changes to ispell

Grass Roots root at bobkat.UUCP
Wed Jan 14 14:14:03 AEST 1987

With the Intergrated Solutions, they define the argument to the
TIOCGPGRP ioctl call to be an int and not a short.  I do not know what
berkeley actually does.  Also, they did not set ospeed which makes all
the padding not work (bad bad bad).

Last, I wrote an ispell-region.  This attempts to be a happy marriage
of the ispell interface and an emacs interface.  The I, A, and R
commands of the ispell interface are supported.  The selections were
changed from A, B, ... to 1, 2, ... as they are with ispell.  The only
way to quit is ^G.  I do not pretend to be a lisp programmer nor an
emacs guru.  This code may be written extremely ineffeceintly but with
no lisp documentation I did the best I could.  On this machine it tends
to drag a bit so on a 750 it will probably be too slow to be usable.
Hopefully some bright guy will speed things up some and then repost the

To get the I and A commands to work from a pipe, I changed a few minor
things about the way that askmode works.  Of course I had to change the
way the Makefile works.

You should be able to feed this to patch.

Perry Smith
pedz at bobkat

*** Makefile.old	Tue Jan 13 22:03:21 1987
--- Makefile	Tue Jan 13 15:19:47 1987
*** 1,5
  # -*- Mode: Text -*-
  BINDIR = /usr/local/bin
  LIBDIR = /usr/local/lib

--- 1,13 -----
  # -*- Mode: Text -*-
+ BINDIR = /usr/free
+ LIBDIR = /usr/free/lib
+ MANDIR = /usr/man
+ MANSUF = l
+ PROG=ispell
+ PROGLIB=${LIBDIR}/ispell.hash
  all: buildhash ispell ispell.hash
*** 1,8
  # -*- Mode: Text -*-
- BINDIR = /usr/local/bin
- LIBDIR = /usr/local/lib
  all: buildhash ispell ispell.hash

--- 9,14 -----
  all: buildhash ispell ispell.hash
*** 9,18
  ispell.hash: buildhash dict.191
! install: buildhash ispell ispell.hash
! 	cp ispell ${BINDIR}/ispell
! 	cp ispell.hash ${LIBDIR}/ispell.hash
! 	chmod 755 ${BINDIR}/ispell ${LIBDIR}/ispell.hash
  buildhash: buildhash.o hash.o
  	cc -o buildhash buildhash.o hash.o

--- 15,21 -----
  ispell.hash: buildhash dict.191
! install: buildhash ${BINPROG} ${PROGLIB} ${MANPAGE}
  ${BINPROG} : ${PROG}
  	install -c -m 755 ispell ${BINPROG}
*** 14,19
  	cp ispell.hash ${LIBDIR}/ispell.hash
  	chmod 755 ${BINDIR}/ispell ${LIBDIR}/ispell.hash
  buildhash: buildhash.o hash.o
  	cc -o buildhash buildhash.o hash.o

--- 17,31 -----
  install: buildhash ${BINPROG} ${PROGLIB} ${MANPAGE}
+ ${BINPROG} : ${PROG}
+ 	install -c -m 755 ispell ${BINPROG}
+ ${PROGLIB} : ispell.hash
+ 	install -c -m 755 ispell.hash ${PROGLIB}
+ ${MANPAGE} :
+ 	install -c ${MANPAGE}
  buildhash: buildhash.o hash.o
  	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o buildhash buildhash.o hash.o
*** 15,21
  	chmod 755 ${BINDIR}/ispell ${LIBDIR}/ispell.hash
  buildhash: buildhash.o hash.o
! 	cc -o buildhash buildhash.o hash.o
  ispell: ispell.o term.o good.o lookup.o hash.o tree.o
  	cc $(CFLAGS) -o ispell ispell.o term.o good.o lookup.o \

--- 27,33 -----
  	install -c ${MANPAGE}
  buildhash: buildhash.o hash.o
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o buildhash buildhash.o hash.o
  ispell: ispell.o term.o good.o lookup.o hash.o tree.o
  	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o ispell ispell.o term.o good.o lookup.o \
*** 18,24
  	cc -o buildhash buildhash.o hash.o
  ispell: ispell.o term.o good.o lookup.o hash.o tree.o
! 	cc $(CFLAGS) -o ispell ispell.o term.o good.o lookup.o \
  		hash.o tree.o -ltermlib

--- 30,36 -----
  	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o buildhash buildhash.o hash.o
  ispell: ispell.o term.o good.o lookup.o hash.o tree.o
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o ispell ispell.o term.o good.o lookup.o \
  		hash.o tree.o -ltermlib
*** 24,26
  	rm -f *.o buildhash ispell core a.out mon.out hash.out \
  		stats.191 count.191

--- 36,41 -----
  	rm -f *.o buildhash ispell core a.out mon.out hash.out \
  		stats.191 count.191
+ lookup.o : lookup.c Makefile
+ 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DLIBDIR='"$(LIBDIR)"' -c lookup.c
*** ispell.c.old	Tue Jan 13 22:03:27 1987
--- ispell.c	Tue Jan 13 21:39:06 1987
*** 640,646
  	setbuf (stdout, NULL);
  	while (gets (buf) != NULL) {
! 		if (good (buf)) {
  			if (rootword[0] == 0) {
  				printf ("*\n");	/* perfect match */
  			} else {

--- 640,651 -----
  	setbuf (stdout, NULL);
  	while (gets (buf) != NULL) {
! 		/* *line is like `i', @line is like `a' */
! 		if (buf[0] == '*' || buf[0] == '@') {
! 			treeinsert(buf + 1, buf[0] == '*');
! 			printf("*\n");
! 			treeoutput ();
! 		} else if (good (buf)) {
  			if (rootword[0] == 0) {
  				printf ("*\n");	/* perfect match */
  			} else {
*** ispell.el.old	Tue Jan 13 22:03:29 1987
--- ispell.el	Tue Jan 13 21:56:31 1987
*** 5,10
  ;;; ARPA:  Buehring%TI-CSL at CSNet-Relay
  ;;; UUCP:  {smu, texsun, im4u, rice} ! ti-csl ! buehring
  ;;; Depends on the ispell program snarfed from MIT-PREP in early 
  ;;; 1986.  The only interactive command is "ispell-word" which should be
  ;;; bound to M-$.  If someone writes an "ispell-region" command, 

--- 5,15 -----
  ;;; ARPA:  Buehring%TI-CSL at CSNet-Relay
  ;;; UUCP:  {smu, texsun, im4u, rice} ! ti-csl ! buehring
+ ;;; ispell-region and associate routines added by
+ ;;; Perry Smith
+ ;;; pedz at bobkat
+ ;;; Tue Jan 13 20:18:02 CST 1987
  ;;; Depends on the ispell program snarfed from MIT-PREP in early 
  ;;; 1986.  The only interactive command is "ispell-word" which should be
  ;;; bound to M-$.  If someone writes an "ispell-region" command, 
*** 33,40
        (setq ispell-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
        ;; Make certain characters word constituents
!       (modify-syntax-entry ?' "w   " ispell-syntax-table)
!       (modify-syntax-entry ?- "w   " ispell-syntax-table)
        ;; Get rid on existing word syntax on certain characters 
        (modify-syntax-entry ?$ ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
        (modify-syntax-entry ?% ".   " ispell-syntax-table)))

--- 38,45 -----
        (setq ispell-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
        ;; Make certain characters word constituents
!       ;; (modify-syntax-entry ?' "w   " ispell-syntax-table)
!       ;; (modify-syntax-entry ?- "w   " ispell-syntax-table)
        ;; Get rid on existing word syntax on certain characters 
        (modify-syntax-entry ?0 ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
        (modify-syntax-entry ?1 ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
*** 36,41
        (modify-syntax-entry ?' "w   " ispell-syntax-table)
        (modify-syntax-entry ?- "w   " ispell-syntax-table)
        ;; Get rid on existing word syntax on certain characters 
        (modify-syntax-entry ?$ ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
        (modify-syntax-entry ?% ".   " ispell-syntax-table)))

--- 41,56 -----
        ;; (modify-syntax-entry ?' "w   " ispell-syntax-table)
        ;; (modify-syntax-entry ?- "w   " ispell-syntax-table)
        ;; Get rid on existing word syntax on certain characters 
+       (modify-syntax-entry ?0 ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
+       (modify-syntax-entry ?1 ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
+       (modify-syntax-entry ?2 ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
+       (modify-syntax-entry ?3 ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
+       (modify-syntax-entry ?4 ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
+       (modify-syntax-entry ?5 ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
+       (modify-syntax-entry ?6 ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
+       (modify-syntax-entry ?7 ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
+       (modify-syntax-entry ?8 ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
+       (modify-syntax-entry ?9 ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
        (modify-syntax-entry ?$ ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
        (modify-syntax-entry ?% ".   " ispell-syntax-table)))
*** 71,77
  	   (or quietly (message "Found it because of %s" (upcase poss))))
  	  ((null poss)
  	   (or quietly (message "Could Not Find %s" (upcase word))))
! 	  (t (setq replace (ispell-choose poss))
  	     (if replace
  		   (goto-char end)

--- 86,92 -----
  	   (or quietly (message "Found it because of %s" (upcase poss))))
  	  ((null poss)
  	   (or quietly (message "Could Not Find %s" (upcase word))))
! 	  (t (setq replace (ispell-choose poss word))
  	     (if replace
  		    (goto-char end)
*** 74,82
  	  (t (setq replace (ispell-choose poss))
  	     (if replace
! 		   (goto-char end)
! 		   (delete-region start end)
! 		   (insert-string replace)))))

--- 89,97 -----
  	  (t (setq replace (ispell-choose poss word))
  	     (if replace
! 		    (goto-char end)
! 		    (delete-region start end)
! 		    (insert-string replace)))))
*** 80,88
! (defun ispell-choose (choices)
!   "Display possible corrections from list CHOICES.  Return chosen word or nil 
! if none chosen."
  	(let ((count 0)

--- 95,103 -----
! (defun ispell-choose (choices word)
!   "Display possible corrections from list CHOICES.  Return chosen word
! if one is chosen; Return nil to keep word"
  	(let ((count 0)
*** 87,94
  	(let ((count 0)
  	      (words choices)
! 	      (pick -1)
! 	      (window-min-height 2))
  	  (overlay-window 3)
  	  (switch-to-buffer "*Choices*") (erase-buffer)
  	  (setq mode-line-format "--  %b  --")

--- 102,109 -----
  	(let ((count 0)
  	      (words choices)
! 	      (window-min-height 2)
! 	      char num result)
  	  (overlay-window 3)
  	  (switch-to-buffer "*Choices*") (erase-buffer)
  	  (setq mode-line-format "--  %b  --")
*** 95,101
  	  (while words
  	    (if (> (+ 7 (current-column) (length (car words))) (window-width))
  		(insert "\n"))
! 	    (insert "(" (+ count ?a) ") " (car words) "  ")
  	    (setq words (cdr words)
  		  count (1+ count)))
  	  (select-window (next-window))

--- 110,116 -----
  	  (while words
  	    (if (> (+ 7 (current-column) (length (car words))) (window-width))
  		(insert "\n"))
! 	    (insert "(" (+ count ?1) ") " (car words) "  ")
  	    (setq words (cdr words)
  		  count (1+ count)))
  	  (select-window (next-window))
*** 99,112
  	    (setq words (cdr words)
  		  count (1+ count)))
  	  (select-window (next-window))
! 	  (while (eq pick -1)
! 	    (message "Enter letter to replace word;  Space to flush")
! 	    (let* ((char (read-char))
! 		   (num (1+ (- (upcase char) ?A))))
! 	      (cond ((= char ? ) (setq pick 0))
! 		    ((or (<= num 0) (> num count)) (ding))
! 		    (t (setq pick num)))))
! 	  (and (> pick 0) (nth (1- pick) choices))))
      ;; Protected forms...
      (bury-buffer "*Choices*")))

--- 114,136 -----
  	    (setq words (cdr words)
  		  count (1+ count)))
  	  (select-window (next-window))
! 	  (while (eq t
! 		     (setq result
! 			   (progn
! 			     (message "Enter letter to replace word;  Space to flush")
! 			     (setq char (upcase (read-char)))
! 			     (setq num (- char ?1))
! 			     (cond ((= char ? ) nil)
! 				   ((= char ?I)
! 				    (ispell-check (concat "*" word))
! 				    nil)
! 				   ((= char ?A)
! 				    (ispell-check (concat "@" word))
! 				    nil)
! 				   ((= char ?R) (read-string "Replacement: " nil))
! 				   ((and (>= num 0) (< num count)) (nth num choices))
! 				   (t (ding) t))))))
! 	  result))
      ;; Protected forms...
      (bury-buffer "*Choices*")))
*** 189,191
  	(process-kill-without-query ispell-process)
  	(sit-for 3))))

--- 213,273 -----
  	(process-kill-without-query ispell-process)
  	(sit-for 3))))
+ (defvar ispell-filter-hook "/bin/cat"
+   "Filter to pass a region through before sending it to ispell.
+ Typically this is set to cat, deroff, detex, etc.")
+ (make-variable-buffer-local 'ispell-filter-hook)
+ (defvar ispell-filter-hook-args nil
+   "Arguments to pass to ispell-filter-hook")
+ (make-variable-buffer-local 'ispell-filter-hook-args)
+ ; This routine has certain limitations brought about by the filter
+ ; hook.  For example, deroff will take ``\fBcat\fR'' and spit out
+ ; ``cat''.  This is hard to search for since word-search-forward will
+ ; not match at all and search-forward for ``cat'' will match
+ ; ``concatinate'' if it happens to occur before.  I attempt to
+ ; minimize these problems by always searching for each word in the
+ ; original buffer even if it is not misspelled.  This slows things
+ ; down.
+ (defun ispell-region (start end)
+   "Check a region for spelling errors interactively.  The variable
+ which should be buffer or mode specific ispell-filter-hook is called
+ to filter out text processing commands."
+   (interactive "r")
+   (let ((this-buf (current-buffer))
+ 	(spell-buf (get-buffer-create "ispell-temp"))
+ 	(current-syntax (syntax-table))
+ 	word poss replace word-start word-end)
+     (unwind-protect
+ 	(save-excursion
+ 	  (set-buffer spell-buf)
+ 	  (erase-buffer)
+ 	  (set-buffer this-buf)
+ 	  (if ispell-filter-hook-args
+ 	      (call-process-region start end ispell-filter-hook nil
+ 				   spell-buf nil ispell-filter-hook-args)
+ 	    (call-process-region start end ispell-filter-hook nil
+ 				 spell-buf nil))
+ 	  (goto-char start)
+ 	  (set-buffer spell-buf)
+ 	  (set-syntax-table ispell-syntax-table)
+ 	  (goto-char (point-min))
+ 	  (while (progn
+ 		   (message "Looking for a misspelled word")
+ 		   (re-search-forward "\\W*\\(\\w+\\)" nil t))
+ 	    (setq word (buffer-substring (setq word-start (match-beginning 1))
+ 					 (setq word-end (match-end 1))))
+ 	    (setq poss (ispell-check word))
+ 	    (set-buffer this-buf)
+ 	    (or (search-forward word nil t)
+ 		(error "Can not find %s in original text" word))
+ 	    (if (not (or (eq poss t) (stringp poss))) ;bad word
+ 		(progn
+ 		  (sit-for 0)
+ 		  (setq replace (ispell-choose poss word))
+ 		  (if replace
+ 		      (replace-match replace))))
+ 	    (set-buffer spell-buf)))
+       (set-syntax-table current-syntax))))
*** ispell.h.old	Tue Jan 13 22:03:30 1987
--- ispell.h	Mon Jan 12 13:26:44 1987
*** 1,7
  /* -*- Mode: Text -*- */
- #define LIBDIR "/usr/local/lib"
  struct dent {
  	struct dent *next;
  	char *word;

--- 1,5 -----
  /* -*- Mode: Text -*- */
  struct dent {
  	struct dent *next;
  	char *word;
***	Tue Jan 13 22:03:19 1987
---	Tue Jan 13 21:53:49 1987
*** 46,52
  is intended to be used from other programs through a pipe.  In this
  .I ispell
! expects the standard input to consist of single words.  Each word is
  read, and a single line is written to the standard output.  If the word
  was found in the main dictionary, or your personal dictionary, then the
  line contains only a '*'.  If the word was found through suffix removal,

--- 46,53 -----
  is intended to be used from other programs through a pipe.  In this
  .I ispell
! expects the standard input to consist of lines containing single words.
! Each word is
  read, and a single line is written to the standard output.  If the word
  was found in the main dictionary, or your personal dictionary, then the
  line contains only a '*'.  If the word was found through suffix removal,
*** 59,64
  is also suitable for interactive use when you want to figure out the
  spelling of a single word.  (These characters are the same as the codes
  that the real spell program uses.)

--- 60,77 -----
  is also suitable for interactive use when you want to figure out the
  spelling of a single word.  (These characters are the same as the codes
  that the real spell program uses.)
+ .PP
+ When in the
+ .B \-a
+ mode,
+ .I ispell
+ will also accept lines of single words prefixed with either a '*' or a '@'.
+ A line starting with '*' tells
+ .I ispell
+ to insert the word into the user's dictionary (simular to the I command).
+ A line starting with '@' causes
+ .I ispell
+ to accept this word in the future (simular to the A command).
*** term.c.old	Tue Jan 13 22:03:32 1987
--- term.c	Tue Jan 13 15:18:15 1987
*** 60,66
  terminit ()
  	int done();
! 	short tpgrp;
  	int onstop();

--- 60,66 -----
  terminit ()
  	int done();
! 	int tpgrp;
  	int onstop();
  	extern short ospeed;
*** 62,67
  	int done();
  	short tpgrp;
  	int onstop();
  	sigsetmask(1<<SIGTSTP | 1<<SIGTTIN | 1<<SIGTTOU);

--- 62,68 -----
  	int done();
  	int tpgrp;
  	int onstop();
+ 	extern short ospeed;
  	sigsetmask(1<<SIGTSTP | 1<<SIGTTIN | 1<<SIGTTOU);
*** 87,92
  	erasechar = sbuf.sg_erase;
  	killchar = sbuf.sg_kill;
  	signal (SIGINT, done);

--- 88,94 -----
  	erasechar = sbuf.sg_erase;
  	killchar = sbuf.sg_kill;
+ 	ospeed = sbuf.sg_ospeed;
  	signal (SIGINT, done);
*** tree.c.old	Tue Jan 13 22:03:33 1987
--- tree.c	Tue Jan 13 21:38:50 1987
*** 75,81
  	char nword[BUFSIZ];
  	strcpy (nword, word);
  	root = tinsert (upcase (nword), root, keep);
! 	newwords = 1;

--- 75,81 -----
  	char nword[BUFSIZ];
  	strcpy (nword, word);
  	root = tinsert (upcase (nword), root, keep);
! 	newwords = newwords || keep;
*** 150,156
  	toutput1 (root);
  	fclose (dictf);

--- 150,156 -----
  	toutput1 (root);
! 	newwords = 0;
  	fclose (dictf);

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