v16i139: Smithsonian Astronomical Observatory, Patch1

Rich Salz rsalz at uunet.uu.net
Thu Dec 15 10:24:14 AEST 1988

Submitted-by: Alan Wm Paeth <awpaeth at watcgl.waterloo.edu>
Posting-number: Volume 16, Issue 139
Archive-name: sao/patch1

[  You might have seen this patch in comp.sources.d or c.s.bugs; I took it
   and turned it into a real-style context diff, which is what most folks
   are used to -- not a diff against the shar file.  --r$  ]


#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file".  To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c".  You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g..  If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
#		"End of shell archive."
# Contents:  stardust.pch
# Wrapped by rsalz at fig.bbn.com on Wed Dec 14 19:22:44 1988
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
if test -f 'stardust.pch' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'stardust.pch'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'stardust.pch'\" \(1551 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'stardust.pch' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X*** stardust.c.BAK	Wed Dec 14 19:18:09 1988
X--- stardust.c	Wed Dec 14 19:20:04 1988
X*** 1,9 ****
X--- 1,16 ----
X  /*
X   * stardust.c -- (un)pulverize files into dust more digestable by compress
X+  * (VERSION #2)
X   *
X   * stardust -e <file.star | compress >small # encode for better compression
X   * uncompress small | stardust >file.star   # decode after decompress
X   *
X+  * updated Dec 1988 with thanks to Dave Yearke (bitnet: sunybcs!sigmast!dgy)
X+  * The patches handle character versus integer machine incompatabilities.
X+  *
X+  * The release also squelches a compiler ambiguity error inadvertantly omitted
X+  * in the original (December, 1988) posting to comp.sources.unix (ver 0->ver1).
X+  *
X   * copyright (c) 1988 by Alan Paeth (awpaeth at watcgl)
X   */
X*** 42,58 ****
X  cline(bo, ba, bb)
X      char *bo, *ba, *bb;
X      {
X!     int i;
X      for (i=0; i<BS; i++)
X  	{
X! 	char c, t;
X! 	c = *ba++ - (t=*bb++);
X  	if (t != '0')
X  	    {
X  	    if (c < 0) c += 10;
X  	    if (en && ((c < 0) || (c > 9))) err("non-digit or non-match");
X  	    }
X! 	*bo++ = c + '0';
X  	}
X      }
X--- 49,64 ----
X  cline(bo, ba, bb)
X      char *bo, *ba, *bb;
X      {
X!     int i, c, t;			/* ver 2 -- c, t: are now ints */
X      for (i=0; i<BS; i++)
X  	{
X! 	c = *ba++ - (t = *bb++);	/* ver 1 -- "=*bb" in bogus net copy */
X  	if (t != '0')
X  	    {
X  	    if (c < 0) c += 10;
X  	    if (en && ((c < 0) || (c > 9))) err("non-digit or non-match");
X  	    }
X! 	*bo++ = (char)c + '0';		/* ver 2 -- must now recast "c" */
X  	}
X      }
if test 1551 -ne `wc -c <'stardust.pch'`; then
    echo shar: \"'stardust.pch'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'stardust.pch'
echo shar: End of shell archive.
exit 0
Please send comp.sources.unix-related mail to rsalz at uunet.uu.net.

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