vt52 emulator for c64 sources

javoskamp at watnot.UUCP javoskamp at watnot.UUCP
Thu Jan 22 23:54:15 AEST 1987

In article <3021 at brl-adm.ARPA> black at ee.ucla.edu (Rex Black) writes:
>> From: Fred Walter <watmath!grwalter>
>> this is the source for a vt52 emulator for the c64 written by frank 
>> prindle and played with by me. read term.doc.
>> [followed by about 2200 lines of PDP-11 asm. lang.]
>Correct me if I'm misinformed, but, Fred baby, I believe there is
>this neat language called 'C'...
>Anybody got a PDP-11 to C translator?  This s**t is about as useless
>as a bit-mapped boat anchor!
Sorry to spoil your fun, but since the programs supposed to run on a 
Commodore 64 the programs are in fact in 6502 assembler.  As it said,
read term.doc.  It states that has been modified to use the PAL assembler
for the c64.  Given the machine, it's about the only reasonable way to
get any speed out of a modem program.
While I haven't yet had a chance to try it out, I may have a chance to 
download it to my machine over the weekend.

Jeff Voskamp

Remember, always read/try something twice (or more) before complaining that
it's not working.
        The opinions expressed herein are accurate.  
     The same cannot be said for spelling and grammar.
UUCP  : {allegra,decvax,utzoo,clydeo}!watmath!watnot!javoskamp
CSNET : javoskamp%watnot at waterloo.CSNET

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