textbooks (was Re: UNIX clone with SOURCE CODE available now)

ecl at mtgzy.UUCP ecl at mtgzy.UUCP
Tue Jan 27 00:24:53 AEST 1987

[People discussing whether or not B. Dalton's will order textbooks.]

To quote my husband:
The world's most complete bookstore is the combination of BOOKS IN PRINT
and the U. S. Post Office.  BIP will tell you the price and the
publisher's address.  Send them a check for the price and they will be
happy to send you the book.  I do it all the time.  Some publishers
grudgingly send a note with the book saying "Next time please include N%
for postage and handling," but that is unusual.  Nobody has ever refused
to send the book and at least once they sent a check with the book
because if ordered direct, they gave a discount.  I rarely order through
a bookstore because it is so much easier to order the book and have it
sent to me directly.

BOOKS IN PRINT is available in just about every public library and many
corporate libraries.

					Evelyn C. Leeper
					(201) 957-2070
				UUCP:	ihnp4!mtgzy!ecl
				ARPA:	mtgzy!ecl at rutgers.rutgers.edu
What color is a chameleon on a mirror?

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