v17i063: MGR, Bellcore window manager, Patch1

Rich Salz rsalz at uunet.uu.net
Tue Jan 31 22:36:10 AEST 1989

Submitted-by: sau at faline.bellcore.com (Stephen A. Uhler)
Posting-number: Volume 17, Issue 63
Archive-name: mgr/patch1

Thank you for sending out MGR, which is winding its way to bellcore as
I write this.  Several bugs in the distribution were brought to my 
attention, so I am sending you the bug fixes.  One bug is serious, as
it prevents MGR from running at all on release 4.0 suns (it has a 1 line
fix though).

	-Stephen A Uhler (sau at bellcore.com)

"mgr.rel" contains the unpacked distribution.
"mgr.new" contains the distribution with fixes.
The following was created with the two commands:
   touch mgr.rel/PATCH_1 mgr.rel/misc/{login,cshrc}
	diff -r -c mgr.rel mgr.new
---------------------------- cut here ------------------------------------
diff -r -c mgr.rel/PATCH_1 mgr.new/PATCH_1
*** mgr.rel/PATCH_1	Fri Jan 27 10:46:00 1989
--- mgr.new/PATCH_1	Fri Jan 27 09:56:00 1989
*** 0 ****
--- 1,12 ----
+ Bugs found in the distribution
+ 1) MGR crashes on startup on SUNOS-4.0
+ 	- fixed src/blit/bitmap.c
+ 2) src/kbd.c uses wrong include file for SUNOS-4.0
+ 	- fixed include
+ 	- fixed missing #else for no -DKBD option
+ 3) user manual doesn't make 
+ 	- fixed doc/usrman/Makefile
+ 4) Wrong heading on font(5) man page
+ 	- fixed doc/font.5
+ 5) The files misc/mgrc and misc/login are missing
+ 	- they've been added.
diff -r -c mgr.rel/doc/font.5 mgr.new/doc/font.5
*** mgr.rel/doc/font.5	Tue Jan 24 15:56:39 1989
--- mgr.new/doc/font.5	Fri Jan 27 08:55:01 1989
*** 7,13 ****
  '\"	$Header: font.5,v 4.1 88/06/21 13:51:34 bianchi Exp $
  '\"	$Source: /tmp/mgrsrc/doc/RCS/font.5,v $
! .TH bitmap 5L "April 30, 1986"
  Font \- font file format for 
  .I mgr
--- 7,13 ----
  '\"	$Header: font.5,v 4.1 88/06/21 13:51:34 bianchi Exp $
  '\"	$Source: /tmp/mgrsrc/doc/RCS/font.5,v $
! .TH font 5L "April 30, 1986"
  Font \- font file format for 
  .I mgr
diff -r -c mgr.rel/doc/usrman/Makefile mgr.new/doc/usrman/Makefile
*** mgr.rel/doc/usrman/Makefile	Tue Jan 24 15:57:31 1989
--- mgr.new/doc/usrman/Makefile	Thu Jan 26 09:43:27 1989
*** 11,17 ****
  #		manual makefile
! PARTS= doc.0 doc.1 doc.2 doc.3 doc.4 doc.5 doc.6 doc.7 doc.8 doc.9
  EXTRACT= doc.0 doc.1 doc.2 doc.3 doc.4 doc.5 doc.6
  #	croff (c-source => troff input converter) flags
--- 11,17 ----
  #		manual makefile
! PARTS= doc.0 doc.1 doc.2 doc.3 doc.4 doc.5 doc.6 doc.7 doc.8
  EXTRACT= doc.0 doc.1 doc.2 doc.3 doc.4 doc.5 doc.6
  #	croff (c-source => troff input converter) flags
*** 80,91 ****
  		$(MAKE) TROFF=nroff PRINT=nroff PRINTER=$(PRINTER) all
! install: $(INSDIR)
  		-rm -f $(INSDIR)/$(NAME)
! 		cp $(NAME) $(INSDIR)/$(NAME)
! 	mkdir $@
  		rm -f temp
--- 80,97 ----
  		$(MAKE) TROFF=nroff PRINT=nroff PRINTER=$(PRINTER) all
! install: $(INSDIR) $(NAME)
  		-rm -f $(INSDIR)/$(NAME)
! 		-cp $(NAME) $(INSDIR)/$(NAME)
! 	-mkdir $@
! $(NAME):	$(CROFF)
! 	$(MAKE) -s PRINTER=crt nroff > $(NAME)
! $(CROFF):
! 	cd croff;$(MAKE) croff clean
  		rm -f temp
diff -r -c mgr.rel/misc/README mgr.new/misc/README
*** mgr.rel/misc/README	Tue Jan 24 15:56:32 1989
--- mgr.new/misc/README	Fri Jan 27 09:48:36 1989
*** 20,26 ****
  mgr.ti		A sample MGR terminfo entry
! mgrc		some sample MGR startup files ans notes
  plot		PLot(5) format data
  		try mgrplot < plot
--- 20,26 ----
  mgr.ti		A sample MGR terminfo entry
! mgrc		some sample MGR startup files and notes
  plot		PLot(5) format data
  		try mgrplot < plot
diff -r -c mgr.rel/misc/login mgr.new/misc/login
*** mgr.rel/misc/login	Fri Jan 27 10:58:09 1989
--- mgr.new/misc/login	Fri Jan 27 09:51:45 1989
*** 0 ****
--- 1,39 ----
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ This is a typical MGR compatable .login file, demonstrating the method for
+ starting commands remotely in your .mgrc.  To start the command "FOO"
+ on host "bar" use a line in .mgrc such as: 
+ "start setenv TERM FOO.mgr;rlogin bar\r"
+ and this .login on host "bar".
+ 	set noglob
+ 	stty new dec erase  crt ctlecho
+ 	setenv HOST `hostname`
+ 	setenv EDITOR vi
+ 	setenv PRINTER lj
+ 	setenv MANPATH "/usr/mgr/man:/usr/sau/man:/usr/local/man:/usr/man"
+ 	set prompt="$HOST% "
+ 	switch($term)
+ 	case su:
+ 	case net:
+ 	case switch:
+ 	case unknown:
+ 		eval `tset -s -n -Q -m :?wy`
+ 		breaksw
+ 	case sun:
+ 		echo "[p"
+ 		setenv MORE "-cs"
+ 		caps n
+ 		swap_kbd
+ 		breaksw
+ 	case mgr:
+ 		eval `set_termcap`
+ 		setenv MORE "-cs"
+ 		breaksw
+ 	case *.mgr:
+ 		setenv TERM mgr
+ 		eval `set_termcap`
+ 		setenv MORE "-cs"
+ 		exec `basename $term .mgr`
+ 		breaksw
+ 	endsw
+ 	unset noglob
diff -r -c mgr.rel/misc/mgrc mgr.new/misc/mgrc
*** mgr.rel/misc/mgrc	Fri Jan 27 10:58:09 1989
--- mgr.new/misc/mgrc	Fri Jan 27 09:52:30 1989
*** 0 ****
--- 1,108 ----
+ Here are 3 sample .mgrc files, borrowed from random local MGR usrs (the
+ files are indented for clarity only). Lines staring at the left margin
+ are comments and not part of the files.
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 	font 8 gal8x16r.fnt
+ 	font 9 gal8x16b.fnt
+ 	font 10 gal8x16ru.fnt
+ 	font 11 gal12x20r.fnt
+ 	font 12 gal12x20b.fnt
+ 	font 13 gal12x20ru.fnt
+ 	font 14 gal12x20bu.fnt
+ These two entries control the default behavior of paging and sliding menus
+ 	slide	50	8
+ 	page	8	25
+ 	window 29	93	971	708	12
+ 		start sleep 6;echo -n "\e8S";set_console\r
+ This next window is used to track mail delivery.  .mailrc contains
+ sendmail=Sendmail and Sendmail is the shell script: "sendmail -v $* >>
+ $HOME/.sm"
+ 	window 29       806     491     90  1
+ 		start echo \f-Mail Delivery Status- > ~/.sm;tail -f ~/.sm\r
+ 	window 2	2	72	72
+ 		shell nice clock2 -c
+ 	window 76	2	72	72
+ 		shell iconmail -s
+ 	window 150	2	72	72
+ 		shell iconmsgs -s
+ 	window 228	2	72	72
+ 		shell nice walk
+ 	window 304	2	464	72	1
+ 		shell nice stat -10 d1 us -5 r
+ 	window 775	2	380	72	1
+ 		shell nice ether
+ 	window 406	326	730	556	6
+ 		shell -ksh
+ 	window 1008     81      46      46  1
+ 		start cut -s\r
+ 	window 1068   81    76    74  1
+ 		start echo 6h;setenv PRINTER lj;snap ~/snap\r
+ 	done
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Sample .mgrc # 2.
+ 	font 1 sail6x8r.fnt
+ 	font 2 80x2.fnt
+ 	font 3 81.fnt
+ 	font 4 shad_16.fnt
+ 	window 0 80 570 810 2
+ 			  start rlogin gobo -8\r
+ 	window 576 80 570 810 2
+ 			  start rlogin gobo -8\r
+ 	window 0 480 570 394 2
+ 			  start rlogin gobo -8\r
+ 	window 576 480 570 394 2
+ 			  start rlogin gobo -8\r
+ 	window 8 92 1130 760 3
+ 			  start ta\r
+ 	window 440 4 72 72
+ 			  shell iconmail -s
+ 	window 516 4 72 72
+ 			  shell iconmsgs -s
+ 	window 0 4 216 72 4
+ 			  shell clock -s
+ 	done
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ This .mgrc was setup for a Sun 3-110/c (color)
+ 	initcmd		set_colormap
+ 	resumecmd	overlay
+ 	font 16 80x2.fnt
+ 	font 17 upside8x12.fnt
+ 	window	-1	-1	-1	-1	11
+ 		newwindow
+ 	window	0     0       74      74
+ 		start flashloop iconmail\r
+ 	window	74    0       74      74
+ 		start flashloop iconmsgs\r
+ 	window	148   0       74      74
+ 		shell clock -b
+ 		windowsetid	11
+ 	window	-1	-1	80c	80c	11
+ 		start flashloop\r
+ 		active
+ 	window	-1	-1	80c	80c	11
+ 		start sleep 2;iconifycmd -n heavy $SHELL\r
+ 	window	-1	-1	80c	80c	0
+ 		start sleep 4;iconifycmd flash\r
+ 		windowsetid	7
+ 	window	502      80      650     394	0
+ 		start sleep 6;iconifycmd -n dq... dq\r
+ 		windowsetid	8
+ 	window	422	145	730	442	7
+ 		start sleep 8;iconifycmd -n micom eval SHELL=micom hpmgr\r
+ 		windowsetid	9
+ 	window	0      250     490     650	1
+ 		start set_console\r
+ 		windowsetid	10
+ 	done
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
Only in mgr.new/src: icons.h
diff -r -c mgr.rel/src/kbd.c mgr.new/src/kbd.c
*** mgr.rel/src/kbd.c	Tue Jan 24 15:58:35 1989
--- mgr.new/src/kbd.c	Fri Jan 27 10:43:21 1989
*** 20,26 ****
  # include <sys/types.h>
  # include <sundev/kbio.h>
  # ifndef TIOCCONS					/* definiton moved in rel. 4.0 */
! #   include "<sys/termios.h>"
  # endif
  #endif KBD
--- 20,26 ----
  # include <sys/types.h>
  # include <sundev/kbio.h>
  # ifndef TIOCCONS					/* definiton moved in rel. 4.0 */
! #   include <sys/ttycom.h>		/* was sys/termios.h */
  # endif
  #endif KBD
*** 108,115 ****
  static int kbd_fd = -1;
--- 108,117 ----
+ #else
+ int
+ kbd_reset() {}
  static int kbd_fd = -1;
diff -r -c mgr.rel/src/blit/bitmap.c mgr.new/src/blit/bitmap.c
*** mgr.rel/src/blit/bitmap.c	Tue Jan 24 15:58:48 1989
--- mgr.new/src/blit/bitmap.c	Fri Jan 27 10:32:40 1989
*** 66,72 ****
  #ifdef _MAP_NEW		/* New semantics for mmap in Sun release 4.0 */
     addr = (DATA) mmap(addr, _s_len=buff.fb_size,
! 						 PROT_WRITE, _MAP_NEW|MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
     if ((int)addr == -1)
        return (BIT_NULL);
--- 66,72 ----
  #ifdef _MAP_NEW		/* New semantics for mmap in Sun release 4.0 */
     addr = (DATA) mmap(addr, _s_len=buff.fb_size,
     if ((int)addr == -1)
        return (BIT_NULL);
diff -r -c mgr.rel/src/oblit/bitmap.c mgr.new/src/oblit/bitmap.c
*** mgr.rel/src/oblit/bitmap.c	Tue Jan 24 15:58:51 1989
--- mgr.new/src/oblit/bitmap.c	Fri Jan 27 10:33:01 1989
*** 66,72 ****
  #ifdef _MAP_NEW      /* New semantics for mmap in Sun release 4.0 */
     addr = (DATA) mmap(addr, _s_len=buff.fb_size,
!                    PROT_WRITE, _MAP_NEW|MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
     if ((int)addr == -1)
        return (BIT_NULL);
--- 66,72 ----
  #ifdef _MAP_NEW      /* New semantics for mmap in Sun release 4.0 */
     addr = (DATA) mmap(addr, _s_len=buff.fb_size,
!                    PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, _MAP_NEW|MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
     if ((int)addr == -1)
        return (BIT_NULL);

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