v04INF2: Followup to x11-intro-doc posting

Dan Heller argv at island.uu.net
Thu Jun 8 18:25:02 AEST 1989

Submitted-by: argv
Posting-number: Volume 4, Info 2

Now that the posting of the btoa'd files has completed.  I've had several
different types of feedback.  Most poeple have successfully un-archived
the 6 "tarmail" parts, but some others have had problems.  For those who
had problems, one common problem is that any loine starting with a "."
has the dot replicated resulting in two dots and a line length one character
longer than it should be.  For such lines, just remove the first dot.

Other than that, everything seems to have gone ok.  There is still some
dispute about whether or not uuencode should have been used.  One argument
is that news doesn't use typical mail protocols to transport netnews, so
the fact that trailing spaces might exist in the posting is a moot point.
However, had you tried to mail those files to someone, chances are higher
that they would be rejected.  Still not a strong point admittedly.  But,
btoa is much more efficient than uuencode, it can do error checking, does
better data compression, doesn't require setuid/setgid, accepts stdin/stdout

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