v01INF2: missing parts

Mike Wexler mikew at wyse.wyse.com
Thu Aug 18 02:07:23 AEST 1988

Submitted-by: mikew at wyse.com
Posting-number: Volume 1, Info 2
Archive-name: geninfo.1

Many people have sent me mail about postings that either got lost
or had improper contents.  Most of these request that I resend the
posting to the person.  This is what the archive sites are for. If
you have a problem using an archive site, please send mail to person
handling the archive site and me.  I will probably not resend sources
unless the posting left here wrong, if that I happens I will repost
the appropriate articles.
Mike Wexler(wyse!mikew)    Phone: (408)433-1000 x1330

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