Unix Empire

netsrc at csvax.caltech.edu netsrc at csvax.caltech.edu
Tue Jan 27 18:31:44 AEST 1987

Sorry folks, Mr. Southard did not consult his only uucp neighbor before making
his offer to distribute empire.  I will put the sources in compressed tar'd form 
(along with my nroffification of the man page and a couple of bug reports) up 
for anonymous ftp on csvax.caltech.edu.  If you are not on the ARPANET, try to
find a friendly site close to you.  We do not want to be responsible for 
substantially raising the phone bills of innocent third parties, and so we will
ask Mr. Southard to fill no more requests.

Michael Lichter
michael at vlsi.caltech.edu                             ...!seismo!cit-vax!michael

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