v14i031: Public time (zone) conversion routines, Part02/03

rsalz at rsalz at
Sat Apr 2 04:04:16 AEST 1988

Submitted-by: Arthur David Olson <elsie!ado>
Posting-number: Volume 14, Issue 31
Archive-name: localtime3/part02

: To unbundle, sh this file
echo 'tzfile.h' 1>&2
cat >'tzfile.h' <<'End of tzfile.h'
#ifndef lint
#ifndef NOID
#ifndef TZFILE_H
#define TZFILE_H
static char	tzfilehid[] = "@(#)tzfile.h	4.1";
#endif /* !defined TZFILE_H */
#endif /* !defined NOID */
#endif /* !defined lint */

** Information about time zone files.

#ifndef TZDIR
#define TZDIR		"/etc/zoneinfo"	/* Time zone object file directory */
#endif /* !defined TZDIR */

#define TZDEFAULT	"localtime"
#endif /* !defined TZDEFAULT */

** Each file begins with. . .

struct tzhead {
	char	tzh_reserved[28];	/* reserved for future use */
	char	tzh_leapcnt[4];		/* coded number of leap seconds */
	char	tzh_timecnt[4];		/* coded number of transition times */
	char	tzh_typecnt[4];		/* coded number of local time types */
	char	tzh_charcnt[4];		/* coded number of abbr. chars */

** . . .followed by. . .
**	tzh_timecnt (char [4])s		coded transition times a la time(2)
**	tzh_timecnt (unsigned char)s	types of local time starting at above
**	tzh_typecnt repetitions of
**		one (char [4])		coded GMT offset in seconds
**		one (unsigned char)	used to set tm_isdt
**		one (unsigned char)	that's an abbreviation list index
**	tzh_charcnt (char)s		'\0'-terminated zone abbreviations
**	tzh_leapcnt repetitions of
**		one (char [4])		coded leap second transition times
**		one (char [4])		total correction after above

** In the current implementation, "tzset()" refuses to deal with files that
** exceed any of the limits below.

#ifndef TZ_MAX_TIMES
** The TZ_MAX_TIMES value below is enough to handle a bit more than a
** year's worth of solar time (corrected daily to the nearest second) or
** 138 years of Pacific Presidential Election time
** (where there are three time zone transitions every fourth year).
#define TZ_MAX_TIMES	370
#endif /* !defined TZ_MAX_TIMES */

#ifndef TZ_MAX_TYPES
#ifndef NOSOLAR
#define TZ_MAX_TYPES	256	/* Limited by what (unsigned char)'s can hold */
#else /* !defined NOSOLAR */
#define TZ_MAX_TYPES	10	/* Maximum number of local time types */
#endif /* !defined NOSOLAR */
#endif /* !defined TZ_MAX_TYPES */

#ifndef TZ_MAX_CHARS
#define TZ_MAX_CHARS	50	/* Maximum number of abbreviation characters */
#endif /* !defined TZ_MAX_CHARS */

#ifndef TZ_MAX_LEAPS
#define	TZ_MAX_LEAPS	50	/* Maximum number of leap second corrections */
#endif /* !defined TZ_MAX_LEAPS */

#define SECSPERMIN	60
#define MINSPERHOUR	60
#define HOURSPERDAY	24
#define DAYSPERNYEAR	365
#define DAYSPERLYEAR	366
#define MONSPERYEAR	12

#define TM_SUNDAY	0
#define TM_MONDAY	1
#define TM_TUESDAY	2
#define TM_WEDNESDAY	3
#define TM_THURSDAY	4
#define TM_FRIDAY	5
#define TM_SATURDAY	6

#define TM_JANUARY	0
#define TM_FEBRUARY	1
#define TM_MARCH	2
#define TM_APRIL	3
#define TM_MAY		4
#define TM_JUNE		5
#define TM_JULY		6
#define TM_AUGUST	7
#define TM_SEPTEMBER	8
#define TM_OCTOBER	9
#define TM_NOVEMBER	10
#define TM_DECEMBER	11
#define TM_SUNDAY	0

#define TM_YEAR_BASE	1900

#define EPOCH_YEAR	1970

** Accurate only for the past couple of centuries;
** that will probably do.

#define isleap(y) (((y) % 4) == 0 && ((y) % 100) != 0 || ((y) % 400) == 0)
End of tzfile.h
echo 'nonstd.h' 1>&2
cat >'nonstd.h' <<'End of nonstd.h'
#ifndef NONSTD_H

#define NONSTD_H

#ifndef lint
#ifndef NOID
static char	nonstdhid[] = "@(#)nonstd.h	4.1";
#endif /* !defined NOID */
#endif /* !defined lint */

#ifdef __STDC__

#define P(s)		s

#ifdef __TURBOC__
** Cover for stupid Turbo C
#define genericptr_t	void *
#else /* !defined __TURBOC__ */
typedef void *		genericptr_t;
#endif /* !defined __TURBOC__ */

#define alloc_size_t	size_t
#define qsort_size_t	size_t
#define fread_size_t	size_t
#define fwrite_size_t	size_t

#else /* !defined __STDC__ */

#define ASTERISK	*
#define P(s)		(/ASTERISK s ASTERISK/)

#ifndef genericptr_t
typedef char *		genericptr_t;
#endif /* !defined genericptr_t */

#ifndef alloc_size_t
typedef unsigned	alloc_size_t;
#endif /* !defined alloc_size_t */

#ifndef qsort_size_t
#ifdef unix
#include "sys/param.h"
#endif /* defined unix */
#ifdef BSD
typedef int		qsort_size_t;
#else /* !defined BSD */
typedef unsigned	qsort_size_t;
#endif /* !defined BSD */
#endif /* !defined qsort_size_t */

#ifndef fread_size_t
typedef int		fread_size_t;
#endif /* !defined fread_size_t */

#ifndef fwrite_size_t
typedef int		fwrite_size_t;
#endif /* !defined fwrite_size_t */

#define const
#define noalias
#define volatile

#endif /* !defined __STDC__ */

#endif /* !defined NONSTD_H */

** UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T.
End of nonstd.h
echo 'stdio.h' 1>&2
cat >'stdio.h' <<'End of stdio.h'
#ifndef lint
#ifndef NOID
#ifndef STDIO_H
#define STDIO_H
static char	stdiohid[] = "@(#)stdio.h	4.1";
#endif /* !defined STDIO_H */
#endif /* !defined NOID */
#endif /* !defined lint */

#include "/usr/include/stdio.h"
#else /* !defined STDIO_RECURSING */
#include <stdio.h>
#endif /* !defined STDIO_RECURSING */


#ifdef unix
#include <sys/param.h>
#endif /* defined unix */
#endif /* !defined MAXPATHLEN */

#else /* !defined MAXPATHLEN */
#define FILENAME_MAX	1024		/* Pure guesswork */
#endif /* !defined MAXPATHLEN */

#endif /* !defined FILENAME_MAX */

#ifndef __STDC__
#ifdef unix

#include <sys/param.h>
#ifndef BSD
extern void	perror();
#endif /* !defined BSD */

#define remove(name)	unlink(name)

#endif /* defined unix */
#endif /* !defined __STDC__ */

** UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T.
End of stdio.h
echo 'stdlib.h' 1>&2
cat >'stdlib.h' <<'End of stdlib.h'
#ifndef lint
#ifndef NOID
#ifndef STDLIB_H
#define STDLIB_H
static char	stdlibhid[] = "@(#)stdlib.h	4.1";
#endif /* !defined STDLIB_H */
#endif /* !defined NOID */
#endif /* !defined lint */

#ifdef __STDC__

#include "/usr/include/stdlib.h"
#else /* !defined STDLIB_RECURSING */
#include <stdlib.h>
#endif /* !defined STDLIB_RECURSING */

#ifndef NULL
** Stupid Turbo C doesn't define NULL in stdlib.h
#include <stdio.h>
#endif /* !defined NULL */

#else /* !defined __STDC__ */

#ifdef unix
** Include sys/param.h so we can figure out if we're BSD or USG
#include "sys/param.h"
#endif /* defined unix */

#define EXIT_SUCCESS	0
#endif /* !defined EXIT_SUCCESS */

#define EXIT_FAILURE	0
#endif /* !defined EXIT_FAILURE */

#ifndef NULL
#include <stdio.h>
#endif /* !defined NULL */

** String conversion functions

#include <math.h>

** Memory management funcsions

extern char *	calloc();
extern char *	malloc();
extern char *	realloc();

#ifndef BSD
extern void	free();
#endif /* !defined BSD */

** Communication with the environment

extern char *	getenv();

#ifndef BSD
extern void	exit();
#endif /* !defined BSD */

** Searching and sorting functions

#ifndef BSD
extern void	qsort();
#endif /* !defined BSD */

#endif /* !defined __STDC__ */

** UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T.
End of stdlib.h
echo 'time.h' 1>&2
cat >'time.h' <<'End of time.h'
#ifndef lint
#ifndef NOID
#ifndef TIME_H
#define TIME_H
static char	timehid[] = "@(#)time.h	4.1";
#endif /* !defined TIME_H */
#endif /* !defined NOID */
#endif /* !defined lint */

#include "/usr/include/time.h"
#else /* !defined TIME_RECURSING */
#include <time.h>
#endif /* !defined TIME_RECURSING */

#ifndef __STDC__

#ifndef time_t
#ifdef unix
#include <sys/types.h>
#else /* !defined unix */
typedef long	time_t;
#endif /* !defined unix */
#endif /* !defined time_t */

extern time_t	time();

#endif /* !defined __STDC__ */

** UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T.
End of time.h
echo 'zic.c' 1>&2
cat >'zic.c' <<'End of zic.c'
#ifndef lint
#ifndef NOID
static char	elsieid[] = "@(#)zic.c	4.1";
#endif /* !defined NOID */
#endif /* !defined lint */

#include "stdio.h"
#include "tzfile.h"
#include "ctype.h"
#include "time.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "sys/stat.h"
#include "nonstd.h"

#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE	1
#define FALSE	0
#endif /* !defined TRUE */

extern int	emkdir P((const char * name, int mode));
extern int	getopt P((int argc, char * argv[], const char * options));
extern char *	icatalloc P((char * old, const char * new));
extern char *	icpyalloc P((const char * string));
extern void	ifree P((char * p));
extern char *	imalloc P((int n));
extern char *	irealloc P((char * old, int n));
extern int	link P((const char * fromname, const char * toname));
extern char *	optarg;
extern int	optind;
extern char *	scheck P((const char * string, const char * format));

static void	addtt P((time_t starttime, int type));
static int	addtype P((long gmtoff, const char * abbr, int isdst));
static void	addleap P((time_t t, int positive, int rolling));
static void	adjleap P((void));
static void	associate P((void));
static int	ciequal P((const char * ap, const char * bp));
static void	convert P((long val, char * buf));
static void	eat P((const char * name, int num));
static void	eats P((const char * name, int num,
			const char * rname, int rnum));
static long	eitol P((int i));
static void	error P((const char * message));
static char **	getfields P((char * buf));
static long	gethms P((const char * string, const char * errstrng,
			int signable));
static void	infile P((const char * filename));
static void	inleap P((char ** fields, int nfields));
static void	inlink P((char ** fields, int nfields));
static void	inrule P((char ** fields, int nfiekds));
static int	inzcont P((char ** fields, int nfields));
static int	inzone P((char ** fields, int nfields));
static int	inzsub P((char ** fields, int nfields, int iscont));
static int	itsabbr P((const char * abbr, const char * word));
static int	itsdir P((char * name));
static int	lowerit P((int c));
static char *	memcheck P((char * tocheck));
static int	mkdirs P((char * filename));
static void	newabbr P((const char * abbr));
static long	oadd P((long t1, long t2));
static void	outzone P((const struct zone * zp, int ntzones));
static void	puttzcode P((long code, FILE * fp));
static int	rcomp P((const genericptr_t leftp, const genericptr_t rightp));
static time_t	rpytime P((const struct rule * rp, int wantedy));
static void	rulesub P((struct rule * rp,
			char * loyearp, char * hiyearp, char * typep,
			char * monthp, char * dayp, char * timep));
static void	setboundaries P((void));
static time_t	tadd P((time_t t1, long t2));
static void	usage P((void));
static void	writezone P((const char * name));
static int	yearistype P((int year, const char * type));

static int		charcnt;
static int		errors;
static const char *	filename;
static int		leapcnt;
static int		linenum;
static time_t		max_time;
static int		max_year;
static time_t		min_time;
static int		min_year;
static int		noise;
static const char *	rfilename;
static int		rlinenum;
static const char *	progname;
static int		timecnt;
static int		typecnt;
static int		tt_signed;

** Line codes.

#define LC_RULE		0
#define LC_ZONE		1
#define LC_LINK		2
#define LC_LEAP		3

** Which fields are which on a Zone line.

#define ZF_NAME		1
#define ZF_GMTOFF	2
#define ZF_RULE		3
#define ZF_FORMAT	4
#define ZF_TILYEAR	5
#define ZF_TILMONTH	6
#define ZF_TILDAY	7
#define ZF_TILTIME	8

** Which fields are which on a Zone continuation line.

#define ZFC_GMTOFF	0
#define ZFC_RULE	1
#define ZFC_FORMAT	2
#define ZFC_TILYEAR	3
#define ZFC_TILMONTH	4
#define ZFC_TILDAY	5
#define ZFC_TILTIME	6

** Which files are which on a Rule line.

#define RF_NAME		1
#define RF_LOYEAR	2
#define RF_HIYEAR	3
#define RF_COMMAND	4
#define RF_MONTH	5
#define RF_DAY		6
#define RF_TOD		7
#define RF_STDOFF	8
#define RF_ABBRVAR	9
#define RULE_FIELDS	10

** Which fields are which on a Link line.

#define LF_FROM		1
#define LF_TO		2
#define LINK_FIELDS	3

** Which fields are which on a Leap line.

#define LP_YEAR		1
#define LP_MONTH	2
#define LP_DAY		3
#define LP_TIME		4
#define LP_CORR		5
#define LP_ROLL		6
#define LEAP_FIELDS	7

struct rule {
	const char *	r_filename;
	int		r_linenum;
	const char *	r_name;

	int		r_loyear;	/* for example, 1986 */
	int		r_hiyear;	/* for example, 1986 */
	const char *	r_yrtype;

	int		r_month;	/* 0..11 */

	int		r_dycode;	/* see below */
	int		r_dayofmonth;
	int		r_wday;

	long		r_tod;		/* time from midnight */
	int		r_todisstd;	/* above is standard time if TRUE */
					/* or wall clock time if FALSE */
	long		r_stdoff;	/* offset from standard time */
	const char *	r_abbrvar;	/* variable part of abbreviation */

	int		r_todo;		/* a rule to do (used in outzone) */
	time_t		r_temp;		/* used in outzone */

**	r_dycode		r_dayofmonth	r_wday

#define DC_DOM		0	/* 1..31 */	/* unused */
#define DC_DOWGEQ	1	/* 1..31 */	/* 0..6 (Sun..Sat) */
#define DC_DOWLEQ	2	/* 1..31 */	/* 0..6 (Sun..Sat) */

** Year synonyms.

#define YR_MINIMUM	0
#define YR_MAXIMUM	1
#define YR_ONLY		2

static struct rule *	rules;
static int		nrules;	/* number of rules */

struct zone {
	const char *	z_filename;
	int		z_linenum;

	const char *	z_name;
	long		z_gmtoff;
	const char *	z_rule;
	const char *	z_format;

	long		z_stdoff;

	struct rule *	z_rules;
	int		z_nrules;

	struct rule	z_untilrule;
	time_t		z_untiltime;

static struct zone *	zones;
static int		nzones;	/* number of zones */

struct link {
	const char *	l_filename;
	int		l_linenum;
	const char *	l_from;
	const char *	l_to;

static struct link *	links;
static int		nlinks;

struct lookup {
	const char *	l_word;
	const int	l_value;

static struct lookup const *	byword P((const char * string,
					const struct lookup * lp));

static struct lookup const	line_codes[] = {
	"Rule",		LC_RULE,
	"Zone",		LC_ZONE,
	"Link",		LC_LINK,
	"Leap",		LC_LEAP,
	NULL,		0

static struct lookup const	mon_names[] = {
	"January",	TM_JANUARY,
	"February",	TM_FEBRUARY,
	"March",	TM_MARCH,
	"April",	TM_APRIL,
	"May",		TM_MAY,
	"June",		TM_JUNE,
	"July",		TM_JULY,
	"August",	TM_AUGUST,
	"September",	TM_SEPTEMBER,
	"October",	TM_OCTOBER,
	"November",	TM_NOVEMBER,
	"December",	TM_DECEMBER,
	NULL,		0

static struct lookup const	wday_names[] = {
	"Sunday",	TM_SUNDAY,
	"Monday",	TM_MONDAY,
	"Tuesday",	TM_TUESDAY,
	"Wednesday",	TM_WEDNESDAY,
	"Thursday",	TM_THURSDAY,
	"Friday",	TM_FRIDAY,
	"Saturday",	TM_SATURDAY,
	NULL,		0

static struct lookup const	lasts[] = {
	"last-Sunday",		TM_SUNDAY,
	"last-Monday",		TM_MONDAY,
	"last-Tuesday",		TM_TUESDAY,
	"last-Wednesday",	TM_WEDNESDAY,
	"last-Thursday",	TM_THURSDAY,
	"last-Friday",		TM_FRIDAY,
	"last-Saturday",	TM_SATURDAY,
	NULL,			0

static struct lookup const	begin_years[] = {
	"minimum",		YR_MINIMUM,
	"maximum",		YR_MAXIMUM,
	NULL,			0

static struct lookup const	end_years[] = {
	"minimum",		YR_MINIMUM,
	"maximum",		YR_MAXIMUM,
	"only",			YR_ONLY,
	NULL,			0

static struct lookup const	leap_types[] = {
	"Rolling",		TRUE,
	"Stationary",		FALSE,
	NULL,			0

static const int	len_months[2][MONSPERYEAR] = {
	31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31,
	31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31

static const int	len_years[2] = {

static time_t		ats[TZ_MAX_TIMES];
static unsigned char	types[TZ_MAX_TIMES];
static long		gmtoffs[TZ_MAX_TYPES];
static char		isdsts[TZ_MAX_TYPES];
static char		abbrinds[TZ_MAX_TYPES];
static char		chars[TZ_MAX_CHARS];
static time_t		trans[TZ_MAX_LEAPS];
static long		corr[TZ_MAX_LEAPS];
static char		roll[TZ_MAX_LEAPS];

** Memory allocation.

static char *
char *	ptr;
	if (ptr == NULL) {
		(void) perror(progname);
		(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	return ptr;

#define emalloc(size)		memcheck(imalloc(size))
#define erealloc(ptr, size)	memcheck(irealloc(ptr, size))
#define ecpyalloc(ptr)		memcheck(icpyalloc(ptr))
#define ecatalloc(oldp, newp)	memcheck(icatalloc(oldp, newp))

** Error handling.

static void
eats(name, num, rname, rnum)
const char *	name;
const char *	rname;
	filename = name;
	linenum = num;
	rfilename = rname;
	rlinenum = rnum;

static void
eat(name, num)
const char *	name;
	eats(name, num, (char *) NULL, -1);

static void
const char *	string;
	** Match the format of "cc" to allow sh users to
	** 	zic ... 2>&1 | error -t "*" -v
	** on BSD systems.
	(void) fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %d: %s",
		filename, linenum, string);
	if (rfilename != NULL)
		(void) fprintf(stderr, " (rule from \"%s\", line %d)",
			rfilename, rlinenum);
	(void) fprintf(stderr, "\n");

static void
	(void) fprintf(stderr,
"%s: usage is %s [ -s ] [ -v ] [ -l localtime ] [ -d directory ]\n\
\t[ -L leapseconds ] [ filename ... ]\n",
		progname, progname);
	(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);

static const char *	lcltime = NULL;
static const char *	directory = NULL;
static const char *	leapsec = NULL;
static int		sflag = FALSE;

main(argc, argv)
int	argc;
char *	argv[];
	register int	i, j;
	register int	c;

#ifdef unix
	(void) umask(umask(022) | 022);
#endif /* defined unix */
	progname = argv[0];
	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "d:l:L:vs")) != EOF)
		switch (c) {
			case 'd':
				if (directory == NULL)
					directory = optarg;
				else {
					(void) fprintf(stderr,
"%s: More than one -d option specified\n",
					(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
			case 'l':
				if (lcltime == NULL)
					lcltime = optarg;
				else {
					(void) fprintf(stderr,
"%s: More than one -l option specified\n",
					(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
			case 'L':
				if (leapsec == NULL)
					leapsec = optarg;
				else {
					(void) fprintf(stderr,
"%s: More than one -L option specified\n",
					(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
			case 'v':
				noise = TRUE;
			case 's':
				sflag = TRUE;
	if (optind == argc - 1 && strcmp(argv[optind], "=") == 0)
		usage();	/* usage message by request */
	if (directory == NULL)
		directory = TZDIR;
	if (leapsec == NULL)
		leapsec = "leapseconds";


	if (optind < argc) {

	zones = (struct zone *) emalloc(0);
	rules = (struct rule *) emalloc(0);
	links = (struct link *) emalloc(0);
	for (i = optind; i < argc; ++i)
	if (errors)
		(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	for (i = 0; i < nzones; i = j) {
		 * Find the next non-continuation zone entry.
		for (j = i + 1; j < nzones && zones[j].z_name == NULL; ++j)
		outzone(&zones[i], j - i);
	** Make links.
	for (i = 0; i < nlinks + (lcltime != NULL); ++i) {
		register char *	fromname;
		register char *	toname;

		fromname = ecpyalloc(directory);
		fromname = ecatalloc(fromname, "/");
		fromname = ecatalloc(fromname,
			(i == nlinks) ? lcltime : links[i].l_from);
		toname = ecpyalloc(directory);
		toname = ecatalloc(toname, "/");
		toname = ecatalloc(toname,
			(i == nlinks) ? TZDEFAULT : links[i].l_to);
		** We get to be careful here since
		** there's a fair chance of root running us.
		if (!itsdir(toname))
			(void) remove(toname);
		if (link(fromname, toname) != 0) {
			(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't link from %s to ",
				progname, fromname);
			(void) perror(toname);
			(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	return (errors == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;

static void
	register time_t	bit;

	for (bit = 1; bit > 0; bit <<= 1)
	if (bit == 0) {		/* time_t is an unsigned type */
		tt_signed = FALSE;
		min_time = 0;
		max_time = ~(time_t) 0;
		if (sflag)
			max_time >>= 1;
	} else {
		tt_signed = TRUE;
		min_time = bit;
		max_time = bit;
		max_time = -max_time;
		if (sflag)
			min_time = 0;
	min_year = TM_YEAR_BASE + gmtime(&min_time)->tm_year;
	max_year = TM_YEAR_BASE + gmtime(&max_time)->tm_year;

static int
char *	name;
	struct stat	s;

	return stat(name, &s) == 0 && (s.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR;

** Associate sets of rules with zones.

** Sort by rule name.

rcomp(cp1, cp2)
const genericptr_t	cp1;
const genericptr_t	cp2;
	return strcmp(((struct rule *) cp1)->r_name,
		((struct rule *) cp2)->r_name);

static void
	register struct zone *	zp;
	register struct rule *	rp;
	register int		base, out;
	register int		i;

	if (nrules != 0) {
		** This only *looks* like an optimization;
		** it's actually a workaround for a buggy Turbo C 1.5 qsort.
		for (i = 1; i < nrules; ++i)
			if (rcomp((char *) &rules[i - 1],
				(char *) &rules[i]) > 0)
		if (i < nrules)
			(void) qsort((genericptr_t) rules,
				(qsort_size_t) nrules,
				(qsort_size_t) sizeof *rules, rcomp);
	for (i = 0; i < nzones; ++i) {
		zp = &zones[i];
		zp->z_rules = NULL;
		zp->z_nrules = 0;
	for (base = 0; base < nrules; base = out) {
		rp = &rules[base];
		for (out = base + 1; out < nrules; ++out)
			if (strcmp(rp->r_name, rules[out].r_name) != 0)
		for (i = 0; i < nzones; ++i) {
			zp = &zones[i];
			if (strcmp(zp->z_rule, rp->r_name) != 0)
			zp->z_rules = rp;
			zp->z_nrules = out - base;
	for (i = 0; i < nzones; ++i) {
		zp = &zones[i];
		if (zp->z_nrules == 0) {
			** Maybe we have a local standard time offset.
			eat(zp->z_filename, zp->z_linenum);
			zp->z_stdoff = gethms(zp->z_rule, "unruly zone", TRUE);
			** Note, though, that if there's no rule,
			** a '%s' in the format is a bad thing.
			if (strchr(zp->z_format, '%') != 0)
				error("%s in ruleless zone");
	if (errors)
		(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);

static void
const char *	name;
	register FILE *			fp;
	register char **		fields;
	register char *			cp;
	register const struct lookup *	lp;
	register int			nfields;
	register int			wantcont;
	register int			num;
	char				buf[BUFSIZ];

	if (strcmp(name, "-") == 0) {
		name = "standard input";
		fp = stdin;
	} else if ((fp = fopen(name, "r")) == NULL) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't open ", progname);
		(void) perror(name);
		(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	wantcont = FALSE;
	for (num = 1; ; ++num) {
		eat(name, num);
		if (fgets(buf, (int) sizeof buf, fp) != buf)
		cp = strchr(buf, '\n');
		if (cp == NULL) {
			error("line too long");
			(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
		*cp = '\0';
		fields = getfields(buf);
		nfields = 0;
		while (fields[nfields] != NULL) {
			if (ciequal(fields[nfields], "-"))
				fields[nfields] = "";
		if (nfields == 0) {
			/* nothing to do */
		} else if (wantcont) {
			wantcont = inzcont(fields, nfields);
		} else {
			lp = byword(fields[0], line_codes);
			if (lp == NULL)
				error("input line of unknown type");
			else switch ((int) (lp->l_value)) {
				case LC_RULE:
					inrule(fields, nfields);
					wantcont = FALSE;
				case LC_ZONE:
					wantcont = inzone(fields, nfields);
				case LC_LINK:
					inlink(fields, nfields);
					wantcont = FALSE;
				case LC_LEAP:
					if (name != leapsec)
						(void) fprintf(stderr,
"%s: Leap line in non leap seconds file %s\n",
						progname, name);
						inleap(fields, nfields);
					wantcont = FALSE;
				default:	/* "cannot happen" */
					(void) fprintf(stderr,
"%s: panic: Invalid l_value %d\n",
						progname, lp->l_value);
					(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
		ifree((char *) fields);
	if (ferror(fp)) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error reading ", progname);
		(void) perror(filename);
		(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	if (fp != stdin && fclose(fp)) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error closing ", progname);
		(void) perror(filename);
		(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	if (wantcont)
		error("expected continuation line not found");

** Convert a string of one of the forms
**	h	-h 	hh:mm	-hh:mm	hh:mm:ss	-hh:mm:ss
** into a number of seconds.
** A null string maps to zero.
** Call error with errstring and return zero on errors.

static long
gethms(string, errstring, signable)
const char *	string;
const char *	errstring;
	int	hh, mm, ss, sign;

	if (string == NULL || *string == '\0')
		return 0;
	if (!signable)
		sign = 1;
	else if (*string == '-') {
		sign = -1;
	} else	sign = 1;
	if (sscanf(string, scheck(string, "%d"), &hh) == 1)
		mm = ss = 0;
	else if (sscanf(string, scheck(string, "%d:%d"), &hh, &mm) == 2)
		ss = 0;
	else if (sscanf(string, scheck(string, "%d:%d:%d"),
		&hh, &mm, &ss) != 3) {
			return 0;
	if (hh < 0 || hh >= HOURSPERDAY ||
		mm < 0 || mm >= MINSPERHOUR ||
		ss < 0 || ss > SECSPERMIN) {
			return 0;
	return eitol(sign) *
		(eitol(hh * MINSPERHOUR + mm) *
		eitol(SECSPERMIN) + eitol(ss));

static void
inrule(fields, nfields)
register char **	fields;
	static struct rule	r;

	if (nfields != RULE_FIELDS) {
		error("wrong number of fields on Rule line");
	if (*fields[RF_NAME] == '\0') {
		error("nameless rule");
	r.r_filename = filename;
	r.r_linenum = linenum;
	r.r_stdoff = gethms(fields[RF_STDOFF], "invalid saved time", TRUE);
	rulesub(&r, fields[RF_LOYEAR], fields[RF_HIYEAR], fields[RF_COMMAND],
		fields[RF_MONTH], fields[RF_DAY], fields[RF_TOD]);
	r.r_name = ecpyalloc(fields[RF_NAME]);
	r.r_abbrvar = ecpyalloc(fields[RF_ABBRVAR]);
	rules = (struct rule *) erealloc((char *) rules,
		(int) ((nrules + 1) * sizeof *rules));
	rules[nrules++] = r;

inzone(fields, nfields)
register char **	fields;
	register int	i;
	char		buf[132];

	if (nfields < ZONE_MINFIELDS || nfields > ZONE_MAXFIELDS) {
		error("wrong number of fields on Zone line");
		return FALSE;
	if (strcmp(fields[ZF_NAME], TZDEFAULT) == 0 && lcltime != NULL) {
		(void) sprintf(buf,
			"\"Zone %s\" line and -l option are mutually exclusive",
		return FALSE;
	for (i = 0; i < nzones; ++i)
		if (zones[i].z_name != NULL &&
			strcmp(zones[i].z_name, fields[ZF_NAME]) == 0) {
				(void) sprintf(buf,
"duplicate zone name %s (file \"%s\", line %d)",
				return FALSE;
	return inzsub(fields, nfields, FALSE);

inzcont(fields, nfields)
register char **	fields;
	if (nfields < ZONEC_MINFIELDS || nfields > ZONEC_MAXFIELDS) {
		error("wrong number of fields on Zone continuation line");
		return FALSE;
	return inzsub(fields, nfields, TRUE);

inzsub(fields, nfields, iscont)
register char **	fields;
	register char *		cp;
	static struct zone	z;
	register int		i_gmtoff, i_rule, i_format;
	register int		i_untilyear, i_untilmonth;
	register int		i_untilday, i_untiltime;
	register int		hasuntil;

	if (iscont) {
		i_gmtoff = ZFC_GMTOFF;
		i_rule = ZFC_RULE;
		i_format = ZFC_FORMAT;
		i_untilyear = ZFC_TILYEAR;
		i_untilmonth = ZFC_TILMONTH;
		i_untilday = ZFC_TILDAY;
		i_untiltime = ZFC_TILTIME;
		z.z_name = NULL;
	} else {
		i_gmtoff = ZF_GMTOFF;
		i_rule = ZF_RULE;
		i_format = ZF_FORMAT;
		i_untilyear = ZF_TILYEAR;
		i_untilmonth = ZF_TILMONTH;
		i_untilday = ZF_TILDAY;
		i_untiltime = ZF_TILTIME;
		z.z_name = ecpyalloc(fields[ZF_NAME]);
	z.z_filename = filename;
	z.z_linenum = linenum;
	z.z_gmtoff = gethms(fields[i_gmtoff], "invalid GMT offset", TRUE);
	if ((cp = strchr(fields[i_format], '%')) != 0) {
		if (*++cp != 's' || strchr(cp, '%') != 0) {
			error("invalid abbreviation format");
			return FALSE;
	z.z_rule = ecpyalloc(fields[i_rule]);
	z.z_format = ecpyalloc(fields[i_format]);
	hasuntil = nfields > i_untilyear;
	if (hasuntil) {
		z.z_untilrule.r_filename = filename;
		z.z_untilrule.r_linenum = linenum;
			(nfields > i_untilmonth) ? fields[i_untilmonth] : "Jan",
			(nfields > i_untilday) ? fields[i_untilday] : "1",
			(nfields > i_untiltime) ? fields[i_untiltime] : "0");
		z.z_untiltime = rpytime(&z.z_untilrule, z.z_untilrule.r_loyear);
		if (iscont && nzones > 0 && z.z_untiltime < max_time &&
			z.z_untiltime > min_time &&
			zones[nzones - 1].z_untiltime >= z.z_untiltime) {
error("Zone continuation line end time is not after end time of previous line");
			return FALSE;
	zones = (struct zone *) erealloc((char *) zones,
		(int) ((nzones + 1) * sizeof *zones));
	zones[nzones++] = z;
	** If there was an UNTIL field on this line,
	** there's more information about the zone on the next line.
	return hasuntil;

static void
inleap(fields, nfields)
register char **	fields;
	register char *			cp;
	register const struct lookup *	lp;
	register int			i, j;
	int				year, month, day;
	long				dayoff, tod;
	time_t				t;

	if (nfields != LEAP_FIELDS) {
		error("wrong number of fields on Leap line");
	dayoff = 0;
	cp = fields[LP_YEAR];
	if (sscanf(cp, scheck(cp, "%d"), &year) != 1 ||
		year < min_year || year > max_year) {
			error("invalid leaping year");
	while (j != year) {
		if (year > j) {
			i = len_years[isleap(j)];
		} else {
			i = -len_years[isleap(j)];
		dayoff = oadd(dayoff, eitol(i));
	if ((lp = byword(fields[LP_MONTH], mon_names)) == NULL) {
		error("invalid month name");
	month = lp->l_value;
	while (j != month) {
		i = len_months[isleap(year)][j];
		dayoff = oadd(dayoff, eitol(i));
	cp = fields[LP_DAY];
	if (sscanf(cp, scheck(cp, "%d"), &day) != 1 ||
		day <= 0 || day > len_months[isleap(year)][month]) {
			error("invalid day of month");
	dayoff = oadd(dayoff, eitol(day - 1));
	if (dayoff < 0 && !tt_signed) {
		error("time before zero");
	t = (time_t) dayoff * SECSPERDAY;
	** Cheap overflow check.
	if (t / SECSPERDAY != dayoff) {
		error("time overflow");
	tod = gethms(fields[LP_TIME], "invalid time of day", FALSE);
	cp = fields[LP_CORR];
	if (strcmp(cp, "+") != 0 && strcmp(cp, "") != 0) {
		/* infile() turned "-" into "" */
		error("illegal CORRECTION field on Leap line");
	if ((lp = byword(fields[LP_ROLL], leap_types)) == NULL) {
		error("illegal Rolling/Stationary field on Leap line");
	addleap(tadd(t, tod), *cp == '+', lp->l_value);

static void
inlink(fields, nfields)
register char **	fields;
	struct link	l;

	if (nfields != LINK_FIELDS) {
		error("wrong number of fields on Link line");
	if (*fields[LF_FROM] == '\0') {
		error("blank FROM field on Link line");
	if (*fields[LF_TO] == '\0') {
		error("blank TO field on Link line");
	l.l_filename = filename;
	l.l_linenum = linenum;
	l.l_from = ecpyalloc(fields[LF_FROM]);
	l.l_to = ecpyalloc(fields[LF_TO]);
	links = (struct link *) erealloc((char *) links,
		(int) ((nlinks + 1) * sizeof *links));
	links[nlinks++] = l;

static void
rulesub(rp, loyearp, hiyearp, typep, monthp, dayp, timep)
register struct rule *	rp;
char *			loyearp;
char *			hiyearp;
char *			typep;
char *			monthp;
char *			dayp;
char *			timep;
	register struct lookup const *	lp;
	register char *			cp;

	if ((lp = byword(monthp, mon_names)) == NULL) {
		error("invalid month name");
	rp->r_month = lp->l_value;
	rp->r_todisstd = FALSE;
	cp = timep;
	if (*cp != '\0') {
		cp += strlen(cp) - 1;
		switch (lowerit(*cp)) {
			case 's':
				rp->r_todisstd = TRUE;
				*cp = '\0';
			case 'w':
				rp->r_todisstd = FALSE;
				*cp = '\0';
	rp->r_tod = gethms(timep, "invalid time of day", FALSE);
	** Year work.
	cp = loyearp;
	if ((lp = byword(cp, begin_years)) != NULL) switch ((int) lp->l_value) {
		case YR_MINIMUM:
			rp->r_loyear = min_year;
		case YR_MAXIMUM:
			rp->r_loyear = max_year;
		default:	/* "cannot happen" */
			(void) fprintf(stderr,
				"%s: panic: Invalid l_value %d\n",
				progname, lp->l_value);
			(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	} else if (sscanf(cp, scheck(cp, "%d"), &rp->r_loyear) != 1 ||
		rp->r_loyear < min_year || rp->r_loyear > max_year) {
			if (noise)
				error("invalid starting year");
			if (rp->r_loyear > max_year)
	cp = hiyearp;
	if ((lp = byword(cp, end_years)) != NULL) switch ((int) lp->l_value) {
		case YR_MINIMUM:
			rp->r_hiyear = min_year;
		case YR_MAXIMUM:
			rp->r_hiyear = max_year;
		case YR_ONLY:
			rp->r_hiyear = rp->r_loyear;
		default:	/* "cannot happen" */
			(void) fprintf(stderr,
				"%s: panic: Invalid l_value %d\n",
				progname, lp->l_value);
			(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	} else if (sscanf(cp, scheck(cp, "%d"), &rp->r_hiyear) != 1 ||
		rp->r_hiyear < min_year || rp->r_hiyear > max_year) {
			if (noise)
				error("invalid ending year");
			if (rp->r_hiyear < min_year)
	if (rp->r_hiyear < min_year)
 	if (rp->r_loyear < min_year)
 		rp->r_loyear = min_year;
 	if (rp->r_hiyear > max_year)
 		rp->r_hiyear = max_year;
	if (rp->r_loyear > rp->r_hiyear) {
		error("starting year greater than ending year");
	if (*typep == '\0')
		rp->r_yrtype = NULL;
	else {
		if (rp->r_loyear == rp->r_hiyear) {
			error("typed single year");
		rp->r_yrtype = ecpyalloc(typep);
	** Day work.
	** Accept things such as:
	**	1
	**	last-Sunday
	**	Sun<=20
	**	Sun>=7
	if ((lp = byword(dayp, lasts)) != NULL) {
		rp->r_dycode = DC_DOWLEQ;
		rp->r_wday = lp->l_value;
		rp->r_dayofmonth = len_months[1][rp->r_month];
	} else {
		if ((cp = strchr(dayp, '<')) != 0)
			rp->r_dycode = DC_DOWLEQ;
		else if ((cp = strchr(dayp, '>')) != 0)
			rp->r_dycode = DC_DOWGEQ;
		else {
			cp = dayp;
			rp->r_dycode = DC_DOM;
		if (rp->r_dycode != DC_DOM) {
			*cp++ = 0;
			if (*cp++ != '=') {
				error("invalid day of month");
			if ((lp = byword(dayp, wday_names)) == NULL) {
				error("invalid weekday name");
			rp->r_wday = lp->l_value;
		if (sscanf(cp, scheck(cp, "%d"), &rp->r_dayofmonth) != 1 ||
			rp->r_dayofmonth <= 0 ||
			(rp->r_dayofmonth > len_months[1][rp->r_month])) {
				error("invalid day of month");

static void
convert(val, buf)
long	val;
char *	buf;
	register int	i;
	register long	shift;

	for (i = 0, shift = 24; i < 4; ++i, shift -= 8)
		buf[i] = val >> shift;

static void
puttzcode(val, fp)
long	val;
FILE *	fp;
	char	buf[4];

	convert(val, buf);
	(void) fwrite((genericptr_t) buf,
		(fwrite_size_t) sizeof buf,
		(fwrite_size_t) 1, fp);

static void
const char *	name;
	register FILE *		fp;
	register int		i, j;
	char			fullname[BUFSIZ];
	static struct tzhead	tzh;

	if (strlen(directory) + 1 + strlen(name) >= sizeof fullname) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr,
			"%s: File name %s/%s too long\n", progname,
			directory, name);
		(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	(void) sprintf(fullname, "%s/%s", directory, name);
	if ((fp = fopen(fullname, "wb")) == NULL) {
		if (mkdirs(fullname) != 0)
			(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
		if ((fp = fopen(fullname, "wb")) == NULL) {
			(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't create ", progname);
			(void) perror(fullname);
			(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	convert(eitol(leapcnt), tzh.tzh_leapcnt);
	convert(eitol(timecnt), tzh.tzh_timecnt);
	convert(eitol(typecnt), tzh.tzh_typecnt);
	convert(eitol(charcnt), tzh.tzh_charcnt);
	(void) fwrite((genericptr_t) &tzh,
		(fwrite_size_t) sizeof tzh,
		(fwrite_size_t) 1, fp);
	for (i = 0; i < timecnt; ++i) {
		j = leapcnt;
		while (--j >= 0)
			if (ats[i] >= trans[j]) {
				ats[i] = tadd(ats[i], corr[j]);
		puttzcode((long) ats[i], fp);
	if (timecnt > 0)
		(void) fwrite((genericptr_t) types,
			(fwrite_size_t) sizeof types[0],
			(fwrite_size_t) timecnt, fp);
	for (i = 0; i < typecnt; ++i) {
		puttzcode((long) gmtoffs[i], fp);
		(void) putc(isdsts[i], fp);
		(void) putc(abbrinds[i], fp);
	if (charcnt != 0)
		(void) fwrite((genericptr_t) chars,
			(fwrite_size_t) sizeof chars[0],
			(fwrite_size_t) charcnt, fp);
	for (i = 0; i < leapcnt; ++i) {
		if (roll[i]) {
			if (timecnt == 0 || trans[i] < ats[0]) {
				j = 0;
				while (isdsts[j])
					if (++j >= typecnt) {
						j = 0;
			} else {
				j = 1;
				while (j < timecnt && trans[i] >= ats[j])
				j = types[j - 1];
			puttzcode((long) tadd(trans[i], -gmtoffs[j]), fp);
		} else	puttzcode((long) trans[i], fp);
		puttzcode((long) corr[i], fp);
	if (ferror(fp) || fclose(fp)) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Write error on ", progname);
		(void) perror(fullname);
		(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);

static void
outzone(zpfirst, zonecount)
const struct zone *	zpfirst;
	register const struct zone *	zp;
	register struct rule *		rp;
	register int			i, j;
	register int			usestart, useuntil;
	register time_t			starttime, untiltime;
	register long			gmtoff;
	register long			stdoff;
	register int			year;
	register long			startoff;
	register int			startisdst;
	register int			type;
	char				startbuf[BUFSIZ];

	** Now. . .finally. . .generate some useful data!
	timecnt = 0;
	typecnt = 0;
	charcnt = 0;
	** Two guesses. . .the second may well be corrected later.
	gmtoff = zpfirst->z_gmtoff;
	stdoff = 0;
#ifdef lint
	starttime = 0;
#endif /* defined lint */
#ifdef __TURBOC__
	starttime = 0;
#endif /* defined __TURBOC__ */
	for (i = 0; i < zonecount; ++i) {
		usestart = i > 0;
		useuntil = i < (zonecount - 1);
		zp = &zpfirst[i];
		eat(zp->z_filename, zp->z_linenum);
		startisdst = -1;
		if (zp->z_nrules == 0) {
			type = addtype(oadd(zp->z_gmtoff, zp->z_stdoff),
				zp->z_format, zp->z_stdoff != 0);
			if (usestart)
				addtt(starttime, type);
			gmtoff = zp->z_gmtoff;
			stdoff = zp->z_stdoff;
		} else for (year = min_year; year <= max_year; ++year) {
			if (useuntil && year > zp->z_untilrule.r_hiyear)
			** Mark which rules to do in the current year.
			** For those to do, calculate rpytime(rp, year);
			for (j = 0; j < zp->z_nrules; ++j) {
				rp = &zp->z_rules[j];
				eats(zp->z_filename, zp->z_linenum,
					rp->r_filename, rp->r_linenum);
				rp->r_todo = year >= rp->r_loyear &&
						year <= rp->r_hiyear &&
						yearistype(year, rp->r_yrtype);
				if (rp->r_todo)
					rp->r_temp = rpytime(rp, year);
			for ( ; ; ) {
				register int	k;
				register time_t	jtime, ktime;
				register long	offset;
				char		buf[BUFSIZ];

				if (useuntil) {
					** Turn untiltime into GMT
					** assuming the current gmtoff and
					** stdoff values.
					offset = gmtoff;
					if (!zp->z_untilrule.r_todisstd)
						offset = oadd(offset, stdoff);
					untiltime = tadd(zp->z_untiltime,
				** Find the rule (of those to do, if any)
				** that takes effect earliest in the year.
				k = -1;
#ifdef lint
				ktime = 0;
#endif /* defined lint */
#ifdef __TURBOC__
				ktime = 0;
#endif /* defined __TURBOC__ */
				for (j = 0; j < zp->z_nrules; ++j) {
					rp = &zp->z_rules[j];
					if (!rp->r_todo)
					eats(zp->z_filename, zp->z_linenum,
						rp->r_filename, rp->r_linenum);
					offset = gmtoff;
					if (!rp->r_todisstd)
						offset = oadd(offset, stdoff);
					jtime = rp->r_temp;
					if (jtime == min_time ||
						jtime == max_time)
					jtime = tadd(jtime, -offset);
					if (k < 0 || jtime < ktime) {
						k = j;
						ktime = jtime;
				if (k < 0)
					break;	/* go on to next year */
				rp = &zp->z_rules[k];
				rp->r_todo = FALSE;
				if (useuntil && ktime >= untiltime)
				if (usestart) {
					if (ktime < starttime) {
						stdoff = rp->r_stdoff;
						startoff = oadd(zp->z_gmtoff,
						(void) sprintf(startbuf,
						startisdst =
							rp->r_stdoff != 0;
					if (ktime != starttime &&
						startisdst >= 0)
addtt(starttime, addtype(startoff, startbuf, startisdst));
					usestart = FALSE;
				eats(zp->z_filename, zp->z_linenum,
					rp->r_filename, rp->r_linenum);
				(void) sprintf(buf, zp->z_format,
				offset = oadd(zp->z_gmtoff, rp->r_stdoff);
				type = addtype(offset, buf, rp->r_stdoff != 0);
				if (timecnt != 0 || rp->r_stdoff != 0)
					addtt(ktime, type);
				gmtoff = zp->z_gmtoff;
				stdoff = rp->r_stdoff;
		** Now we may get to set starttime for the next zone line.
		if (useuntil)
			starttime = tadd(zp->z_untiltime,
				-gmtoffs[types[timecnt - 1]]);

static void
addtt(starttime, type)
time_t	starttime;
	if (timecnt != 0 && type == types[timecnt - 1])
		return;	/* easy enough! */
	if (timecnt >= TZ_MAX_TIMES) {
		error("too many transitions?!");
		(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	ats[timecnt] = starttime;
	types[timecnt] = type;

addtype(gmtoff, abbr, isdst)
long		gmtoff;
const char *	abbr;
	register int	i, j;

	** See if there's already an entry for this zone type.
	** If so, just return its index.
	for (i = 0; i < typecnt; ++i) {
		if (gmtoff == gmtoffs[i] && isdst == isdsts[i] &&
			strcmp(abbr, &chars[abbrinds[i]]) == 0)
				return i;
	** There isn't one; add a new one, unless there are already too
	** many.
	if (typecnt >= TZ_MAX_TYPES) {
		error("too many local time types");
		(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	gmtoffs[i] = gmtoff;
	isdsts[i] = isdst;

	for (j = 0; j < charcnt; ++j)
		if (strcmp(&chars[j], abbr) == 0)
	if (j == charcnt)
	abbrinds[i] = j;
	return i;

static void
addleap(t, positive, rolling)
time_t	t;
	register int	i, j;

	if (leapcnt >= TZ_MAX_LEAPS) {
		error("too many leap seconds");
		(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	for (i = 0; i < leapcnt; ++i)
		if (t <= trans[i]) {
			if (t == trans[i]) {
				error("repeated leap second moment");
				(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	for (j = leapcnt; j > i; --j) {
		trans[j] = trans[j-1];
		corr[j] = corr[j-1];
		roll[j] = roll[j-1];
	trans[i] = t;
	corr[i] = (positive ? 1L : -1L);
	roll[i] = rolling;

static void
	register int	i;
	register long	last = 0;

	** propagate leap seconds forward
	for (i = 0; i < leapcnt; ++i) {
		trans[i] = tadd(trans[i], last);
		last = corr[i] += last;

yearistype(year, type)
const char *	type;
	char	buf[BUFSIZ];
	int	result;

	if (type == NULL || *type == '\0')
		return TRUE;
	if (strcmp(type, "uspres") == 0)
		return (year % 4) == 0;
	if (strcmp(type, "nonpres") == 0)
		return (year % 4) != 0;
	(void) sprintf(buf, "yearistype %d %s", year, type);
	result = system(buf);
	if (result == 0)
		return TRUE;
	if (result == (1 << 8))
		return FALSE;
	error("Wild result from command execution");
	(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: command was '%s', result was %d\n",
		progname, buf, result);
	for ( ; ; )
		(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);

	return (isascii(a) && isupper(a)) ? tolower(a) : a;

ciequal(ap, bp)		/* case-insensitive equality */
register const char *	ap;
register const char *	bp;
	while (lowerit(*ap) == lowerit(*bp++))
		if (*ap++ == '\0')
			return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

static int
itsabbr(abbr, word)
register const char *	abbr;
register const char *	word;
	if (lowerit(*abbr) != lowerit(*word))
		return FALSE;
	while (*++abbr != '\0')
		do if (*word == '\0')
			return FALSE;
				while (lowerit(*word++) != lowerit(*abbr));
	return TRUE;

static const struct lookup *
byword(word, table)
register const char *		word;
register const struct lookup *	table;
	register const struct lookup *	foundlp;
	register const struct lookup *	lp;

	if (word == NULL || table == NULL)
		return NULL;
	** Look for exact match.
	for (lp = table; lp->l_word != NULL; ++lp)
		if (ciequal(word, lp->l_word))
			return lp;
	** Look for inexact match.
	foundlp = NULL;
	for (lp = table; lp->l_word != NULL; ++lp)
		if (itsabbr(word, lp->l_word))
			if (foundlp == NULL)
				foundlp = lp;
			else	return NULL;	/* multiple inexact matches */
	return foundlp;

static char **
register char *	cp;
	register char *		dp;
	register char **	array;
	register int		nsubs;

	if (cp == NULL)
		return NULL;
	array = (char **) emalloc((int) ((strlen(cp) + 1) * sizeof *array));
	nsubs = 0;
	for ( ; ; ) {
		while (isascii(*cp) && isspace(*cp))
		if (*cp == '\0' || *cp == '#')
		array[nsubs++] = dp = cp;
		do {
			if ((*dp = *cp++) != '"')
			else while ((*dp = *cp++) != '"')
				if (*dp != '\0')
				else	error("Odd number of quotation marks");
		} while (*cp != '\0' && *cp != '#' &&
			(!isascii(*cp) || !isspace(*cp)));
		if (isascii(*cp) && isspace(*cp))
		*dp = '\0';
	array[nsubs] = NULL;
	return array;

static long
oadd(t1, t2)
long	t1;
long	t2;
	register long	t;

	t = t1 + t2;
	if (t2 > 0 && t <= t1 || t2 < 0 && t >= t1) {
		error("time overflow");
		(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	return t;

static time_t
tadd(t1, t2)
time_t	t1;
long	t2;
	register time_t	t;

	if (t1 == max_time && t2 > 0)
		return max_time;
	if (t1 == min_time && t2 < 0)
		return min_time;
	t = t1 + t2;
	if (t2 > 0 && t <= t1 || t2 < 0 && t >= t1) {
		error("time overflow");
		(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	return t;

** Given a rule, and a year, compute the date - in seconds since January 1,
** 1970, 00:00 LOCAL time - in that year that the rule refers to.

static time_t
rpytime(rp, wantedy)
register const struct rule *	rp;
register int			wantedy;
	register int	y, m, i;
	register long	dayoff;			/* with a nod to Margaret O. */
	register time_t	t;

	dayoff = 0;
	while (wantedy != y) {
		if (wantedy > y) {
			i = len_years[isleap(y)];
		} else {
			i = -len_years[isleap(y)];
		dayoff = oadd(dayoff, eitol(i));
	while (m != rp->r_month) {
		i = len_months[isleap(y)][m];
		dayoff = oadd(dayoff, eitol(i));
	i = rp->r_dayofmonth;
	if (m == TM_FEBRUARY && i == 29 && !isleap(y)) {
		if (rp->r_dycode == DC_DOWLEQ)
		else {
			error("use of 2/29 in non leap-year");
			(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	dayoff = oadd(dayoff, eitol(i));
	if (rp->r_dycode == DC_DOWGEQ || rp->r_dycode == DC_DOWLEQ) {
		register long	wday;

		wday = eitol(EPOCH_WDAY);
		** Don't trust mod of negative numbers.
		if (dayoff >= 0)
			wday = (wday + dayoff) % LDAYSPERWEEK;
		else {
			wday -= ((-dayoff) % LDAYSPERWEEK);
			if (wday < 0)
				wday += LDAYSPERWEEK;
		while (wday != eitol(rp->r_wday))
			if (rp->r_dycode == DC_DOWGEQ) {
				dayoff = oadd(dayoff, (long) 1);
				if (++wday >= LDAYSPERWEEK)
					wday = 0;
			} else {
				dayoff = oadd(dayoff, (long) -1);
				if (--wday < 0)
					wday = LDAYSPERWEEK;
		if (i < 0 || i >= len_months[isleap(y)][m]) {
			error("no day in month matches rule");
			(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	if (dayoff < 0 && !tt_signed) {
		if (wantedy == rp->r_loyear)
			return min_time;
		error("time before zero");
		(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	t = (time_t) dayoff * SECSPERDAY;
	** Cheap overflow check.
	if (t / SECSPERDAY != dayoff) {
		if (wantedy == rp->r_hiyear)
			return max_time;
		if (wantedy == rp->r_loyear)
			return min_time;
		error("time overflow");
		(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	return tadd(t, rp->r_tod);

static void
const char *	string;
	register int	i;

	i = strlen(string) + 1;
	if (charcnt + i >= TZ_MAX_CHARS) {
		error("too many, or too long, time zone abbreviations");
		(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	(void) strcpy(&chars[charcnt], string);
	charcnt += eitol(i);

char *	name;
	register char *	cp;

	if ((cp = name) == NULL || *cp == '\0')
		return 0;
	while ((cp = strchr(cp + 1, '/')) != 0) {
		*cp = '\0';
#ifndef unix
		** MS-DOS drive specifier?
		if (strlen(name) == 2 && isascii(name[0]) &&
			isalpha(name[0]) && name[1] == ':') {
				*cp = '/';
#endif /* !defined unix */
		if (!itsdir(name)) {
			 * It doesn't seem to exist, so we try to create it.
			if (emkdir(name, 0755) != 0) {
				(void) fprintf(stderr,
					"%s: Can't create directory ",
				(void) perror(name);
				return -1;
		*cp = '/';
	return 0;

static long
	long	l;

	l = i;
	if (i < 0 && l >= 0 || i == 0 && l != 0 || i > 0 && l <= 0) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d did not sign extend correctly\n",
			progname, i);
		(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	return l;

** UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T.
End of zic.c
echo 'zdump.c' 1>&2
cat >'zdump.c' <<'End of zdump.c'
#ifndef lint
#ifndef NOID
static char	elsieid[] = "@(#)zdump.c	4.1";
#endif /* !defined NOID */
#endif /* !defined lint */

#include "stdio.h"
#include "time.h"
#include "tzfile.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "nonstd.h"

#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE		1
#define FALSE		0
#endif /* !defined TRUE */

extern char **	environ;
extern void	ifree P((char * p));
extern char *	imalloc P((int n));
extern int	getopt P((int argc, char * argv[], char * options));
extern char *	optarg;
extern int	optind;
extern char *	tzname[2];
extern void	tzset P((void));

static int	longest;
static void     readerr P((FILE * fp,
			const char * progname, const char * filename));
static void	show P((const char * zone, time_t t, int v));
static long	tzdecode P((const char * buffer));

static long
const char *	codep;
	register int	i;
	register long	result;

	result = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
		result = (result << 8) | (codep[i] & 0xff);
	return result;

main(argc, argv)
int	argc;
char *	argv[];
	register FILE *		fp;
	register int		i, j, c;
	register int		vflag;
	register const char *	cutoff;
	register int		cutyear;
	register long		cuttime, k;
	time_t			now;
	time_t			t;
	long			leapcnt, timecnt;
	long			typecnt, charcnt;
	char			buf[FILENAME_MAX + 1];

	vflag = 0;
	cutoff = NULL;
	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "c:v")) == 'c' || c == 'v')
		if (c == 'v')
			vflag = 1;
		else	cutoff = optarg;
	if (c != EOF || optind == argc - 1 && strcmp(argv[optind], "=") == 0) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: usage is %s [ -v ] zonename ...\n",
			argv[0], argv[0]);
		(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	if (cutoff != NULL)
		cutyear = atoi(cutoff);
	** VERY approximate.
	cuttime = (long) (cutyear - EPOCH_YEAR) *
	(void) time(&now);
	longest = 0;
	for (i = optind; i < argc; ++i)
		if (strlen(argv[i]) > longest)
			longest = strlen(argv[i]);
	for (i = optind; i < argc; ++i) {
		register char **	saveenv;
		char *			tzequals;
		char *			fakeenv[2];

		tzequals = imalloc(strlen(argv[i]) + 4);
		if (tzequals == NULL) {
			(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't allocate memory\n",
			(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
		(void) sprintf(tzequals, "TZ=%s", argv[i]);
		fakeenv[0] = tzequals;
		fakeenv[1] = NULL;
		saveenv = environ;
		environ = fakeenv;
		(void) tzset();
		environ = saveenv;
		show(argv[i], now, FALSE);
		if (!vflag)
		if (argv[i][0] == '\0') {
			fp = NULL;
			timecnt = 0;
			leapcnt = 0;
		} else {
			struct tzhead	tzh;

			if (argv[i][0] == '/')
				fp = fopen(argv[i], "rb");
			else {
				j = strlen(TZDIR) + 1 + strlen(argv[i]) + 1;
				if (j > sizeof buf) {
					(void) fprintf(stderr,
"%s: timezone name %s/%s is too long\n",
						argv[0], TZDIR, argv[i]);
					(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
				(void) sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", TZDIR, argv[i]);
				fp = fopen(buf, "rb");
			if (fp == NULL) {
				(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't open ",
				(void) perror(argv[i]);
				(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
			if (fread((genericptr_t) &tzh,
				(fread_size_t) sizeof tzh,
				(fread_size_t) 1, fp) != 1)
					readerr(fp, argv[0], argv[i]);
			leapcnt = tzdecode(tzh.tzh_leapcnt);
			timecnt = tzdecode(tzh.tzh_timecnt);
			typecnt = tzdecode(tzh.tzh_typecnt);
			charcnt = tzdecode(tzh.tzh_charcnt);
		t = 0x80000000;
		if (t > 0)		/* time_t is unsigned */
			t = 0;
		show(argv[i], t, TRUE);
		show(argv[i], t, TRUE);
		for (k = timecnt; k > 0; --k) {
			char	code[4];

			if (fread((genericptr_t) code,
				(fread_size_t) sizeof code,
				(fread_size_t) 1, fp) != 1)
					readerr(fp, argv[0], argv[i]);
			t = tzdecode(code);
			if (cutoff != NULL && t > cuttime)
			show(argv[i], t - 1, TRUE);
			show(argv[i], t, TRUE);
		if (fp != NULL)
			(void) fseek(fp, (long) sizeof (struct tzhead) +
				timecnt * 5 + typecnt * 6 + charcnt, 0);
		for (k = leapcnt; k > 0; --k) {
			char	code[4];

			if (fread((genericptr_t) code,
				(fread_size_t) sizeof code,
				(fread_size_t) 1, fp) != 1)
					readerr(fp, argv[0], argv[i]);
			(void) fseek(fp, (long) sizeof code, 1);
			t = tzdecode(code);
			if (cutoff != NULL && t > cuttime)
			show(argv[i], t - 1, TRUE);
			show(argv[i], t, TRUE);
			show(argv[i], t + 1, TRUE);
		if (fp != NULL && fclose(fp)) {
			(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error closing ", argv[0]);
			(void) perror(argv[i]);
			(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
		t = 0xffffffff;
		if (t < 0)		/* time_t is signed */
			t = 0x7fffffff ;
		show(argv[i], t, TRUE);
		show(argv[i], t, TRUE);
	if (fflush(stdout) || ferror(stdout)) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error writing standard output ",
		(void) perror("standard output");
		(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
	return 0;

static void
show(zone, t, v)
const char *	zone;
time_t		t;
	const struct tm *	tmp;
	extern struct tm *	localtime();

	(void) printf("%-*s  ", longest, zone);
	if (v)
		(void) printf("%.24s GMT = ", asctime(gmtime(&t)));
	tmp = localtime(&t);
	(void) printf("%.24s", asctime(tmp));
	if (*tzname[tmp->tm_isdst] != '\0')
		(void) printf(" %s", tzname[tmp->tm_isdst]);
	if (v) {
		(void) printf(" isdst=%d", tmp->tm_isdst);
		(void) printf(" gmtoff=%ld", tmp->tm_gmtoff);
#endif /* KRE_COMPAT */
	(void) printf("\n");

static void
readerr(fp, progname, filename)
FILE *	fp;
const char *	progname;
const char *	filename;
	(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error reading ", progname);
	if (ferror(fp))
		(void) perror(filename);
	else	(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Premature EOF\n", filename);
	(void) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
End of zdump.c
echo 'localtime.c' 1>&2
cat >'localtime.c' <<'End of localtime.c'
#ifndef lint
#ifndef NOID
static char	elsieid[] = "@(#)localtime.c	4.1";
#endif /* !defined NOID */
#endif /* !defined lint */


#include "tzfile.h"
#include "time.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "stdio.h"	/* for FILENAME_MAX */
#include "fcntl.h"	/* for O_RDONLY */
#include "nonstd.h"

#ifdef __TURBOC__
#include "io.h"		/* for open et al. prototypes */
#endif /* defined __TURBOC__ */


#ifdef O_BINARY
#else /* !defined O_BINARY */
#endif /* !defined O_BINARY */

#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE		1
#define FALSE		0
#endif /* !defined TRUE */

static long		detzcode P((const char * codep));
struct tm *     	offtime P((const time_t * clockp, long offset));
#endif /* !defined STD_INSPIRED */
static void		timesub P((const time_t * clockp, long offset,
				const struct state * sp, struct tm * tmp));
static int		tzload P((const char * name, struct state * sp));
void			tzsetwall P((void));

struct ttinfo {				/* time type information */
	long		tt_gmtoff;	/* GMT offset in seconds */
	int		tt_isdst;	/* used to set tm_isdst */
	int		tt_abbrind;	/* abbreviation list index */

struct lsinfo {				/* leap second information */
	time_t		ls_trans;	/* transition time */
	long		ls_corr;	/* correction to apply */

struct state {
	int		leapcnt;
	int		timecnt;
	int		typecnt;
	int		charcnt;
	time_t		ats[TZ_MAX_TIMES];
	unsigned char	types[TZ_MAX_TIMES];
	struct ttinfo	ttis[TZ_MAX_TYPES];
	char		chars[TZ_MAX_CHARS + 1];
	struct lsinfo	lsis[TZ_MAX_LEAPS];

static struct state	lclstate;
static struct state	gmtstate;

static int		lcl_is_set;
static int		gmt_is_set;

char *			tzname[2] = {

time_t			timezone = 0;
int			daylight = 0;
#endif /* defined USG_COMPAT */

char *			tz_abbr;	/* compatibility w/older versions */
#endif /* defined TZA_COMPAT */

static long
const char *	codep;
	register long	result;
	register int	i;

	result = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
		result = (result << 8) | (codep[i] & 0xff);
	return result;

static int
tzload(name, sp)
register const char *	name;
register struct state *	sp;
	register const char *	p;
	register int		i;
	register int		fid;

	if (name == 0 && (name = TZDEFAULT) == 0)
		return -1;
		register int 	doaccess;
		char		fullname[FILENAME_MAX + 1];

		doaccess = name[0] == '/';
		if (!doaccess) {
			if ((p = TZDIR) == NULL)
				return -1;
			if ((strlen(p) + strlen(name) + 1) >= sizeof fullname)
				return -1;
			(void) strcpy(fullname, p);
			(void) strcat(fullname, "/");
			(void) strcat(fullname, name);
			** Set doaccess if '.' (as in "../") shows up in name.
			if (strchr(name, '.') != NULL)
				doaccess = TRUE;
			name = fullname;
		if (doaccess && access(name, ACCESS_MODE) != 0)
			return -1;
		if ((fid = open(name, OPEN_MODE)) == -1)
			return -1;
		register const struct tzhead *	tzhp;
		char				buf[sizeof *sp];

		i = read(fid, buf, sizeof buf);
		if (close(fid) != 0 || i < sizeof *tzhp)
			return -1;
		tzhp = (struct tzhead *) buf;
		sp->leapcnt = (int) detzcode(tzhp->tzh_leapcnt);
		sp->timecnt = (int) detzcode(tzhp->tzh_timecnt);
		sp->typecnt = (int) detzcode(tzhp->tzh_typecnt);
		sp->charcnt = (int) detzcode(tzhp->tzh_charcnt);
		if (sp->leapcnt > TZ_MAX_LEAPS ||
			sp->timecnt > TZ_MAX_TIMES ||
			sp->typecnt == 0 ||
			sp->typecnt > TZ_MAX_TYPES ||
			sp->charcnt > TZ_MAX_CHARS)
				return -1;
		if (i < sizeof *tzhp +
			sp->timecnt * (4 + sizeof (char)) +
			sp->typecnt * (4 + 2 * sizeof (char)) +
			sp->charcnt * sizeof (char) +
			sp->leapcnt * 2 * 4)
				return -1;
		p = buf + sizeof *tzhp;
		for (i = 0; i < sp->timecnt; ++i) {
			sp->ats[i] = detzcode(p);
			p += 4;
		for (i = 0; i < sp->timecnt; ++i)
			sp->types[i] = (unsigned char) *p++;
		for (i = 0; i < sp->typecnt; ++i) {
			register struct ttinfo *	ttisp;

			ttisp = &sp->ttis[i];
			ttisp->tt_gmtoff = detzcode(p);
			p += 4;
			ttisp->tt_isdst = (unsigned char) *p++;
			ttisp->tt_abbrind = (unsigned char) *p++;
		for (i = 0; i < sp->charcnt; ++i)
			sp->chars[i] = *p++;
		sp->chars[i] = '\0';	/* ensure '\0' at end */
		for (i = 0; i < sp->leapcnt; ++i) {
			register struct lsinfo *	lsisp;

			lsisp = &sp->lsis[i];
			lsisp->ls_trans = detzcode(p);
			p += 4;
			lsisp->ls_corr = detzcode(p);
			p += 4;
	** Check that all the local time type indices are valid.
	for (i = 0; i < sp->timecnt; ++i)
		if (sp->types[i] >= sp->typecnt)
			return -1;
	** Check that all abbreviation indices are valid.
	for (i = 0; i < sp->typecnt; ++i)
		if (sp->ttis[i].tt_abbrind >= sp->charcnt)
			return -1;
	** Set tzname elements to initial values.
	if (sp == &lclstate) {
		tzname[0] = tzname[1] = &sp->chars[0];
		timezone = -sp->ttis[0].tt_gmtoff;
		daylight = 0;
#endif /* defined USG_COMPAT */
		for (i = 1; i < sp->typecnt; ++i) {
			register const struct ttinfo *	ttisp;

			ttisp = &sp->ttis[i];
			if (ttisp->tt_isdst) {
				tzname[1] = &sp->chars[ttisp->tt_abbrind];
				daylight = 1;
#endif /* defined USG_COMPAT */
			} else {
				tzname[0] = &sp->chars[ttisp->tt_abbrind];
				timezone = -ttisp->tt_gmtoff;
#endif /* defined USG_COMPAT */
	return 0;

static void
register struct state *	sp;
	sp->leapcnt = 0;		/* so, we're off a little */
	sp->timecnt = 0;
	sp->ttis[0].tt_gmtoff = 0;
	sp->ttis[0].tt_abbrind = 0;
	(void) strcpy(sp->chars, "GMT");
	if (sp == &lclstate) {
		tzname[0] = tzname[1] = sp->chars;
		timezone = 0;
		daylight = 0;
#endif /* defined USG_COMPAT */

	register const char *	name;

	lcl_is_set = TRUE;
	name = getenv("TZ");
	if (name != 0 && *name == '\0')
		tzsetgmt(&lclstate);		/* GMT by request */
	else if (tzload(name, &lclstate) != 0)

	lcl_is_set = TRUE;
	if (tzload((char *) 0, &lclstate) != 0)

struct tm *
const time_t *	timep;
	register const struct state *	sp;
	register const struct ttinfo *	ttisp;
	register int			i;
	time_t				t;
	static struct tm		tm;

	if (!lcl_is_set)
	sp = &lclstate;
	t = *timep;
	if (sp->timecnt == 0 || t < sp->ats[0]) {
		i = 0;
		while (sp->ttis[i].tt_isdst)
			if (++i >= sp->typecnt) {
				i = 0;
	} else {
		for (i = 1; i < sp->timecnt; ++i)
			if (t < sp->ats[i])
		i = sp->types[i - 1];
	ttisp = &sp->ttis[i];
	** To get (wrong) behavior that's compatible with System V Release 2.0
	** you'd replace the statement below with
	**	t += ttisp->tt_gmtoff;
	**	timesub(&t, 0L, sp, &tm);
	timesub(&t, ttisp->tt_gmtoff, sp, &tm);
	tm.tm_isdst = ttisp->tt_isdst;
	tzname[tm.tm_isdst] = &sp->chars[ttisp->tt_abbrind];
	tm.tm_zone = &sp->chars[ttisp->tt_abbrind];
#endif /* defined KRE_COMPAT */
	tz_abbr = &sp->chars[ttisp->tt_abbrind];
#endif /* defined TZA_COMPAT */
	return &tm;

struct tm *
const time_t *	clock;
	static struct tm	tm;

	if (!gmt_is_set) {
		gmt_is_set = TRUE;
		if (tzload("GMT", &gmtstate) != 0)
	timesub(clock, 0L, &gmtstate, &tm);
	tm.tm_zone = "GMT";		/* UCT ? */
#endif /* defined KRE_COMPAT */
	return &tm;


struct tm *
offtime(clock, offset)
const time_t *	clock;
long		offset;
	static struct tm	tm;

	if (!gmt_is_set) {
		gmt_is_set = TRUE;
		if (tzload("GMT", &gmtstate) != 0)
	timesub(clock, offset, &gmtstate, &tm);
	return &tm;

#endif /* defined STD_INSPIRED */

static const int	mon_lengths[2][MONSPERYEAR] = {
	31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31,
	31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31

static const int	year_lengths[2] = {

static void
timesub(clock, offset, sp, tmp)
const time_t *			clock;
long				offset;
register const struct state *	sp;
register struct tm *		tmp;
	register const struct lsinfo *	lp;
	register long			days;
	register long			rem;
	register int			y;
	register int			yleap;
	register const int *		ip;
	register long			corr;
	register int			hit;

	corr = 0;
	hit = FALSE;
	y = sp->leapcnt;
	while (--y >= 0) {
		lp = &sp->lsis[y];
		if (*clock >= lp->ls_trans) {
			if (*clock == lp->ls_trans)
				hit = ((y == 0 && lp->ls_corr > 0) ||
					lp->ls_corr > sp->lsis[y-1].ls_corr);
			corr = lp->ls_corr;
	days = *clock / SECSPERDAY;
	rem = *clock % SECSPERDAY;
	rem += (offset - corr);
	while (rem < 0) {
		rem += SECSPERDAY;
	while (rem >= SECSPERDAY) {
		rem -= SECSPERDAY;
	tmp->tm_hour = (int) (rem / SECSPERHOUR);
	rem = rem % SECSPERHOUR;
	tmp->tm_min = (int) (rem / SECSPERMIN);
	tmp->tm_sec = (int) (rem % SECSPERMIN);
	if (hit)
		 * A positive leap second requires a special
		 * representation.  This uses "... ??:59:60".
		 tmp->tm_sec += 1;
	tmp->tm_wday = (int) ((EPOCH_WDAY + days) % DAYSPERWEEK);
	if (tmp->tm_wday < 0)
		tmp->tm_wday += DAYSPERWEEK;
	if (days >= 0)
		for ( ; ; ) {
			yleap = isleap(y);
			if (days < (long) year_lengths[yleap])
			days = days - (long) year_lengths[yleap];
	else do {
		yleap = isleap(y);
		days = days + (long) year_lengths[yleap];
	} while (days < 0);
	tmp->tm_year = y - TM_YEAR_BASE;
	tmp->tm_yday = (int) days;
	ip = mon_lengths[yleap];
	for (tmp->tm_mon = 0; days >= (long) ip[tmp->tm_mon]; ++(tmp->tm_mon))
		days = days - (long) ip[tmp->tm_mon];
	tmp->tm_mday = (int) (days + 1);
	tmp->tm_isdst = 0;
	tmp->tm_zone = "";
	tmp->tm_gmtoff = offset;
#endif /* defined KRE_COMPAT */


** If ctime and localtime aren't in the same file on 4.3BSD systems,
** you can run into compilation problems--take
**	cc date.c -lz
** (please).

char *
const time_t *	timep;
	return asctime(localtime(timep));

#endif /* defined BSD_COMPAT */
End of localtime.c
echo 'asctime.c' 1>&2
cat >'asctime.c' <<'End of asctime.c'
#ifndef lint
#ifndef NOID
static char	elsieid[] = "@(#)asctime.c	4.1";
#endif /* !defined NOID */
#endif /* !defined lint */


#include "stdio.h"
#include "time.h"
#include "tzfile.h"
#include "nonstd.h"

** A la X3J11

char *
register const struct tm *	timeptr;
	static const char	wday_name[DAYSPERWEEK][3] = {
		"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"
	static const char	mon_name[MONSPERYEAR][3] = {
		"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
		"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
	static char	result[26];

	(void) sprintf(result, "%.3s %.3s%3d %02.2d:%02.2d:%02.2d %d\n",
		timeptr->tm_mday, timeptr->tm_hour,
		timeptr->tm_min, timeptr->tm_sec,
		TM_YEAR_BASE + timeptr->tm_year);
	return result;
End of asctime.c
echo 'ctime.c' 1>&2
cat >'ctime.c' <<'End of ctime.c'
#ifndef lint
#ifndef NOID
static char	elsieid[] = "@(#)ctime.c	4.1";
#endif /* !defined NOID */
#endif /* !defined lint */


#ifndef BSD_COMPAT

** On non-BSD systems, this can be a separate function (as is proper).

#include "time.h"
#include "nonstd.h"

char *
const time_t *	timep;
	return asctime(localtime(timep));

#endif /* !defined BSD_COMPAT */
End of ctime.c
echo 'dysize.c' 1>&2
cat >'dysize.c' <<'End of dysize.c'
#ifndef lint
#ifndef NOID
static char	elsieid[] = "@(#)dysize.c	4.1";
#endif /* !defined NOID */
#endif /* !defined lint */



#include "tzfile.h"

	** The 4.[0123]BSD version of dysize behaves as if the return statement
	** below read
	**	return ((y % 4) == 0) ? DAYSPERLYEAR : DAYSPERNYEAR;
	** but since we'd rather be right than (strictly) compatible. . .
	return isleap(y) ? DAYSPERLYEAR : DAYSPERNYEAR;

#endif /* defined BSD_COMPAT */
End of dysize.c
echo 'timemk.c' 1>&2
cat >'timemk.c' <<'End of timemk.c'
#ifndef lint
#ifndef NOID
static char	elsieid[] = "@(#)timemk.c	4.1";
#endif /* !defined NOID */
#endif /* !defined lint */



** Code provided by Robert Elz, who writes:
**	The "best" way to do mktime I think is based on an idea of Bob
**	Kridle's (so its said...) from a long time ago. (mtxinu!kridle now).
**	It does a binary search of the time_t space.  Since time_t's are
**	just 32 bits, its a max of 32 iterations (even at 64 bits it
**	would still be very reasonable).
** This code does handle "out of bounds" values in the way described
** for "mktime" in the October, 1986 draft of the proposed ANSI C Standard;
** though this is an accident of the implementation and *cannot* be made to
** work correctly for the purposes there described.
** A warning applies if you try to use these functions with a version of
** "localtime" that has overflow problems (such as System V Release 2.0
** or 4.3 BSD localtime).
** If you're not using GMT and feed a value to localtime
** that's near the minimum (or maximum) possible time_t value, localtime
** may return a struct that represents a time near the maximum (or minimum)
** possible time_t value (because of overflow).  If such a returned struct tm
** is fed to timelocal, it will not return the value originally feed to
** localtime.

#include "time.h"
#include "tzfile.h"
#include "nonstd.h"

#ifndef WRONG
#define WRONG	(-1)
#endif /* !defined WRONG */

extern struct tm *	offtime P((const time_t * clock, long offset));

static time_t
timemk(timeptr, funcp, offset)
const struct tm *	timeptr;
struct tm * (*		funcp)();
long			offset;
	register int	direction;
	register int	bits;
	time_t		t;
	struct tm	yourtm, mytm;

	yourtm = *timeptr;
	** Correct the tm supplied, in case some of its values are
	** out of range.
	while (yourtm.tm_sec > SECSPERMIN)	/* could be leap sec */
		++yourtm.tm_min, yourtm.tm_sec -= SECSPERMIN;
	while (yourtm.tm_sec < 0)
		--yourtm.tm_min, yourtm.tm_sec += SECSPERMIN;
	while (yourtm.tm_min >= MINSPERHOUR)
		++yourtm.tm_hour, yourtm.tm_min -= MINSPERHOUR;
	while (yourtm.tm_min < 0)
		--yourtm.tm_hour, yourtm.tm_min += MINSPERHOUR;
	while (yourtm.tm_hour >= HOURSPERDAY)
		++yourtm.tm_mday, yourtm.tm_hour -= HOURSPERDAY;
	while (yourtm.tm_hour < 0)
		--yourtm.tm_mday, yourtm.tm_hour += HOURSPERDAY;
	while (yourtm.tm_mday > 31)		/* trust me [kre] */
		++yourtm.tm_mon, yourtm.tm_mday -= 31;
	while (yourtm.tm_mday <= 0)
		--yourtm.tm_mon, yourtm.tm_mday += 31;
	while (yourtm.tm_mon >= MONSPERYEAR)
		++yourtm.tm_year, yourtm.tm_mon -= MONSPERYEAR;
	while (yourtm.tm_mon < 0)
		--yourtm.tm_year, yourtm.tm_mon += MONSPERYEAR;
	** Calculate the number of magnitude bits in a time_t
	** (this works regardless of whether time_t is
	** signed or unsigned, though lint complains if unsigned).
	for (bits = 0, t = 1; t > 0; ++bits, t <<= 1)
	** If time_t is signed, then 0 is the median value,
	** if time_t is unsigned, then 1 << bits is median.
	t = (t < 0) ? 0 : ((time_t) 1 << bits);
	for ( ; ; ) {
		mytm = (funcp == offtime) ?
			*((*funcp)(&t, offset)) : *((*funcp)(&t));
		if ((direction = (mytm.tm_year - yourtm.tm_year)) == 0 &&
			(direction = (mytm.tm_mon - yourtm.tm_mon)) == 0 &&
			(direction = (mytm.tm_mday - yourtm.tm_mday)) == 0 &&
			(direction = (mytm.tm_hour - yourtm.tm_hour)) == 0 &&
			(direction = (mytm.tm_min - yourtm.tm_min)) == 0)
				direction = mytm.tm_sec - yourtm.tm_sec;
		if (direction == 0) {
			*timeptr = mytm;
			return t;
		if (bits-- < 0) {
			*timeptr = yourtm;	/* restore "original" value */
			if (yourtm.tm_mday == 31) {
				timeptr->tm_mday = 1;
				t = timemk(timeptr, funcp, offset);
				if (t != WRONG)
					return t;
				*timeptr = yourtm;
			} else if (yourtm.tm_mon == TM_FEBRUARY &&
				yourtm.tm_mday > 28) {
					timeptr->tm_mday -= 28;
					t = timemk(timeptr, funcp, offset);
					if (t != WRONG)
						return t;
					*timeptr = yourtm;
			return WRONG;
		if (bits < 0)
		else if (direction > 0)
			t -= (time_t) 1 << bits;
		else	t += (time_t) 1 << bits;

const struct tm *	timeptr;
	return timemk(timeptr, localtime, 0L);

const struct tm *	timeptr;
	return timemk(timeptr, gmtime, 0L);

timeoff(timeptr, offset)
const struct tm *	timeptr;
long			offset;
	return timemk(timeptr, offtime, offset);

#endif /* defined STD_INSPIRED */
End of timemk.c
echo 'scheck.c' 1>&2
cat >'scheck.c' <<'End of scheck.c'
#ifndef lint
#ifndef NOID
static char	elsieid[] = "@(#)scheck.c	8.8";
#endif /* !defined lint */
#endif /* !defined NOID */


#include "stdio.h"
#include "ctype.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "nonstd.h"

extern char *	imalloc P((int n));
extern void	ifree P((char * p));

char *
scheck(string, format)
const char *	string;
char *		format;
	register char *		fbuf;
	register const char *	fp;
	register char *		tp;
	register int		c;
	register char *		result;
	char			dummy;

	result = "";
	if (string == NULL || format == NULL)
		return result;
	fbuf = imalloc(2 * strlen(format) + 4);
	if (fbuf == NULL)
		return result;
	fp = format;
	tp = fbuf;
	while ((*tp++ = c = *fp++) != '\0') {
		if (c != '%')
		if (*fp == '%') {
			*tp++ = *fp++;
		*tp++ = '*';
		if (*fp == '*')
		while (isascii(*fp) && isdigit(*fp))
			*tp++ = *fp++;
		if (*fp == 'l' || *fp == 'h')
			*tp++ = *fp++;
		else if (*fp == '[')
			do *tp++ = *fp++;
				while (*fp != '\0' && *fp != ']');
		if ((*tp++ = *fp++) == '\0')
	*(tp - 1) = '%';
	*tp++ = 'c';
	*tp = '\0';
	if (sscanf(string, fbuf, &dummy) != 1)
		result = format;
	return result;
End of scheck.c
echo 'ialloc.c' 1>&2
cat >'ialloc.c' <<'End of ialloc.c'
#ifndef lint
#ifndef NOID
static char	elsieid[] = "@(#)ialloc.c	8.17";
#endif /* !defined NOID */
#endif /* !defined lint */


#include "string.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "nonstd.h"

#ifdef MAL
#define NULLMAL(x)	((x) == NULL || (x) == MAL)
#else /* !defined MAL */
#define NULLMAL(x)	((x) == NULL)
#endif /* !defined MAL */

#define nonzero(n)	(((n) == 0) ? 1 : (n))

char *	icalloc P((int nelem, int elsize));
char *	icatalloc P((char * old, const char * new));
char *	icpyalloc P((const char * string));
char *	imalloc P((int n));
char *	irealloc P((char * pointer, int size));
void	ifree P((char * pointer));

char *
#ifdef MAL
	register char *	result;

	result = malloc((alloc_size_t) nonzero(n));
	return NULLMAL(result) ? NULL : result;
#else /* !defined MAL */
	return malloc((alloc_size_t) nonzero(n));
#endif /* !defined MAL */

char *
icalloc(nelem, elsize)
	if (nelem == 0 || elsize == 0)
		nelem = elsize = 1;
	return calloc((alloc_size_t) nelem, (alloc_size_t) elsize);

char *
irealloc(pointer, size)
char *	pointer;
	if (NULLMAL(pointer))
		return imalloc(size);
	return realloc((genericptr_t) pointer, (alloc_size_t) nonzero(size));

char *
icatalloc(old, new)
char *		old;
const char *	new;
	register char *	result;
	register	oldsize, newsize;

	newsize = NULLMAL(new) ? 0 : strlen(new);
	if (NULLMAL(old))
		oldsize = 0;
	else if (newsize == 0)
		return old;
	else	oldsize = strlen(old);
	if ((result = irealloc(old, oldsize + newsize + 1)) != NULL)
		if (!NULLMAL(new))
			(void) strcpy(result + oldsize, new);
	return result;

char *
const char *	string;
	return icatalloc((char *) NULL, string);

char *	p;
	if (!NULLMAL(p))
		(void) free(p);

char *	p;
	if (!NULLMAL(p))
		(void) free(p);
End of ialloc.c
echo 'emkdir.c' 1>&2
cat >'emkdir.c' <<'End of emkdir.c'
#ifndef lint
#ifndef NOID
static char	elsieid[] = "@(#)emkdir.c	8.15";
#endif /* !defined NOID */
#endif /* !defined lint */


#include "stdio.h"	/* for sprintf prototype */
#include "stdlib.h"	/* for system prototype */
#include "nonstd.h"

extern char *	imalloc P((int n));
extern void	ifree P((char * p));

static char *
register const char *	name;
	register char *	result;
	register char *	cp;
	register int	c;

	if (name == NULL)
		name = "";
	result = imalloc(4 * strlen(name) + 3);
	if (result == NULL)
		return NULL;
	cp = result;
#ifdef unix
	*cp++ = '\'';
	while ((c = *name++) != '\0')
		if (c == '\'') {
			*cp++ = c;
			*cp++ = '\\';
			*cp++ = c;
			*cp++ = c;
		} else	*cp++ = c;
	*cp++ = '\'';
#else /* !defined unix */
	while ((c = *name++) != '\0')
		if (c == '/')
			*cp++ = '\\';
		else	*cp++ = c;
#endif /* !defined unix */
	*cp = '\0';
	return result;

emkdir(name, mode)
const char *	name;
	register int		result;
	register const char *	format;
	register char *		command;
	register char *		qname;

	if ((qname = quoted(name)) == NULL)
		return -1;
#ifdef unix
	format = "mkdir 2>&- %s && chmod 2>&- %o %s";
#else /* !defined unix */
	format = "mkdir %s";
#endif /* !defined unix */
	command = imalloc(strlen(format) + 2 * strlen(qname) + 20 + 1);
	if (command == NULL) {
		return -1;
	(void) sprintf(command, format, qname, mode, qname);
	result = system(command);
	return (result == 0) ? 0 : -1;

** UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T.
End of emkdir.c
echo 'getopt.c' 1>&2
cat >'getopt.c' <<'End of getopt.c'
#ifndef lint
#ifndef NOID
static char	elsieid[] = "@(#)getopt.c	4.1";
#endif /* !defined NOID */
#endif /* !defined lint */


#include "string.h"

#ifndef strchr
#define index	strchr
#endif /* !defined strchr */

#include <stdio.h>

 * get option letter from argument vector
int	opterr = 1,		/* useless, never set or used */
	optind = 1,		/* index into parent argv vector */
	optopt;			/* character checked for validity */
char	*optarg;		/* argument associated with option */

#define BADCH	(int)'?'
#define EMSG	""
#define tell(s)	fputs(*nargv,stderr);fputs(s,stderr); \

int	nargc;
char	**nargv,
	static char	*place = EMSG;	/* option letter processing */
	register char	*oli;		/* option letter list index */
	char	*index();

	if(!*place) {			/* update scanning pointer */
		if(optind >= nargc || *(place = nargv[optind]) != '-' || !*++place) return(EOF);
		if (*place == '-') {	/* found "--" */
	}				/* option letter okay? */
	if ((optopt = (int)*place++) == (int)':' || !(oli = index(ostr,optopt))) {
		if(!*place) ++optind;
		tell(": illegal option -- ");
	if (*++oli != ':') {		/* don't need argument */
		optarg = NULL;
		if (!*place) ++optind;
	else {				/* need an argument */
		if (*place) optarg = place;	/* no white space */
		else if (nargc <= ++optind) {	/* no arg */
			place = EMSG;
			tell(": option requires an argument -- ");
	 	else optarg = nargv[optind];	/* white space */
		place = EMSG;
	return(optopt);			/* dump back option letter */
End of getopt.c
echo 'link.c' 1>&2
cat >'link.c' <<'End of link.c'
#ifndef lint
#ifndef NOID
static char	elsieid[] = "@(#)link.c	4.1";
#endif /* !defined NOID */
#endif /* !defined lint */


#ifndef HAVELINK
#ifndef WANTLINK
#ifndef unix
#define WANTLINK
#endif /* !defined unix */
#endif /* !defined WANTLINK */
#endif /* !defined HAVELINK */


** Fake link by copying.

#include "stdio.h"
#include "nonstd.h"

link(fromname, toname)
const char *	fromname;
const char *	toname;
	register FILE *	fromfp;
	register FILE *	tofp;
	register int	c;
	register int	ok;

	if ((fromfp = fopen(fromname, "rb")) == NULL)
		return -1;
	if ((tofp = fopen(toname, "wb")) == NULL) {
		(void) fclose(fromfp);
		return -1;
	while ((c = getc(fromfp)) != EOF) {
		if (ferror(fromfp))
		(void) putc(c, tofp);
		if (ferror(tofp))
	ok = !ferror(fromfp) && feof(fromfp) && !ferror(tofp);
	ok = fclose(fromfp) == 0 && ok;
	ok = fclose(tofp) == 0 && ok;
	return ok ? 0 : -1;

#endif /* defined WANTLINK */

** UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T.
End of link.c

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