vt52 emulator for c64 sources

Rex Black black at ee.ucla.edu
Thu Jan 22 11:10:53 AEST 1987

> From: Fred Walter <watmath!grwalter>
> this is the source for a vt52 emulator for the c64 written by frank 
> prindle and played with by me. read term.doc.
> [followed by about 2200 lines of PDP-11 asm. lang.]

Correct me if I'm misinformed, but, Fred baby, I believe there is
this neat language called 'C'...

Anybody got a PDP-11 to C translator?  This s**t is about as useless
as a bit-mapped boat anchor!

Rex Black
black at ee.ucla.edu                                          ARPA        
...!{ihnp4,ucbvax,sdcrdcf,trwspp}!ucla-cs!uclaee!black     UUCP

Disclaimer:  The preceding was produced by a random-character generator
using digitized Led Zeppelin albums played backwards as the seeds.  
Therefore, any opinions above represent those of the netherworld and 
should not be construed as reflecting on myself or the UCLA EE Dept.

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