Yacc, lex, prep source

mark at ems.UUCP mark at ems.UUCP
Sat Jan 31 12:32:52 AEST 1987

	Sorry about the delay in posting the sources for the Public Domain
copies of yacc, lex, and prep (attribute grammar preprocessor) that I promised
to mail to people or to post.  I was at USENIX, and then got hung up trying
to make sure that the stuff was indeed in the public domain.  I will be 
posting the sources that I to net.sources over the next week or so.
Mark H. Colburn          mark at ems.uucp      
EMS/McGraw-Hill          {rutgers|amdahl|ihnp4}!{dayton|meccts}!ems!mark
9855 West 78th Street     
Eden Prairie, MN 55344   (612) 829-8200 x235

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