uuslave.c (Straight from the BBS in NJ)

pozar at hoptoad.UUCP pozar at hoptoad.UUCP
Sat Jan 24 08:55:34 AEST 1987

    Sorry to post this, my mailer upchucked on ncoast.UUCP.

    I picked off the uuslave code.  Could you point me the direction of where
you got it from?   There seems to be some header files that I'm unfamiler
with and weren't included with the code.  Mucho functions I don't fully
know what they need, etc...

        Tim Pozar
UUCP    pozar at hoptoad.UUCP
Fido    125/406
	77 Maiden Lane
	San Francisco CA 94108
terrorist cryptography DES drugs cipher secret decode NSA CIA NRO IRS
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(Thanks to Robert Bickford for the suggestion for the NSA line eater)

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