Need dvi2ln3 for SUN (TeX DVI converter for LN03) at at
Mon Jan 12 02:26:55 AEST 1987

Does anyone have a copy of a TeX DVI to LN03 (dvi2ln3) translator which works 
on a SUN (preferably a SUN3 although it probably doesn't matter)?
The 2 major problems I have run into are:
1) big vs. little endian differences between VAX and 68000
2) 8bit data.  The problem is that UNIX does not support 8BIT handshaking.
   Therefore has anyone modified dvi2ln3 to produce 7BIT data?

Please help me!  -- Jonathan Bachrach <bachrach at umass.csnet> or
                                      < at csnet-relay.csnet>

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