v18i036: Mail user's shell version 6.4, Part14/19

Rich Salz rsalz at bbn.com
Sat Mar 18 04:37:10 AEST 1989

Submitted-by: Dan Heller <island!argv at sun.com>
Posting-number: Volume 18, Issue 36
Archive-name: mush6.4/part14

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file".  To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c".  You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g..  If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
#		"End of archive 14 (of 19)."
# Contents:  loop.c
# Wrapped by rsalz at papaya.bbn.com on Mon Mar 13 19:25:20 1989
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
if test -f 'loop.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'loop.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'loop.c'\" \(30008 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'loop.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X/* loop.c 	(c) copyright 1986 (Dan Heller) */
X * Here is where the main loop for text mode exists. Also, all the
X * history is kept here and all the command parsing and execution
X * and alias expansion in or out of text/graphics mode is done here.
X */
X#include "mush.h"
X#ifdef BSD
X#include <sys/wait.h>
X#ifndef SYSV
X#include <wait.h>
X#endif /* SYSV */
X#endif /* BSD */
X#define ever (;;)
X#define MAXARGS		100
X#define isdelimeter(c)	(index(" \t;|", c))
Xchar *alias_expand(), *hist_expand(), *reference_hist(), *hist_from_str();
Xchar **calloc();
Xstruct history {
X    int histno;
X    char **argv;
X    struct history *prev;
X    struct history *next;
Xstatic struct history *hist_head, *hist_tail;
X#define malloc(n)	(struct history *)calloc((unsigned)1,(unsigned)(n))
X#define NULL_HIST	(struct history *)0
Xstatic char *last_aliased;
Xstatic int hist_size, print_only;
X    register char *p, **argv;
X    char	  **last_argv = DUBL_NULL, line[256];
X    int   	  argc, c = (iscurses - 1);
X#ifdef CURSES
X    int		  save_echo_flg = FALSE;
X#endif /* CURSES */
X    /* catch the right signals -- see main.c for other signal catching */
X    (void) signal(SIGINT, catch);
X    (void) signal(SIGQUIT, catch);
X    (void) signal(SIGHUP, catch);
X    (void) signal(SIGTERM, catch);
X    (void) signal(SIGCHLD,
X#ifndef SYSV
X			   sigchldcatcher
X#else /* SYSV */
X			   SIG_DFL
X#endif /* SYSV */
X			   );
X    turnoff(glob_flags, IGN_SIGS);
X    if (hist_size == 0) /* if user didn't set history in .rc file */
X	hist_size = 1;
X    for ever {
X	if (setjmp(jmpbuf)) {
X	    Debug("jumped back to main loop (%s: %d)\n", __FILE__,__LINE__);
X#ifdef CURSES
X	    if (c > 0) { /* don't pass last command back to curses_command() */
X		iscurses = TRUE;
X		c = hit_return();
X	    }
X#endif /* CURSES */
X	}
X#ifdef CURSES
X	if (iscurses || c > -1) {
X	    /* if !iscurses, we know that we returned from a curses-based
X	     * call and we really ARE still in curses. Reset tty modes!
X	     */
X	    if (ison(glob_flags, ECHO_FLAG)) {
X		turnoff(glob_flags, ECHO_FLAG);
X		echo_off();
X		save_echo_flg = TRUE;
X	    }
X	    if (!iscurses) {
X		iscurses = TRUE;
X		c = hit_return();
X	    }
X	    if (c < 0)
X		c = 0;
X	    if ((c = curses_command(c)) == -1 && save_echo_flg) {
X		echo_on();
X		turnon(glob_flags, ECHO_FLAG);
X		save_echo_flg = FALSE;
X	    }
X	    continue;
X	}
X#endif /* CURSES */
X	clear_msg_list(msg_list);
X	(void) check_new_mail();
X	/* print a prompt according to printf like format:
X	 * (current message, deleted, unread, etc) are found in mail_status.
X	 */
X	mail_status(1);
X	if (Getstr(line, sizeof(line), 0) > -1)
X	    p = line;
X	else {
X	    if (isatty(0) && (p = do_set(set_options, "ignoreeof"))) {
X		if (!*p)
X		    continue;
X		else
X		    p = strcpy(line, p); /* so processing won't destroy var */
X	    } else {
X		putchar('\n');
X		(void) quit(0, DUBL_NULL);
X		continue; /* quit may return if new mail arrives */
X	    }
X	}
X	skipspaces(0);
X	if (!*p && !(p = do_set(set_options, "newline"))) {
X	    (void) readmsg(0, DUBL_NULL, msg_list);
X	    continue;
X	}
X	if (!*p) /* if newline is set, but no value, then continue */
X	    continue;
X	/* upon error, argc = -1 -- still save in history so user can
X	 * modify syntax error. if !argv, error is too severe.  We pass
X	 * the last command typed in last_argv for history reference, and
X	 * get back the current command _as typed_ (unexpanded by aliases
X	 * or history) in last_argv.
X	 */
X	if (!(argv = make_command(p, &last_argv, &argc)))
X	    continue;
X	/* now save the old argv in a newly created history structure */
X	(void) add_history(0, last_argv); /* argc is currently ignored */
X	if (print_only) {
X	    print_only = 0;
X	    free_vec(argv);
X	} else if (argc > -1)
X	    (void) do_command(argc, argv, msg_list);
X    }
X/* Add a command to the history list
X */
Xadd_history(un_used, argv)
Xchar **argv;
X    struct history *new;
X    if (!(new = malloc(sizeof (struct history))))
X	error("can't increment history");
X    else {
X	new->histno = ++hist_no;
X	new->argv = argv;	/* this is the command _as typed_ */
X	new->next = NULL_HIST;
X	new->prev = hist_head;
X	/* if first command, the tail of the list is "new" because
X	 * nothing is in the list.  If not the first command, the
X	 * head of the list's "next" pointer points to the new command.
X	 */
X	if (hist_head)
X	    hist_head->next = new;
X	else
X	    hist_tail = new;
X	hist_head = new;
X    }
X    /*
X     * truncate the history list to the size of the history.
X     * Free the outdated command (argv) and move the tail closer to front.
X     * use a while loop in case the last command reset histsize to "small"
X     */
X    while (hist_head->histno - hist_tail->histno >= hist_size) {
X	hist_tail = hist_tail->next;
X	free_vec(hist_tail->prev->argv);
X	xfree(hist_tail->prev);
X	hist_tail->prev = NULL_HIST;
X    }
X/* make a command from "buf".
X * first, expand history references. make an argv from that and save
X * in last_argv (to be passed back and stored in history). After that,
X * THEN expand aliases. return that argv to be executed as a command.
X */
Xchar **
Xmake_command(start, last_argv, argc)
Xregister char *start, ***last_argv;
Xint *argc;
X    register char *p, **tmp;
X    char buf[BUFSIZ];
X    if (!last_argv)
X	tmp = DUBL_NULL;
X    else
X	tmp = *last_argv;
X    /* first expand history -- (here's where argc gets set)
X     * pass the buffer, the history list to reference if \!* (or whatever)
X     * result in static buffer (pointed to by p) -- even if history parsing is
X     * ignored, do this to remove \'s behind !'s and verifying matching quotes
X     */
X    if (!(p = hist_expand(start, tmp, argc)) || Strcpy(buf, p) > sizeof buf)
X	return DUBL_NULL;
X    /* if history was referenced in the command, echo new command */
X    if (*argc)
X	puts(buf);
X    /* argc may == -1; ignore this error for now but catch it later */
X    if (!(tmp = mk_argv(buf, argc, 0)))
X	return DUBL_NULL;
X    /* save this as the command typed */
X    if (last_argv)
X	*last_argv = tmp;
X    /* expand all aliases (recursively)
X     * pass _this_ command (as typed and without aliases) to let aliases
X     * with "!*" be able to reference the command line just typed.
X     */
X    if (alias_stuff(buf, *argc, tmp) == -1)
X	return DUBL_NULL;
X    if (!last_argv)
X	free_vec(tmp);
X    /* with everything expanded, build final argv from new buffer
X     * Note that backslashes and quotes still exist. Those are removed
X     * because argument final is 1.
X     */
X    tmp = mk_argv(buf, argc, 1);
X    return tmp;
X * do the command specified by the argument vector, argv.
X * First check to see if argc < 0. If so, someone called this
X * command and they should not have! make_command() will return
X * an argv but it will set argc to -1 if there's a syntax error.
X */
Xdo_command(argc, argv, list)
Xchar **argv, list[];
X    register char *p;
X    char **tmp = argv, *next_cmd = NULL;
X    int i, status;
X    long do_pipe = ison(glob_flags, DO_PIPE);
X    if (argc <= 0) {
X	turnoff(glob_flags, DO_PIPE);
X	return -1;
X    }
X    clear_msg_list(list);
X    for (i = 0; do_pipe >= 0 && argc; argc--) {
X	p = argv[i];
X	/* mk_argv inserts a boolean in argv[i][2] for separators */
X	if ((!strcmp(p, "|") || !strcmp(p, ";")) && p[2]) {
X	    if (do_pipe = (*p == '|'))
X		turnon(glob_flags, DO_PIPE);
X	    else if (next_cmd = argv[i+1])
X		argv[i+1] = NULL, argc--;
X	    argv[i] = NULL;
X	    if ((status = exec_argv(i, argv, list)) <= -1)
X		mac_flush();
X	    /* if piping, then don't call next command if this one failed. */
X	    if (status <= -1 && do_pipe) {
X		print("Broken pipe.\n");
X		do_pipe = -1, turnoff(glob_flags, DO_PIPE);
X	    }
X	    /* if command failed and piping, or command worked and not piping */
X	    if (do_pipe <= 0)
X		status = 0, clear_msg_list(list);
X	    /* else command worked and piping: set is_pipe */
X	    else if (!status)
X		turnon(glob_flags, IS_PIPE), turnoff(glob_flags, DO_PIPE);
X	    argv[i] = p;
X	    argv += (i+1);
X	    i = 0;
X	} else
X	    i++;
X    }
X    if (*argv && do_pipe >= 0)
X	if ((status = exec_argv(i, argv, list)) < 0)
X	    mac_flush();
X    Debug("freeing: "), print_argv(tmp);
X    free_vec(tmp);
X    turnoff(glob_flags, DO_PIPE), turnoff(glob_flags, IS_PIPE);
X    if (next_cmd) {
X	if (tmp = mk_argv(next_cmd, &argc, 1))
X	    status = do_command(argc, tmp, list);
X	else
X	    status = argc;
X	xfree(next_cmd);
X    }
X    return status;
Xexec_argv(argc, argv, list)
Xregister char **argv, list[];
X    register int n;
X    if (!argv || !*argv || argv[0][0] == '\\' && !argv[0][1]) {
X	if (ison(glob_flags, IS_PIPE))
X	    print("Invalid null command.\n");
X	else if (ison(glob_flags, DO_PIPE)) {
X	    set_msg_bit(list, current_msg);
X	    return 0;
X	}
X	return -1;
X    } else if (argv[0][0] == '\\') {
X	/* Can't change *argv (breaks free_vec),
X	 *  so shift to remove the backslash
X         */
X	for (n = 0; argv[0][n]; n++)
X	    argv[0][n] = argv[0][n+1];
X    }
X    Debug("executing: "), print_argv(argv);
X    /* if interrupted during execution of a command, return -1 */
X    if (isoff(glob_flags, IGN_SIGS) && setjmp(jmpbuf)) {
X	Debug("jumped back to exec_argv (%s: %d)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
X	return -1;
X    }
X    /* standard commands */
X    for (n = 0; cmds[n].command; n++)
X	if (!strcmp(argv[0], cmds[n].command))
X	    return (*cmds[n].func)(argc, argv, list);
X    /* ucb-Mail compatible commands */
X    for (n = 0; ucb_cmds[n].command; n++)
X	if (!strcmp(argv[0], ucb_cmds[n].command))
X	    return (*ucb_cmds[n].func)(argc, argv, list);
X    /* for hidden, undocumented commands */
X    for (n = 0; hidden_cmds[n].command; n++)
X	if (!strcmp(argv[0], hidden_cmds[n].command))
X	    return (*hidden_cmds[n].func)(argc, argv, list);
X    /* check tool-only commands */
X    if (istool)
X	for (n = 0; fkey_cmds[n].command; n++)
X	    if (!strcmp(argv[0], fkey_cmds[n].command))
X		return (*fkey_cmds[n].func)(argc, argv);
X#endif /* SUNTOOL */
X    n = -1; /* default to failure */
X    if ((isdigit(**argv) || index("^.*$-`{}", **argv))
X			&& (n = get_msg_list(argv, list)) != 0) {
X	if (n > 0 && isoff(glob_flags, DO_PIPE))
X	    for (n = 0; n < msg_cnt; n++)
X		if (msg_bit(list, n)) {
X		    display_msg((current_msg = n), (long)0);
X		    unset_msg_bit(list, n);
X		}
X	return 0;
X    } else {
X	/* get_msg_list will set the current message bit if nothing parsed */
X	if (n == 0)
X	    unset_msg_bit(list, current_msg);
X	if (strlen(*argv) == 1 && index("$^.", **argv)) {
X	    if (!msg_cnt)
X		print("No messages.");
X	    else {
X		if (**argv != '.')
X		    current_msg = (**argv == '$') ? msg_cnt-1 : 0;
X		set_msg_bit(list, current_msg);
X		display_msg(current_msg, (long)0);
X	    }
X	    return 0;
X	}
X    }
X    if (!istool && do_set(set_options, "unix")) {
X	if (ison(glob_flags, IS_PIPE)) {
X	    return pipe_msg(argc, argv, list);
X	} else
X	    execute(argv);  /* try to execute a unix command */
X	return -1; /* doesn't affect messages! */
X    }
X    print("%s: command not found.\n", *argv);
X    if (!istool)
X	print("type '?' for valid commands, or type `help'\n");
X    return -1;
X/* recursively look for aliases on a command line.  aliases may
X * reference other aliases.
X */
Xalias_stuff(b, argc, Argv)
Xregister char 	*b, **Argv;
X    register char 	*p, **argv = DUBL_NULL;
X    register int 	n = 0, i = 0, Argc;
X    static int 		loops;
X    int 		dummy;
X    if (++loops == 20) {
X	print("Alias loop.\n");
X	return -1;
X    }
X    for (Argc = 0; Argc < argc; Argc++) {
X	register char *h = Argv[n + ++i];
X	register char *p2 = "";
X	int sep;
X	/* we've hit a command separator or the end of the line */
X	if (h && strcmp(h, ";") && strcmp(h, "|"))
X	    continue;
X	/* create a new argv containing this (possible subset) of argv */
X	if (!(argv = calloc((unsigned)(i+1), sizeof (char *))))
X	    continue;
X	sep = n + i;
X	while (i--)
X	    strdup(argv[i], Argv[n+i]);
X	if ((!last_aliased || strcmp(last_aliased, argv[0]))
X			&& (p = alias_expand(argv[0]))) {
X	    /* if history was referenced, ignore the rest of argv
X	     * else copy all of argv onto the end of the buffer.
X	     */
X	    if (!(p2 = hist_expand(p, argv, &dummy)))
X		break;
X	    if (!dummy)
X		(void) argv_to_string(p2+strlen(p2), argv+1);
X	    if (Strcpy(b, p2) > BUFSIZ) {
X		print("Not enough buffer space.\n");
X		break;
X	    }
X	    /* release old argv and build a new one based on new string */
X	    free_vec(argv);
X	    if (!(argv = mk_argv(b, &dummy, 0)))
X		break;
X	    if (alias_stuff(b, dummy, argv) == -1)
X		break;
X	} else
X	    b = argv_to_string(b, argv);
X	xfree(last_aliased), last_aliased = NULL;
X	free_vec(argv);
X	b += strlen(b);
X	if (h) {
X	    b += strlen(sprintf(b, " %s ", h));
X	    while (++Argc < argc && (h = Argv[Argc]))
X		if (Argc > sep && strcmp(h, ";"))
X		    break;
X	    n = Argc--;
X	}
X	i = 0;
X    }
X    xfree(last_aliased), last_aliased = NULL;
X    --loops;
X    if (Argc < argc) {
X	free_vec(argv);
X	return -1;
X    }
X    return 0;
Xchar *
Xregister char *cmd;
X    register char *p;
X    register int x;
X    if (!(p = do_set(functions, cmd)))
X	return NULL;
X    last_aliased = savestr(cmd); /* to be freed elsewhere; don't strdup! */
X    if (isoff(glob_flags, WARNING))
X	return p;
X    for (x = 0; cmds[x].command; x++)
X	if (!strcmp(cmd, cmds[x].command)) {
X	    wprint("(real command: \"%s\" aliased to \"%s\")\n", cmd, p);
X	    return p;
X	}
X    for (x = 0; ucb_cmds[x].command; x++)
X	if (!strcmp(cmd, ucb_cmds[x].command)) {
X	    wprint("(ucb-command: \"%s\" aliased to \"%s\")\n", cmd, p);
X	    return p;
X	}
X    return p;
Xstatic int nonobang;
X/* expand history references and separate message lists from other tokens */
Xchar *
Xhist_expand(str, argv, hist_was_referenced)
Xregister char *str, **argv;
Xregister int *hist_was_referenced;
X    static char   buf[BUFSIZ];
X    register int  b = 0, inquotes = 0;
X    int 	  first_space = 0, ignore_bang;
X    ignore_bang = (ison(glob_flags, IGN_BANG) ||
X		   do_set(set_options, "ignore_bang"));
X    nonobang = !!do_set(set_options, "nonobang");
X    if (hist_was_referenced)
X	*hist_was_referenced = 0;
X    while (*str) {
X	while (!inquotes && isspace(*str))
X	    str++;
X	do  {
X	    if (!*str)
X		break;
X	    if (b >= sizeof(buf)-1) {
X		print("argument list too long.\n");
X		return NULL;
X	    }
X	    if ((buf[b] = *str++) == '\'') {
X		/* make sure there's a match! */
X		inquotes = !inquotes;
X	    }
X	    if (!first_space && !inquotes && index("0123456789{}*$^.", buf[b])
X			     && b && !index("0123456789{}-^. \t", buf[b-1])) {
X		buf[b+1] = buf[b];
X		buf[b++] = ' ';
X		while ((buf[++b] = *str++) && index("0123456789-,${}.", buf[b]))
X		    ;
X		if (!buf[b])
X		    str--;
X		first_space++;
X	    }
X	    /* check for (;) (|) or any other delimiter and separate it from
X	     * other tokens.
X	     */
X	    if (!inquotes && buf[b] != '\0' && isdelimeter(buf[b]) &&
X		    (b < 0 || buf[b-1] != '\\')) {
X		if (!isspace(buf[b]))
X		    first_space = -1; /* resume msg-list separation */
X		if (b && !isspace(buf[b-1]))
X		    buf[b+1] = buf[b], buf[b++] = ' ';
X		b++;
X		break;
X	    }
X	    /*
X	     * If double-quotes, just copy byte by byte, char by char,
X	     *  but do remove backslashes from in front of !s
X	     */
X	    if (buf[b] == '"') {
X		int B = b;
X		while ((buf[++B] = *str++) && buf[B] != '"')
X		    if (*str == '!' && buf[B] == '\\')
X			buf[B] = '!', str++;
X		if (buf[B])
X		    b = B;
X		else
X		    str--;
X		b++;
X		continue;
X	    }
X	    if (buf[b] == '\\') {
X		if ((buf[++b] = *str) == '!')
X		    buf[--b] = '!';
X		++str;
X	    } else if (buf[b] == '!' && *str && *str != '\\' && !isspace(*str)
X		       && !ignore_bang) {
X		char word[BUFSIZ], *s;
X		if (!(s = reference_hist(str, word, argv))) {
X		    if (!nonobang)
X			return NULL;
X		} else {
X		    str = s;
X		    if (hist_was_referenced)
X			*hist_was_referenced = 1;
X		    if (strlen(word) + b >= sizeof buf) {
X			print("argument list too long.\n");
X			return NULL;
X		    }
X		    b += Strcpy(&buf[b], word) - 1;
X		}
X	    }
X	    b++;
X	} while (*str && (!isdelimeter(*str) || str[-1] == '\\'));
X	if (!inquotes)
X	    first_space++, buf[b++] = ' ';
X    }
X    buf[b] = 0;
X    return buf;
X * expand references to internal variables.  This allows such things
X * as $iscurses, $hdrs_only, etc. to work correctly.
X */
Xchar *
Xregister char *str;
X    int ret_val = -1;
X    if (!strcmp(str, "iscurses"))
X	ret_val = (iscurses || ison(glob_flags, PRE_CURSES));
X    else if (!strcmp(str, "istool"))
X	ret_val = istool;
X    else if (!strcmp(str, "hdrs_only"))
X	return hdrs_only;
X    else if (!strcmp(str, "is_sending"))
X	ret_val = (ison(glob_flags, IS_SENDING) != 0);
X    else if (!strcmp(str, "redirect"))
X	ret_val = (ison(glob_flags, REDIRECT) != 0);
X    else if (!strcmp(str, "thisfolder"))
X	return (mailfile && *mailfile) ? mailfile : NULL;
X    return ret_val > 0 ? "1" : ret_val == 0? "0" : NULL;
X * find mush variable references and expand them to their values.
X * variables are preceded by a '$' and cannot be within single
X * quotes.  Only if expansion has been made do we copy buf back into str.
X * We expand only as far as the first unprotected `;' separator in str,
X * to get the right behavior when multiple commands are on one line.
X * RETURN 0 on failure, 1 on success.
X */
Xregister char *str;
X    register int     b = 0, inquotes = 0;
X    char             buf[BUFSIZ], *start = str;
X    int		     expanded = 0;
X    while (*str && b < sizeof buf - 1) {
X	if (*str == '~' && (str == start || isspace(*(str-1)))) {
X	    register char *p = any(str, " \t"), *tmp;
X	    int x = 1;
X	    if (p)
X		*p = 0;
X	    tmp = getpath(str, &x);
X	    /* if error, print message and return 0 */
X	    if (x == -1) {
X		wprint("%s: %s\n", str, tmp);
X		return 0;
X	    }
X	    b += Strcpy(buf+b, tmp);
X	    if (p)
X		*p = ' ', str = p;
X	    else
X		str += strlen(str);
X	    expanded = 1;
X	}
X	/* if single-quotes, just copy byte by byte, char by char ... */
X	if ((buf[b] = *str++) == '\'' && !inquotes) {
X	    while ((buf[++b] = *str++) && buf[b] != '\'')
X		;
X	    if (!buf[b])
X		str--;
X	} else if (!inquotes && buf[b] == '\\' && *str) {
X	    buf[++b] = *str++;
X	    b++;
X	    continue;
X	} else if (buf[b] == '"')
X	    inquotes = !inquotes;
X	/* If $ is eol, continue.  Variables must start with a `$'
X	 * and continue with {, _, a-z, A-Z or it is not a variable.      }
X	 */
X	if (buf[b] == '$' && *str &&
X		(isalpha(*str) || *str == '{'/*}*/ ||
X		    *str == '_' || *str == '?')) {
X	    register char c, *p, *var, *end, do_bool, *op = NULL;
X	    if (do_bool = (*str == '?'))
X		str++;
X	    if (*(end = var = str) == '{')  /* } */   {
X		if (*++var == '?' && !do_bool)
X		    ++var, do_bool = 1;
X		if (!isalpha(*var) && *var != '_') {
X		    print("Illegal variable name.\n");
X		    return 0;
X		}
X		if (!(end = index(var, '}'))) /* { */   {
X		    print("Unmatched '{'.\n"); /* } */
X		    return 0;
X		}
X		*end++ = 0;
X	    } else {
X		while (isalnum(*++end) || *end == '_')
X		    ;
X		if (!do_bool && end[0] == ':' && isalpha(end[1]))
X		    end += 2; /* include colon and operation */
X	    }
X	    /* advance "str" to the next parse-point, replace the end
X	     * of "var" (end) with a nul, and save char in `c'
X	     */
X	    c = *(str = end), *end = 0;
X	    if (!do_bool && (op = index(var, ':')) && op[1])
X		*op++ = '\0'; /* replace colon with nul */
X	    /* get the value of the variable. */
X	    if (!(p = check_internal(var)))
X		p = do_set(set_options, var);
X	    if (do_bool)
X		buf[b++] = p ? '1' : '0';
X	    else if (p) {
X		if (op) {
X		    char *cut = rindex(p, '/');
X		    if (cut)
X			*cut = '\0';
X		    switch (*op) {
X			case 't':
X			    if (cut)
X				p = cut + 1;
X			    /* Fall through! */
X			case 'h':
X			    b += Strcpy(buf+b, p);
X			otherwise:
X			    *str = c;
X			    *--op = ':';
X			    print("Unknown colon modifier.\n");
X			    return 0;
X		    }
X		    if (cut)
X			*cut = '/';
X		} else
X		    b += Strcpy(buf+b, p);
X	    } else {
X		print("%s: undefined variable\n", var);
X		return 0;
X	    }
X	    expanded = 1;
X	    *str = c; /* replace the null with the old character */
X	    if (op)
X		*--op = ':'; /* Put back the colon */
X	} else if (!inquotes && buf[b] == ';') {
X	    while (buf[++b] = *str++)
X		;
X	    b++;
X	    break;
X	} else
X	    b++;
X    }
X    buf[b] = 0;
X    if (expanded) /* if any expansions were done, copy back into orig buf */
X	(void) strcpy(start, buf);
X    return 1;
X/* make an argv of space delimited character strings out of string "str".
X * place in "argc" the number of args made.  If final is true, then expand
X * variables and file names and remove quotes and backslants according to
X * standard.
X */
Xchar **
Xmk_argv(str, argc, final)
Xregister char *str;
Xint *argc;
X    register char	*s = NULL, *p;
X    register int	tmp, err = 0, unq_sep = 0;
X    char		*newargv[MAXARGS], **argv, *p2, c, buf[BUFSIZ];
X    if (debug > 3)
X	printf("Working on: %s\n",str);
X    /* If final is true, do variable expansions first */
X    if (final) {
X	(void) strcpy(buf, str);
X	str = buf;
X	if (!variable_expand(str))
X	    return DUBL_NULL;
X    }
X    *argc = 0;
X    while (*str && *argc < MAXARGS) {
X	while (isspace(*str))
X	    ++str;
X	/* When we have hit an unquoted `;', final must be true,
X	 * so we're finished.  Stuff the rest of the string at the
X	 * end of the argv -- do_command will pass it back later,
X	 * for further processing -- and break out of the loop.
X	 * NOTE: *s is not yet valid the first time through this
X	 * loop, so unq_sep should always be initialized to 0.
X	 */
X	if (unq_sep && s && *s == ';') {
X	    if (*str) { /* Don't bother saving a null string */
X		newargv[*argc] = savestr(str);
X		(*argc)++;
X	    }
X	    break;
X	}
X	if (*str) {		/* found beginning of a word */
X	    unq_sep = 0;	/* innocent until proven guilty */
X	    s = p = str;
X	    do  {
X		if (p - s >= sizeof buf-1) {
X		    print("argument list too long.\n");
X		    return DUBL_NULL;
X		}
X		if (*str == ';' || *str == '|')
X		    unq_sep = final; /* Mark an unquoted separator */
X		if ((*p = *str++) == '\\') {
X		    if (final && (*str == ';' || *str == '|'))
X			--p; /* Back up to overwrite the backslash */
X		    if (*++p = *str) /* assign and compare to NUL */
X			str++;
X		    continue;
X		}
X		if (p2 = index("\"'", *p)) {
X		    register char c2 = *p2;
X		    /* you can't escape quotes inside quotes of the same type */
X		    if (!(p2 = index(str, c2))) {
X			if (final)
X			    print("Unmatched %c.\n", c2);
X			err++;
X			p2 = str;
X		    }
X		    tmp = (int)(p2 - str) + 1; /* take up to & include quote */
X		    (void) strncpy(p + !final, str, tmp);
X		    p += tmp - 2 * !!final; /* change final to a boolean */
X		    if (*(str = p2))
X			str++;
X		}
X	    } while (++p, *str && (!isdelimeter(*str) || str[-1] == '\\'));
X	    if (c = *str) /* set c = *str, check for null */
X		str++;
X	    *p = 0;
X	    if (*s) {
X		/* To differentiate real separators from quoted or
X		 * escaped ones, always store 3 chars:
X		 *  1) The separator character
X		 *  2) A nul (string terminator)
X		 *  3) An additional boolean (0 or 1)
X		 * The boolean is checked by do_command.  Note that this
X		 * applies only to "solitary" separators, i.e. those not
X		 * part of a larger word.
X		 */
X		if (final && (!strcmp(s, ";") || !strcmp(s, "|"))) {
X		    char *sep = savestr("xx"); /* get 3 char slots */
X		    sep[0] = *s, sep[1] = '\0', sep[2] = unq_sep;
X		    newargv[*argc] = sep;
X		} else
X		    newargv[*argc] = savestr(s);
X		(*argc)++;
X	    }
X	    *p = c;
X	}
X    }
X    if (!*argc)
X	return DUBL_NULL;
X    /* newargv[*argc] = NULL; */
X    if (!(argv = calloc((unsigned)((*argc)+1), sizeof(char *)))) {
X	perror("mk_argv: calloc");
X	return DUBL_NULL;
X    }
X    for (tmp = 0; tmp < *argc; tmp++)
X	argv[tmp] = newargv[tmp];
X    if (err)
X	*argc = -1;
X    if (debug > 3)
X	printf("Made argv: "), print_argv(argv);
X    return argv;
X * Report a history parsing error.
X * Suppress the message if nonobang is true.
X */
X#define hist_error	if (nonobang) {;} else print
X * reference previous history from syntax of str and place result into buf
X * We know we've got a history reference -- we're passed the string starting
X * the first char AFTER the '!' (which indicates history reference)
X */
Xchar *
Xreference_hist(str, buf, hist_ref)
Xregister char *str, **hist_ref;
Xchar buf[];
X    int 	   relative; /* relative from current hist_no */
X    int 	   old_hist, argstart = 0, lastarg, argend = 0, n = 0;
X    register char  *p, *rb = NULL, **argv = hist_ref;
X    struct history *hist;
X    buf[0] = 0;
X    if (*str == '{')
X	if (!(rb = index(str, '}'))) {   /* { */
X	    hist_error("Unmatched '}'");
X	    return NULL;
X	} else
X	    *rb = 0, ++str;
X    relative = *str == '-';
X    if (index("!:$*", *str)) {
X	old_hist = hist_no;
X	if (*str == '!')
X	    str++;
X    } else if (isdigit(*(str + relative)))
X	str = my_atoi(str + relative, &old_hist);
X    else if (!(p = hist_from_str(str, &old_hist))) {
X	if (rb) /* { */
X	    *rb = '}';
X	return NULL;
X    } else
X	str = p;
X    if (relative)
X	old_hist = (hist_no-old_hist) + 1;
X    if (old_hist == hist_no) {
X	if (!(argv = hist_ref))
X	    hist_error("You haven't done anything yet!\n");
X    } else {
X	if (old_hist <= hist_no-hist_size || old_hist > hist_no ||
X	    old_hist <= 0) {
X	    if (old_hist <= 0)
X		hist_error("You haven't done that many commands, yet.\n");
X	    else
X		hist_error("Event %d %s.\n", old_hist,
X		    (old_hist > hist_no)? "hasn't happened yet": "expired");
X	    if (rb) /* { */
X		*rb = '}';
X	    return NULL;
X	}
X	hist = hist_head;
X	while (hist && hist->histno != old_hist)
X	    hist = hist->prev;
X	if (hist)
X	    argv = hist->argv;
X    }
X    if (!argv) {
X	if (rb) /* { */
X	    *rb = '}';
X	return NULL;
X    }
X    while (argv[argend+1])
X	argend++;
X    lastarg = argend;
X    if (*str && index(":$*-", *str)) {
X	int isrange;
X	if (*str == ':' && isdigit(*++str))
X	    str = my_atoi(str, &argstart);
X	if (isrange = (*str == '-'))
X	    str++;
X	if (!isdigit(*str)) {
X	    if (*str == 'p')
X		str++, print_only = 1;
X	    else if (!*str || isdelimeter(*str))
X		if (isrange)
X		    argend--; /* unspecified end of range implies last-1 arg */
X		else
X		    argend = argstart; /* no range specified; use arg given */
X	    else {
X		if (*str == '*')
X		    if (argv[0])
X			argstart = 1, argend = ++lastarg;
X		    else
X			argstart = 0;
X		else if (*str == '$' && !isrange)
X		    argstart = argend;
X		else if (*str != '$')
X		    print("%c: unknown argument selector.\n", *str);
X		str++;
X	    }
X	} else
X	    str = my_atoi(str, &argend);
X    }
X    if (argstart > lastarg || argend > lastarg || argstart > argend) {
X	hist_error("Bad argument selector.\n");
X	if (rb) /* { */
X	    *rb = '}';
X	return NULL;
X    }
X    while (argstart <= argend) {
X	n += Strcpy(&buf[n], argv[argstart++]);
X	buf[n++] = ' ';
X    }
X    buf[--n] = 0;
X    if (rb) /* { */
X	*rb = '}';
X    return (rb ? rb + 1 : str);
X/* find a history command that contains the string "str"
X * place that history number in "hist" and return the end of the string
X * parsed: !?foo (find command with "foo" in it) !?foo?bar (same, but add "bar")
X * in the second example, return the pointer to "bar"
X */
Xchar *
Xhist_from_str(str, hist_number)
Xregister char *str;
Xregister int *hist_number;
X    register char *p = NULL, c = 0;
X    int 	  full_search = 0, len, found;
X    char 	  buf[BUFSIZ];
X    struct history *hist;
X#ifndef REGCMP
X    extern char   *re_comp();
X    extern char   *regcmp();
X#endif /* REGCMP */
X    /* For !{something}, the {} are stripped in reference_hist() */
X    if (*str == '?') {
X	if (p = index(++str, '?'))
X	    c = *p, *p = 0;
X	else
X	    p = str + strlen(str);
X	full_search = 1;
X    } else {
X	p = str;
X	while (*p && *p != ':' && !isspace(*p))
X	    p++;
X	c = *p, *p = 0;
X    }
X    if (*str) {
X#ifndef REGCMP
X	if (re_comp(str))
X	if (!regcmp(str, NULL))
X#endif /* REGCMP */
X	{
X	    if (c)
X		*p = c;
X	    return NULL;
X	}
X    } else {
X	*hist_number = hist_no;
X	if (c)
X	    *p = c;
X	return (*p == '?' ? p + 1 : p);
X    }
X    len = strlen(str);
X    /* move thru the history in reverse searching for a string match. */
X    for (hist = hist_head; hist; hist = hist->prev) {
X	if (full_search) {
X	    (void) argv_to_string(buf, hist->argv);
X	    Debug("Checking for (%s) in (#%d: %s)\n", str, hist->histno, buf);
X	}
X	if (!full_search) {
X	    (void) strcpy(buf, hist->argv[0]);
X	    Debug("Checking for (%s) in (#%d: %*s)\n",
X		str, hist->histno, len, buf);
X	    found = !strncmp(buf, str, len);
X	} else
X	    found =
X#ifndef REGCMP
X		re_exec(buf)
X		!!regex(str, buf, NULL) /* convert to boolean value */
X#endif /* REGCMP */
X				== 1;
X	if (found) {
X	    *hist_number = hist->histno;
X	    Debug("Found it in history #%d\n", *hist_number);
X	    *p = c;
X	    return (*p == '?' ? p + 1 : p);
X	}
X    }
X    hist_error("%s: event not found\n", str);
X    *p = c;
X    return NULL;
Xdisp_hist(n, argv)  /* argc not used -- use space for the variable, "n" */
Xregister int n;
Xchar **argv;
X    register int	list_num = TRUE, num_of_hists = hist_size;
X    register int	reverse = FALSE;
X    struct history	*hist = hist_tail;
X    if (!hist) {
X	print("No history yet.\n");
X	return -1;
X    }
X    while (*++argv && *argv[0] == '-') {
X	n = 1;
X	do  switch(argv[0][n]) {
X		case 'h': list_num = FALSE;
X		when 'r': reverse = TRUE; hist = hist_head;
X		otherwise: print("usage: history [-h] [-r] [#histories]\n");
X			   return -1;
X	    }
X	while (argv[0][++n]);
X    }
X    if (*argv)
X	if (!isdigit(**argv)) {
X	    print("history: badly formed number\n");
X	    return -1;
X	} else
X	    num_of_hists = atoi(*argv);
X    if (num_of_hists > hist_size || num_of_hists > hist_no)
X	num_of_hists = min(hist_size, hist_no);
X    if (!reverse)
X	while (hist_no - hist->histno > num_of_hists) {
X	    printf("skipping %d\n", hist->histno);
X	    hist = hist->next;
X	}
X    do_pager(NULL, TRUE);
X    for (n = 0; n < num_of_hists && hist; n++) {
X	char buf[256];
X	if (list_num)
X	    do_pager(sprintf(buf, "%4.d  ", hist->histno), FALSE);
X	(void) argv_to_string(buf, hist->argv);
X	(void) do_pager(buf, FALSE);
X	if (do_pager("\n", FALSE) == -1)
X	    break;
X	hist = (reverse)? hist->prev : hist->next;
X    }
X    do_pager(NULL, FALSE);
X    return 0;
X    if ((hist_size = newsize) < 1)
X	hist_size = 1;
if test 30008 -ne `wc -c <'loop.c'`; then
    echo shar: \"'loop.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'loop.c'
echo shar: End of archive 14 \(of 19\).
cp /dev/null ark14isdone
for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ; do
    if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
    echo You have unpacked all 19 archives.
    rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
    echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
    echo "        " ${MISSING}
##  End of shell archive.
exit 0
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