v04i007: board.h for Dragon

Dan Heller argv at island.uu.net
Fri May 26 15:54:36 AEST 1989

Submitted-by: Gary  Barnes
Posting-number: Volume 4, Issue 7
Archive-name: dragon/board.h

[ sorry I missed posting this --argv ]

* Dragon - a version of Mah-Jongg for X Windows
* Author: Gary E. Barnes	May 1989
* board.h - #include'ed into source files dealing with the playing surface

#ifdef _BOARD_C_
#define VAR(A)		A
#define VARI(A,B)	A = B
#define VAR(A)		extern A
#define VARI(A,B)	extern A

* Global State

#define NFACES	42		/* number of distinct tile faces */
#define NTILES	((NFACES-8) * 4 + 8) /* number of distinct tiles in game */
#define NROWS	8		/* number of rows in game */
#define NCOLS	16		/* number of columns in game */
#define NO_TILE	0		/* tile codes are 1..NFACES */

/*--Size of the Board. */

VARI( int		Board_Width,	29 * 15 + 1 + 8 );
VARI( int		Board_Height,	33 * 10 + 1 + 8 );
VARI( int		Score,		NTILES);

/*--X/Y coordinate of a tile at coord 0,0 of the playing surface. */

VARI( int		Board_Tile0_X,	4 );
VARI( int		Board_Tile0_Y,	4 + 2 * 33 );

/*--Actual size of a tile, not counting the border around it. */

VARI( unsigned int	Tile_Width,	28 );
VARI( unsigned int	Tile_Height,	32 );

/*--X depth and Y width of a shadowed area above/to-the-right-of a tile. */

VARI( int		Shadow_X,	28 / 8 );
VARI( int		Shadow_Y,	32 / 8 );

/*--X depth and Y width of tile edge below/to-the-left-of a tile. */

VARI( int		Side_X,		(28 / 10) & ~1 );
VARI( int		Side_Y,		(32 / 10) & ~1 );

/*--Each playing tile position is represented by one of these. */

typedef struct _Board_Position {
    char		tiles[4];	/* at most 4 tiles at one position */
    Boolean		draw;		/* TRUE if needs drawing */
    int			level;		/* how many tiles do we have */
    int			x;		/* x coord of tile */
    int			y;		/* x coord of tile */
} Board_Position_Rec, *Board_Position;

#define Board_Position_NULL	((Board_Position)0)

VAR( Board_Position_Rec	Board_Tiles[NROWS][NCOLS] );

#define SPEC1		0][14		/* farthest right odd tile */
#define SPEC1row	0		/* farthest right odd tile */
#define SPEC1col	14		/* farthest right odd tile */
#define SPEC2		2][14		/* next farthest right odd tile */
#define SPEC2row	2		/* next farthest right odd tile */
#define SPEC2col	14		/* next farthest right odd tile */
#define SPEC3		4][14		/* farthest left odd tile */
#define SPEC3row	4		/* farthest left odd tile */
#define SPEC3col	14		/* farthest left odd tile */
#define SPEC4		6][14		/* center piece tile */
#define SPEC4row	6		/* center piece tile */
#define SPEC4col	14		/* center piece tile */

/*--Record tile clicks and watch for double clicks. */

VARI( Boolean			One_Button_Hint, FALSE );
VARI( Board_Position		Click1,		 Board_Position_NULL);
VAR(  int			Click1_Row );
VAR(  int			Click1_Col );
VARI( Board_Position		Click2,		 Board_Position_NULL );
VAR(  int			Click2_Row );
VAR(  int			Click2_Col );
VAR(  Time			Click2_Time );

* Procedures declared in board.c or draw.c used by the opposite package.

extern void Draw_All_Tiles();
extern void Hilite_Tile();
extern void Hints();
extern void Set_Tile_Controls();
extern void Setup_New_Game();
extern void Tile_Press();
extern void Tile_Release();
extern void Tile_Remove();

#undef VAR
#undef VARI

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