of the same quality.

	lex: $25  
	yacc & prep (prep is a attribute grammar preprocessor) $25
	Add $10 for large model version of yacc (recommended).

Can order by phone at 512-258-0785

I have no association with Austin Codeworks except as a satisfied user.

Mark Colan
MIT Project Athena

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