vt52 emulator for c64 sources

Richard Sansom sansom at trwrb.UUCP
Fri Jan 23 14:21:48 AEST 1987

In article <3021 at brl-adm.ARPA> black at ee.ucla.edu (Rex Black) writes:
>> From: Fred Walter <watmath!grwalter>
>> this is the source for a vt52 emulator for the c64 written by frank 
>> prindle and played with by me. read term.doc.
>> [followed by about 2200 lines of PDP-11 asm. lang.]
>Correct me if I'm misinformed, but, Fred baby, I believe there is
>this neat language called 'C'...
>Anybody got a PDP-11 to C translator?  This s**t is about as useless
>as a bit-mapped boat anchor!
>Rex Black

Uh, I think that was 6502 assembly language, which just happens to be
native language for the C64.  Just because you don't want this stuff
doesn't mean it's useless "s**t".  I, for one, appreciate everything
that's posted here - even when I don't need it, or won't use it.  As a
matter of fact, I know a couple of people who could really use a good
terminal emulator for their C64s, so I'll probably be downloading it
for them.


 __________ ______ ____ _____ ___
/_________//___   ||__|/____|/__/   Richard E. Sansom
   ___    ____/  / ____________     TRW Electronics & Defense Sector
  /  /   /  /\  <  |    /|    /     One Space Park Drive, R3/1028
 /  /   /  /  \  \ |   / |   /      Redondo Beach, CA 90278
/__/   /__/    \__\|__/  |__/       ...{decvax,ucbvax,ihnp4}!trwrb!sansom

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