v17INF4: Renunciation of Moderator's Copyright

Rich Salz rsalz at uunet.uu.net
Sun Feb 5 02:49:02 AEST 1989

Submitted-by: rsalz
Posting-number: Volume 17, Info 4
Archive-name: mod-copyright

I have been told by someone who could be correct that as moderator I have
an implicit copyright on the "compilation" known as comp.sources.unix.
Please note that I renounce, foreswear, and forever disclaim any such

>From the beginning, the intent of comp.sources.unix (formerly mod.sources)
has been the wide dissemination of source code to the programming community.
Readers of this group, through Usenet or any other means, are encouraged
to use the code they find here and distribute it with similar intent.
If you want to make a copy of the archives and sell them for $20,000,
feel free.

Please note that this renunciation does not invalidate the copyright that
individual authors may have placed on their submissions.

	/rich $alz
Please send comp.sources.unix-related mail to rsalz at uunet.uu.net.

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