Forthcoming sc (was vc) update

Robert Bond rgb at nscpdc.NSC.COM
Mon Jan 19 09:51:59 AEST 1987

I will refer to the program posted as vc as sc from now on.  

I have received lots of mail from helpful folks who had fixes and problems
and I intend to post a better version as soon as I get back from Uniform next
week.  Corrections include:

1) Much linting for those who reported coredumps.  This version should
   be more portable.
2) The @avg bug is fixed.
3) I added a "^" command to go to row 0
4) Trig and other math functions added.
5) Assorted bug fixes and cleanup.
6) Use crmode() instead of raw() for BSD.
7) Better precision is maintained in the save files.

I have also changed the makefile so it defaults to sc, but will make and
install under any name you want.  I have heard of at least five different
names, so I thought I would make it easy.

Please hold off on posting new versions and bug fixes till you see this one.
If you send them to me I will try to include worthwhile mods.  If you are
at Uniform and want to talk about sc, please come find me.  The folks at
the National Semiconductor booth will know how to get in touch with me.

						Bob Bond


Sc is not a product of National Semiconductor.
Sc is not a product of Software Innovations.
Sc is not a product it is free...
(You get the picture.)
    Robert Bond 			ihnp4!nsc!nscpdc!rgb
    National Semiconductor		tektronix!nscpdc!rgb

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