v18i050: Indent, C reformatting program, Part02/03

Rich Salz rsalz at uunet.uu.net
Wed Mar 22 07:26:01 AEST 1989

Submitted-by: Ozan Yigit <oz at nexus.yorku.ca>
Posting-number: Volume 18, Issue 50
Archive-name: indent/part02

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file".  To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c".  You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g..  If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
#		"End of archive 2 (of 3)."
# Contents:  indent/io.c indent/lexi.c indent/pr_comment.c
# Wrapped by oz at yunexus on Thu Mar  9 18:11:05 1989
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
if test -f 'indent/io.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'indent/io.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'indent/io.c'\" \(14572 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'indent/io.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X * Copyright (c) 1985 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
X * Copyright (c) 1980 The Regents of the University of California.
X * Copyright (c) 1976 Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
X * All rights reserved.
X *
X * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
X * provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
X * duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
X * advertising materials, and other materials related to such
X * distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
X * by the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Illinois,
X * Urbana, and Sun Microsystems, Inc.  The name of either University
X * or Sun Microsystems may not be used to endorse or promote products
X * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
X */
X#ifndef lint
Xstatic char sccsid[] = "@(#)io.c	5.10 (Berkeley) 9/15/88";
X#endif /* not lint */
X#include "indent_globs.h"
X#include <ctype.h>
Xint         comment_open;
Xstatic      paren_target;
X{				/* dump_line is the routine that actually
X				 * effects the printing of the new source. It
X				 * prints the label section, followed by the
X				 * code section with the appropriate nesting
X				 * level, followed by any comments */
X    register int cur_col,
X                target_col;
X    static      not_first_line;
X    if (ps.procname[0]) {
X	if (troff) {
X	    if (comment_open) {
X		comment_open = 0;
X		fprintf(output, ".*/\n");
X	    }
X	    fprintf(output, ".Pr \"%s\"\n", ps.procname);
X	}
X	ps.ind_level = 0;
X	ps.procname[0] = 0;
X    }
X    if (s_code == e_code && s_lab == e_lab && s_com == e_com) {
X	if (suppress_blanklines > 0)
X	    suppress_blanklines--;
X	else {
X	    ps.bl_line = true;
X	    n_real_blanklines++;
X	}
X    }
X    else if (!inhibit_formatting) {
X	suppress_blanklines = 0;
X	ps.bl_line = false;
X	if (prefix_blankline_requested && not_first_line)
X	    if (swallow_optional_blanklines) {
X		if (n_real_blanklines == 1)
X		    n_real_blanklines = 0;
X	    }
X	    else {
X		if (n_real_blanklines == 0)
X		    n_real_blanklines = 1;
X	    }
X	while (--n_real_blanklines >= 0)
X	    putc('\n', output);
X	n_real_blanklines = 0;
X	if (ps.ind_level == 0)
X	    ps.ind_stmt = 0;	/* this is a class A kludge. dont do
X				 * additional statement indentation if we are
X				 * at bracket level 0 */
X	if (e_lab != s_lab || e_code != s_code)
X	    ++code_lines;	/* keep count of lines with code */
X	if (e_lab != s_lab) {	/* print lab, if any */
X	    if (comment_open) {
X		comment_open = 0;
X		fprintf(output, ".*/\n");
X	    }
X	    while (e_lab > s_lab && (e_lab[-1] == ' ' || e_lab[-1] == '\t'))
X		e_lab--;
X	    cur_col = pad_output(1, compute_label_target());
X	    fprintf(output, "%.*s", e_lab - s_lab, s_lab);
X	    cur_col = count_spaces(cur_col, s_lab);
X	}
X	else
X	    cur_col = 1;	/* there is no label section */
X	ps.pcase = false;
X	if (s_code != e_code) {	/* print code section, if any */
X	    register char *p;
X	    if (comment_open) {
X		comment_open = 0;
X		fprintf(output, ".*/\n");
X	    }
X	    target_col = compute_code_target();
X	    {
X		register    i;
X		for (i = 0; i < ps.p_l_follow; i++)
X		    if (ps.paren_indents[i] >= 0)
X			ps.paren_indents[i] = -(ps.paren_indents[i] + target_col);
X	    }
X	    cur_col = pad_output(cur_col, target_col);
X	    for (p = s_code; p < e_code; p++)
X		if (*p == (char) 0200)
X		    fprintf(output, "%d", target_col * 7);
X		else
X		    putc(*p, output);
X	    cur_col = count_spaces(cur_col, s_code);
X	}
X	if (s_com != e_com)
X	    if (troff) {
X		int         all_here = 0;
X		register char *p;
X		if (e_com[-1] == '/' && e_com[-2] == '*')
X		    e_com -= 2, all_here++;
X		while (e_com > s_com && e_com[-1] == ' ')
X		    e_com--;
X		*e_com = 0;
X		p = s_com;
X		while (*p == ' ')
X		    p++;
X		if (p[0] == '/' && p[1] == '*')
X		    p += 2, all_here++;
X		else if (p[0] == '*')
X		    p += p[1] == '/' ? 2 : 1;
X		while (*p == ' ')
X		    p++;
X		if (*p == 0)
X		    goto inhibit_newline;
X		if (comment_open < 2 && ps.box_com) {
X		    comment_open = 0;
X		    fprintf(output, ".*/\n");
X		}
X		if (comment_open == 0) {
X		    if ('a' <= *p && *p <= 'z')
X			*p = *p + 'A' - 'a';
X		    if (e_com - p < 50 && all_here == 2) {
X			register char *follow = p;
X			fprintf(output, "\n.nr C! \\w\1");
X			while (follow < e_com) {
X			    switch (*follow) {
X			    case '\n':
X				putc(' ', output);
X			    case 1:
X				break;
X			    case '\\':
X				putc('\\', output);
X			    default:
X				putc(*follow, output);
X			    }
X			    follow++;
X			}
X			putc(1, output);
X		    }
X		    fprintf(output, "\n./* %dp %d %dp\n",
X			    ps.com_col * 7,
X			    (s_code != e_code || s_lab != e_lab) - ps.box_com,
X			    target_col * 7);
X		}
X		comment_open = 1 + ps.box_com;
X		while (*p) {
X		    if (*p == BACKSLASH)
X			putc(BACKSLASH, output);
X		    putc(*p++, output);
X		}
X	    }
X	    else {		/* print comment, if any */
X		register    target = ps.com_col;
X		register char *com_st = s_com;
X		target += ps.comment_delta;
X		while (*com_st == '\t')
X		    com_st++, target += 8;	/* ? */
X		while (target <= 0)
X		    if (*com_st == ' ')
X			target++, com_st++;
X		    else if (*com_st == '\t')
X			target = ((target - 1) & ~7) + 9, com_st++;
X		    else
X			target = 1;
X		if (cur_col > target) {	/* if comment cant fit on this line,
X					 * put it on next line */
X		    putc('\n', output);
X		    cur_col = 1;
X		    ++ps.out_lines;
X		}
X		while (e_com > com_st && isspace(e_com[-1]))
X		    e_com--;
X		cur_col = pad_output(cur_col, target);
X		if (!ps.box_com) {
X		    if (star_comment_cont && (com_st[1] != '*' || e_com <= com_st + 1))
X			if (com_st[1] == ' ' && com_st[0] == ' ' && e_com > com_st + 1)
X			    com_st[1] = '*';
X			else
X			    fwrite(" * ", com_st[0] == '\t' ? 2 : com_st[0] == '*' ? 1 : 3, 1, output);
X		}
X		fwrite(com_st, e_com - com_st, 1, output);
X		ps.comment_delta = ps.n_comment_delta;
X		cur_col = count_spaces(cur_col, com_st);
X		++ps.com_lines;	/* count lines with comments */
X	    }
X	if (ps.use_ff)
X	    putc('\014', output);
X	else
X	    putc('\n', output);
X	++ps.out_lines;
X	if (ps.just_saw_decl == 1 && blanklines_after_declarations) {
X	    prefix_blankline_requested = 1;
X	    ps.just_saw_decl = 0;
X	}
X	else
X	    prefix_blankline_requested = postfix_blankline_requested;
X	postfix_blankline_requested = 0;
X    }
X    ps.decl_on_line = ps.in_decl;	/* if we are in the middle of a
X					 * declaration, remember that fact for
X					 * proper comment indentation */
X    ps.ind_stmt = ps.in_stmt & ~ps.in_decl;	/* next line should be
X						 * indented if we have not
X						 * completed this stmt and if
X						 * we are not in the middle of
X						 * a declaration */
X    ps.use_ff = false;
X    ps.dumped_decl_indent = 0;
X    *(e_lab = s_lab) = '\0';	/* reset buffers */
X    *(e_code = s_code) = '\0';
X    *(e_com = s_com) = '\0';
X    ps.ind_level = ps.i_l_follow;
X    ps.paren_level = ps.p_l_follow;
X    paren_target = -ps.paren_indents[ps.paren_level - 1];
X    not_first_line = 1;
X    return;
X    register    target_col = ps.ind_size * ps.ind_level + 1;
X    if (ps.paren_level)
X	if (!lineup_to_parens)
X	    target_col += continuation_indent * ps.paren_level;
X	else {
X	    register    w;
X	    register    t = paren_target;
X	    if ((w = count_spaces(t, s_code) - max_col) > 0
X		    && count_spaces(target_col, s_code) <= max_col) {
X		t -= w + 1;
X		if (t > target_col)
X		    target_col = t;
X	    }
X	    else
X		target_col = t;
X	}
X    else if (ps.ind_stmt)
X	target_col += continuation_indent;
X    return target_col;
X    return
X	ps.pcase ? (int) (case_ind * ps.ind_size) + 1
X	: *s_lab == '#' ? 1
X	: ps.ind_size * (ps.ind_level - label_offset) + 1;
X * Copyright (C) 1976 by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
X * 
X * All rights reserved
X * 
X * 
X * NAME: fill_buffer
X * 
X * FUNCTION: Reads one block of input into input_buffer
X * 
X * HISTORY: initial coding 	November 1976	D A Willcox of CAC 1/7/77 A
X * Willcox of CAC	Added check for switch back to partly full input
X * buffer from temporary buffer
X * 
X */
X{				/* this routine reads stuff from the input */
X    register char *p;
X    register int i;
X    register FILE *f = input;
X    if (bp_save != 0) {		/* there is a partly filled input buffer left */
X	buf_ptr = bp_save;	/* dont read anything, just switch buffers */
X	buf_end = be_save;
X	bp_save = be_save = 0;
X	if (buf_ptr < buf_end)
X	    return;		/* only return if there is really something in
X				 * this buffer */
X    }
X    for (p = buf_ptr = in_buffer;;) {
X	if ((i = getc(f)) == EOF) {
X		*p++ = ' ';
X		*p++ = '\n';
X		had_eof = true;
X		break;
X	}
X	*p++ = i;
X	if (i == '\n')
X		break;
X    }
X    buf_end = p;
X    if (p[-2] == '/' && p[-3] == '*') {
X	if (in_buffer[3] == 'I' && strncmp(in_buffer, "/**INDENT**", 11) == 0)
X	    fill_buffer();	/* flush indent error message */
X	else {
X	    int         com = 0;
X	    p = in_buffer;
X	    while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
X		p++;
X	    if (*p == '/' && p[1] == '*') {
X		p += 2;
X		while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
X		    p++;
X		if (p[0] == 'I' && p[1] == 'N' && p[2] == 'D' && p[3] == 'E'
X			&& p[4] == 'N' && p[5] == 'T') {
X		    p += 6;
X		    while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
X			p++;
X		    if (*p == '*')
X			com = 1;
X		    else if (*p == 'O')
X			if (*++p == 'N')
X			    p++, com = 1;
X			else if (*p == 'F' && *++p == 'F')
X			    p++, com = 2;
X		    while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
X			p++;
X		    if (p[0] == '*' && p[1] == '/' && p[2] == '\n' && com) {
X			if (s_com != e_com || s_lab != e_lab || s_code != e_code)
X			    dump_line();
X			if (!(inhibit_formatting = com - 1)) {
X			    n_real_blanklines = 0;
X			    postfix_blankline_requested = 0;
X			    prefix_blankline_requested = 0;
X			    suppress_blanklines = 1;
X			}
X		    }
X		}
X	    }
X	}
X    }
X    if (inhibit_formatting) {
X	p = in_buffer;
X	do
X	    putc(*p, output);
X	while (*p++ != '\n');
X    }
X    return;
X * Copyright (C) 1976 by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
X * 
X * All rights reserved
X * 
X * 
X * NAME: pad_output
X * 
X * FUNCTION: Writes tabs and spaces to move the current column up to the desired
X * position.
X * 
X * ALGORITHM: Put tabs and/or blanks into pobuf, then write pobuf.
X * 
X * PARAMETERS: current		integer		The current column target
X * nteger		The desired column
X * 
X * RETURNS: Integer value of the new column.  (If current >= target, no action is
X * taken, and current is returned.
X * 
X * 
X * CALLS: write (sys)
X * 
X * CALLED BY: dump_line
X * 
X * HISTORY: initial coding 	November 1976	D A Willcox of CAC
X * 
X */
Xpad_output(current, target)	/* writes tabs and blanks (if necessary) to
X				 * get the current output position up to the
X				 * target column */
X    int         current;	/* the current column value */
X    int         target;		/* position we want it at */
X    register int curr;		/* internal column pointer */
X    register int tcur;
X    if (troff)
X	fprintf(output, "\\h'|%dp'", (target - 1) * 7);
X    else {
X	if (current >= target)
X	    return (current);	/* line is already long enough */
X	curr = current;
X	while ((tcur = ((curr - 1) & tabmask) + tabsize + 1) <= target) {
X	    putc('\t', output);
X	    curr = tcur;
X	}
X	while (curr++ < target)
X	    putc(' ', output);	/* pad with final blanks */
X    }
X    return (target);
X * Copyright (C) 1976 by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
X * 
X * All rights reserved
X * 
X * 
X * NAME: count_spaces
X * 
X * FUNCTION: Find out where printing of a given string will leave the current
X * character position on output.
X * 
X * ALGORITHM: Run thru input string and add appropriate values to current
X * position.
X * 
X * RETURNS: Integer value of position after printing "buffer" starting in column
X * "current".
X * 
X * HISTORY: initial coding 	November 1976	D A Willcox of CAC
X * 
X */
Xcount_spaces(current, buffer)
X * this routine figures out where the character position will be after
X * printing the text in buffer starting at column "current"
X */
X    int         current;
X    char       *buffer;
X    register char *buf;		/* used to look thru buffer */
X    register int cur;		/* current character counter */
X    cur = current;
X    for (buf = buffer; *buf != '\0'; ++buf) {
X	switch (*buf) {
X	case '\n':
X	case 014:		/* form feed */
X	    cur = 1;
X	    break;
X	case '\t':
X	    cur = ((cur - 1) & tabmask) + tabsize + 1;
X	    break;
X	case '':		/* this is a backspace */
X	    --cur;
X	    break;
X	default:
X	    ++cur;
X	    break;
X	}			/* end of switch */
X    }				/* end of for loop */
X    return (cur);
Xint	found_err;
Xdiag(level, msg, a, b)
X    if (level)
X	found_err = 1;
X    if (output == stdout) {
X	fprintf(stdout, "/**INDENT** %s@%d: ", level == 0 ? "Warning" : "Error", line_no);
X	fprintf(stdout, msg, a, b);
X	fprintf(stdout, " */\n");
X    }
X    else {
X	fprintf(stderr, "%s@%d: ", level == 0 ? "Warning" : "Error", line_no);
X	fprintf(stderr, msg, a, b);
X	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
X    }
Xwritefdef(f, nm)
X    register struct fstate *f;
X    fprintf(output, ".ds f%c %s\n.nr s%c %d\n",
X	    nm, f->font, nm, f->size);
Xchar       *
Xchfont(of, nf, s)
X    register struct fstate *of,
X               *nf;
X    char       *s;
X    if (of->font[0] != nf->font[0]
X	    || of->font[1] != nf->font[1]) {
X	*s++ = '\\';
X	*s++ = 'f';
X	if (nf->font[1]) {
X	    *s++ = '(';
X	    *s++ = nf->font[0];
X	    *s++ = nf->font[1];
X	}
X	else
X	    *s++ = nf->font[0];
X    }
X    if (nf->size != of->size) {
X	*s++ = '\\';
X	*s++ = 's';
X	if (nf->size < of->size) {
X	    *s++ = '-';
X	    *s++ = '0' + of->size - nf->size;
X	}
X	else {
X	    *s++ = '+';
X	    *s++ = '0' + nf->size - of->size;
X	}
X    }
X    return s;
Xparsefont(f, s0)
X    register struct fstate *f;
X    char       *s0;
X    register char *s = s0;
X    int         sizedelta = 0;
X    bzero(f, sizeof *f);
X    while (*s) {
X	if (isdigit(*s))
X	    f->size = f->size * 10 + *s - '0';
X	else if (isupper(*s))
X	    if (f->font[0])
X		f->font[1] = *s;
X	    else
X		f->font[0] = *s;
X	else if (*s == 'c')
X	    f->allcaps = 1;
X	else if (*s == '+')
X	    sizedelta++;
X	else if (*s == '-')
X	    sizedelta--;
X	else {
X	    fprintf(stderr, "indent: bad font specification: %s\n", s0);
X	    exit(1);
X	}
X	s++;
X    }
X    if (f->font[0] == 0)
X	f->font[0] = 'R';
X    if (bodyf.size == 0)
X	bodyf.size = 11;
X    if (f->size == 0)
X	f->size = bodyf.size + sizedelta;
X    else if (sizedelta > 0)
X	f->size += bodyf.size;
X    else
X	f->size = bodyf.size - f->size;
echo shar: 1 control character may be missing from \"'indent/io.c'\"
if test 14572 -ne `wc -c <'indent/io.c'`; then
    echo shar: \"'indent/io.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'indent/io.c'
if test -f 'indent/lexi.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'indent/lexi.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'indent/lexi.c'\" \(13568 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'indent/lexi.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X * Copyright (c) 1985 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
X * Copyright (c) 1980 The Regents of the University of California.
X * Copyright (c) 1976 Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
X * All rights reserved.
X *
X * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
X * provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
X * duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
X * advertising materials, and other materials related to such
X * distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
X * by the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Illinois,
X * Urbana, and Sun Microsystems, Inc.  The name of either University
X * or Sun Microsystems may not be used to endorse or promote products
X * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
X */
X#ifndef lint
Xstatic char sccsid[] = "@(#)lexi.c	5.11 (Berkeley) 9/15/88";
X#endif /* not lint */
X * Here we have the token scanner for indent.  It scans off one token and puts
X * it in the global variable "token".  It returns a code, indicating the type
X * of token scanned.
X */
X#include "indent_globs.h"
X#include "indent_codes.h"
X#include "ctype.h"
X#define alphanum 1
X#define opchar 3
Xstruct templ {
X    char       *rwd;
X    int         rwcode;
Xstruct templ specials[100] =
X    "switch", 1,
X    "case", 2,
X    "break", 0,
X    "struct", 3,
X    "union", 3,
X    "enum", 3,
X    "default", 2,
X    "int", 4,
X    "char", 4,
X    "float", 4,
X    "double", 4,
X    "long", 4,
X    "short", 4,
X    "typdef", 4,
X    "unsigned", 4,
X    "register", 4,
X    "static", 4,
X    "global", 4,
X    "extern", 4,
X    "void", 4,
X    "goto", 0,
X    "return", 0,
X    "if", 5,
X    "while", 5,
X    "for", 5,
X    "else", 6,
X    "do", 6,
X    "sizeof", 7,
X    0, 0
Xchar        chartype[128] =
X{				/* this is used to facilitate the decision of
X				 * what type (alphanumeric, operator) each
X				 * character is */
X    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
X    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
X    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
X    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
X    0, 3, 0, 0, 1, 3, 3, 0,
X    0, 0, 3, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3,
X    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
X    1, 1, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3,
X    0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
X    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
X    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
X    1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1,
X    0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
X    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
X    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
X    1, 1, 1, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0
X    register char *tok;		/* local pointer to next char in token */
X    int         unary_delim;	/* this is set to 1 if the current token
X				 * 
X				 * forces a following operator to be unary */
X    static int  last_code;	/* the last token type returned */
X    static int  l_struct;	/* set to 1 if the last token was 'struct' */
X    int         code;		/* internal code to be returned */
X    char        qchar;		/* the delimiter character for a string */
X    tok = token;		/* point to start of place to save token */
X    unary_delim = false;
X    ps.col_1 = ps.last_nl;	/* tell world that this token started in
X				 * column 1 iff the last thing scanned was nl */
X    ps.last_nl = false;
X    while (*buf_ptr == ' ' || *buf_ptr == '\t') {	/* get rid of blanks */
X	ps.col_1 = false;	/* leading blanks imply token is not in column
X				 * 1 */
X	if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
X	    fill_buffer();
X    }
X    /* Scan an alphanumeric token */
X    if (chartype[*buf_ptr] == alphanum || buf_ptr[0] == '.' && isdigit(buf_ptr[1])) {
X	/*
X	 * we have a character or number
X	 */
X	register char *j;	/* used for searching thru list of
X				 * 
X				 * reserved words */
X	register struct templ *p;
X	if (isdigit(*buf_ptr) || buf_ptr[0] == '.' && isdigit(buf_ptr[1])) {
X	    int         seendot = 0,
X	                seenexp = 0;
X	    if (*buf_ptr == '0' &&
X		    (buf_ptr[1] == 'x' || buf_ptr[1] == 'X')) {
X		*tok++ = *buf_ptr++;
X		*tok++ = *buf_ptr++;
X		while (isxdigit(*buf_ptr))
X		    *tok++ = *buf_ptr++;
X	    }
X	    else
X		while (1) {
X		    if (*buf_ptr == '.')
X			if (seendot)
X			    break;
X			else
X			    seendot++;
X		    *tok++ = *buf_ptr++;
X		    if (!isdigit(*buf_ptr) && *buf_ptr != '.')
X			if ((*buf_ptr != 'E' && *buf_ptr != 'e') || seenexp)
X			    break;
X			else {
X			    seenexp++;
X			    seendot++;
X			    *tok++ = *buf_ptr++;
X			    if (*buf_ptr == '+' || *buf_ptr == '-')
X				*tok++ = *buf_ptr++;
X			}
X		}
X	    if (*buf_ptr == 'L' || *buf_ptr == 'l')
X		*tok++ = *buf_ptr++;
X	}
X	else
X	    while (chartype[*buf_ptr] == alphanum) {	/* copy it over */
X		*tok++ = *buf_ptr++;
X		if (buf_ptr >= buf_end)
X		    fill_buffer();
X	    }
X	*tok++ = '\0';
X	while (*buf_ptr == ' ' || *buf_ptr == '\t') {	/* get rid of blanks */
X	    if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
X		fill_buffer();
X	}
X	ps.its_a_keyword = false;
X	ps.sizeof_keyword = false;
X	if (l_struct) {		/* if last token was 'struct', then this token
X				 * should be treated as a declaration */
X	    l_struct = false;
X	    last_code = ident;
X	    ps.last_u_d = true;
X	    return (decl);
X	}
X	ps.last_u_d = false;	/* Operator after indentifier is binary */
X	last_code = ident;	/* Remember that this is the code we will
X				 * return */
X	/*
X	 * This loop will check if the token is a keyword.
X	 */
X	for (p = specials; (j = p->rwd) != 0; p++) {
X	    tok = token;	/* point at scanned token */
X	    if (*j++ != *tok++ || *j++ != *tok++)
X		continue;	/* This test depends on the fact that
X				 * identifiers are always at least 1 character
X				 * long (ie. the first two bytes of the
X				 * identifier are always meaningful) */
X	    if (tok[-1] == 0)
X		break;		/* If its a one-character identifier */
X	    while (*tok++ == *j)
X		if (*j++ == 0)
X		    goto found_keyword;	/* I wish that C had a multi-level
X					 * break... */
X	}
X	if (p->rwd) {		/* we have a keyword */
X    found_keyword:
X	    ps.its_a_keyword = true;
X	    ps.last_u_d = true;
X	    switch (p->rwcode) {
X	    case 1:		/* it is a switch */
X		return (swstmt);
X	    case 2:		/* a case or default */
X		return (casestmt);
X	    case 3:		/* a "struct" */
X		if (ps.p_l_follow)
X		    break;	/* inside parens: cast */
X		l_struct = true;
X		/*
X		 * Next time around, we will want to know that we have had a
X		 * 'struct'
X		 */
X	    case 4:		/* one of the declaration keywords */
X		if (ps.p_l_follow) {
X		    ps.cast_mask |= 1 << ps.p_l_follow;
X		    break;	/* inside parens: cast */
X		}
X		last_code = decl;
X		return (decl);
X	    case 5:		/* if, while, for */
X		return (sp_paren);
X	    case 6:		/* do, else */
X		return (sp_nparen);
X	    case 7:
X		ps.sizeof_keyword = true;
X	    default:		/* all others are treated like any other
X				 * identifier */
X		return (ident);
X	    }			/* end of switch */
X	}			/* end of if (found_it) */
X	if (*buf_ptr == '(' && ps.tos <= 1 && ps.ind_level == 0) {
X	    register char *tp = buf_ptr;
X	    while (tp < buf_end)
X		if (*tp++ == ')' && *tp == ';')
X		    goto not_proc;
X	    strncpy(ps.procname, token, sizeof ps.procname - 1);
X	    ps.in_parameter_declaration = 1;
X    not_proc:;
X	}
X	/*
X	 * The following hack attempts to guess whether or not the current
X	 * token is in fact a declaration keyword -- one that has been
X	 * typedefd
X	 */
X	if (((*buf_ptr == '*' && buf_ptr[1] != '=') || isalpha(*buf_ptr) || *buf_ptr == '_')
X		&& !ps.p_l_follow
X	        && !ps.block_init
X		&& (ps.last_token == rparen || ps.last_token == semicolon ||
X		    ps.last_token == decl ||
X		    ps.last_token == lbrace || ps.last_token == rbrace)) {
X	    ps.its_a_keyword = true;
X	    ps.last_u_d = true;
X	    last_code = decl;
X	    return decl;
X	}
X	if (last_code == decl)	/* if this is a declared variable, then
X				 * following sign is unary */
X	    ps.last_u_d = true;	/* will make "int a -1" work */
X	last_code = ident;
X	return (ident);		/* the ident is not in the list */
X    }				/* end of procesing for alpanum character */
X    /* l l l Scan a non-alphanumeric token */
X    *tok++ = *buf_ptr;		/* if it is only a one-character token, it is
X				 * moved here */
X    *tok = '\0';
X    if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
X	fill_buffer();
X    switch (*token) {
X    case '\n':
X	unary_delim = ps.last_u_d;
X	ps.last_nl = true;	/* remember that we just had a newline */
X	code = (had_eof ? 0 : newline);
X	/*
X	 * if data has been exausted, the newline is a dummy, and we should
X	 * return code to stop
X	 */
X	break;
X    case '\'':			/* start of quoted character */
X    case '"':			/* start of string */
X	qchar = *token;
X	if (troff) {
X	    tok[-1] = '`';
X	    if (qchar == '"')
X		*tok++ = '`';
X	    tok = chfont(&bodyf, &stringf, tok);
X	}
X	do {			/* copy the string */
X	    while (1) {		/* move one character or [/<char>]<char> */
X		if (*buf_ptr == '\n') {
X		    printf("%d: Unterminated literal\n", line_no);
X		    goto stop_lit;
X		}
X		*tok = *buf_ptr++;
X		if (buf_ptr >= buf_end)
X		    fill_buffer();
X		if (had_eof || ((tok - token) > (bufsize - 2))) {
X		    printf("Unterminated literal\n");
X		    ++tok;
X		    goto stop_lit;
X		    /* get outof literal copying loop */
X		}
X		if (*tok == BACKSLASH) {	/* if escape, copy extra char */
X		    if (*buf_ptr == '\n')	/* check for escaped newline */
X			++line_no;
X		    if (troff) {
X			*++tok = BACKSLASH;
X			if (*buf_ptr == BACKSLASH)
X			    *++tok = BACKSLASH;
X		    }
X		    *++tok = *buf_ptr++;
X		    ++tok;	/* we must increment this again because we
X				 * copied two chars */
X		    if (buf_ptr >= buf_end)
X			fill_buffer();
X		}
X		else
X		    break;	/* we copied one character */
X	    }			/* end of while (1) */
X	} while (*tok++ != qchar);
X	if (troff) {
X	    tok = chfont(&stringf, &bodyf, tok - 1);
X	    if (qchar == '"')
X		*tok++ = '\'';
X	}
X	code = ident;
X	break;
X    case ('('):
X    case ('['):
X	unary_delim = true;
X	code = lparen;
X	break;
X    case (')'):
X    case (']'):
X	code = rparen;
X	break;
X    case '#':
X	unary_delim = ps.last_u_d;
X	code = preesc;
X	break;
X    case '?':
X	unary_delim = true;
X	code = question;
X	break;
X    case (':'):
X	code = colon;
X	unary_delim = true;
X	break;
X    case (';'):
X	unary_delim = true;
X	code = semicolon;
X	break;
X    case ('{'):
X	unary_delim = true;
X	/*
X	 * if (ps.in_or_st) ps.block_init = 1;
X	 */
X	/* ?	code = ps.block_init ? lparen : lbrace; */
X	code = lbrace;
X	break;
X    case ('}'):
X	unary_delim = true;
X	/* ?	code = ps.block_init ? rparen : rbrace; */
X	code = rbrace;
X	break;
X    case 014:			/* a form feed */
X	unary_delim = ps.last_u_d;
X	ps.last_nl = true;	/* remember this so we can set 'ps.col_1'
X				 * right */
X	code = form_feed;
X	break;
X    case (','):
X	unary_delim = true;
X	code = comma;
X	break;
X    case '.':
X	unary_delim = false;
X	code = period;
X	break;
X    case '-':
X    case '+':			/* check for -, +, --, ++ */
X	code = (ps.last_u_d ? unary_op : binary_op);
X	unary_delim = true;
X	if (*buf_ptr == token[0]) {
X	    /* check for doubled character */
X	    *tok++ = *buf_ptr++;
X	    /* buffer overflow will be checked at end of loop */
X	    if (last_code == ident || last_code == rparen) {
X		code = (ps.last_u_d ? unary_op : postop);
X		/* check for following ++ or -- */
X		unary_delim = false;
X	    }
X	}
X	else if (*buf_ptr == '=')
X	    /* check for operator += */
X	    *tok++ = *buf_ptr++;
X	else if (*buf_ptr == '>') {
X	    /* check for operator -> */
X	    *tok++ = *buf_ptr++;
X	    if (!pointer_as_binop) {
X		unary_delim = false;
X		code = unary_op;
X		ps.want_blank = false;
X	    }
X	}
X	break;			/* buffer overflow will be checked at end of
X				 * switch */
X    case '=':
X	if (ps.in_or_st)
X	    ps.block_init = 1;
X#ifdef undef
X	if (chartype[*buf_ptr] == opchar) {	/* we have two char assignment */
X	    tok[-1] = *buf_ptr++;
X	    if ((tok[-1] == '<' || tok[-1] == '>') && tok[-1] == *buf_ptr)
X		*tok++ = *buf_ptr++;
X	    *tok++ = '=';	/* Flip =+ to += */
X	    *tok = 0;
X	}
X	if (*buf_ptr == '=') {/* == */
X	    *tok++ = '=';	/* Flip =+ to += */
X	    buf_ptr++;
X	    *tok = 0;
X	}
X	code = binary_op;
X	unary_delim = true;
X	break;
X	/* can drop thru!!! */
X    case '>':
X    case '<':
X    case '!':			/* ops like <, <<, <=, !=, etc */
X	if (*buf_ptr == '>' || *buf_ptr == '<' || *buf_ptr == '=') {
X	    *tok++ = *buf_ptr;
X	    if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
X		fill_buffer();
X	}
X	if (*buf_ptr == '=')
X	    *tok++ = *buf_ptr++;
X	code = (ps.last_u_d ? unary_op : binary_op);
X	unary_delim = true;
X	break;
X    default:
X	if (token[0] == '/' && *buf_ptr == '*') {
X	    /* it is start of comment */
X	    *tok++ = '*';
X	    if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
X		fill_buffer();
X	    code = comment;
X	    unary_delim = ps.last_u_d;
X	    break;
X	}
X	while (*(tok - 1) == *buf_ptr || *buf_ptr == '=') {
X	    /*
X	     * handle ||, &&, etc, and also things as in int *****i
X	     */
X	    *tok++ = *buf_ptr;
X	    if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
X		fill_buffer();
X	}
X	code = (ps.last_u_d ? unary_op : binary_op);
X	unary_delim = true;
X    }				/* end of switch */
X    if (code != newline) {
X	l_struct = false;
X	last_code = code;
X    }
X    if (buf_ptr >= buf_end)	/* check for input buffer empty */
X	fill_buffer();
X    ps.last_u_d = unary_delim;
X    *tok = '\0';		/* null terminate the token */
X    return (code);
X * Add the given keyword to the keyword table, using val as the keyword type
X */
Xaddkey(key, val)
X    char       *key;
X    register struct templ *p = specials;
X    while (p->rwd)
X	if (p->rwd[0] == key[0] && strcmp(p->rwd, key) == 0)
X	    return;
X	else
X	    p++;
X    if (p >= specials + sizeof specials / sizeof specials[0])
X	return;			/* For now, table overflows are silently
X				 * ignored */
X    p->rwd = key;
X    p->rwcode = val;
X    p[1].rwd = 0;
X    p[1].rwcode = 0;
X    return;
if test 13568 -ne `wc -c <'indent/lexi.c'`; then
    echo shar: \"'indent/lexi.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'indent/lexi.c'
if test -f 'indent/pr_comment.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'indent/pr_comment.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'indent/pr_comment.c'\" \(11737 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'indent/pr_comment.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X * Copyright (c) 1985 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
X * Copyright (c) 1980 The Regents of the University of California.
X * Copyright (c) 1976 Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
X * All rights reserved.
X *
X * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
X * provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
X * duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
X * advertising materials, and other materials related to such
X * distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
X * by the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Illinois,
X * Urbana, and Sun Microsystems, Inc.  The name of either University
X * or Sun Microsystems may not be used to endorse or promote products
X * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
X */
X#ifndef lint
Xstatic char sccsid[] = "@(#)pr_comment.c	5.9 (Berkeley) 9/15/88";
X#endif /* not lint */
X *	pr_comment
X *
X *	This routine takes care of scanning and printing comments.
X *
X *	1) Decide where the comment should be aligned, and if lines should
X *	   be broken.
X *	2) If lines should not be broken and filled, just copy up to end of
X *	   comment.
X *	3) If lines should be filled, then scan thru input_buffer copying
X *	   characters to com_buf.  Remember where the last blank, tab, or
X *	   newline was.  When line is filled, print up to last blank and
X *	   continue copying.
X *
X *	November 1976	D A Willcox of CAC	Initial coding
X *	12/6/76		D A Willcox of CAC	Modification to handle
X *						UNIX-style comments
X *
X */
X * this routine processes comments.  It makes an attempt to keep comments from
X * going over the max line length.  If a line is too long, it moves everything
X * from the last blank to the next comment line.  Blanks and tabs from the
X * beginning of the input line are removed
X */
X#include "indent_globs.h"
X    int         now_col;	/* column we are in now */
X    int         adj_max_col;	/* Adjusted max_col for when we decide to
X				 * spill comments over the right margin */
X    char       *last_bl;	/* points to the last blank in the output
X				 * buffer */
X    char       *t_ptr;		/* used for moving string */
X    int         unix_comment;	/* tri-state variable used to decide if it is
X				 * a unix-style comment. 0 means only blanks
X				 * since /*, 1 means regular style comment, 2
X				 * means unix style comment */
X    int         break_delim = comment_delimiter_on_blankline;
X    int         l_just_saw_decl = ps.just_saw_decl;
X    /*
X     * int         ps.last_nl = 0;	/* true iff the last significant thing
X     * weve seen is a newline
X     */
X    int         one_liner = 1;	/* true iff this comment is a one-liner */
X    adj_max_col = max_col;
X    ps.just_saw_decl = 0;
X    last_bl = 0;		/* no blanks found so far */
X    ps.box_com = false;		/* at first, assume that we are not in
X					 * a boxed comment or some other
X					 * comment that should not be touched */
X    ++ps.out_coms;		/* keep track of number of comments */
X    unix_comment = 1;		/* set flag to let us figure out if there is a
X				 * unix-style comment ** DISABLED: use 0 to
X				 * reenable this hack! */
X    /* Figure where to align and how to treat the comment */
X    if (ps.col_1 && !format_col1_comments) {	/* if comment starts in column
X						 * 1 it should not be touched */
X	ps.box_com = true;
X	ps.com_col = 1;
X    }
X    else {
X	if (*buf_ptr == '-' || *buf_ptr == '*') {
X	    ps.box_com = true;	/* a comment with a '-' or '*' immediately
X				 * after the /* is assumed to be a boxed
X				 * comment */
X	    break_delim = 0;
X	}
X	if ( /* ps.bl_line && */ (s_lab == e_lab) && (s_code == e_code)) {
X	    /* klg: check only if this line is blank */
X	    /*
X	     * If this (*and previous lines are*) blank, dont put comment way
X	     * out at left
X	     */
X	    ps.com_col = (ps.ind_level - ps.unindent_displace) * ps.ind_size + 1;
X	    adj_max_col = block_comment_max_col;
X	    if (ps.com_col <= 1)
X		ps.com_col = 1 + !format_col1_comments;
X	}
X	else {
X	    register    target_col;
X	    break_delim = 0;
X	    if (s_code != e_code)
X		target_col = count_spaces(compute_code_target(), s_code);
X	    else {
X		target_col = 1;
X		if (s_lab != e_lab)
X		    target_col = count_spaces(compute_label_target(), s_lab);
X	    }
X	    ps.com_col = ps.decl_on_line || ps.ind_level == 0 ? ps.decl_com_ind : ps.com_ind;
X	    if (ps.com_col < target_col)
X		ps.com_col = ((target_col + 7) & ~7) + 1;
X	    if (ps.com_col + 24 > adj_max_col)
X		adj_max_col = ps.com_col + 24;
X	}
X    }
X    if (ps.box_com) {
X	buf_ptr[-2] = 0;
X	ps.n_comment_delta = 1 - count_spaces(1, in_buffer);
X	buf_ptr[-2] = '/';
X    }
X    else {
X	ps.n_comment_delta = 0;
X	while (*buf_ptr == ' ' || *buf_ptr == '\t')
X	    buf_ptr++;
X    }
X    ps.comment_delta = 0;
X    *e_com++ = '/';		/* put '/*' into buffer */
X    *e_com++ = '*';
X    if (*buf_ptr != ' ' && !ps.box_com)
X	*e_com++ = ' ';
X    *e_com = '\0';
X    if (troff) {
X	now_col = 1;
X	adj_max_col = 80;
X    }
X    else
X	now_col = count_spaces(ps.com_col, s_com);	/* figure what column we
X							 * would be in if we
X							 * printed the comment
X							 * now */
X    /* Start to copy the comment */
X    while (1) {			/* this loop will go until the comment is
X				 * copied */
X	if (*buf_ptr > 040 && *buf_ptr != '*')
X	    ps.last_nl = 0;
X	check_size(com);
X	switch (*buf_ptr) {	/* this checks for various spcl cases */
X	case 014:		/* check for a form feed */
X	    if (!ps.box_com) {	/* in a text comment, break the line here */
X		ps.use_ff = true;
X		/* fix so dump_line uses a form feed */
X		dump_line();
X		last_bl = 0;
X		*e_com++ = ' ';
X		*e_com++ = '*';
X		*e_com++ = ' ';
X		while (*++buf_ptr == ' ' || *buf_ptr == '\t');
X	    }
X	    else {
X		if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
X		    fill_buffer();
X		*e_com++ = 014;
X	    }
X	    break;
X	case '\n':
X	    if (had_eof) {	/* check for unexpected eof */
X		printf("Unterminated comment\n");
X		*e_com = '\0';
X		dump_line();
X		return;
X	    }
X	    one_liner = 0;
X	    if (ps.box_com || ps.last_nl) {	/* if this is a boxed comment,
X						 * we dont ignore the newline */
X		if (s_com == e_com) {
X		    *e_com++ = ' ';
X		    *e_com++ = ' ';
X		}
X		*e_com = '\0';
X		if (!ps.box_com && e_com - s_com > 3) {
X		    if (break_delim == 1 && s_com[0] == '/'
X			    && s_com[1] == '*' && s_com[2] == ' ') {
X			char       *t = e_com;
X			break_delim = 2;
X			e_com = s_com + 2;
X			*e_com = 0;
X			if (blanklines_before_blockcomments)
X			    prefix_blankline_requested = 1;
X			dump_line();
X			e_com = t;
X			s_com[0] = s_com[1] = s_com[2] = ' ';
X		    }
X		    dump_line();
X		    check_size(com);
X		    *e_com++ = ' ';
X		    *e_com++ = ' ';
X		}
X		dump_line();
X		now_col = ps.com_col;
X	    }
X	    else {
X		ps.last_nl = 1;
X		if (unix_comment != 1) {	/* we not are in unix_style
X						 * comment */
X		    if (unix_comment == 0 && s_code == e_code) {
X			/*
X			 * if it is a UNIX-style comment, ignore the
X			 * requirement that previous line be blank for
X			 * unindention
X			 */
X			ps.com_col = (ps.ind_level - ps.unindent_displace) * ps.ind_size + 1;
X			if (ps.com_col <= 1)
X			    ps.com_col = 2;
X		    }
X		    unix_comment = 2;	/* permanently remember that we are in
X					 * this type of comment */
X		    dump_line();
X		    ++line_no;
X		    now_col = ps.com_col;
X		    *e_com++ = ' ';
X		    /*
X		     * fix so that the star at the start of the line will line
X		     * up
X		     */
X		    do		/* flush leading white space */
X			if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
X			    fill_buffer();
X		    while (*buf_ptr == ' ' || *buf_ptr == '\t');
X		    break;
X		}
X		if (*(e_com - 1) == ' ' || *(e_com - 1) == '\t')
X		    last_bl = e_com - 1;
X		/*
X		 * if there was a space at the end of the last line, remember
X		 * where it was
X		 */
X		else {		/* otherwise, insert one */
X		    last_bl = e_com;
X		    check_size(com);
X		    *e_com++ = ' ';
X		    ++now_col;
X		}
X	    }
X	    ++line_no;		/* keep track of input line number */
X	    if (!ps.box_com) {
X		int         nstar = 1;
X		do {		/* flush any blanks and/or tabs at start of
X				 * next line */
X		    if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
X			fill_buffer();
X		    if (*buf_ptr == '*' && --nstar >= 0) {
X			if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
X			    fill_buffer();
X			if (*buf_ptr == '/')
X			    goto end_of_comment;
X		    }
X		} while (*buf_ptr == ' ' || *buf_ptr == '\t');
X	    }
X	    else if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
X		fill_buffer();
X	    break;		/* end of case for newline */
X	case '*':		/* must check for possibility of being at end
X				 * of comment */
X	    if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)	/* get to next char after * */
X		fill_buffer();
X	    if (unix_comment == 0)	/* set flag to show we are not in
X					 * unix-style comment */
X		unix_comment = 1;
X	    if (*buf_ptr == '/') {	/* it is the end!!! */
X	end_of_comment:
X		if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
X		    fill_buffer();
X		if (*(e_com - 1) != ' ' && !ps.box_com) {	/* insure blank before
X								 * end */
X		    *e_com++ = ' ';
X		    ++now_col;
X		}
X		if (break_delim == 1 && !one_liner && s_com[0] == '/'
X			&& s_com[1] == '*' && s_com[2] == ' ') {
X		    char       *t = e_com;
X		    break_delim = 2;
X		    e_com = s_com + 2;
X		    *e_com = 0;
X		    if (blanklines_before_blockcomments)
X			prefix_blankline_requested = 1;
X		    dump_line();
X		    e_com = t;
X		    s_com[0] = s_com[1] = s_com[2] = ' ';
X		}
X		if (break_delim == 2 && e_com > s_com + 3
X			 /* now_col > adj_max_col - 2 && !ps.box_com */ ) {
X		    *e_com = '\0';
X		    dump_line();
X		    now_col = ps.com_col;
X		}
X		check_size(com);
X		*e_com++ = '*';
X		*e_com++ = '/';
X		*e_com = '\0';
X		ps.just_saw_decl = l_just_saw_decl;
X		return;
X	    }
X	    else {		/* handle isolated '*' */
X		*e_com++ = '*';
X		++now_col;
X	    }
X	    break;
X	default:		/* we have a random char */
X	    if (unix_comment == 0 && *buf_ptr != ' ' && *buf_ptr != '\t')
X		unix_comment = 1;	/* we are not in unix-style comment */
X	    *e_com = *buf_ptr++;
X	    if (buf_ptr >= buf_end)
X		fill_buffer();
X	    if (*e_com == '\t')	/* keep track of column */
X		now_col = ((now_col - 1) & tabmask) + tabsize + 1;
X	    else if (*e_com == '\b')	/* this is a backspace */
X		--now_col;
X	    else
X		++now_col;
X	    if (*e_com == ' ' || *e_com == '\t')
X		last_bl = e_com;
X	    /* remember we saw a blank */
X	    ++e_com;
X	    if (now_col > adj_max_col && !ps.box_com && unix_comment == 1 && e_com[-1] > ' ') {
X		/*
X		 * the comment is too long, it must be broken up
X		 */
X		if (break_delim == 1 && s_com[0] == '/'
X			&& s_com[1] == '*' && s_com[2] == ' ') {
X		    char       *t = e_com;
X		    break_delim = 2;
X		    e_com = s_com + 2;
X		    *e_com = 0;
X		    if (blanklines_before_blockcomments)
X			prefix_blankline_requested = 1;
X		    dump_line();
X		    e_com = t;
X		    s_com[0] = s_com[1] = s_com[2] = ' ';
X		}
X		if (last_bl == 0) {	/* we have seen no blanks */
X		    last_bl = e_com;	/* fake it */
X		    *e_com++ = ' ';
X		}
X		*e_com = '\0';	/* print what we have */
X		*last_bl = '\0';
X		while (last_bl > s_com && last_bl[-1] < 040)
X		    *--last_bl = 0;
X		e_com = last_bl;
X		dump_line();
X		*e_com++ = ' ';	/* add blanks for continuation */
X		*e_com++ = ' ';
X		*e_com++ = ' ';
X		t_ptr = last_bl + 1;
X		last_bl = 0;
X		if (t_ptr >= e_com) {
X		    while (*t_ptr == ' ' || *t_ptr == '\t')
X			t_ptr++;
X		    while (*t_ptr != '\0') {	/* move unprinted part of
X						 * comment down in buffer */
X			if (*t_ptr == ' ' || *t_ptr == '\t')
X			    last_bl = e_com;
X			*e_com++ = *t_ptr++;
X		    }
X		}
X		*e_com = '\0';
X		now_col = count_spaces(ps.com_col, s_com);	/* recompute current
X								 * position */
X	    }
X	    break;
X	}
X    }
if test 11737 -ne `wc -c <'indent/pr_comment.c'`; then
    echo shar: \"'indent/pr_comment.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'indent/pr_comment.c'
echo shar: End of archive 2 \(of 3\).
cp /dev/null ark2isdone
for I in 1 2 3 ; do
    if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
    echo You have unpacked all 3 archives.
    rm -f ark[1-9]isdone
    echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
    echo "        " ${MISSING}
##  End of shell archive.
exit 0

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