Fix to hex dump program posted yesterday

dlnash at ut-ngp.UUCP dlnash at ut-ngp.UUCP
Fri Jan 30 03:22:06 AEST 1987

Due to a slight problem in the way I handle files in the hex dump program
I posted yesterday, you can get a core dump if you try to dump more than
one file and the first one does not exist.  The problem comes from trying
to freopen() a NULL file pointer.  What follows is a new version of the
nextfile() function in hd.c.  It is not in a shell archive, just
cut it off and put it into the hd.c source in place of the old nextfile().

Sorry for the inconvienence.

				Don Nash

-------------------------cut here for nextfile.c-------------------------
FILE *nextfile(argc, argv)
int argc;
CHAR *argv[];

    This function steps through the files on the command line opening
    each file in turn.  It returns the FILE * for the file it opens.


    static int fn = 0;              /* keeps track of which argv[] is in use */
    static FILE *filep = (FILE *)NULL;

    addr = 0l;                      /* reset addr to zero */
    if (argc < 2) {                 /* if no args, use stdin */
        if (++fn == 1) {            /* only do this part once */
            titlep = (CHAR *)NULL;  /* set titlep */
            page();                 /* start a new page */
            return(stdin);          /* return stdin */
        } /* if */
            return(NULL);           /* no more, so return NULL */
    } /* if */


    if (++fn < argc) {              /* if still more args to go */
        if (filep != NULL)          /* close any open file */

        filep = fopen(argv[fn], "rb");  /* open next file */
        filep = fopen(argv[fn], "r");   /* open next file */

        titlep = argv[fn];          /* set titlep */
        page();                     /* start a new page */

        if (filep == NULL) {        /* check for bad filename */
            printf("Cannot open file %s\n", argv[fn]);
            goto loop;
        } /* if */

        return(filep);              /* return file pointer */
    } /* if */

    return(NULL);                   /* no more files, return NULL */

} /* nextfile */

-------------------------end of nextfile.c-------------------------

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