v17INF3: Corrections to MGR postings

Rich Salz rsalz at uunet.uu.net
Thu Jan 26 07:37:17 AEST 1989

Submitted-by: Rich $alz <rsalz at uunet.uu.net>
Posting-number: Volume 17, Info 3
Archive-name: mgr/POST-ERRS

I got off-by-one on posting MGR for one day's worth of postings.

    <1368 at papaya.bbn.com>	v17i018:  MGR, Bellcore window manager, Part18/61
	This is really Part 17
    <1369 at papaya.bbn.com>	v17i019:  MGR, Bellcore window manager, Part19/61
	This is really Part 18
    <1370 at papaya.bbn.com>	v17i020:  MGR, Bellcore window manager, Part20/61
	This is really Part 19
    <1371 at papaya.bbn.com>	v17i021:  MGR, Bellcore window manager, Part21/61
	This is really Part 20
    <1377 at papaya.bbn.com>	v17i022:  MGR, Bellcore window manager, Part21/61
	This is really Part 21

Also, the first few parts will give incorrect counts when unpacking some
of the UUENCODED files; ignore that.  The reason is that I gave uudecode
the wrong names, so I edited the files in-place after packing to remove
the full pathnames.

That is, I did
	uuencode <icon/clockA >icon/clockA.UU
which meant that the file that was packed had this line in it:
	begin icon/clockA 644
This made it a real pain to decode after unpacking, so I edited
the files to just read like this:
	begin clockA 644
and that threw off the shar counts.

Also the README2 files say that things are named something.UU, when
they're (obviously) named Usomething.

For people who don't want to wait, the full posting is already on
UUNET for downloading.  Discussion of the package should probably be
directed to comp.windows.misc on Usenet.
	/rich $alz
Please send comp.sources.unix-related mail to rsalz at uunet.uu.net.

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