v16i060: Tell if a password is "obvious"

Rich Salz rsalz at uunet.uu.net
Fri Nov 11 00:47:09 AEST 1988

Submitted-by: "John B. Nagle" <jbn at glacier.stanford.edu>
Posting-number: Volume 16, Issue 60
Archive-name: obvious-pw

[  This program does NOT try brute-force methods to guess passwords,
   but instead tells if a password is an "obvious" one likely to be
   guessed by such a program.  Given the, ahh, recent heightened
   interest in security right now, I'm posting this right away.
   Folks with source might want to merge this into their passwd
   program; folks without should consider trying to merge it in
   as a front end, at the cost of making people type their password
   three times, and they could change it for times two and three, but
   it's better than nothing. --r$  ]

#! /bin/sh
: This is a shar archive.  Extract with sh, not csh.
echo x - obvious.doc
cat > obvious.doc << '1206!Funky!Stuff!'
                   An Obvious Password Detector

                           John Nagle

     Given a free choice, altogether too many users choose passwords
that can be easily guessed.  Dennis Richie, in his "Notes on the
Security of UNIX", comments .....
XXXX, in "The Hacker Papers", has harsher comments.  With
passwords the only line of defense in many systems, it's often
desirable to prevent users from choosing ones that leave the system
wide open to any cracker.
     This small subroutine uses a little-known property of the English
language to detect candidate passwords that might be easy to guess.
The subroutine should be built into the password-changing utility
function of the system, so that all new passwords must be considered
"non-obvious" to be accepted.  

     The algorithm depends upon a subtle property of English.  Less
than one-third of the possible "triples", sequences of three letters,
are used in English words.  This property makes it possible to
distinguish random letter strings from strings that look like English
words.  The word "password", for example, contains the five triples


All five of these triples, therefore, are used in English.  The triple
"xqy", on the other hand, appears in no common English word.  In
general, a triple chosen at random has only one chance in three of
appearing in any English word.  Starting with a suitable large list of
words, such as a dictionary, we can make a table of all the triples
that appear in the list of words.  We can then test words against the
table by extracting all triples from the word and looking up the
triples in the table.  If the word contains several triples that
are not in the table, it is almost certaintly not an English word, and
definitely non-obvious.

     The table of triples seems at first unwieldy, but a compact
representation is possible.  The table in the subroutine is essentially a
3-dimensional Boolean array, 27 x 27 x 27.  There are thus 19,683
slots in the table, each containing one bit.  C does not provide a
built-in representation for packed Boolean arrays, so the third
dimension of the array is handled by using a "long" value for each
group of 27 bits.  Letters are mapped to the range 1..27, so that "a"
or "A" is represented by 1, "b" or "B" by 2, and so forth.
Non-letters are mapped to zero.  For every possible sequence of three
letters, then, there is a unique bit in the table.  That bit is a 1 if
the three letter sequence is used in English.  So we can take any
sequence of three letters, look it up in the table, and find out if it
is a triple known to be used in the English language.

     The triple "pas", for example, maps to triple number (16,1,19).
Array element [16,1] in the table is hex 07fffabc, and bit 19 of that
value is a 1.  So, the triple "pas" is known to be used in some
existing word, and the odds are that the word from which the triple
was drawn is an English word or looks like one.

     The table was built with a program that extracted all the triples
in the UNIX spelling dictionary and set the appropriate bit for each
triple.  Along with the UNIX list of words, a few other obvious
patterns were thrown in; the sequences "aaa", "bbb", and so forth, the
alphabet, and the rows of the "qwerty" typewriter keyboard.  Building
the table is a straightforward process, and, with a machine-readable
dictionary or just a large body of text to use as raw data, you can
write your own table-builder and build a table of your own.  Any
table, though, based upon a list of English words, will be very
similar to the one given here.  The triple statistics are a real
property of English, not an artifact of the word list used.

     This is definitely a detector for obvious ENGLISH words.  Words
in other languages, particularly ones distant from English, often
pass.  "Bejing" and "Timbuktu" are considered non-obvious.

     The test considers any word with at least two triples not found
in the table to be non-obvious.  This makes the odds quite good that a
randomly chosen string of letters will pass and be considered
non-obvious, and thus a suitable password.  More than 95% of all
eight-letter sequences chosen at random will pass.  Even for a
five-letter sequence, the minimum considered a good defense against
trying all possibilities, most randomly chosen sequences will pass.
But every word in the UNIX dictionary, and almost all English words
generally, will be rejected as obvious.

     This technique isn't idiot-proof.  It is possible, with effort,
to come up with an easily-guessed password that will pass the test.
But it's more work than coming up with a good password.
echo x - obvious.c
cat > obvious.c << '1206!Funky!Stuff!'
	Obvious	password detection subroutine.


		char word[];
		char *obvious(word);

	Returns	0 if password is acceptable.
	Returns	a pointer to a static message if the password is unacceptable.

	The algorithm used requires that the length of the password be
	within configurable length limits, and that the	password not
	have triplet statistics	similar	to those associated with words
	in the English language.  This is an inversion of a technique
	used to	find spelling errors without a full dictionary.	 No
	word in	the UNIX spelling dictionary will pass this algorithm.

	Users should be	advised	to pick	a password composed of random
	letters	and numbers.  Eight randomly chosen letters will
	pass the algorithm over	95% of the time.  A word prefaced
	by a digit will	not pass the algorithm,	although a word
	with a digit in	the middle usually will.  Two words run
	together will often pass.

	In the interest	of greater network security, this algorithm
	is offered to the ARPANET community as a proposed standard technique
	for eliminating	obvious	passwords.

				John Nagle
				Ford Aerospace and Communications Corporation
				Western	Development Laboratories
				3939 Fabian Way
				Palo Alto, CA  94303
				[ John is now at Stanford:
				    jbn at glacier.stanford.edu ]
		Table of triple	usage in text

		24511 words were used to make this table.
		The words came from the	files:

		The table is 30	percent	populated.
long obvtab[27][27] =
    {	0X00100001, 0X00040000,	0X00040000, 0X00009000,	0X00808020, 0X00140000,	
	0X00000000, 0X00080000,	0X00000002, 0X00000000,	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	
	0X00001020, 0X00000000,	0X00000010, 0X00000020,	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	
	0X00000030, 0X00300100,	0X00000100, 0X00000000,	0X00000020, 0X00000000,	
	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	0X00000000 },
    {	0X00090000, 0X000c708a,	0X022cd73e, 0X023ffbbe,	0X02fffffe, 0X002cd0da,	
	0X023cdae2, 0X02adf3b6,	0X0024f222, 0X00dd7efa,	0X00008022, 0X02b5937a,	
	0X06fdfbfe, 0X02bdf37e,	0X07ffdfff, 0X003c3248,	0X023dfb76, 0X00200000,	
	0X07fffffe, 0X02bbfbbe,	0X06bcfb6f, 0X055f7dfc,	0X02609232, 0X021cfbf6,	
	0X02999222, 0X00bdf3ff,	0X06308232 },
    {	0X00080000, 0X07fdfbfc,	0X022c9226, 0X00008012,	0X00248222, 0X07dffbfe,	
	0X00200000, 0X00000000,	0X00208020, 0X047ffdfe,	0X00000020, 0X00000000,	
	0X02208222, 0X00800220,	0X0000a022, 0X03fdfffe,	0X00048000, 0X00000000,	
	0X02208222, 0X00308228,	0X00049062, 0X071efefc,	0X00000220, 0X00000020,	
	0X00000000, 0X049d11a2,	0X00000000 },
    {	0X00080080, 0X02fffffe,	0X000c0020, 0X0024932a,	0X0000802a, 0X06bdf3fe,	
	0X00000002, 0X00248220,	0X02bdf3fe, 0X007df0fe,	0X00000000, 0X02bdfffe,	
	0X02208222, 0X00200222,	0X00008222, 0X07fffffe,	0X00000102, 0X00200000,	
	0X02308222, 0X00188200,	0X02aca262, 0X003df27e,	0X00000004, 0X00000000,	
	0X00000000, 0X001dd08e,	0X00000022 },
    {	0X00088022, 0X06fd7bfc,	0X02249222, 0X00209102,	0X02249332, 0X07fff7fe,	
	0X00249282, 0X02a43a22,	0X00008222, 0X05fdf3fe,	0X00208022, 0X00000220,	
	0X02208222, 0X00208222,	0X00008223, 0X07fdf3fe,	0X00049322, 0X00200000,	
	0X02208222, 0X0091bb2a,	0X00008302, 0X043dfafe,	0X00008222, 0X02048222,	
	0X00000000, 0X00987aef,	0X00200000 },
    {	0X004c1030, 0X04ff79dc,	0X023c9226, 0X023c9b3a,	0X02bdf3fe, 0X04ddfbfe,	
	0X023c92fa, 0X0224f3e6,	0X0224a222, 0X045d7afa,	0X00208022, 0X0218ca36,	
	0X02fdfbfe, 0X02a9f22e,	0X06ffffff, 0X05fd73d8,	0X02bdb32e, 0X00200000,	
	0X07fffffe, 0X02fbfbbe,	0X06bdfb6e, 0X005d78bc,	0X066c8222, 0X029df37e,	
	0X0333832a, 0X008df97f,	0X06648222 },
    {	0X00080000, 0X07bc7bfe,	0X00000222, 0X0000000a,	0X00008002, 0X02fc7abe,	
	0X022cb366, 0X00000102,	0X00000022, 0X055c70fe,	0X00008000, 0X00000002,	
	0X02208222, 0X0000000a,	0X00000200, 0X03edf2be,	0X00000008, 0X00000000,	
	0X02208222, 0X00118922,	0X028ca32e, 0X041c74b8,	0X00000000, 0X00000002,	
	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	0X00000000 },
    {	0X00080000, 0X06fdf3fc,	0X00008222, 0X00000000,	0X00008022, 0X02fdf3fe,	
	0X00240220, 0X020d93a2,	0X02bddffe, 0X047df0fe,	0X00000002, 0X00008200,	
	0X02208222, 0X02300222,	0X00318226, 0X02fdf3fe,	0X00009220, 0X00000000,	
	0X02208222, 0X00919b06,	0X00048302, 0X061cf2ee,	0X00000000, 0X02048022,	
	0X00000000, 0X00056002,	0X00000002 },
    {	0X00080000, 0X06fdfbfe,	0X02249222, 0X00048102,	0X00048202, 0X07fff2ff,	
	0X00208202, 0X00008022,	0X00008122, 0X047dfcfe,	0X00000800, 0X00008220,	
	0X02248222, 0X0008a222,	0X0028c222, 0X06fdfeff,	0X00209202, 0X00200000,	
	0X02249232, 0X00108302,	0X02bdf3fa, 0X071d71fe,	0X00000200, 0X00008322,	
	0X00000000, 0X011d32be,	0X00000000 },
    {	0X00483010, 0X05dd7bbc,	0X022cf226, 0X023cdb2a,	0X02bdf6b6, 0X04fd79fc,	
	0X0234d262, 0X063df3a2,	0X00000222, 0X00000202,	0X00208002, 0X02208a22,	
	0X02fdbbfe, 0X022df36e,	0X07ffffff, 0X05fd70be,	0X02bdb766, 0X00200000,	
	0X02fdfafe, 0X02ffffff,	0X06bdfb6f, 0X000c7008,	0X02248222, 0X00008202,	
	0X023082e2, 0X00000002,	0X04608022 },
    {	0X00080000, 0X07ed7bbc,	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	0X00000000, 0X009cd57a,	
	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	0X00000000, 0X005070c4,	0X00000400, 0X00001000,	
	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	0X00000000, 0X02fc5bae,	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	
	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	0X00000000, 0X015d7e96,	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	
	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	0X00000000 },
    {	0X00080000, 0X07fdfff4,	0X00248222, 0X00040302,	0X00048022, 0X02fdf3f6,	
	0X00208222, 0X00048000,	0X0014a022, 0X00ddf8fe,	0X00000002, 0X0000ca22,	
	0X0220a222, 0X00000022,	0X00208222, 0X01fdfb7a,	0X00009202, 0X00000000,	
	0X02208222, 0X02b1abae,	0X00048302, 0X029d7110,	0X00000000, 0X00008322,	
	0X00000000, 0X00ac9522,	0X00000000 },
    {	0X00088000, 0X07fffbfe,	0X02249222, 0X0234b322,	0X02bdf36e, 0X07fdfffe,	
	0X00bc93e6, 0X00048222,	0X00008222, 0X05fffdfe,	0X00008000, 0X0288d322,	
	0X02bdb7fe, 0X0228e332,	0X00208020, 0X07fffffe,	0X021ca362, 0X00000000,	
	0X02208022, 0X0299ab26,	0X06eca326, 0X055dfefe,	0X00008222, 0X02008322,	
	0X00000000, 0X00bdfbfe,	0X00000022 },
    {	0X00080000, 0X07fdffbc,	0X002dd236, 0X0021fbfe,	0X00008020, 0X07ddfbfe,	
	0X00209220, 0X00000000,	0X00208020, 0X053efcfa,	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	
	0X00008222, 0X0220a222,	0X02208222, 0X07fdfbfe,	0X023c9be6, 0X00200000,	
	0X00088002, 0X0239a37c,	0X00048120, 0X041dfaf8,	0X00000020, 0X00008222,	
	0X00000000, 0X001cd0a8,	0X00000000 },
    {	0X00180000, 0X06fdfbfe,	0X002c922a, 0X02349b22,	0X02bffffe, 0X07fff3ff,	
	0X00249222, 0X02bdbb76,	0X02208222, 0X057ffbfe,	0X00208022, 0X021d33ea,	
	0X02008222, 0X00008222,	0X0228c222, 0X07fdf2fe,	0X00209220, 0X00200000,	
	0X0220822a, 0X02fdfbfe,	0X06adf3ee, 0X043dfafe,	0X02208222, 0X00048322,	
	0X00100200, 0X01ffb11e,	0X02808222 },
    {	0X0008113c, 0X017f79da,	0X02fcd77e, 0X02349b2a,	0X02adfbfe, 0X037ef35c,	
	0X0234b262, 0X02bcf7f6,	0X0204f222, 0X011c58fe,	0X00008222, 0X02a99b2e,	
	0X06fdfbfe, 0X02aff36e,	0X07ffffff, 0X045df9dc,	0X02bffbae, 0X00200000,	
	0X06fffbfe, 0X02fbbbae,	0X02bdf3ee, 0X055f73ff,	0X02008a22, 0X06bdfb7e,	
	0X02d043ea, 0X001dd37e,	0X06008222 },
    {	0X00080000, 0X07fffabc,	0X002c9022, 0X00008100,	0X00040002, 0X07fdfefe,	
	0X00241220, 0X00040002,	0X023cd232, 0X057ff8fa,	0X00000002, 0X00000220,	
	0X02208222, 0X00208022,	0X00008020, 0X03fdfafa,	0X022db322, 0X00040000,	
	0X02208222, 0X02b0bb2a,	0X0224832a, 0X041d7afe,	0X00000008, 0X00048202,	
	0X00000000, 0X00949b86,	0X00000000 },
    {	0X00080000, 0X00100000,	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	0X00000000, 0X00000010,	
	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	
	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	0X00000000, 0X00020000,	
	0X00080000, 0X00000000,	0X00000000, 0X02008222,	0X00000000, 0X00000020,	
	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	0X00000000 },
    {	0X00080010, 0X07fffffc,	0X022c9222, 0X023c9b2a,	0X02bdd366, 0X07ffffff,	
	0X00249222, 0X022cb322,	0X02208222, 0X07fbfdfe,	0X00208020, 0X029df336,	
	0X02b98236, 0X0239936e,	0X02b9ab66, 0X07fffffe,	0X023cb322, 0X00200000,	
	0X02248322, 0X02f3fb7e,	0X06bcf3ee, 0X01ddf2fe,	0X02208222, 0X00008222,	
	0X00000020, 0X0099f0be,	0X00008222 },
    {	0X00081000, 0X03fdfffe,	0X02248222, 0X0224b323,	0X00248242, 0X07fffbfe,	
	0X02208222, 0X002c8220,	0X02f5fa6e, 0X057ff8fe,	0X00200000, 0X0224a222,	
	0X02208222, 0X02208222,	0X02208223, 0X06f5f7fe,	0X022c9326, 0X00200000,	
	0X00288222, 0X02bdf36e,	0X02edf7ff, 0X041df2fe,	0X00010220, 0X00248222,	
	0X00000000, 0X001d78bc,	0X00000000 },
    {	0X001c1010, 0X03fdfbfc,	0X00248222, 0X02249102,	0X00048000, 0X03fdfbfe,	
	0X00249222, 0X00248022,	0X02bffbfe, 0X047ff8fe,	0X00000000, 0X02000222,	
	0X02208222, 0X00208222,	0X00308223, 0X07fdfafe,	0X00049222, 0X00000000,	
	0X02a08222, 0X02f1ab7e,	0X027c9be2, 0X031df2fe,	0X00000202, 0X01208322,	
	0X00000000, 0X01ad328e,	0X000db2a2 },
    {	0X004c1010, 0X02dd7bdc,	0X027db736, 0X023c9b2a,	0X06ac92b6, 0X063df5f6,	
	0X0030b042, 0X002cf3a2,	0X00004002, 0X057dd0be,	0X00208202, 0X00048a30,	
	0X06fdfafe, 0X007bf36e,	0X02bdfbfe, 0X023d5210,	0X02bdbbfe, 0X00200000,	
	0X06fffbfe, 0X023bdbbe,	0X06bcf3be, 0X00202000,	0X00840220, 0X00000002,	
	0X00309220, 0X00601022,	0X04208022 },
    {	0X00080000, 0X003d7fbc,	0X00004000, 0X00000000,	0X00000002, 0X039dfbfe,	
	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	0X00000000, 0X057cdafe,	0X00000000, 0X00000100,	
	0X00008002, 0X00000000,	0X00000000, 0X02bcfa88,	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	
	0X00008020, 0X00000800,	0X00000000, 0X000c1000,	0X02400220, 0X01000000,	
	0X00000000, 0X00800200,	0X00008000 },
    {	0X00080000, 0X077d7bde,	0X00248222, 0X00208102,	0X02248220, 0X025d53bf,	
	0X00209202, 0X00000200,	0X02208222, 0X055d70f8,	0X00000000, 0X02804200,	
	0X02180222, 0X00000222,	0X02bd03fc, 0X00fdf864,	0X00209222, 0X00000000,	
	0X02008222, 0X02bdbb2c,	0X00208322, 0X00057100,	0X00000000, 0X00808002,	
	0X02000000, 0X0000f022,	0X02000000 },
    {	0X00080000, 0X005870d8,	0X00000000, 0X00649322,	0X00000000, 0X021c7298,	
	0X00008000, 0X00201000,	0X00208202, 0X0058f0fe,	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	
	0X00000020, 0X00000000,	0X00000002, 0X001d6090,	0X00249222, 0X00200000,	
	0X00000000, 0X00000020,	0X02248326, 0X00051016,	0X00000200, 0X00008020,	
	0X01008000, 0X04041080,	0X00000000 },
    {	0X004c1010, 0X0097f998,	0X00248232, 0X00009322,	0X0004c226, 0X00ddf0f6,	
	0X00201222, 0X0224f230,	0X02048020, 0X00094030,	0X00000002, 0X00004420,	
	0X00699a22, 0X0221e22e,	0X0310c3ba, 0X04fd78d8,	0X023dd322, 0X00200000,	
	0X0234c272, 0X0039b32e,	0X02108322, 0X00095b88,	0X00000022, 0X0004832a,	
	0X00000200, 0X02000000,	0X00000002 },
    {	0X00080000, 0X00557b8e,	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	0X00000002, 0X00bc5a3e,	
	0X00000000, 0X00000020,	0X00000000, 0X003df0ae,	0X00000000, 0X00000000,	
	0X02008020, 0X00000002,	0X00000000, 0X0065e2b2,	0X00000002, 0X00000000,	
	0X00008002, 0X00000008,	0X00000020, 0X00040820,	0X00008020, 0X00008020,	
	0X00000008, 0X00002084,	0X06809222 } };
	Configuration parameters
#define	MINLENGTH 5			/* minimum password length */
#define	MAXLENGTH 8			/* maximum password length */
#define	MINNOFIND 2			/* minimum unusual triples */
static short unusual;			/* count of unusual triples */
	dotriple  --  called by	obvword

	If this	triple is not used by any word used to build the table,
	we tally that fact.
static void dotriple(m1,m2,m3)
short m1,m2,m3;				/* all in 0..26	*/
	if (!(obvtab[m1][m2] & (1L << m3))) unusual++; /* check	for triple */
	obvword	 --  do	one word

	dotriple is called on each 3-character triple in the word,
	using a	mapped value of	the character into the range 0..26,
	where letters map into 1..26 regardless	of case	and everything
	else maps to zero.
static void obvword(word)
char word[];				/* word	to do, max 20 chars */
{	register int i;			/* for loops */
	register int patcnt = 0;	/* count in word */
	register char ch;		/* working char	*/
	short pat[21];			/* pattern of mapped values */
	for (i=0; word[i] && (i	< sizeof(pat));	i++)	/* scan	until null */
	{	patcnt = i;		/* max value */
		ch = word[i];		/* get character */
                if ((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z')) pat[i] = ch + 1 - 'a';
           else if ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z')) pat[i] = ch + 1 - 'A';
	   else	pat[i] = 0;		/* map into 0..26 */
	for (i=0; i < patcnt - 1; i++)	/* for all triples */
	{	dotriple(pat[i],pat[i+1],pat[i+2]); /* do the triple */
	obvious	 --  test word for obviousness as password

	Words are rejected for being too short,	too long, 
	or looking too much like English words.
char *obvious(word)			/* returns msg or zero if OK */
char word[];				/* word	to try */
	register int i = 0;		/* for length */
	while (word[i])	i++;		/* compute length */
        if (i < MINLENGTH) return("too short");
        if (i > MAXLENGTH) return("too long");
	unusual	= 0;			/* no unusual triples yet */
	obvword(word);			/* try the word	*/
        if (unusual<MINNOFIND) return("too obvious");   /* too obvious */
	return((char *)0);		/* success */
echo x - obvdemo.c
cat > obvdemo.c << '1206!Funky!Stuff!'
       Obvious password	detector demonstration program

				       John Nagle
#include <stdio.h>
char *obvious(char *);			       /* external */
{      char pword[200];			       /* potentially huge line	*/
       char *s;				       /* status from obvious test */
       printf("Password obviousness tester - try your candidates.\n");
       for (;;)
       {       printf("Candidate password: ");
	       if (gets(pword) == NULL)	break; /* read next try	*/
               if (pword[0] == '\0') break;    /* empty reply, quit */
	       s = obvious(pword);	       /* check	for obviousness	*/
	       if (s)			       /* if nonnull, bad choice */
               {       printf("NO GOOD: %s.\n",s); /* no good, print error msg */
               } else {printf("OK.\n");        /* OK, so state */
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