MSDOS LESS - repost with fixes to reponses to first posting

dick keily keily at kodak.UUCP
Thu Jan 15 02:50:51 AEST 1987

Here is an updated version of less for msdos. Fixes for:
	1. Use on any combination of pc monitor/card combination.
	2. Redirection and piping ok now.
This posting will be followed by a posting of the full source code
that will be in three parts. This uuencoded exe is for people who
don't have the compiler nor the inclination to compile the source
if they don't have to. Please send any comments or problem reports
to me at ...!seismo!rochester!kodak!keily (learned how to spell sizemoe)
This should answer any mail responses that I recently received. I
consider all mail answered by this posting. Send mail again and you
shall be answered. Enjoy.
				Dick Keily

===================Edit thru here and send thru sh=================
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
#	less.uue
#	readme
# This archive created: Wed Jan 14 11:11:07 1987
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
if test -f ''
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "''"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > ''

     less - opposite of more

     less [-cdepstwmMqQuU] [-h_n] [-b[fp]_n] [-x_n] [+_c_m_d] [_n_a_m_e] ...

     _L_e_s_s is a program similar to _m_o_r_e (1), but which allows backwards
     movement in the file as well as forward movement.  Also, _l_e_s_s does not
     have to read the entire input file before starting, so with large
     input files it starts up faster than text editors like _v_i (1).  _L_e_s_s
     uses termcap, so it can run on a variety of terminals.  There is even
     limited support for hardcopy terminals.  (On a hardcopy terminal,
     lines which should be printed at the top of the screen are prefixed
     with an up-arrow.)

     Commands are based on both _m_o_r_e and _v_i. Commands may be preceeded by a
     decimal number, called N in the descriptions below.  The number is
     used by some commands, as indicated.

     h    Help: display a summary of these commands.  If you forget all the
          other commands, remember this one.

          Scroll forward N lines, default one screen.  If N is more than
          the screen size, only one screenful is displayed.

     f    Same as SPACE.

     b    Scroll backward N lines, default one screen.  If N is more than
          the screen size, only one screenful is displayed.

          Scroll forward N lines, default 1.  If N is more than the screen
          size, the entire N lines are displayed.

     e    Same as RETURN.

     j    Also the same as RETURN.

     y    Scroll backward N lines, default 1.  If N is more than the screen
          size, the entire N lines are displayed.

     k    Same as y.

     d    Scroll forward N lines, default 10.  If N is specified, it
          becomes the new default for all d and u commands.

     u    Scroll backward N lines, default 10.  If N is specified, it
          becomes the new default for all d and u commands.

     r    Repaint the screen.

     R    Repaint the screen, discarding any buffered input.  Useful if the
          file is changing while it is being viewed.

     g    Go to line N in the file, default 1 (beginning of file).
          (Warning: this may be slow if N is large.)

     G    Go to line N in the file, default the end of the file.  (Warning:
          this may be slow if standard input, rather than a file, is being
     p    Go to a position N percent into the file.  N should be between 0
          and 100.  (This is possible if standard input is being read, but
          only if _l_e_s_s has already read to the end of the file.  It is
          always fast, but not always useful.)

     %    Same as p.

     m    Followed by any lowercase letter, marks the current position with
          that letter.

     '    Followed by any lowercase letter, returns to the position which
          was previously marked with that letter.  All marks are lost when
          a new file is examined.

          Search forward in the file for the N-th occurence of the pattern.
          N defaults to 1.  The pattern is a regular expression, as
          recognized by _e_d. The search starts at the second line displayed
          (but see the -t option, which changes this).

          Search backward in the file for the N-th occurence of the
          pattern.  The search starts at the line immediately before the
          top line displayed.

     n    Repeat previous search, for N-th occurence of the last pattern.

     E    Examine a new file.  If the filename is missing, the "current"
          file (see the N and P commands below) from the list of files in
          the command line is re-examined.

     N    Examine the next file (from the list of files given in the
          command line).  If a number N is specified (not to be confused
          with the command N), the N-th next file is examined.

     P    Examine the previous file.  If a number N is specified, the N-th
          previous file is examined.

     =    Prints the name of the file being viewed and the byte offset of
          the bottom line being displayed.  If possible, it also prints the
          length of the file and the percent of the file above the last
          displayed line.

     -    Followed by one of the command line option letters (see below),
          this will toggle the setting of that option and print a message
          describing the new setting.

     V    Prints the version number of _l_e_s_s being run.

     q    Exits _l_e_s_s.

     The following two commands may or may not be valid, depending on your
     particular installation.

     v    Invokes an editor to edit the current file being viewed.  The
          editor is taken from the environment variable EDITOR, or defaults
          to "vi".

     ! shell-command
          Invokes a shell to run the shell-command given.

     Command line options are described below.  Options are also taken from
     the environment variable "LESS".  (The environment variable is parsed
     before the command line, so command line options override the LESS
     environment variable.  Options may be changed while _l_e_s_s is running
     via the "-" command.) For example, if you like more-style prompting,
     to avoid typing "less -m ..." each time _l_e_s_s is invoked, you might
     tell _c_s_h:

     setenv LESS m

     or if you use _s_h:

     LESS=m; export LESS

     -s   The -s flag causes consecutive blank lines to be squeezed into a
          single blank line.  This is useful when viewing _n_r_o_f_f output.

     -t   Normally, forward searches start just after the top displayed
          line (that is, at the second displayed line).  Thus forward
          searches include the currently displayed screen.  The -t command
          line option causes forward searches to start just after the
          bottom line displayed, thus skipping the currently displayed

     -m   Normally, _l_e_s_s prompts with a colon.  The -m command line option
          causes _l_e_s_s to prompt verbosely like _m_o_r_e, printing the file name
          and percent into the file.

     -M   The -M command line option causes _l_e_s_s to prompt even more
          verbosely than _m_o_r_e.

     -q   Normally, if an attempt is made to scroll past the end of the
          file or before the beginning of the file, the terminal bell is
          rung to indicate this fact.  The -q command line option tells
          _l_e_s_s not to ring the bell at such times.  If the terminal has a
          "visual bell", it is used instead.

     -Q   Even if -q is given, _l_e_s_s will ring the bell on certain other
          errors, such as typing an invalid character.  The -Q command line
          option tells _l_e_s_s to be quiet all the time; that is, never ring
          the terminal bell.  If the terminal has a "visual bell", it is
          used instead.

     -e   Normally the only way to exit less is via the "q" command.  The
          -e command line option tells less to automatically exit the
          second time it reaches end-of-file.

     -u   If the -u command line option is given, backspaces are treated as
          printable characters; that is, they are sent to the terminal when
          they appear in the input.

     -U   If the -U command line option is given, backspaces are printed as
          the two character sequence "^H".  If neither -u nor -U is given,
          backspaces which appear adjacent to an underscore character are
          treated specially: the underlined text is displayed using the
          terminal's hardware underlining capability.

     -w   Normally, _l_e_s_s uses a tilde character to represent lines past the
          end of the file.  The -w option causes blank lines to be used

     -d   Normally, _l_e_s_s will complain if the terminal is dumb; that is,
          lacks some important capability, such as the ability to clear the
          screen or scroll backwards.  The -d flag suppresses this
          complaint (but does not otherwise change the behavior of the
          program on a dumb terminal).

     -p   Normally, _l_e_s_s will repaint the screen by scrolling from the
          bottom of the screen.  If the -p flag is set, when _l_e_s_s needs to
          change the entire display, it will clear the screen and paint
          from the top line down.

     -h   Normally, _l_e_s_s will scroll backwards when backwards movement is
          necessary.  The -h option specifies a maximum number of lines to
          scroll backwards.  If it is necessary to move backwards more than
          this many lines, the screen is repainted in a forward direction.
          (If the terminal does not have the ability to scroll backwards,
          -h0 is implied.)

     -x   The -x_n command line option sets tab stops every _n positions.
          The default for _n is 8.

     -b   The -b_n command line option tells _l_e_s_s to use a non-standard
          buffer size.  There are two standard (default) buffer sizes, one
          is used when a file is being read and the other when a pipe
          (standard input) is being read.  The current defaults are 5
          buffers for files and 12 for pipes.  (Buffers are 1024 bytes.)
          The number _n specifies a different number of buffers to use.  The
          -b may be followed by "f", in which case only the file default is
          changed, or by "p" in which case only the pipe default is
          changed.  Otherwise, both are changed.

     -c   Normally, when data is read by _l_e_s_s, it is scanned to ensure that
          bit 7 (the high order bit) is turned off in each byte read, and
          to ensure that there are no null (zero) bytes in the data (null
          bytes are turned into "@" characters).  If the data is known to
          be "clean", the -c command line option will tell _l_e_s_s to skip
          this checking, causing an imperceptible speed improvement.
          (However, if the data is not "clean", unpredicatable results may

     +    If a command line option begins with +, the remainder of that
          option is taken to be an initial command to _l_e_s_s. For example, +G
          tells _l_e_s_s to start at the end of the file rather than the
          beginning, and +/xyz tells it to start at the first occurence of
          "xyz" in the file.  As a special case, +<number> acts like
          +<number>g; that is, it starts the display at the specified line
          number (however, see the caveat under the "g" command above).  If
          the option starts with ++, the initial command applies to every
          file being viewed, not just the first one.

     When used on standard input (rather than a file), you can move
     backwards only a finite amount, corresponding to that portion of the
     file which is still buffered.
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'less.uue'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'less.uue'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'less.uue'
begin 666 less.exe
M35K_ 3H !@ @ !X"__\]"  0.*63.P  '@    $ H at WL!:H[  #Y0@  $!#L
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fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'readme'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'readme'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'readme'
Port of less to msdos:

Less is a program similar to the Unix more command but is much more
useful. Read for a good description of less and what it can
do for you.

The files included here will result in a full version of less
for use on msdos. This version of less has been tested on all the pc
systems that I could get my hands on. This includes monochrome, graphics,
(that includes systems with graphics cards and mono monitors), and color

The following must be done to have less.exe work in its full glory:

	1.	Nothing if you don't want color when using a color monitor.
		To get the color use the set command such as:

			set less=C	(Case sensitive; c is another option)

		Do this prior to calling less. A command line option
		less -C <filename ...> will also get you color.

		NOTE: Only use the color option when using a color monitor.
		All other configurations need no special action.

		There are other less settings that can be used using the
		set command. Read The one I use is less=mC on
		an AT with enhanced monitor and ega card.

		Read on for the v command.

	2.	Less also has a v command that lets you can an editor from
		within less to edit the file that you are viewing at the
		time. The default is memacs which was taken from the Unix
		mod.sources. If you don't have it use the dos set command
		as follows to let less know which it is:

			set editor=your_editor

	4.	It is best to include the set commands in your autoexec.bat
		which will be executed when you boot up your system.

	5.	Less is a very useful utility. Read and when in
		less the h command will put a description of the commands
		on the screen for you.

	6.	This version of less is named less13.exe for distribution.
		It replaces and other version that you have obtained from
		my posting of the executable. Accept no substitutes. When
		I get the time I will incorporate the changes to get up
		the distributed Unix version 61. If you post this to any
		bulletin board name any files associated with it with the
		version 13.(referring to the MSDOS control)

	7.	Less version 1.3 uses the system function but looks to see
		if you are using the swchar program that allows you to use
		the / rather than the \ character. The swchar state is changed
		before the system call if you are and then resets it so that
		it all becomes transparent to the user.

	8.	The source code for less is being posted to Net.sources.
		It is all ifdef'd so that it should compile on Unix systems
		also as is.

	9.	Version 1.3 corrects the following:
			The latest known to me fixes have been incorporated
			in the regexpression routines written by Henry
			Spencer and posted on the Unix news net.

			Dick Keily
			Eastman Kodak Company
			work: (716)477-1001
			unix: ...!seismo!rochester!kodak!keily

fi # end of overwriting check
#	End of shell archive
exit 0

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