v00INF1: Welcome to comp.sources.x

Mike Wexler mikew at wyse.wyse.com
Tue Aug 9 03:46:38 AEST 1988

Submitted-by: mikew at wyse.com
Posting-number: Volume 0, Info 1
Archive-name: Welcome1.1

Welcome to comp.sources.x.  This group is intended for software that
runs only on X.  I have talked with the moderators of comp.sources.unix
and comp.sources.games and we agree that if the software is of 
interest to people that don't use X it should be posted to one 
of those groups.  If I determine that a posting should be handled
in another group, I will forward it to the moderator and inform
the poster.

I want to set a few editorial guidelines.
1. Postings must contain source code.
2. Postings must include a Makefile and a man page.
3. Postings should include an Imakefile.
4. Postings should be in shar(shell archive) format.

I am using the same software as Rick Salz to do these postings so
the headers(includeing Archive-name) should be the same.

Here is the information on the current archive sites.  Some of it
is incomplete.  I will make more information available in the
future.  If you have questions please send them to both me and
the archive adminstrator.

Here is what each field means:
Person/Site: The name of the person and their mail address
Where: The general area they are located in
Service: How people will access their archive
Direct connect: Whether we can establish a UUCP connection for the 
purposes of insuring that the archives are up to date.
Modems: For sites providing UUCP access, what types of modems are 

Person/Site: James Turner (turner at daisy):
Where: Mtn View, CA
Service: Anonymous UUCP & SnailMail tapes
Direct connect: Yes
Modems: 1200/2400, Telebits RSN

Person/Site: Rich Kulawiec (rsk at j.cc.purdue.edu)
Where: Indiana
Service: Anonymous FTP
Direct connect: No

Person/Site: Lee Daniels (lee at hhb)
Where: New Jersey
Service: anonymous UUCP
Direct connect: Yes
Modems: connect: 1200/2400

Person/Site: Paul Vixie (vixie at decwrl.dec.com)
Where: Palo Alto, California
Service: Anonymous FTP(decwrl.dec.com), UUCP to existing neighbors
Direct connect: No

Person/Site: Ron Heiby (heiby at mcdchg)
Where: Illinois
Service: Anonymous UUCP
Direct Connect: Yes
Modems: 1200 Baud

Person/Site: Sharan Kalwani (shan at mcf.uucp or mcf!shan at umix.cc.umich.edu)
Where: Michigan
Service: mail server and possible UUCP access
Direct connect: Yes
Modems: 1200/2400, Trailblazer

Person/site: David Herron (david at e.ms.uky.edu)
Where: Kentucky
Service: UUCP and anonymous FTP
Direct connect: ?
Modems: Trailblazer

Person/site: Russell Brown (russell at imtec)
Where: Peterborough, Cambrideshire, U.K.
Service: anonymous UUCP
Direct connect: Probably not
Modems: Steebek Quatro - V.22 V.22bis V.23

Person/Site: David Haynes (x-depot at geac)
Where: Markham, Ontario CANADA
Service: Mail server, tarmail, Anonymous UUCP, Tape Duplication
Direct connect: Yes
Modems: Telebits (X.25 soon)

Person/Site: Jamie Watson (mcvax!cernvax!pan!jw)
Where: Solothurn, Switzerland
Service: Anonymous UUCP, SnailMail tapes/diskettes
Direct connect: No.
Modems: Multitech 1200/2400

Person/Site: Lee McLoughlin (lmjm at doc.ic.ac.uk)
Where: Imperial College, London, United Kingdom
Service: Janet/PSS NIFTP, mail info-server
Direct connect: No
Modems: Indirectly thru' modems onto Janet 300/1200/2400

Person/site: Jeff Beadles (jeff at tekcsc.mkt.tek.com)
Where: Wilsonville, Oregon
Direct connect: 
Modems: Trailblazer

Person/site: Lyndon Nerenberg (lyndon at tekcsc.mkt.tek.com)
Where: Wilsonville, Oregon
Service: tapes
Direct connect: 
Modems: Trailblazer

Mike Wexler(wyse!mikew)    Phone: (408)433-1000 x1330

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