Ascii/binary OFF conversion utility

rost at granite.UUCP rost at granite.UUCP
Wed Jan 28 06:29:22 AEST 1987

This file contains the source and a man page for "offconv", a utility
to convert Object File Format (OFF) files from ascii to binary or
vice versa.

# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line,
# then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
# Wrapped by granite!rost on Tue Jan 27 12:08:08 PST 1987
# Contents: makefile offconv.1 offconv.c
echo x - makefile
sed 's/^@//' > "makefile" <<'@//E*O*F makefile//'

# Definitions #

# Distribution paths


# Global executable name

GBIN_NAME=	offconv

# Global executable members

GBIN_MEMS=	offconv.o

# Global libraries

GLIBS=		liboff.a

# Global include files

GINCS=		$(GINC_PATH)/off.h

# Standard libraries


# Compilation flags


# Installation Rules #

project:	$(GBIN_NAME)



# Installation Utilities #

	rm -f *.o $(GBIN_NAME) 

	pr $(LDOCS) $(LINCS) *.c makefile | lpr

@//E*O*F makefile//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o= makefile
echo x - offconv.1
sed 's/^@//' > "offconv.1" <<'@//E*O*F offconv.1//'
.TH OFFCONV 1 "14 November 1986"
offconv - OFF file conversion utility
.B offconv
[options] inobj outobj
.I Offconv
converts objects in OFF (Object File Format) from ASCII to binary
or vice versa.  If no options are given, or if the \fI-a\fP option
is specified, \fIinobj\fP
is read and written as \fIoutobj\fP in ASCII format.  
If the \fI-b\fP option is given, \fIinobj\fP is read and written as
\fIoutobj\fP in binary format.
Copyright 1986, Digital Equipment Corporation
Randi J. Rost
Digital Equipment Corporation
Workstation Systems Engineering
Palo Alto, CA
\fIInobj\fP can be the same as \fIoutobj\fP.  However, such usage is not
recommended.  In the event the process is halted (manually or by a
system crash), the original file can be blown away.
@//E*O*F offconv.1//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o= offconv.1
echo x - offconv.c
sed 's/^@//' > "offconv.c" <<'@//E*O*F offconv.c//'

 * Name
 *	offconv
 * Description
 *	Convert off (Object File Format) files from ASCII to binary
 *	and vice versa
 * Author
 *	Randi J. Rost
 *	Digital Equipment Corp.
 *	Workstation Systems Engineering
 *	Palo Alto, CA
 * Diagnostics
 *	Returns -1 if it blows up for any reason
 * History
 *	Randi J. Rost	14-Nov-1986	created

#include <stdio.h>
#include "off.h"

main(argc, argv)
    int		argc;
    char	*argv[];

    OFFObjDesc	obj;
    char	inbase[80], outbase[80];
    char	indir[80], outdir[80];
    char	inext[80], outext[80];
    char	newname[80];
    int		i;
    int		first = 1;
    int		toascii = 1;
    int		type;
    char	dir[80], base[80], ext[80];
    OFFProperty	*pProp;

    if ((argc < 3) || (argc > 4))
	fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-ab] inobj outobj\n", argv[

    if (argv[1][0] == '-')
	switch (argv[1][1])
	    case 'a':  toascii = 1;  first = 2;  break;
	    case 'b':  toascii = 0;  first = 2;  break;
		fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option '%s'\n", argv[1]);
		fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-ab] inobj [outobj]\n", argv[0]);

    OFFReadObj(&obj, argv[first]);
    basename(argv[first], indir, inbase, inext);
    basename(argv[first + 1], outdir, outbase, outext);
    pProp = obj.FirstProp;
    while (pProp != NULL)
	if (pProp->PropFileName != NULL)
	    basename(pProp->PropFileName, dir, base, ext);
	    if (toascii)
		strcpy(newname, outbase);
		strcat(newname, ".");

	    /*  The following kludge will not work if there are valid  */
	    /*  ASCII file extensions that begin with 'b'.  Right now  */
	    /*  we assume that if the extension begins with 'b', the   */
	    /*  file is in binary.                                     */

		if (ext[0] == 'b')
		    strcat(newname, &(ext[1]));
		    strcat(newname, ext);
		strcpy(newname, outbase);
		strcat(newname, ".b");
		strcat(newname, ext);
	    strcpy(pProp->PropFileName, newname);
	pProp = pProp->NextProp;

    strcat(outbase, ".obj");

    if (toascii)
	type = OFF_ASCII; 
	type = OFF_BINARY; 
/*    OFFWriteObj(&obj, argv[first + 1], outdir, type);*/
    OFFWriteObj(&obj, argv[first + 1], "/", type);


basename(fullname, dir, base, ext)
    char	*fullname;
    char	*dir;
    char	*base;
    char	*ext;

    int		i, j;

    i = strlen(fullname);
    while ((i >= 0) && (fullname[i] != '.')) i--;
    if (i < 0)
	{ i = 0; ext[0] = '\0'; }
	strcpy(ext, &(fullname[i + 1]));
    j = i;
    while ((j >= 0) && (fullname[j] != '/')) j--;
    if (j < 0)
	{ dir[0] = '\0'; }
	strncpy(dir, fullname, j);
	dir[j] = '\0';

    if ((j <= 0) && (i == 0))
	strcpy(base, fullname);
	strncpy(base, &(fullname[j + 1]), i - j - 1);
	base[i - j - 1] = '\0';
@//E*O*F offconv.c//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o= offconv.c

exit 0

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