v04INF1: Info about installing x11-intro-doc submission

Dan Heller argv at island.uu.net
Tue Jun 6 04:38:55 AEST 1989

Submitted-by: Dan Heller <island!argv at sun.com>
Posting-number: Volume 4, Info 1

  I am about to post a submission which contains documentation and some
  introduction to X11 complete with graphics, postscript, and everything.
  You must have "pic" to print this documentation.

  It is a very large submission with some very large postscript files.  So
  due to the nature of the files in this posting, it was necessary to post
  the submission in 6 tarmail parts -- if you don't have "btoa", then you
  need to follow the following instructions to extract the sources from
  these postings.  (Even if you have tarmail, you should be sure you have
  the latest version of "btoa".)

  The way the files have been produced for the posting was to go to the
  top of the x11-intro-doc tree and type:

    % tar fv - x11-intro-doc | compress | btoa | split

  This means that the source tree has been run thru "tar", not shar.
  It has then been compressed to save on space.  But because compressed
  files are in binary format, the program "btoa" (binary to ascii) was
  used to put the data in ascii format for purposes of data transfer.
  Finally, the result of all that has been run thru split so that each
  part would be of adequate size for posting.  To unpack this archive,
  you need to reverse the process by concatenating all the "parts" in
  order into one file, converting the file back into binary format,
  uncompressing it and finally running "tar" on it again.  This is an
  easy process -- just save each posting in a file called "partN" where
  "N" is the part number, remove the headers from each posting and type:
    % cat part[123456] | btoa -a | uncompress | tar fxv -
  Those of you who are more clever can think of easier ways to automate
  this in rn, but this is the general case.
  The only potential problem you'll have now is using the correct version
  of "btoa" --everything else you already have on your system.  If you
  don't, you can get them from uunet (don't ask me).  This is the -new-
  btoa that r$ recently posted on comp.sources.unix.  If you have the old
  version, it won't work.

  So that I won't get lots of requests for the source to "btoa", I am
  reposting the source for btoa here.

But first, an editorial comment:
  To avoid having to explain this to hundreds of queries about why
  I didn't use uuencode instead (because everyone has it), I am going to
  explain it here.  First and foremost, uuencode doesn't travel well over
  certain mail transport agents because it uses a "space" as a possible
  conversion character.  There are some MTAs that remove trailing spaces
  from the ends of lines and it would result in a file that you could
  not "decode".  Secondly, the amount of ascii characters actually
  generated by "btoa" is far fewer than uuencode, saving on net traffic.
  Btoa also has built into it error detection and correction, to some
  degree (see the full posting for more info).  And finally, it's just
  so much easier to deal with -- you don't have to worry about setuid,
  creating files automatically, chmod 666, and you can use btoa in a pipe.

  Altho I don't make it a rule, postings which require uuencoded files
  be included are accepted, but I much prefer btoa format.  In fact,
  source code submissions (especially large ones) are more easily
  transferred in mail and more easily stored for me if you use tarmail
  rather than shar.  But this in in my own opinion and I am not making
  any requirements that people use tarmail/btoa at all.

# Stefan Parmark, Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden
# shar:    Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	btoa.1
#	btoa.doc
#	Makefile.amiga_lattice
#	Makefile.sun
#	atob.c
#	btoa.c
#	btoa.h
#	chksum.h
#	repair.c
# This archive created: Tue Feb 21 17:45:16 1989
             BTOA version 5.2
Written by Paul Rutter, Joe Orost & Stefan Parmark.

Btoa was created from atob/btoa which were submitted to Usenet
by Paul E. Rutter. Atob and btoa has now been merged into one
program, now refered to as btoa.

Btoa converts 4 binary characters to 5 ascii ones, causing a 25%
expansion. Spaces will not be used, which should make it safe
to send files over Usenet without risking that blanks become

Decoding, which previously was done with atob, is now an option
of btoa. See the manual for details.

One of the drawbacks with the previous version of btoa was that,
if there was an error in the file, atob only stated so, but gave
no clue to its location. It used a checksum covering the
total file, making it impossible to detect where the error was.
I added a single-byte checksum for each row.

Further, the file contained no information about the name of the
output file. Rather, stdout was used. Version 5.0 has the feature
to name the file contents. It can be turned off by reading data
from stdin.

A totally new feature is the ability to mend corrupted archives.
This can be done as long as the header and last line are OK.
It detects bad lines, informs the remote computer about this,
which retransmits these lines in a special file, which btoa uses
to repair the archive. See the manual for more details.

Btoa uses characters between '!' and 'u'. Special characters are
'z' meaning 4 consecutive zeros, 'y' meaning 4 spaces, and
'x' as an end-of-archive mark. The 'y' was added be me, and will
not be recognized by the old version.

Old btoa encoding is still possible, as an extra option (see the
manual). When decoding, btoa can tell if it's the old or new btoa
format by looking at the header.

I removed the feature to exit with no output if there was en error
in the archive. This was done by using a temporary file for
storage. This is not a good idea for micro computer folks like
me, with limited storage possibilities. I hope all realize that
you shouldn't run a file that was created from a corrupted archive.

Most of the code was rewritten in order to make it execute faster.
Special efforts have been made to optimize the atob part.
Measured speeds are 30 kbyte/s on a Sun-3 and 4 kbyte/s on an
Amiga. On the Amiga I used the VD0: recoverable RAM disk without

I have tested btoa on an Amiga 1000 and a Sun-3, and it has
worked very well. If you find it doesn't work on your favourite
computer, drop me a note to one of the addresses below, preferably
the top one, and I'll see what I can do. Also, if you port and/or
improve it, please send me the diffs, and I'll include them in the
next release.

---------------------- DISCLAIMER -------------------------------

I assume no responsibility for the use of btoa. It should work OK,
and I have included lots of tests to make sure that files open,
end-of-file is detected, etc.

Btoa is in the public domain. You may use it, give it away, and
make improvements, as long as the names of the developers are
mentioned and you don't use it to earn money. It may NOT be used
commercially without my permission.

/Stefan Parmark
        d84sp at efd.lth.se
        d84spa at rigel.sunet.se
cat << \SHAR_EOF > btoa.1
.TH BTOA 1 "21 February 1989"
.| btoa version 5.2
btoa - encode/decode binary to printable ASCII
btoa [-adhor] [input filename] [output filename]
.I Btoa
is a filter which reads binary bytes from the input file and
generates printable ASCII characters on the output file. It attaches
a header and a checksum to the archive. It can also reverse this,
creating a binary file from the archive.
Since last version of
.I btoa/atob,
several new features have been
added. The most obvious one is that
.I atob
has been integrated
.I btoa.
They are now the same program which is called with
different arguments. Another is the ability to repair damaged
The new version is compatible with the old version, that is,
it can still encode and decode old btoa files.
.I Btoa
has an option to decode the archive, restoring the binary bytes.
It strips the input file until it finds a valid header, and continues
decoding until the end mark is found. It recognices both old- and
new-style headers, and can decode both. It is possible to leave out
the destination name when decoding new-style archives, because the
name is stored in the header. Entering a name will override the
autonaming function.
It is possible to leave out the file names and redirect stdin and
stdout with '<' and '>' to the desired files. This is to maintain
compatibility with earlier versions of
.I btoa.
.I Btoa
now adds a single byte checksum to each row in the archive.
When an error is found, diagnosis automatically starts and produces
a diagnosis file which can be used to extract the damaged part from
an errorfree archive. The extracted part can then be used to correct
the damaged archive.
.I Btoa
has options to perform the reparation
automatically. This is especially useful when downloading data
converted to text files, and occasionally finding that an archive
file of considerable size turns is corrupted.
.I Btoa
encodes 4 binary bytes into 5 characters, expanding the file by
25%. As a special case 4 zeroes will be encoded as 'z' and 4
spaces as 'y'. This makes it possible to compress the archive a bit.
.IP -h
Shows help on 
.I btoa.
Switches to
.I atob
(decoding) mode.
.IP -o
Switches to old version of
.I btoa.
.IP -d
Extracts repair file from diagnosis file. This assumes that
an undamaged version of the archive and a file called
'btoa.dia' is present.
Repairs the damaged archive. A file named 'btoa.rep' must
be present for this to work.
Below follows a description of a normal repair session. Lines
beginning with 'Local>' were typed on the computer to which the
file was downloaded. Accordingly, lines typed on the connected
computer will begin with 'Remote>'. Sending a file to the other
computer will be noted as 'transmit file'.
A normal repairing procedure is as follows:
Local> btoa -a file.btoa
btoa: Bad checksum on line 2648.
btoa: Starting diagnosis.
btoa: Diagnosis output to 'btoa.dia'.
Local> transmit btoa.dia
Remote> btoa -d file.btoa
btoa: Repair output to 'btoa.rep'.
Remote> transmit btoa.rep
Local> btoa -a btoa.rep
btoa: Repaired archive written to 'btoa.rdy'.
You can now erase file.btoa and decode btoa.rdy using 'btoa -a btoa.rdy'.
Paul Rutter  Joe Orost  Stefan Parmark
.I Btoa
will not work properly unless the input is a true file or a
redirected one. This is because file positions are collected during
diagnosis for later reference when producing the diagnosis file.
The bug is actually in fseek() which only can reposition 'real' files.
Send bug reports to d84sp at efd.lth.se (Stefan Parmark).
cat << \SHAR_EOF > btoa.doc

BTOA(1)                  USER COMMANDS                    BTOA(1)

     btoa - encode/decode binary to printable ASCII

     btoa -adhor input filename output filename

     Btoa is a filter which reads binary  bytes  from  the  input
     file  and generates printable ASCII characters on the output
     file. It attaches a header and a checksum to the archive. It
     can  also  reverse  this,  creating  a  binary file from the

     Since last version of btoa/atob, several new  features  have
     been  added.  The  most  obvious  one  is that atob has been
     integrated with btoa. They are now the same program which is
     called  with  different arguments. Another is the ability to
     repair damaged archives.

     The new version is compatible with the old version, that is,
     it can still encode and decode old btoa files.

     Btoa has an option to  decode  the  archive,  restoring  the
     binary  bytes.   It  strips  the input file until it finds a
     valid header, and continues decoding until the end  mark  is
     found.  It  recognices  both old- and new-style headers, and
     can decode both. It is possible to leave out the destination
     name  when  decoding new-style archives, because the name is
     stored in the header. Entering  a  name  will  override  the
     autonaming function.

     It is possible to leave out  the  file  names  and  redirect
     stdin and stdout with '<' and '>' to the desired files. This
     is to maintain compatibility with earlier versions of btoa.

     Btoa now adds a single byte checksum  to  each  row  in  the
     archive.   When  an  error is found, diagnosis automatically
     starts and produces a diagnosis file which can  be  used  to
     extract  the  damaged  part  from  an errorfree archive. The
     extracted part can then  be  used  to  correct  the  damaged
     archive.    Btoa  has  options  to  perform  the  reparation
     automatically. This is especially  useful  when  downloading
     data  converted to text files, and occasionally finding that
     an archive file of considerable size turns is corrupted.

     Btoa encodes 4 binary bytes into 5 characters, expanding the
     file  by  25%. As a special case 4 zeroes will be encoded as
     'z' and 4 spaces as 'y'. This makes it possible to  compress
     the archive a bit.

                  Last change: 21 February 1989                 1

BTOA(1)                  USER COMMANDS                    BTOA(1)

     -h   Shows help on btoa.

     -a   Switches to atob (decoding) mode.

     -o   Switches to old version of btoa.

     -d   Extracts repair file from diagnosis file. This  assumes
          that  an  undamaged  version  of the archive and a file

     -r   Repairs the damaged archive. A  file  named  'btoa.rep'
          must be present for this to work.

     Below follows a description  of  a  normal  repair  session.
     Lines  beginning with 'Local>' were typed on the computer to
     which the file was downloaded. Accordingly, lines  typed  on
     the  connected computer will begin with 'Remote>'. Sending a
     file to the other computer will be noted as 'transmit file'.

     A normal repairing procedure is as follows: Local>  btoa  -a
     file.btoa  btoa:  Bad checksum on line 2648.  btoa: Starting
     diagnosis.  btoa: Diagnosis output  to  'btoa.dia'.   Local>
     transmit btoa.dia

     Remote> btoa -d file.btoa btoa: Repair output to 'btoa.rep'.
     Remote> transmit btoa.rep

     Local> btoa -a btoa.rep btoa: Repaired  archive  written  to

     You can now erase file.btoa and decode btoa.rdy using  'btoa
     -a btoa.rdy'.

     Paul Rutter  Joe Orost  Stefan Parmark

     Btoa will not work properly unless the input is a true  file
     or a redirected one. This is because file positions are col-
     lected during diagnosis for later reference  when  producing
     the  diagnosis  file.   The bug is actually in fseek() which
     only can reposition 'real' files.

     Send bug reports to d84sp at efd.lth.se (Stefan Parmark).

                  Last change: 21 February 1989                 2

cat << \SHAR_EOF > Makefile.amiga_lattice
OBJS     = btoa.o atob.o repair.o
CFLAGS   = -cef -dLATTICE -v -w

btoa     : $(OBJS)
           blink lib:c.o $(OBJS) TO btoa LIB lib:lcs.lib SC SD ND

atob.o   : atob.c btoa.h chksum.h
btoa.o   : btoa.c btoa.h chksum.h
repair.o : repair.c btoa.h
cat << \SHAR_EOF > Makefile.sun
OBJS     = btoa.o atob.o repair.o

btoa     : $(OBJS)
           cc -O $(OBJS) -o btoa

btoa.o   : btoa.c btoa.h chksum.h
           cc -c -O btoa.c
atob.o   : atob.c btoa.h chksum.h
           cc -c -O atob.c
repair.o : repair.c btoa.h
           cc -c -O repair.c
cat << \SHAR_EOF > atob.c
/* atob.c */

/* Written by Paul Rutter, Joe Orost & Stefan Parmark. */

#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef AMIGA
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#endif AMIGA

#include "btoa.h"
#include "chksum.h"

BYTE atob(infile)
register FILE *infile;
  register BYTE error;
  register LONG filepos;
  int maxperline;
  LONG n1, n2, oeor, osum, orot, lastline;
  static BYTE outfilename[BUFSIZE];
  extern LONG Ceor, Csum, Crot;
  extern FILE *outfile;
  extern BYTE new_version, openoutput, buffer[BUFSIZE];

  error = FALSE;

  /* Search for archive header. */
    filepos = ftell(infile);

    if (readbuffer(buffer, "archive", infile))
      error = TRUE;
  while (!(error || strncmp(buffer, "xbtoa", 5) == 0));

  if (!error)
    if (strcmp(buffer, "xbtoa Begin\n") == 0)
      new_version = FALSE;
      fprintf(stderr, "btoa: Old btoa format.\n");
    else if (sscanf(buffer, "xbtoa5 %d %s Begin\n", &maxperline, outfilename) == 2)
      new_version = TRUE;
      /* Naming a file overrides the read-name-from-file function. */
      if (!openoutput && strcmp(outfilename, "-") != 0)
        if ((outfile = fopen_write(outfilename)) == NULL)
          error = TRUE;
          openoutput = TRUE;
      fprintf(stderr, "btoa: Illegal archive header.\n");
      error = TRUE;

  if (!error)
    Ceor = Csum = Crot = 0;

    if (new_version)
      error = new_decodefile(infile, &lastline, filepos, maxperline);
      error = old_decodefile(infile, &lastline);

  if (!error)
    if (sscanf(buffer, "xbtoa End N %ld %lx E %lx S %lx R %lx\n",
        &n1, &n2, &oeor, &osum, &orot) != 5)
      fprintf(stderr, "btoa: Bad format on line %ld. Can't repair file.\n",
      error = TRUE;
    else if ((n1 != n2) || (oeor != Ceor) || (osum != Csum) || (orot != Crot))
      fprintf(stderr, "btoa: Bad file checksum. Can't repair file.\n");
      error = TRUE;
      /* Flush last characters. */
      decode_line(NULL, (int) ((n1 - 1) & 0x03));


/* Peek at the next byte without moving the file pointer. */
int nextbyte(infile)
register FILE *infile;
  register int ch;
  register LONG filepos;

  filepos = ftell(infile);
  ch = fgetc(infile);
  fseek(infile, filepos, 0);


BYTE new_decodefile(infile, lastline, filepos, maxperline)
register FILE *infile;
LONG *lastline, filepos;
int maxperline;
  register int length;
  int ch;
  register BYTE stop, error, newerror, errorstart;
  register LONG line, prevfilepos, startpos;
  struct Diagnosis diagnosislist;
  extern LONG Csum;
  extern BYTE buffer[BUFSIZE];

  error = FALSE;

  line = 1;  /* Current line number. */

  /* A sequence of errors is indicated by errorstart. When it */
  /* changes from TRUE to FALSE a diagnosis record will be    */
  /* generated.                                               */
  stop = errorstart = FALSE;

  /* File position of the line before the error sequence.     */
  /* That is the last correct line.                           */
  startpos = 0;

  while (!stop)
    prevfilepos = filepos;
    filepos = ftell(infile);

    /* Newerror indicates an error on the current line. */
    newerror = FALSE;

    if (readbuffer(buffer, "archive", infile))
      newerror = stop = TRUE;
    else if (buffer[0] == 'x')  /* End of archive found. */
      stop = TRUE;
    else if ((length = strlen(buffer) - 1) != maxperline ||
             buffer[length] != '\n')
      /* If last character wasn't end-of-line, then we */
      /* have to read until it is found.               */
      if (buffer[length] != '\n')
        newerror = TRUE;
        while ((ch = fgetc(infile)) != EOF && (BYTE)ch != '\n')
        if (ch == EOF)
          stop = TRUE;
      else if (length > maxperline || nextbyte(infile) != 'x')
        newerror = TRUE;
        Csum = DECODE(buffer[length - 1]);  /* Make Csum correct (modulo 85). */

      if (newerror)
        fprintf(stderr, "btoa: Bad line length on line %ld.\n", line);

    if (!(newerror || stop))
      if (decode_line(buffer, length - 1))
        if (!error)
          fprintf(stderr, "btoa: Bad character on line %ld.\n", line);
        newerror = TRUE;

      /* Examine checksum. */
      if ((ch = buffer[length - 1]) == ENCODE(Csum % 85))
        if (errorstart)
          intodiagnosislist(&diagnosislist, startpos, filepos);
          errorstart = FALSE;
        newerror = TRUE;
        fprintf(stderr, "btoa: Bad checksum on line %ld.\n", line);
        Csum = DECODE(ch);  /* Make Csum correct (modulo 85). */

    if (newerror)
      if (!error)
        fprintf(stderr, "btoa: Starting diagnosis.\n");
        diagnosislist.next = diagnosislist.last = NULL;

      error = TRUE;
      if (!errorstart)
        errorstart = TRUE;
        startpos = prevfilepos;

  if (error)
    if (errorstart)
      intodiagnosislist(&diagnosislist, startpos, filepos);
    producediagnosis(&diagnosislist, infile);

  *lastline = line;


BYTE old_decodefile(infile, lastline)
register FILE *infile;
LONG *lastline;
  register int length;
  register BYTE stop, error;
  register LONG line;
  extern BYTE buffer[BUFSIZE];

  error = FALSE;

  line = 1;
  stop = FALSE;
  while (!stop)
    line ++;

    if (readbuffer(buffer, "archive", infile))
      error = stop = TRUE;
    else if (buffer[0] == 'x')  /* End of archive found. */
      stop = TRUE;
      length = strlen(buffer) - 1;
      if (buffer[length] != '\n')
        error = stop = TRUE;  /* The line was longer than the buffer. */

    if (!stop)
      if (decode_line(buffer, length))
        fprintf(stderr, "btoa: Bad character on line %ld.\n", line);
        error = stop = TRUE;

  *lastline = line;


BYTE decode_line(buffer, length)
register BYTE *buffer;
register int length;
  register int ch;
  register BYTE error;
  register LONG tmp_codeword;
  extern BYTE new_version;
  extern FILE *outfile;
  static LONG codeword;
  static int ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4;
  static BYTE bytecount = 0;

  error = FALSE;

  if (buffer == NULL)  /* Flush last characters. */
    if (bytecount > 0)
      fputc(ch1, outfile);
      if (length > 0)
        fputc(ch2, outfile);
      if (length > 1)
        fputc(ch3, outfile);
      if (length > 2)
        fputc(ch4, outfile);
    while (length > 0)
      ch = *buffer++;

      /* Delayed output. This is to make sure that files with lengths */
      /* that are not multiples of 4 won't become too long.           */
      if (bytecount == 5)
        fputc(ch1, outfile);
        fputc(ch2, outfile);
        fputc(ch3, outfile);
        fputc(ch4, outfile);

        bytecount = 0;

      if (new_version)

      if (((BYTE)ch >= '!') && ((BYTE)ch < ('!' + 85)))  /* Valid characters. */
        /* See if we can take all 5 bytes and decode them right away. */
        /* That is, if all remaining bytes are on the current line.   */
        if (length >= 4 - bytecount)
          length -= 4 - bytecount;

          if (bytecount == 0)
            codeword = DECODE(ch);
            codeword = codeword * 85 + DECODE(ch);

          for (bytecount++; bytecount < 5; bytecount++)
            ch = *buffer++;
            if (new_version)
            codeword = codeword * 85 + DECODE(ch);
          /* Shift codeword and insert character. */

          if (bytecount == 0)
            codeword = DECODE(ch);
            bytecount = 1;
          else /* bytecount < 5 */
            codeword = codeword * 85 + DECODE(ch);
            bytecount ++;

        if (bytecount == 5)
          tmp_codeword = codeword;

          ch4 = (int)tmp_codeword & 0xFF;
          ch3 = (int)(tmp_codeword >>= 8) & 0xFF;
          ch2 = (int)(tmp_codeword >>= 8) & 0xFF;
          ch1 = (int)(tmp_codeword >> 8) & 0xFF;

          if (!new_version)
      else if ((BYTE)ch == 'z' || (new_version && (BYTE)ch == 'y'))
        if (bytecount != 0)
          error = TRUE;
          ch1 = ch2 = ch3 = ch4 = (ch == 'z') ? 0 : ' ';
          if (!new_version)
          bytecount = 5;
        error = TRUE;

cat << \SHAR_EOF > btoa.c
/* btoa.c */

/* Written by Paul Rutter, Joe Orost & Stefan Parmark. */

#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef AMIGA
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#endif AMIGA

#include "btoa.h"
#include "chksum.h"

#define VERSION  "5.2"

LONG Ceor, Csum, Crot;  /* Checksums to verify archive validity. */
BYTE new_version, openoutput, buffer[BUFSIZE];
FILE *outfile;

void main(argc, argv)
int argc;
BYTE **argv;
  register BYTE openinput, error, ch, a_to_b, diagnosis, repair;
  register BYTE *infilename, *text;
  register FILE *infile;
  extern BYTE new_version, openoutput;
  extern FILE *outfile;
#ifdef AMIGA
  extern int _bufsiz;

  /* Change file buffer size. */
  _bufsiz = 10240;
#endif AMIGA

  error = openinput = openoutput = a_to_b = diagnosis = repair = FALSE;
  new_version = TRUE;
  infilename = NULL;

  /* Scan for '-' options. The rest must be file names. */
  while (!error && argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '-')
    text = &argv[1][1];
    while (!error && (ch = *text++) != 0)
        case 'a' : /* Activate atob. */
                   a_to_b = TRUE;
        case 'd' : /* Extract missing part from undamaged archive. */
                   diagnosis = TRUE;
        case 'h' : /* Print help and abort execution. */
                   error = TRUE;
        case 'o' : /* Use old btoa format. */
                   new_version = FALSE;
        case 'r' : /* Repair damaged archive. */
                   repair = TRUE;
        default  : error = TRUE;

  if (argc > 3)
    error = TRUE;

  if (error)
    /* If file name was given, try to open file. Otherwise use stdin. */
    if (argc > 1)
      infilename = argv[1];
      if ((infile = fopen_read(infilename)) == NULL)
        error = TRUE;
        openinput = TRUE;
      infile = stdin;

  if (!error)
    /* If file name was given, try to open file. Otherwise use stdout. */
    if (argc > 2 && !diagnosis && !repair)
      if ((outfile = fopen_write(argv[2])) == NULL)
        error = TRUE;
        openoutput = TRUE;
      outfile = stdout;

  if (!error)
    if (diagnosis)
      error = producerepair(infile);
    else if (repair)
      error = performrepair(infile);
    else if (a_to_b)
      error = atob(infile);
      error = btoa(infile, infilename);

  /* Close all opened files. */
  if (openinput)
  if (openoutput)

  if (error)

BYTE btoa(infile, infilename)
register FILE *infile;
register BYTE *infilename;
  register LONG codeword, filesize;
  register int ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, readbytes;
  extern FILE *outfile;
  extern BYTE new_version, buffer[BUFSIZE];
  extern LONG Ceor, Csum, Crot;

  Ceor = Csum = Crot = 0;

  /* Write archive header. */
  if (new_version)
    fprintf(outfile, "xbtoa5 %d %s Begin\n", MAXPERLINE,
        (infilename == NULL) ? "-" : truncname(infilename));
    fprintf(outfile, "xbtoa Begin\n");

  /* Encode entire input file. */
  filesize = 0;
    readbytes = fread(buffer, 1, 4, infile);

    if (readbytes < 4)
      ch1 = (readbytes > 0) ? ((int)buffer[0] & 0xFF) : 0;
      ch2 = (readbytes > 1) ? ((int)buffer[1] & 0xFF) : 0;
      ch3 = (readbytes > 2) ? ((int)buffer[2] & 0xFF) : 0;
      ch4 = 0;
      ch1 = (int)buffer[0] & 0xFF;
      ch2 = (int)buffer[1] & 0xFF;
      ch3 = (int)buffer[2] & 0xFF;
      ch4 = (int)buffer[3] & 0xFF;

    if (readbytes > 0)
      if (!new_version)

      codeword = (ch1 << 8) | ch2;
      codeword = (((codeword << 8) | ch3) << 8) | ch4;

      filesize += readbytes;
  while (readbytes == 4);

  asciiout(EOF);  /* Flush buffer. */

  /* Filesize is written twice as crude cross check. */
  fprintf(outfile, "xbtoa End N %ld %lx E %lx S %lx R %lx\n",
        filesize, filesize, Ceor, Csum, Crot);

  return(FALSE);  /* No errors discovered. */

/* Print help on how to use btoa. */
void printhelp()
  fprintf(stderr, "              Btoa version %s\n", VERSION);
  fprintf(stderr, "Written by Paul Rutter, Joe Orost & Stefan Parmark.\n");

  fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage: btoa [-{adhor}] [input file] [output file]\n");

  fprintf(stderr, "\nOptions:\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "-h  Shows this help list.\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "-a  Use atob rather than btoa.\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "-o  Use old version of btoa.\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "-d  Extract repair file from diagnosis file.\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "-r  Repair archive from repair file.\n");

  fprintf(stderr, "\nExamples:\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "  btoa -h\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "  btoa [input binary file] [output archive file]\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "  btoa -o [input binary file] [output archive file]\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "  btoa -a [input archive file] [output binary file]\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "  btoa -d [undamaged archive file]\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "  btoa -r [damaged archive file]\n");

/* Update file checksums. */
void calcchecksum(ch)
register int ch;
  extern LONG Ceor, Csum, Crot;

  Ceor ^= ch;
  Csum += ch + 1;

  if (Crot & 0x80000000L)
    ch ++;
  Crot <<= 1;
  Crot += ch;
#endif !USE_MACROS

/* Encode 4 binary bytes to 5 ascii bytes. */
void wordout(codeword)
register LONG codeword;
  register int tmp, quote;
  extern BYTE new_version;

  if (codeword == 0)
    /* Encode 4 zeros as a 'z'. */
  else if (new_version && codeword == 0x20202020)
    /* Encode 4 spaces as a 'y'. */
    tmp = 0;

    /* Extra calculations because some machines don't support */
    /* unsigned longwords.                                    */
    if (codeword < 0)
      tmp = 32;
      codeword -= (LONG)(85L * 85 * 85 * 85 * 32);
    if (codeword < 0)
      tmp = 64;
      codeword -= (LONG)(85L * 85 * 85 * 85 * 32);

    /* Write 5 ascii bytes representing 4 binary bytes. */

    quote = codeword / (LONG)(85L * 85 * 85 * 85);
    codeword -= quote * (LONG)(85L * 85 * 85 * 85);
    asciiout(ENCODE(quote + tmp));

    quote = codeword / (LONG)(85L * 85 * 85);
    codeword -= quote * (LONG)(85L * 85 * 85);

    quote = codeword / (LONG)(85L * 85);
    codeword -= quote * (LONG)(85L * 85);

    quote = (int)codeword / 85;
    codeword -= quote * 85;


/* Write ch to outfile. Write '\n' for every line. */
void asciiout(ch)
register int ch;
  static WORD linepos = 0;
  extern FILE *outfile;
  extern LONG Csum;
  extern BYTE new_version;

  if (ch == EOF)  /* Signal to flush buffer. */
    /* Linepos == 0 means '\n' just written in asciiout(). This */
    /* avoids bug in BITNET, which changes blank line to spaces. */
    if (linepos != 0)
      if (new_version)
        fputc(ENCODE(Csum % 85), outfile); /* Checksum for every line. */
      fputc('\n', outfile);
    fputc(ch, outfile);
    linepos ++;

    if (new_version)
      if (linepos >= (MAXPERLINE-1))
        fputc(ENCODE(Csum % 85), outfile); /* Checksum for every line. */
        fputc('\n', outfile);
        linepos = 0;
    else  /* Old version */
      if (linepos >= MAXPERLINE)
        fputc('\n', outfile);
        linepos = 0;


/* Remove paths from a file name. */
BYTE *truncname(name)
register BYTE *name;
  register BYTE ch, *newname;

  newname = name;
  while ((ch = *name++) != 0)
    if (ch == '/' || ch == ':')
      newname = name;

cat << \SHAR_EOF > btoa.h
/* btoa.h */

#define MAXPERLINE      78
#define BUFSIZE         100
#define TRUE            1
#define FALSE           0
#define USE_MACROS      TRUE

#define BYTE            char
#define WORD            short
#define LONG            long

#define ENCODE(ch)      ( (int) ((ch) + '!') )
#define DECODE(ch)      ( (int) ((ch) - '!') )

struct Diagnosis
  LONG startpos, endpos;  /* Line before and after erroneous area */
  struct Diagnosis *next, *last;

Following functions have been converted to macros:

#if LATTICE  /* Prototypes for Lattice C */

void asciiout(int), exit(int),
     intodiagnosislist(struct Diagnosis *, LONG, LONG),
     outdiagnosislist(struct Diagnosis *, LONG *, LONG *), printhelp(void),
     producediagnosis(struct Diagnosis *, FILE *), wordout(LONG);

BYTE atob(FILE *), btoa(FILE *, BYTE *), copyfile(FILE *, FILE *, BYTE *),
     decode_line(BYTE *, int), new_decodefile(FILE *, LONG *, LONG, int),
     old_decodefile(FILE *, LONG *), performrepair(FILE *),
     producerepair(FILE *), readbuffer(BYTE *, BYTE *, FILE *),
     *truncname(BYTE *);

int  nextbyte(FILE *);

FILE *fopen_read(BYTE *), *fopen_write(BYTE *);

void calcchecksum(int);
#include "chksum.h"

#else !LATTICE  /* For compilers which don't know about prototypes. */

void asciiout(), exit(), intodiagnosislist(), outdiagnosislist(),
     printhelp(), producediagnosis(), wordout();

BYTE atob(), btoa(), copyfile(), decode_line(), new_decodefile(),
     old_decodefile(), performrepair(), producerepair(), readbuffer(),

int  nextbyte();

FILE *fopen_read(), *fopen_write();

void calcchecksum();
#include "chksum.h"

#endif LATTICE
cat << \SHAR_EOF > chksum.h
/* chksum.h */
/* calcchecksum() was converted to a macro for effectivity reasons. */
/* Don't (!!) give it an argument that has to be evaluated. This    */
/* is guaranteed to slow it down.                                   */

/* Update file checksums. */

#define calcchecksum(ch)        \
{                               \
  extern LONG Ceor, Csum, Crot; \
  Ceor ^= ch;                   \
  Csum += ch + 1;               \
  if (Crot & 0x80000000L)       \
  {                             \
    Crot <<= 1;                 \
    Crot ++;                    \
  }                             \
  else                          \
    Crot <<= 1;                 \
  Crot += ch;                   \
cat << \SHAR_EOF > repair.c
/* repair.c */

/* Written by Stefan Parmark. */

#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef AMIGA
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#endif AMIGA

#include "btoa.h"

/* File names. */
BYTE *diagnosisname   = "btoa.dia";
BYTE *repairname      = "btoa.rep";
BYTE *repairedname    = "btoa.rdy";

/* File headers. */
BYTE *diagnosisheader = "xdiagnosis\n";
BYTE *repairheader    = "xrepair\n";

/* Produce diagnosis file from diagnoses records created by atob(). */
/* It contains the lines immediately before and after the error     */
/* sequence.                                                        */
void producediagnosis(diagnosislist, infile)
register struct Diagnosis *diagnosislist;
register FILE *infile;
  register FILE *diagnosisfile;
  LONG startpos, endpos;
  register LONG currentpos;
  extern BYTE *diagnosisname, *diagnosisheader, buffer[BUFSIZE];

  currentpos = ftell(infile);

  if ((diagnosisfile = fopen_write(diagnosisname)) != NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "btoa: Diagnosis output to '%s'.\n", diagnosisname);

    fputs(diagnosisheader, diagnosisfile);
      /* Extract startpos & endpos from diagnosislist. */
      outdiagnosislist(diagnosislist, &startpos, &endpos);

      if (startpos != -1)
        /* Print line before error. */
        fseek(infile, startpos, 0);
        fgets(buffer, BUFSIZE, infile);
        fputs(buffer, diagnosisfile);

        /* Print line after error. */
        fseek(infile, endpos, 0);
        fgets(buffer, BUFSIZE, infile);
        fputs(buffer, diagnosisfile);
    while (startpos != -1);
    fputs(diagnosisheader, diagnosisfile);


  /* Move file pointer to where it was when we entered. */
  fseek(infile, currentpos, 0);

/* Insert two file positions into diagnosislist. */
void intodiagnosislist(diagnosislist, startpos, endpos)
register struct Diagnosis *diagnosislist;
register LONG startpos, endpos;
  register struct Diagnosis *diagnosisitem, *lastitem;

  diagnosisitem = (struct Diagnosis *)malloc(sizeof(struct Diagnosis));
  diagnosisitem->startpos = startpos;
  diagnosisitem->endpos = endpos;
  diagnosisitem->next = NULL;

  if ((lastitem = diagnosislist->last) == NULL)  /* List is empty */
    diagnosislist->next = diagnosislist->last = diagnosisitem;
    if (lastitem->endpos >= startpos)
      lastitem->endpos = endpos;
      free((BYTE *) diagnosisitem);
      lastitem->next = diagnosisitem;
      diagnosislist->last = diagnosisitem;

/* Extract two file positions from diagnosislist. */
void outdiagnosislist(diagnosislist, startpos, endpos)
register struct Diagnosis *diagnosislist;
LONG *startpos, *endpos;
  register struct Diagnosis *diagnosisitem;

  if ((diagnosisitem = diagnosislist->next) == NULL)  /* List is empty */
    *startpos = *endpos = -1;
    *startpos = diagnosisitem->startpos;
    *endpos = diagnosisitem->endpos;

    diagnosislist->next = diagnosisitem->next;
    free((BYTE *)diagnosisitem);
    if (diagnosislist->next == NULL)
      diagnosislist->last = NULL;

/* Copy infile to outfile until searchstring is found. If outfile */
/* is NULL nothing will be written.                               */
BYTE copyfile(infile, outfile, searchstring)
register FILE *infile, *outfile;
register BYTE *searchstring;
  register BYTE stop, error;
  static BYTE copybuffer[BUFSIZE];

  stop = error = FALSE;
  while (!(stop || error))
    if (readbuffer(copybuffer, "archive", infile))
      error = TRUE;
      if (outfile != NULL)
        fputs(copybuffer, outfile);
      if (strcmp(copybuffer, searchstring) == 0)
        stop = TRUE;


/* Read a line from infile into buffer. Returns TRUE if */
/* end-of-file has been reached.                        */
BYTE readbuffer(buffer, errormsg, infile)
register BYTE *buffer, *errormsg;
register FILE *infile;
  register BYTE error;

  error = FALSE;
  if (fgets(buffer, BUFSIZE, infile) == NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "btoa: Unexpected end of %s file.\n", errormsg);
    error = TRUE;


FILE *fopen_read(filename)
register BYTE *filename;
  register FILE *infile;

  if ((infile = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "btoa: Can't open '%s' for input.\n", filename);


FILE *fopen_write(filename)
register BYTE *filename;
  register FILE *outfile;

  if ((outfile = fopen(filename, "w")) == NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "btoa: Can't open '%s' for output.\n", filename);


/* Extract lines from original archive to fix the damaged one. */
BYTE producerepair(infile)
register FILE *infile;
  register FILE *repairfile, *diagnosisfile;
  register BYTE error, stop;
  static BYTE *errormsg = "diagnosis";
  extern BYTE *diagnosisname, *diagnosisheader, *repairname, *repairheader,

  error = FALSE;
  diagnosisfile = repairfile = NULL;

  fprintf(stderr, "btoa: Repair output to '%s'.\n", repairname);
  if ((diagnosisfile = fopen_read(diagnosisname)) == NULL)
    error = TRUE;
  else if ((repairfile = fopen_write(repairname)) == NULL)
    diagnosisfile = NULL;
    error = TRUE;
    /* Read until header is found. This makes it possible to   */
    /* have junk before the header, such as an article header. */
      if (readbuffer(buffer, errormsg, diagnosisfile))
        error = TRUE;
    while (!error && strcmp(buffer, diagnosisheader) != 0);
    fputs(repairheader, repairfile);

  stop = FALSE;
  while (!(error || stop))
    /* Loop until header is found again. */

    if (readbuffer(buffer, errormsg, diagnosisfile))
      error = TRUE;
    else if (strcmp(buffer, diagnosisheader) == 0)
      stop = TRUE;
      /* Read until line before error is found. */
      error = copyfile(infile, NULL, buffer);
      if (!error)
        /* Print line before error. */
        fputs(buffer, repairfile);

        if (readbuffer(buffer, errormsg, diagnosisfile))
          error = TRUE;
          /* Print line after error */
          fputs(buffer, repairfile);
          /* Copy infile to repairfile until line after error */
          error = copyfile(infile, repairfile, buffer);

  if (!error)
    fputs(repairheader, repairfile);

  if (repairfile != NULL)
  if (diagnosisfile != NULL)


/* Repair damaged archive from repair file. */
BYTE performrepair(infile)
register FILE *infile;
  register FILE *repairfile, *outfile;
  register BYTE error, stop;
  static BYTE *errormsg = "repair";
  extern BYTE *repairname, *repairedname, *repairheader, buffer[BUFSIZE];

  error = FALSE;
  repairfile = outfile = NULL;

  if ((repairfile = fopen_read(repairname)) == NULL)
    error = TRUE;
  else if ((outfile = fopen_write(repairedname)) == NULL)
    repairfile = NULL;
    error = TRUE;
    fprintf(stderr, "btoa: Repaired archive written to '%s'.\n", repairedname);

    /* Read until header is found. */
      if (readbuffer(buffer, errormsg, repairfile))
        error = TRUE;
    while (!error && strcmp(buffer, repairheader) != 0);

  stop = FALSE;
  while (!(error || stop))
    /* Loop until header is found. */

    if (readbuffer(buffer, errormsg, repairfile))
      error = TRUE;
    else if (strcmp(buffer, repairheader) == 0)
      stop = TRUE;
      /* Read and write until line before error. */
      error = copyfile(infile, outfile, buffer);
      if (!error)
        if (readbuffer(buffer, errormsg, repairfile))
          error = TRUE;
          /* Read and write until line after error. */
          error = copyfile(repairfile, outfile, buffer);
          /* Skip until line after error */
          copyfile(infile, NULL, buffer);

  if (!error)  /* Write rest of archive. */
    while (fgets(buffer, BUFSIZE, infile) != NULL)
      fputs(buffer, outfile);

  if (outfile != NULL)
  if (repairfile != NULL)

#	End of shell archive
exit 0
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