"printf" lookalike from shell-level (for VAXen)

Sam Black black at masscomp.UUCP
Tue Jan 13 01:45:30 AEST 1987

In article <9 at gyre.UUCP> fred at gyre.UUCP (Fred Blonder) writes:
>Here's a handy little program which works sort of like echo, except
>that it does formatting in the manner of printf. In fact, it uses
>printf to do its formatting, so you have the full functionality of
>printf available at the shell level.

You can do the same thing with AWK, and it works on all machines
that have AWK.  With C shell, do something like:

	alias printf "echo ' ' | awk '{ printf(\!*) }'"

You can probably define a function in Bourne shell to do the same
thing, too.


	There are only two kinds of planes in the world:
	Fighters and targets.
				- 1Lt. Steven Brown, 63 TFTS



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