uuslave.c (Straight from the BBS in NJ)

bruceb at telesoft.UUCP bruceb at telesoft.UUCP
Thu Jan 29 04:00:06 AEST 1987

> As quoted from <1683 at hoptoad.uucp> by pozar at hoptoad.uucp (Tim Pozar):
> | 
> |     I picked off the uuslave code.  Could you point me the direction of ...
> +---------------
> The posting mentioned the fact that we're all pretty well stumped by it.  (I
> don't have a C compiler, so I can't translate it to C on my PC ...
> ++Brandon

Hmmm.  I also got a copy of uuslave.c and have had time to investigate it in
depth.  If you have not bothered to find out the guts of uucp, no, you
probably will not make sense of it at all.  Fortunately, in past, I did try to
recreate uucp (similar to what lauren weinstien did), however the protocol
level of uucp is not documented.  Those who know the info aren't willing to
share it, so if you want to rewrite uucp, you are on your own.

Anyhow, with the advent of uuslave.c, the gaps have filled in.  With about 3
exceptions, I think I have what I need to do what I want.  In any case, I am
already engaged in creating a Modula-2 version of uuslave.c.  If this is
successful (no reason why it shouldn't be), I will take the time to redo
uuslave.c for MS-DOS.  The Modula-2 version (for MS-DOS) should be available
in a short while.

If anyone is interested in the Modula-2 or C versions of uuslave.c for MS-DOS,
please send me a note.  I'll be porting it as we speak, in any case.  Source
code will be included, of course.  Also, if you are interested in a discussion
of how uucp communicates (including the information in uuslave.c), please
send me a note also.  If I get sufficient response, I may consider posting
what I have.

allegra!\              \
gould9!  \      crash!--\
ihnp4!    \              \
           >--sdcsvax!---->--telesoft!bruceb  (Bruce Bergman N7HAW)
noscvax!  /              /
scgvaxd! /   sdencore!--/
ucbvax! /              /

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