v02i016: X11 Release 3, Patch2

Mike Wexler mikew at wyse.wyse.com
Tue Nov 22 03:38:24 AEST 1988

Submitted-by: keith at expo.lcs.mit.edu (Keith Packard)
Posting-number: Volume 2, Issue 16
Archive-name: x11.3/patch2

Here is the second official patch for Xv11r3.  I'll be mailing each
fix directly to you for distribution on comp.sources.x.

						Keith Packard
						MIT X Consortium
						(617) 253-1428
						keith at EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU

The security patches here are IMPORTANT.  Please make your users aware
of the SECURITY section of the xterm manual page, once installed.

This patch fixes problems in the following files:

server/os/4.2bsd/osinit.c		rgb.dir corruption
server/dix/window.c			core dump on no-op UnmapSubwindows
clients/xterm/xterm.man			provide Secure Keyboard mode and
	      ptyx.h			allowSendEvents resource
clients/xdm/Login.c			fix some security problems, make sure
	    display.c			error log is on fd 2, fix font nits

*** /tmp/,RCSt1a03944	Fri Nov 18 16:35:03 1988
--- server/os/4.2bsd/osinit.c	Mon Nov 14 18:11:44 1988
*** 21,27 ****
! /* $XConsortium: osinit.c,v 1.19 88/10/12 11:12:37 jim Exp $ */
  #include "os.h"
  #include "opaque.h"
  #undef NULL
--- 21,27 ----
! /* $XConsortium: osinit.c,v 1.21 88/11/14 18:12:26 rws Exp $ */
  #include "os.h"
  #include "opaque.h"
  #undef NULL
*** 60,70 ****
  	    long t; 
  	    char *ctime();
  	    sprintf (fname, ADMPATH, display);
! 	    if (!freopen (fname, "a+", stderr))
! 		freopen ("/dev/null", "w", stderr);
  #if defined(macII) || defined(hpux)
  	    static char buf[BUFSIZ];
--- 60,80 ----
  	    long t; 
  	    char *ctime();
+ 	    FILE *err;
  	    sprintf (fname, ADMPATH, display);
! 	    /*
! 	     * uses stdio to avoid os dependencies here,
! 	     * a real os would use
!  	     *  open (fname, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT, 0666)
! 	     */
! 	    if (!(err = fopen (fname, "a+")))
! 		err = fopen ("/dev/null", "w");
! 	    if (err && (fileno(err) != 2)) {
! 		dup2 (fileno (err), 2);
! 		fclose (err);
! 	    }
  #if defined(macII) || defined(hpux)
  	    static char buf[BUFSIZ];

*** /tmp/,RCSt1a03951	Fri Nov 18 16:36:42 1988
--- server/dix/window.c	Fri Nov 11 09:51:37 1988
*** 22,28 ****
! /* $XConsortium: window.c,v 1.220 88/10/22 13:27:56 keith Exp $ */
  #include "X.h"
  #define NEED_REPLIES
--- 22,28 ----
! /* $XConsortium: window.c,v 1.221 88/11/11 09:52:30 rws Exp $ */
  #include "X.h"
  #define NEED_REPLIES
*** 3273,3278 ****
--- 3273,3280 ----
      Bool anyMarked;
      BoxPtr box;
+     if (!pWin->firstChild)
+ 	return;
      if (wasViewable)
  	box = (* pWin->drawable.pScreen->RegionExtents)(pWin->winSize);

*** /tmp/,RCSt1a03187	Thu Nov 17 17:07:50 1988
--- clients/xterm/xterm.man	Thu Nov 17 16:00:33 1988
*** 406,411 ****
--- 406,418 ----
  The following resources are specified as part of the ``vt100'' widget (class
  .TP 8
+ .B "allowSendEvents (\fPclass\fB AllowSendEvents)"
+ Specifies whether or not synthetic key and button events (generated using
+ the X protocol SendEvent request) should be interpreted or discarded.
+ The default is ``false'' meaning they are discarded.  Note that allowing
+ such events creates a very large security hole.
+ .sp
+ .TP 8
  .B "alwaysHighlight (\fPclass\fB AlwaysHighlight)"
  Specifies whether or not \fIxterm\fP should always display a highlighted 
  text cursor.  By default, a hollow text cursor is displayed whenever the
*** 730,735 ****
--- 737,746 ----
  pressed in a window.
  The modes section contains items that apply to both the VT102 and Tektronix
+ The
+ .B Secure Keyboard
+ mode should be used when typing in passwords or other sensitive data;
+ see \fBSECURITY\fP below.
  Notable entries in the command section of the menu are the
  .BR Continue ,
  .BR Suspend ,
*** 769,774 ****
--- 780,830 ----
  entry in the command section clears the Tektronix window.
+ .PP
+ X environments differ in their security conciousness.  The servers provided
+ by MIT use a host-based mechanism to control access to the server (see
+ \fIxhost(1)\fP).  If you enable access for a host, and other users are
+ also permitted to run clients on that host, there is the possibility that
+ someone will run an application that will attempt to use the basic services
+ of the X protocol to snoop on your activities, and potentially capture a
+ transcript of everything you type at the keyboard.  This is of particular
+ concern when you want to type in a password or other sensitive data.
+ The best solution to this problem is for the industry to choose a standard
+ authorization mechanism, with the necessary operating system support,
+ and to incorporate this into the X protocol (which is already designed to
+ handle such a mechanism).  In the mean time, since passwords are most
+ commonly typed to something running in an \fIxterm\fP window, a simple
+ mechanism exists for protecting keyboard input in \fIxterm\fP.
+ .PP
+ The \fBxterm\fP menu (see \fBMENUS\fP above) contains a \fBSecure Keyboard\fP
+ entry which, when enabled, ensures that all keyboard input is directed
+ \fIonly\fP to \fIxterm\fP (using the GrabKeyboard protocol request).
+ When an application prompts you for a password
+ (or other sensitive data), you can enable \fBSecure Keyboard\fP using the
+ menu, type in the data, and then disable \fBSecure Keyboard\fP using
+ the menu again.  Only one X client at a time can secure the keyboard,
+ so when you attempt to enable \fBSecure Keyboard\fP it may fail.  In
+ this case, the bell will sound.  If the \fBSecure Keyboard\fP succeeds,
+ the foreground and background colors will be exchanged (as if you
+ selected the \fBReverse Video\fP entry in the \fBModes\fP menu);
+ they will be exchanged again when you exit secure mode.  If the colors
+ do \fInot\fP switch, then
+ you should be \fIvery\fP suspicious that you are being spoofed.  If
+ the application you are running displays a prompt before asking for
+ the password, it is safest to enter secure mode \fIbefore\fP the
+ prompt gets displayed, and to make sure that the prompt gets displayed
+ correctly (in the new colors), to minimize the probability of
+ spoofing.  You can also bring up the menu again and make sure that a check
+ mark appears next to the entry.
+ .PP
+ \fBSecure Keyboard\fP mode will be disabled automatically if your xterm
+ window becomes iconified (or otherwise unmapped), or if you start up
+ a reparenting window manager (that places a title bar or other decoration
+ around the window) while in \fBSecure Keyboard\fP mode.  (This is a
+ feature of the X protocol not easily overcome.)  When this happens,
+ the foreground and background colors will be switched back and the bell
+ will sound in warning.
  Clicking the middle mouse button twice in rapid succession will cause all
  characters of the same class (e.g. letters, white space, punctuation) to be
*** 835,840 ****
--- 891,899 ----
  is not expected, and will cause unpredictable behavior.
  The actions available for key translations are:
+ .TP 15
+ .B secure()
+ Toggles the \fBSecure Keyboard\fP mode; see \fBSECURITY\fP.
  .TP 15
  .B insert()
  Processes the key in the normal way; i.e. inserts the

*** /tmp/,RCSt1a03192	Thu Nov 17 17:08:04 1988
--- clients/xterm/ptyx.h	Wed Nov 16 18:12:31 1988
*** 1,5 ****
!  *	$XConsortium: ptyx.h,v 1.18 88/10/07 14:12:29 swick Exp $
  #include <X11/copyright.h>
--- 1,5 ----
!  *	$XConsortium: ptyx.h,v 1.20 88/11/16 18:13:26 rws Exp $
  #include <X11/copyright.h>
*** 220,225 ****
--- 220,227 ----
  	int		select;		/* xterm selected		*/
  	Boolean		visualbell;	/* visual bell mode		*/
  	int		logging;	/* logging mode			*/
+ 	Boolean		allowSendEvents;/* SendEvent mode		*/
+ 	Boolean		grabbedKbd;	/* keyboard is grabbed		*/
  	int		logfd;		/* file descriptor of log	*/
  	char		*logfile;	/* log file name		*/
  	char		*logstart;	/* current start of log buffer	*/

*** /tmp/,RCSt1a03197	Thu Nov 17 17:08:16 1988
--- clients/xterm/button.c	Thu Nov 17 15:51:45 1988
*** 1,5 ****
!  *	$XConsortium: button.c,v 1.22 88/10/17 20:10:47 swick Exp $
--- 1,5 ----
!  *	$XConsortium: button.c,v 1.24 88/11/16 13:48:39 rws Exp $
*** 35,41 ****
  				J. Gettys.
  #ifndef lint
! static char rcs_id[] = "$XConsortium: button.c,v button.c,v 1.22 88/10/17 20:10:47 swick Exp $";
  #endif	/* lint */
  #include <X11/Xos.h>
  #include <X11/Xlib.h>
--- 35,41 ----
  				J. Gettys.
  #ifndef lint
! static char rcs_id[] = "$XConsortium: button.c,v 1.24 88/11/16 13:48:39 rws Exp $";
  #endif	/* lint */
  #include <X11/Xos.h>
  #include <X11/Xlib.h>
*** 1246,1253 ****
  	TrackMenu(menu, event); /* MenuButtonReleased calls FinishModeMenu */
! FinishModeMenu(item)
  register int item;
  	TScreen *screen = &term->screen;
--- 1246,1254 ----
  	TrackMenu(menu, event); /* MenuButtonReleased calls FinishModeMenu */
! FinishModeMenu(item, time)
  register int item;
+ Time time;
  	TScreen *screen = &term->screen;
*** 1262,1268 ****
  	switch(type) {
  	 case XTERMMENU:
! 		xdomenufunc(item);
  	 case VTMENU:
--- 1263,1269 ----
  	switch(type) {
  	 case XTERMMENU:
! 		xdomenufunc(item, time);
  	 case VTMENU:
*** 1281,1287 ****
--- 1282,1289 ----
! #define XMENU_GRABKBD	0
*** 1295,1300 ****
--- 1297,1303 ----
  #define XMENU_EXIT	(XMENU_LINE2+1)
  static char *xtext[] = {
+ 	"Secure Keyboard",
  	"Visual Bell",
*** 1312,1317 ****
--- 1315,1321 ----
  static int xbell;
  static int xlog;
+ static int xkgrab;
  Menu *xsetupmenu(menu)
  register Menu **menu;
*** 1325,1330 ****
--- 1329,1336 ----
  		for(cp = xtext ; *cp ; cp++)
  			AddMenuItem(*menu, *cp);
+ 		if(xkgrab = screen->grabbedKbd)
+ 			CheckItem(*menu, XMENU_GRABKBD);
  		if(xbell = screen->visualbell)
  			CheckItem(*menu, XMENU_VISUALBELL);
  		if(xlog = screen->logging)
*** 1346,1351 ****
--- 1352,1360 ----
  	/* if login window, check for completed login */
  	if (!(L_flag && !checklogin()) && !(screen->inhibit & I_LOG))
  		EnableItem(*menu, XMENU_LOG);
+ 	if (xkgrab != screen->grabbedKbd)
+ 		SetItemCheck(*menu, XMENU_GRABKBD, (xkgrab =
+ 		 screen->grabbedKbd));
  	if (xbell != screen->visualbell)
  		SetItemCheck(*menu, XMENU_VISUALBELL, (xbell =
*** 1354,1365 ****
! xdomenufunc(item)
  int item;
  	register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;
  	switch (item) {
  		screen->visualbell = !screen->visualbell;
--- 1363,1393 ----
! xdomenufunc(item, time)
  int item;
+ Time time;
  	register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;
  	switch (item) {
+ 		if (screen->grabbedKbd) {
+ 		    XUngrabKeyboard(screen->display, time);
+ 		    ReverseVideo(term);
+ 		    screen->grabbedKbd = FALSE;
+ 		} else {
+ 		    if (XGrabKeyboard(screen->display,
+ 				      term->core.parent->core.window,
+ 				      True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, time)
+ 			  != GrabSuccess) {
+ 		        XBell(screen->display, 100);
+ 		    } else {
+ 			ReverseVideo(term);
+ 			screen->grabbedKbd = TRUE;
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		break;
  		screen->visualbell = !screen->visualbell;
*** 1489,1492 ****
--- 1517,1538 ----
  XButtonEvent *event;
+ }
+ /* ARGSUSED */
+ void HandleSecure(w, event, params, param_count)
+     Widget w;
+     XEvent *event;		/* unused */
+     String *params;		/* [0] = volume */
+     Cardinal *param_count;	/* 0 or 1 */
+ {
+     Time time = CurrentTime;
+     if ((event->xany.type == KeyPress) ||
+ 	(event->xany.type == KeyRelease))
+ 	time = event->xkey.time;
+     else if ((event->xany.type == ButtonPress) ||
+ 	     (event->xany.type == ButtonRelease))
+       time = event->xbutton.time;
+     xdomenufunc(XMENU_GRABKBD, time);

*** /tmp/,RCSt1a03202	Thu Nov 17 17:09:11 1988
--- clients/xterm/charproc.c	Wed Nov 16 18:14:30 1988
*** 1,5 ****
!  * $XConsortium: charproc.c,v 1.60 88/10/10 13:02:12 swick Exp $
--- 1,5 ----
!  * $XConsortium: charproc.c,v 1.62 88/11/16 18:15:34 rws Exp $
*** 100,105 ****
--- 100,106 ----
  #define	XtNtekStartup		"tekStartup"
  #define XtNtiteInhibit		"titeInhibit"
  #define	XtNvisualBell		"visualBell"
+ #define XtNallowSendEvents	"allowSendEvents"
  #define XtCAlwaysHighlight	"AlwaysHighlight"
  #define	XtCC132			"C132"
*** 128,138 ****
  #define	XtCTekStartup		"TekStartup"
  #define XtCTiteInhibit		"TiteInhibit"
  #define	XtCVisualBell		"VisualBell"
  #define	doinput()		(bcnt-- > 0 ? *bptr++ : in_put())
  #ifndef lint
! static char rcs_id[] = "$XConsortium: charproc.c,v 1.60 88/10/10 13:02:12 swick Exp $";
  #endif	/* lint */
  static long arg;
--- 129,140 ----
  #define	XtCTekStartup		"TekStartup"
  #define XtCTiteInhibit		"TiteInhibit"
  #define	XtCVisualBell		"VisualBell"
+ #define XtCAllowSendEvents	"AllowSendEvents"
  #define	doinput()		(bcnt-- > 0 ? *bptr++ : in_put())
  #ifndef lint
! static char rcs_id[] = "$XConsortium: charproc.c,v 1.62 88/11/16 18:15:34 rws Exp $";
  #endif	/* lint */
  static long arg;
*** 170,175 ****
--- 172,178 ----
  extern void HandleStartExtend();
         void HandleBell();
         void HandleIgnore();
+ extern void HandleSecure();
   * NOTE: VTInitialize zeros out the entire ".screen" component of the 
*** 208,213 ****
--- 211,217 ----
      { "insert-selection", HandleInsertSelection },
      { "keymap", 	  HandleKeymapChange },
      { "mode-menu",	  HandleModeMenu },
+     { "secure",		  HandleSecure },
      { "select-start",	  HandleSelectStart },
      { "select-extend",	  HandleSelectExtend },
      { "select-end",	  HandleSelectEnd },
*** 323,328 ****
--- 327,335 ----
  	XtRBoolean, (caddr_t) &defaultFALSE},
  {XtNvisualBell, XtCVisualBell, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
  	XtOffset(XtermWidget, screen.visualbell),
+ 	XtRBoolean, (caddr_t) &defaultFALSE},
+ {XtNallowSendEvents, XtCAllowSendEvents, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
+ 	XtOffset(XtermWidget, screen.allowSendEvents),
  	XtRBoolean, (caddr_t) &defaultFALSE}

*** /tmp/,RCSt1a03209	Thu Nov 17 17:09:20 1988
--- clients/xterm/Tekproc.c	Wed Nov 16 13:43:58 1988
*** 1,5 ****
!  * $XConsortium: Tekproc.c,v 1.43 88/10/07 13:28:23 jim Exp $
   * Warning, there be crufty dragons here.
--- 1,5 ----
!  * $XConsortium: Tekproc.c,v 1.44 88/11/16 13:45:06 rws Exp $
   * Warning, there be crufty dragons here.
*** 121,127 ****
  #define	unput(c)	*Tpushback++ = c
  #ifndef lint
! static char rcs_id[] = "$XConsortium: Tekproc.c,v 1.43 88/10/07 13:28:23 jim Exp $";
  #endif	/* lint */
  static XPoint *T_box[TEKNUMFONTS] = {
--- 121,127 ----
  #define	unput(c)	*Tpushback++ = c
  #ifndef lint
! static char rcs_id[] = "$XConsortium: Tekproc.c,v 1.44 88/11/16 13:45:06 rws Exp $";
  #endif	/* lint */
  static XPoint *T_box[TEKNUMFONTS] = {
*** 168,173 ****
--- 168,174 ----
  extern void HandleEnterWindow();
  extern void HandleLeaveWindow();
  extern void HandleFocusChange();
+ extern void HandleSecure();
  extern void TekButtonPressed();
  static char defaultTranslations[] = 
*** 176,181 ****
--- 177,183 ----
  static XtActionsRec actionsList[] = { 
      { "string",	HandleStringEvent },
      { "insert",	HandleKeyPressed },
+     { "secure", HandleSecure }
  static Dimension defOne = 1;

*** /tmp/,RCSt1a03215	Thu Nov 17 17:09:25 1988
--- clients/xterm/menu.c	Wed Nov 16 13:46:22 1988
*** 2,8 ****
  static char sccsid[]="@(#)menu.c	1.7 Stellar 87/10/16";
!  *	$XConsortium: menu.c,v 1.10 88/10/05 11:16:29 jim Exp $
  #include <X11/copyright.h>
--- 2,8 ----
  static char sccsid[]="@(#)menu.c	1.7 Stellar 87/10/16";
!  *	$XConsortium: menu.c,v 1.11 88/11/16 13:47:32 rws Exp $
  #include <X11/copyright.h>
*** 45,51 ****
  #include "data.h"
  #ifndef lint
! static char rcs_id[] = "$XConsortium: menu.c,v 1.10 88/10/05 11:16:29 jim Exp $";
  #endif	lint
--- 45,51 ----
  #include "data.h"
  #ifndef lint
! static char rcs_id[] = "$XConsortium: menu.c,v 1.11 88/11/16 13:47:32 rws Exp $";
  #endif	lint
*** 489,497 ****
  	drawn = 0;
! 		FinishModeMenu(menu->menuInitialItem = hilited_n);
! 		FinishModeMenu(-1);
--- 489,498 ----
  	drawn = 0;
! 		FinishModeMenu(menu->menuInitialItem = hilited_n,
! 			       event->time);
! 		FinishModeMenu(-1, event->time);

*** /tmp/,RCSt1a03220	Thu Nov 17 17:09:30 1988
--- clients/xterm/misc.c	Thu Nov 17 16:06:48 1988
*** 1,5 ****
!  *	$XConsortium: misc.c,v 1.24 88/10/07 13:25:28 jim Exp $
--- 1,5 ----
!  *	$XConsortium: misc.c,v 1.28 88/11/17 16:07:46 rws Exp $
*** 53,59 ****
  extern void abort();
  #ifndef lint
! static char rcs_id[] = "$XConsortium: misc.c,v 1.24 88/10/07 13:25:28 jim Exp $";
  #endif	/* lint */
--- 53,59 ----
  extern void abort();
  #ifndef lint
! static char rcs_id[] = "$XConsortium: misc.c,v 1.28 88/11/17 16:07:46 rws Exp $";
  #endif	/* lint */
*** 68,74 ****
  		if (waitingForTrackInfo)
  		XNextEvent (screen->display, &event);
! 		XtDispatchEvent(&event);
  	} while (QLength(screen->display) > 0);
--- 68,80 ----
  		if (waitingForTrackInfo)
  		XNextEvent (screen->display, &event);
! 		if (!event.xany.send_event ||
! 		    screen->allowSendEvents ||
! 		    ((event.xany.type != KeyPress) &&
! 		     (event.xany.type != KeyRelease) &&
! 		     (event.xany.type != ButtonPress) &&
! 		     (event.xany.type != ButtonRelease)))
! 		    XtDispatchEvent(&event);
  	} while (QLength(screen->display) > 0);
*** 184,192 ****
          register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;
          if(event->type == FocusIn)
!                 selectwindow(screen, FOCUS);
!         else
!                 unselectwindow(screen, FOCUS);
--- 190,208 ----
          register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;
          if(event->type == FocusIn)
!                 selectwindow(screen,
! 			     (event->detail == NotifyPointer) ? INWINDOW :
! 								FOCUS);
!         else {
!                 unselectwindow(screen,
! 			       (event->detail == NotifyPointer) ? INWINDOW :
! 								  FOCUS);
! 		if (screen->grabbedKbd && (event->mode == NotifyUngrab)) {
! 		    screen->grabbedKbd = FALSE;
! 		    ReverseVideo(term);
! 		    XBell(screen->display, 100);
! 		}
! 	}
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a03978	Fri Nov 18 16:45:30 1988
--- clients/xdm/Login.c	Thu Nov 17 17:04:42 1988
*** 1,7 ****
   * xdm - display manager daemon
!  * $XConsortium: Login.c,v 1.9 88/10/22 10:41:01 rws Exp $
   * Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 1,7 ----
   * xdm - display manager daemon
!  * $XConsortium: Login.c,v 1.11 88/11/17 17:04:15 keith Exp $
   * Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 50,62 ****
      {XtNfailColor, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof (Pixel),
  	offset(failpixel), XtRString,	"Black"},
      {XtNfont, XtCFont, XtRFontStruct, sizeof (XFontStruct *),
!     	offset (font), XtRString,	"*-new century schoolbook-medium-r-normal-*-18-*"},
      {XtNpromptFont, XtCFont, XtRFontStruct, sizeof (XFontStruct *),
!     	offset (promptFont), XtRString, "*-new century schoolbook-bold-r-normal-*-18-*"},
      {XtNgreetFont, XtCFont, XtRFontStruct, sizeof (XFontStruct *),
!     	offset (greetFont), XtRString,	"*-new century schoolbook-bold-i-normal-*-24-*"},
      {XtNfailFont, XtCFont, XtRFontStruct, sizeof (XFontStruct *),
! 	offset (failFont), XtRString,	"*-new century schoolbook-bold-r-normal-*-18-*"},
      {XtNgreeting, XtCGreeting, XtRString, sizeof (char *),
      	offset(greeting), XtRString, "Welcome to the X Window System"},
      {XtNnamePrompt, XtCNamePrompt, XtRString, sizeof (char *),
--- 50,62 ----
      {XtNfailColor, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof (Pixel),
  	offset(failpixel), XtRString,	"Black"},
      {XtNfont, XtCFont, XtRFontStruct, sizeof (XFontStruct *),
!     	offset (font), XtRString,	"*-new century schoolbook-medium-r-normal-*-180-*"},
      {XtNpromptFont, XtCFont, XtRFontStruct, sizeof (XFontStruct *),
!     	offset (promptFont), XtRString, "*-new century schoolbook-bold-r-normal-*-180-*"},
      {XtNgreetFont, XtCFont, XtRFontStruct, sizeof (XFontStruct *),
!     	offset (greetFont), XtRString,	"*-new century schoolbook-bold-i-normal-*-240-*"},
      {XtNfailFont, XtCFont, XtRFontStruct, sizeof (XFontStruct *),
! 	offset (failFont), XtRString,	"*-new century schoolbook-bold-r-normal-*-180-*"},
      {XtNgreeting, XtCGreeting, XtRString, sizeof (char *),
      	offset(greeting), XtRString, "Welcome to the X Window System"},
      {XtNnamePrompt, XtCNamePrompt, XtRString, sizeof (char *),
*** 271,277 ****
  	DrawFail (w);
      DrawName (w, 0);
      XorCursor (w);
!     XSetInputFocus (XtDisplay (w), XtWindow (w), RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime);
  static void
--- 271,290 ----
  	DrawFail (w);
      DrawName (w, 0);
      XorCursor (w);
!     /*
!      * The GrabKeyboard here is needed only because of
!      * a bug in the R3 server -- the keyboard is grabbed on
!      * the root window, and the server won't dispatch events
!      * to the focus window unless the focus window is a ancestor
!      * of the grab window.  Bug in server already found and fixed,
!      * compatibility until at least R4.
!      */
!     if (XGrabKeyboard (XtDisplay (w), XtWindow (w), False, GrabModeAsync,
! 		       GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime) != GrabSuccess)
!     {
! 	XSetInputFocus (XtDisplay (w), XtWindow (w),
! 			RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime);
!     }
  static void

*** /tmp/,RCSt1a03985	Fri Nov 18 16:48:02 1988
--- clients/xdm/display.c	Thu Nov 17 17:04:47 1988
*** 1,7 ****
   * xdm - display manager daemon
!  * $XConsortium: display.c,v 1.9 88/10/22 21:49:08 keith Exp $
   * Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 1,7 ----
   * xdm - display manager daemon
!  * $XConsortium: display.c,v 1.10 88/11/17 17:04:43 keith Exp $
   * Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 78,87 ****
  	Debug ("manage display %s\n", d->name);
  	if (setjmp (terminated)) {
  		Debug ("processing SIGTERM\n");
- 		TerminateServer (d, serverPid);
  		if (sessionPid < 2)
  			abort ();
  		(void) killpg (sessionPid, SIGTERM);
  	(void) signal (SIGTERM, CatchTerm);
--- 78,87 ----
  	Debug ("manage display %s\n", d->name);
  	if (setjmp (terminated)) {
  		Debug ("processing SIGTERM\n");
  		if (sessionPid < 2)
  			abort ();
  		(void) killpg (sessionPid, SIGTERM);
+ 		TerminateServer (d, serverPid);
  	(void) signal (SIGTERM, CatchTerm);
*** 351,357 ****
--- 351,359 ----
  #ifdef UDP_SOCKET
  		Debug ("sending TERMINATE message through network\n");
  		if (!serverMessage (d, TERMINATE) && dpy)
+ 			pseudoReset (dpy);
+ 		if (dpy)
  			pseudoReset (dpy);
  		if (dpy) {

*** /tmp/,RCSt1a03992	Fri Nov 18 16:48:52 1988
--- clients/xdm/dm.c	Thu Nov 17 17:04:52 1988
*** 1,7 ****
   * xdm - display manager daemon
!  * $XConsortium: dm.c,v 1.9 88/10/22 21:48:44 keith Exp $
   * Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 1,7 ----
   * xdm - display manager daemon
!  * $XConsortium: dm.c,v 1.10 88/11/17 17:04:50 keith Exp $
   * Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 41,46 ****
--- 41,47 ----
  	if (debugLevel == 0 && daemonMode)
  		BecomeDaemon ();
  	InitErrorLog ();
+ 	StorePid ();
  	signal (SIGTERM, TerminateAll);
  	signal (SIGINT, TerminateAll);
*** 276,279 ****
--- 277,296 ----
  			close (fd);
  	FD_ZERO (&CloseMask);
  	max = 0;
+ }
+ StorePid ()
+ {
+ 	FILE	*f;
+ 	if (pidFile[0] != '\0') {
+ 		f = fopen (pidFile, "w");
+ 		if (!f) {
+ 			LogError ("process-id file %s cannot be opened\n",
+ 				  pidFile);
+ 		} else {
+ 			fprintf (f, "%d\n", getpid ());
+ 			fclose (f);
+ 		}
+ 	}

*** /tmp/,RCSt1a03999	Fri Nov 18 16:49:28 1988
--- clients/xdm/dm.h	Thu Nov 17 17:04:55 1988
*** 1,7 ****
   * xdm - display manager daemon
!  * $XConsortium: dm.h,v 1.8 88/10/22 21:49:03 keith Exp $
   * Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 1,7 ----
   * xdm - display manager daemon
!  * $XConsortium: dm.h,v 1.9 88/11/17 17:04:53 keith Exp $
   * Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 96,101 ****
--- 96,102 ----
  	FileState	state;		/* state during HUP processing */
  	char		*resources;	/* resource file */
  	char		*xrdb;		/* xrdb program */
+ 	char		*cpp;		/* cpp program */
  	char		*startup;	/* Xstartup program */
  	char		*reset;		/* Xreset program */
  	char		*session;	/* Xsession program */
*** 107,112 ****
--- 108,114 ----
  	int		openRepeat;	/* open attempts to make */
  	int		openTimeout;	/* abort open attempt timeout */
  	int		terminateServer;/* restart for each session */
+ 	int		grabTimeout;	/* time to wait for grab */
  	DisplayType	displayType;	/* method to handle with */
  #ifdef UDP_SOCKET
  	struct sockaddr_in	addr;	/* address used in connection */
*** 150,155 ****
--- 152,158 ----
  extern int	debugLevel;
  extern char	*errorLogFile;
  extern int	daemonMode;
+ extern char	*pidFile;
  extern struct display	*FindDisplayByName (),
  			*FindDisplayByPid (),

*** /tmp/,RCSt1a03960	Fri Nov 18 16:38:14 1988
--- clients/xdm/error.c	Mon Nov 14 12:29:33 1988
*** 1,7 ****
   * xdm - display manager daemon
!  * $XConsortium: error.c,v 1.5 88/10/15 19:09:58 keith Exp $
   * Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 1,7 ----
   * xdm - display manager daemon
!  * $XConsortium: error.c,v 1.6 88/11/14 12:29:19 keith Exp $
   * Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 34,41 ****
  	if (errorLogFile[0]) {
  		i = creat (errorLogFile, 0666);
  		if (i != -1) {
! 			close (i);
! 			freopen (errorLogFile, "a+", stderr);
  		} else
  			LogError ("Cannot open errorLogFile %s\n", errorLogFile);
--- 34,43 ----
  	if (errorLogFile[0]) {
  		i = creat (errorLogFile, 0666);
  		if (i != -1) {
! 			if (i != 2) {
! 				dup2 (i, 2);
! 				close (i);
! 			}
  		} else
  			LogError ("Cannot open errorLogFile %s\n", errorLogFile);

*** /tmp/,RCSt1a04006	Fri Nov 18 16:50:50 1988
--- clients/xdm/greet.c	Thu Nov 17 17:04:57 1988
*** 1,7 ****
   * xdm - display manager daemon
!  * $XConsortium: greet.c,v 1.6 88/10/20 17:37:02 keith Exp $
   * Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 1,7 ----
   * xdm - display manager daemon
!  * $XConsortium: greet.c,v 1.7 88/11/17 17:04:56 keith Exp $
   * Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 41,46 ****
--- 41,47 ----
  static Widget		login;
  static Widget		logoToplevel;
  static Widget		logo;
+ static XtAppContext	context;
  GreetDone (w, data, status)
      Widget	w;
*** 66,71 ****
--- 67,73 ----
+ Display *
  InitGreet (d)
  struct display	*d;
*** 72,91 ****
  	Arg		arglist[10];
  	int		i;
  	int		argc;
  	static char	*argv[] = { "xlogin", "-display", 0, 0 };
  	Debug ("greet %s\n", d->name);
  	argv[2] = d->name;
  	argc = 3;
! 	toplevel = XtInitialize ("main", "Xlogin", 0, 0, &argc, argv);
! 	Debug ("top level shell created\n");
  	i = 0;
! 	XtSetArg (arglist[i], XtNnotifyDone, GreetDone); i++;
  	login = XtCreateManagedWidget ("login", loginWidgetClass, toplevel,
  					arglist, i);
  	XtRealizeWidget (toplevel);
  #ifdef DRAWLOGO
  	i = 0;
  	XtSetArg (arglist[i], XtNgeometry, "100x100-0-0"); i++;
--- 74,108 ----
  	Arg		arglist[10];
  	int		i;
  	int		argc;
+ 	Screen		*scrn;
  	static char	*argv[] = { "xlogin", "-display", 0, 0 };
+ 	Display		*dpy;
  	Debug ("greet %s\n", d->name);
  	argv[2] = d->name;
  	argc = 3;
! 	XtToolkitInitialize ();
! 	context = XtCreateApplicationContext();
! 	dpy = XtOpenDisplay (context, d->name, "xlogin", "Xlogin", 0,0,
! 				&argc, argv);
+ 	SecureDisplay (d, dpy);
  	i = 0;
! 	scrn = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy);
!         XtSetArg(arglist[i], XtNscreen, scrn);	i++;
! 	XtSetArg(arglist[i], XtNargc, argc);	i++;
! 	XtSetArg(arglist[i], XtNargv, argv);	i++;
+ 	toplevel = XtAppCreateShell ((String) NULL, "Xlogin",
+ 			applicationShellWidgetClass, dpy, arglist, i);
+ 	i = 0;
+ 	XtSetArg (arglist[i], XtNnotifyDone, GreetDone); i++;
  	login = XtCreateManagedWidget ("login", loginWidgetClass, toplevel,
  					arglist, i);
  	XtRealizeWidget (toplevel);
  #ifdef DRAWLOGO
  	i = 0;
  	XtSetArg (arglist[i], XtNgeometry, "100x100-0-0"); i++;
*** 96,106 ****
--- 113,125 ----
  					arglist, i);
  	XtRealizeWidget (logoToplevel);
+ 	return dpy;
  CloseGreet (d)
  struct display	*d;
+ 	UnsecureDisplay (d, XtDisplay (toplevel));
  	XCloseDisplay (XtDisplay (toplevel));
*** 109,127 ****
  struct greet_info	*greet;
  	XEvent		event;
! 	Arg		args[1];
  	Debug ("dispatching\n");
  	done = 0;
  	while (!done) {
! 		XtAppNextEvent (_XtDefaultAppContext(), &event);
  		XtDispatchEvent (&event);
  	XFlush (XtDisplay (toplevel));
  	greet->name = name;
  	greet->password = password;
! 	XtSetArg (args[0], XtNsessionArgument, (char *) &(greet->string));
! 	XtGetValues (login, args, 1);
  	Debug ("sessionArgument: %s\n", greet->string ? greet->string : "<NULL>");
--- 128,146 ----
  struct greet_info	*greet;
  	XEvent		event;
! 	Arg		arglist[1];
  	Debug ("dispatching\n");
  	done = 0;
  	while (!done) {
! 		XtAppNextEvent (context, &event);
  		XtDispatchEvent (&event);
  	XFlush (XtDisplay (toplevel));
  	greet->name = name;
  	greet->password = password;
! 	XtSetArg (arglist[0], XtNsessionArgument, (char *) &(greet->string));
! 	XtGetValues (login, arglist, 1);
  	Debug ("sessionArgument: %s\n", greet->string ? greet->string : "<NULL>");

*** /tmp/,RCSt1a04013	Fri Nov 18 16:51:27 1988
--- clients/xdm/pseudoreset.c	Thu Nov 17 17:05:00 1988
*** 1,7 ****
   * xdm - display manager daemon
!  * $XConsortium: pseudoreset.c,v 1.1 88/10/15 19:06:00 keith Exp $
   * Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 1,7 ----
   * xdm - display manager daemon
!  * $XConsortium: pseudoreset.c,v 1.2 88/11/17 17:04:58 keith Exp $
   * Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 31,36 ****
--- 31,37 ----
  Display	*dpy;
  XErrorEvent	*event;
+ 	Debug ("ignoring error\n");
*** 50,57 ****
  	while (XQueryTree (dpy, window, &root, &parent, &children, &nchildren)
  	       && nchildren > 0)
! 		for (child = 0; child < nchildren; child++)
  			XKillClient (dpy, children[child]);
  		XFree (children);
--- 51,60 ----
  	while (XQueryTree (dpy, window, &root, &parent, &children, &nchildren)
  	       && nchildren > 0)
! 		for (child = 0; child < nchildren; child++) {
! 			Debug ("XKillClient 0x%x\n", children[child]);
  			XKillClient (dpy, children[child]);
+ 		}
  		XFree (children);
*** 68,76 ****
--- 71,82 ----
  	XSetErrorHandler (ignoreErrors);
  	for (screen = 0; screen < ScreenCount (dpy); screen++) {
+ 		Debug ("pseudoReset screen %d\n", screen);
  		root = RootWindow (dpy, screen);
  		killWindows (dpy, root);
+ 	Debug ("before XSync\n");
  	XSync (dpy, False);
  	XSetErrorHandler ((int (*)) 0);
+ 	Debug ("pseudoReset done\n");

*** /tmp/,RCSt1a04020	Fri Nov 18 16:52:06 1988
--- clients/xdm/resource.c	Thu Nov 17 17:05:04 1988
*** 1,7 ****
   * xdm - display manager daemon
!  * $XConsortium: resource.c,v 1.9 88/10/25 11:48:47 keith Exp $
   * Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 1,7 ----
   * xdm - display manager daemon
!  * $XConsortium: resource.c,v 1.10 88/11/17 17:05:01 keith Exp $
   * Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 33,38 ****
--- 33,39 ----
  int	debugLevel;
  char	*errorLogFile;
  int	daemonMode;
+ char	*pidFile;
  # define DM_STRING	0
  # define DM_INT		1
*** 67,74 ****
  #ifndef DEF_XDM_CONFIG
  #define DEF_XDM_CONFIG "/usr/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-config"
  struct dmResources {
  	char	*name, *class;
  	int	type;
--- 68,77 ----
  #ifndef DEF_XDM_CONFIG
  #define DEF_XDM_CONFIG "/usr/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-config"
+ #ifndef CPP_PROGRAM
+ #define CPP_PROGRAM "/lib/cpp"
+ #endif
  struct dmResources {
  	char	*name, *class;
  	int	type;
*** 84,90 ****
  "errorLogFile",	"ErrorLogFile",	DM_STRING,	&errorLogFile,
  "daemonMode",	"DaemonMode",	DM_BOOL,	(char **) &daemonMode,
! 				"true"
  # define NUM_DM_RESOURCES	(sizeof DmResources / sizeof DmResources[0])
--- 87,95 ----
  "errorLogFile",	"ErrorLogFile",	DM_STRING,	&errorLogFile,
  "daemonMode",	"DaemonMode",	DM_BOOL,	(char **) &daemonMode,
! 				"true",
! "pidFile",	"PidFile",	DM_STRING,	&pidFile,
! 				"",
  # define NUM_DM_RESOURCES	(sizeof DmResources / sizeof DmResources[0])
*** 101,106 ****
--- 106,113 ----
  "xrdb",		"Xrdb",		DM_STRING,	boffset(xrdb),
+ "cpp",		"Cpp",		DM_STRING,	boffset(cpp),
  "startup",	"Startup",	DM_STRING,	boffset(startup),
  "reset",	"Reset",	DM_STRING,	boffset(reset),
*** 123,128 ****
--- 130,137 ----
  "failsafeClient","FailsafeClient",	DM_STRING,	boffset(failsafeClient),
+ "grabTimeout",	"GrabTimeout",	DM_INT,		boffset(grabTimeout),
+ 				"3",
  # define NUM_DISPLAY_RESOURCES	(sizeof DisplayResources/\

*** /tmp/,RCSt1a04030	Fri Nov 18 16:53:09 1988
--- clients/xdm/session.c	Thu Nov 17 19:13:52 1988
*** 1,7 ****
   * xdm - display manager daemon
!  * $XConsortium: session.c,v 1.7 88/10/22 21:49:29 keith Exp $
   * Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 1,7 ----
   * xdm - display manager daemon
!  * $XConsortium: session.c,v 1.9 88/11/17 19:13:42 keith Exp $
   * Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 25,30 ****
--- 25,32 ----
  # include "dm.h"
  # include <X11/Xlib.h>
  # include <signal.h>
+ # include <X11/Xatom.h>
+ # include <setjmp.h>
  static int	clientPid;
*** 34,45 ****
  	struct greet_info	greet;
  	struct verify_info	verify;
  	int			pid;
  	 * Step 5: Load system default Resources
  	LoadXloginResources (d);
! 	InitGreet (d);
  	for (;;) {
  		 * Step 6: Greet user, requesting name/password
--- 36,49 ----
  	struct greet_info	greet;
  	struct verify_info	verify;
  	int			pid;
+ 	Display			*dpy, *InitGreet ();
+ 	Debug ("ManageSession %s\n", d->name);
  	 * Step 5: Load system default Resources
  	LoadXloginResources (d);
! 	dpy = InitGreet (d);
  	for (;;) {
  		 * Step 6: Greet user, requesting name/password
*** 53,58 ****
--- 57,63 ----
  			FailedLogin (d, &greet);
+ 	DeleteXloginResources (d, dpy);
  	CloseGreet (d);
  	Debug ("Greet loop finished\n");
*** 59,65 ****
  	 * Step 8: Run system-wide initialization file
  	if (source (&verify, d->startup) != 0)
  	 * Step 9: Start the clients, changing uid/groups
  	 *	   setting up environment and running the session
--- 64,70 ----
  	 * Step 8: Run system-wide initialization file
  	if (source (&verify, d->startup) != 0)
! 		SessionExit (OBEYTERM_DISPLAY);
  	 * Step 9: Start the clients, changing uid/groups
  	 *	   setting up environment and running the session
*** 81,87 ****
  	 * Step 15: run system-wide reset file
  	source (&verify, d->reset);
  LoadXloginResources (d)
--- 86,92 ----
  	 * Step 15: run system-wide reset file
  	source (&verify, d->reset);
! 	SessionExit (OBEYTERM_DISPLAY);
  LoadXloginResources (d)
*** 90,96 ****
  	char	cmd[1024];
  	if (d->resources[0] && access (d->resources, 4) == 0) {
! 		sprintf (cmd, "%s -display %s -merge %s",
  				d->xrdb, d->name, d->resources);
  		Debug ("Loading resource file: %s\n", cmd);
  		system (cmd);
--- 95,101 ----
  	char	cmd[1024];
  	if (d->resources[0] && access (d->resources, 4) == 0) {
! 		sprintf (cmd, "%s -display %s -load %s",
  				d->xrdb, d->name, d->resources);
  		Debug ("Loading resource file: %s\n", cmd);
  		system (cmd);
*** 97,102 ****
--- 102,165 ----
+ DeleteXloginResources (d, dpy)
+ struct display	*d;
+ Display		*dpy;
+ {
+ 	XDeleteProperty(dpy, RootWindow (dpy, 0), XA_RESOURCE_MANAGER);
+ }
+ static jmp_buf syncJump;
+ static
+ syncTimeout ()
+ {
+ 	longjmp (syncJump, 1);
+ }
+ SecureDisplay (d, dpy)
+ struct display	*d;
+ Display		*dpy;
+ {
+ 	Debug ("SecureDisplay\n");
+ 	signal (SIGALRM, syncTimeout);
+ 	if (setjmp (syncJump)) {
+ 		LogError ("WARNING: display %s could not be secured\n",
+ 				d->name);
+ 		SessionExit (ABORT_DISPLAY);
+ 	}
+ 	alarm (d->grabTimeout);
+ 	Debug ("Before XGrabServer\n");
+ 	XGrabServer (dpy);
+ 	if (XGrabKeyboard (dpy, DefaultRootWindow (dpy), True, GrabModeAsync,
+ 			   GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime) != GrabSuccess)
+  	{
+ 		alarm (0);
+ 		signal (SIGALRM, SIG_DFL);
+ 		LogError ("WARNING: keyboard on display %s could not be secured\n",
+ 				d->name);
+ 		SessionExit (ABORT_DISPLAY);
+ 	}
+ 	Debug ("XGrabKeyboard succeeded\n");
+ 	alarm (0);
+ 	signal (SIGALRM, SIG_DFL);
+ 	pseudoReset (dpy);
+ }
+ UnsecureDisplay (d, dpy)
+ struct display	*d;
+ Display		*dpy;
+ {
+ 	Debug ("Unsecure display %s\n", d->name);
+ 	XUngrabServer (dpy);
+ 	XSync (dpy, 0);
+ }
+ SessionExit (status)
+ {
+ 	exit (status);
+ }
  StartClient (verify, d, pidp)
  struct verify_info	*verify;
  struct display		*d;
*** 119,126 ****
  		setpgrp (0, getpid ());
  #ifdef NGROUPS
- 		setgroups (verify->ngroups, verify->groups);
  		setgid (verify->groups[0]);
  		setgid (verify->gid);
--- 182,189 ----
  		setpgrp (0, getpid ());
  #ifdef NGROUPS
  		setgid (verify->groups[0]);
+ 		setgroups (verify->ngroups, verify->groups);
  		setgid (verify->gid);

*** /tmp/,RCSt1a04058	Fri Nov 18 17:12:58 1988
--- clients/xdm/verify.c	Thu Nov 17 19:14:01 1988
*** 1,7 ****
   * xdm - display manager daemon
!  * $XConsortium: verify.c,v 1.5 88/10/20 17:37:57 keith Exp $
   * Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 1,7 ----
   * xdm - display manager daemon
!  * $XConsortium: verify.c,v 1.6 88/11/17 19:13:52 keith Exp $
   * Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 49,55 ****
  	char		**argv;
  	p = getpwnam (greet->name);
! 	if (!p)
  		p = &joeblow;
  	Debug ("Verify %s %s\n", greet->name, greet->password);
  	if (strcmp (crypt (greet->password, p->pw_passwd), p->pw_passwd)) {
--- 49,55 ----
  	char		**argv;
  	p = getpwnam (greet->name);
! 	if (!p || strlen (greet->name) == 0)
  		p = &joeblow;
  	Debug ("Verify %s %s\n", greet->name, greet->password);
  	if (strcmp (crypt (greet->password, p->pw_passwd), p->pw_passwd)) {

*** /tmp/,RCSt1a04037	Fri Nov 18 16:53:46 1988
--- clients/xdm/xdm.man	Thu Nov 17 17:11:42 1988
*** 209,214 ****
--- 209,227 ----
  this behaviour may seem arbitrary, it has been empirically developed and
  works quite well on most systems.  The default values are
  5 for \fBopenDelay\fP, 5 for \fBopenRepeat\fP and 30 for \fBopenTimeout\fP.
+ .IP "\fBDisplayManager.DISPLAY.grabTimeout\fP"
+ To eliminate obvious security shortcomings in the X protocol,
+ .I xdm
+ grabs the server and keyboard while reading the name/password.  This
+ resource specifies the maximum time
+ .I xdm
+ will wait for the grab to succeed.  The grab may fail if some other
+ client has the server grabbed, or possibly if the network latencies
+ are very high.  This resource has a default value of 3 seconds; you
+ should be cautious when raising it as a user can be spoofed by a
+ look-alike window on the display.  If the grab fails,
+ .I xdm
+ kills and restarts the server.
  .IP "\fBDisplayManager.DISPLAY.terminateServer\fP"
  This boolean resource specifies whether the X server should be terminated
  when a session terminates (instead of resetting it).  This option
Mike Wexler(wyse!mikew)    Phone: (408)433-1000 x1330
Moderator of comp.sources.x

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