v08i085: chaos, Part09/10
Ken Marks x2425
balr!panasun!ken at uunet.UU.NET
Tue Aug 21 04:04:14 AEST 1990
Submitted-by: balr!panasun!ken at uunet.UU.NET (Ken Marks (x2425))
Posting-number: Volume 8, Issue 85
Archive-name: chaos/part09
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
# "End of archive 9 (of 10)."
# Contents: common/imageIO.c drone/drone.c drone/init.c
# gencmap/gencmap.man headers/CanvasP.h headers/Ipc.h
# headers/ListP.h headers/SliderP.h maps/gray4.map maps/gray8.map
# maps/hsb.map maps/hsb2.map maps/hsb3.map maps/hsb4.map
# maps/hsb8.map maps/octo.map maps/random.map maps/rgb.map
# maps/special.map maps/special2.map maps/zebra.map
# Wrapped by ken at panasun on Mon Jul 30 14:59:51 1990
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
if test -f 'common/imageIO.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'common/imageIO.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'common/imageIO.c'\" \(1532 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'common/imageIO.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X * Copyright (c) Ken W. Marks 1989, 1990.
X */
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <fcntl.h>
X#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
X#include <Chaos.h>
X#include <Canvas.h>
X#include <Task.h>
Xextern Widget canvas;
XBoolean SaveEverything(dir, filename, destructive)
Xchar *dir;
Xchar *filename;
XBoolean destructive;
X char path[128];
X int fd;
X (void) sprintf(path, "%s/%s", dir, filename);
X if ((fd = open(path, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, 0600)) < 0)
X {
X#ifdef DEBUG
X dprintf("Cannot open '%s'\n", path);
X return (False);
X }
X if (CanvasSaveImage(fd, canvas) == False)
X {
X#ifdef DEBUG
X dprintf("Cannot save image in '%s'\n", path);
X return (False);
X }
X if (CanvasSaveState(fd, canvas) == False)
X {
X#ifdef DEBUG
X dprintf("Cannot save state in '%s'\n", path);
X return (False);
X }
X SaveTasks(fd, destructive);
X (void) close(fd);
X return (True);
XBoolean LoadEverything(dir, filename)
Xchar *dir;
Xchar *filename;
X char path[128];
X int fd;
X (void) sprintf(path, "%s/%s", dir, filename);
X if ((fd = open(path, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
X {
X#ifdef DEBUG
X dprintf("Cannot open '%s'\n", path);
X return (False);
X }
X if (CanvasLoadImage(fd, canvas) == False)
X {
X#ifdef DEBUG
X dprintf("Cannot load image from '%s'\n", path);
X return (False);
X }
X if (CanvasLoadState(fd, canvas) == False)
X {
X#ifdef DEBUG
X dprintf("Cannot load state from '%s'\n", path);
X return (False);
X }
X LoadTasks(fd);
X (void) close(fd);
X return (True);
if test 1532 -ne `wc -c <'common/imageIO.c'`; then
echo shar: \"'common/imageIO.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'common/imageIO.c'
if test -f 'drone/drone.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'drone/drone.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'drone/drone.c'\" \(1645 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'drone/drone.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X * Copyright (c) Ken W. Marks 1989, 1990.
X */
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <signal.h>
X#include <sys/file.h>
X#include <sys/ioctl.h>
X#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
Xextern void Initialize();
Xextern void DoPropNotify();
XDisplay *dpy;
XWindow drone_window;
XWindow master_window;
Xmain(argc, argv)
Xint argc;
Xchar **argv;
X char *display_name = NULL;
X XEvent event;
X int fd;
X /* ignore terminal signals */
X (void) signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN);
X (void) signal(SIGTTIN, SIG_IGN);
X (void) signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN);
X /* fork and allow parent process to terminate */
X if (fork() != 0)
X exit(0);
X /* disassociate from controlling terminal and detach from parent process */
X#ifdef SYSV
X (void) setpgrp();
X if (fork() != 0)
X exit(0);
X (void) setpgrp(0, getpid());
X fd = open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR);
X if (fd != 0)
X {
X (void) ioctl(fd, TIOCNOTTY, 0);
X (void) close(fd);
X }
X#ifndef DEBUG
X /* close stdin, stdout, stderr */
X (void) fclose(stdin);
X (void) fclose(stdout);
X (void) fclose(stderr);
X while (argc)
X {
X if (strcmp(*argv, "-display") == 0)
X {
X --argc;
X ++argv;
X if (argc <= 0)
X {
X#ifdef DEBUG
X dprintf("Display name missing");
X exit(1);
X }
X else
X display_name = *argv;
X break;
X }
X --argc;
X ++argv;
X }
X Initialize(display_name);
X while (1)
X {
X XNextEvent(dpy, &event);
X switch (event.type)
X {
X case PropertyNotify:
X DoPropNotify(&event.xproperty);
X break;
X case DestroyNotify:
X exit(0);
X break;
X default:
X break;
X }
X }
if test 1645 -ne `wc -c <'drone/drone.c'`; then
echo shar: \"'drone/drone.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'drone/drone.c'
if test -f 'drone/init.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'drone/init.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'drone/init.c'\" \(1865 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'drone/init.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X * Copyright (c) Ken W. Marks 1989, 1990.
X */
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
X#include <Ipc.h>
Xvoid Initialize(display_name)
Xchar *display_name;
X int screen;
X Window root_window;
X int x = 0, y = 0;
X int width = 1;
X int height = 1;
X unsigned int border_width = 0;
X unsigned long border, background;
X RegistrationResponse resp;
X extern Display *dpy;
X extern Window drone_window;
X extern Window master_window;
X extern int SubstituteErrorHandler();
X XSetErrorHandler(SubstituteErrorHandler);
X if (!(dpy = XOpenDisplay(display_name)))
X {
X#ifdef DEBUG
X dprintf("Could not open display\n");
X exit(1);
X }
X screen = DefaultScreen(dpy);
X root_window = RootWindow(dpy, screen);
X border = BlackPixel(dpy, screen);
X background = WhitePixel(dpy, screen);
X drone_window = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, root_window, x, y, width, height,
X border_width, border, background);
X if (drone_window == NULL)
X {
X#ifdef DEBUG
X dprintf("Could not create window\n");
X exit(1);
X }
X if (InitIpc(drone_window) == False)
X {
X#ifdef DEBUG
X dprintf("Could not initialize IPC\n");
X exit(1);
X }
X if ((master_window = GetOwner(CHAOS_WINDOW)) == NULL)
X {
X#ifdef DEBUG
X dprintf("Could not get master_window\n");
X exit(1);
X }
X /* Let the master know who we are and where we're running */
X resp.byte_order = 0x11223344;
X resp.window = drone_window;
X (void) gethostname(resp.hostname, 32);
X if (SendMsg(master_window, sizeof(RegistrationResponse), (char *) &resp)
X == False)
X {
X#ifdef DEBUG
X dprintf("Could not send message to 0x%x\n", master_window);
X exit(1);
X }
X ;
X XSelectInput(dpy, drone_window, PropertyChangeMask);
X XSelectInput(dpy, master_window, StructureNotifyMask);
if test 1865 -ne `wc -c <'drone/init.c'`; then
echo shar: \"'drone/init.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'drone/init.c'
if test -f 'gencmap/gencmap.man' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'gencmap/gencmap.man'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'gencmap/gencmap.man'\" \(1607 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'gencmap/gencmap.man' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X.TH GENCMAP 6 "7 June 1990" "X Version 11"
Xgencmap \- A utility for generating colormap files for the
X.I chaos
X.B gencmap [ -ghortxz ] \fIfilename\fR
X.I Gencmap
Xis a utility for generating colormap specification files for the
X.I chaos
XThis program also serves as an example of the use of the
X.I StoreColors
Xfunction to generate user specified colormaps. See the source code
Xfor examples (sine and zebra colormaps). In the future, functionality
Xwill be added to
X.I chaos
Xto allow colormaps to be specified parametrically and algorithmically,
Xbut for now this application (or hand editing) will have to suffice.
XOnly one of the single letter options may be specified.
X.BI -g d
XGenerate grayscale ramp colormap. Optional digit
X.I d
Xspecifies number of repititions of the pattern.
X.BI -h d
XGenerate hue-saturation-brightness colormap. Optional digit
X.I d
Xspecifies number of repititions of the pattern.
X.BI -o
XGenerate octo colormap - 8 binary permutations of red, green, and blue
X(black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white).
X.BI -r
XGenerate random colormap.
X.BI -s d
XGenerate colormap according to a function based on sin().
XOptional digit
X.I d
Xspecifies number of repititions of the pattern.
X.BI -t
XGenerate tri-color colormap - repititions of red, green, and blue.
X.BI -z d
XGenerate a technicolor zebra colormap. Optional digit
X.I d
Xspecifies number of repititions of the pattern.
X.B filename
XSpecifies the output file.
Xchaos(6), drone(6)
XKen W. Marks
if test 1607 -ne `wc -c <'gencmap/gencmap.man'`; then
echo shar: \"'gencmap/gencmap.man'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'gencmap/gencmap.man'
if test -f 'headers/CanvasP.h' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'headers/CanvasP.h'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'headers/CanvasP.h'\" \(1980 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'headers/CanvasP.h' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X * Copyright (c) Ken W. Marks 1989, 1990.
X */
X#ifndef _CanvasP_h
X#define _CanvasP_h
X#include <X11/IntrinsicP.h>
X#include <X11/CoreP.h>
X#include <Canvas.h>
X/* New fields for the Canvas widget instance record */
X * NOTE: Don't forget to save/restore any new field in the functions
X * CanvasSaveState and CanvasLoadState.
X */
Xtypedef struct
X /* resources */
X /* private state */
X GC xor_gc; /* GC for XORing */
X GC normal_gc; /* GC for drawing pixmap */
X GC clear_gc; /* GC for clearing pixmap */
X int num_colors; /* number of color cells for display */
X Pixmap pixmap; /* pixmap for image */
X XImage *image;
X long serial; /* serial number of next task */
X short task_x; /* x-coord of next task */
X short task_y; /* y-coord of next task */
X short curr_limit; /* limit for iterations */
X short method; /* method used for calculation of task */
X double p_lo; /* coordinates in the (p,q)-plane */
X double p_hi;
X double q_lo;
X double q_hi;
X double p_inc; /* increment per screen pixel */
X double q_inc;
X int x_from; /* coordinates of zoom box */
X int y_from;
X int x_to;
X int y_to;
X Boolean finished; /* finished with current tasks... */
X Boolean paused; /* ...or just taking a break */
X Boolean retain_aspect_ratio;/* retain aspect while zooming */
X Boolean needs_saving; /* has changed since last zoom */
X int num_drones;
X unsigned int curr_task_width;
X unsigned int curr_task_height;
X} CanvasPart;
X/* Full instance record declaration */
Xtypedef struct _CanvasRec
X CorePart core;
X CanvasPart canvas;
X} CanvasRec;
X/* New fields for the Canvas widget class record */
Xtypedef struct
X int dummy;
X} CanvasClassPart;
X/* Full class record declaration */
Xtypedef struct _CanvasClassRec
X CoreClassPart core_class;
X CanvasClassPart canvas_class;
X} CanvasClassRec;
X/* Class pointer */
Xextern CanvasClassRec canvasClassRec;
X#endif _CanvasP_h
if test 1980 -ne `wc -c <'headers/CanvasP.h'`; then
echo shar: \"'headers/CanvasP.h'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'headers/CanvasP.h'
if test -f 'headers/Ipc.h' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'headers/Ipc.h'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'headers/Ipc.h'\" \(1729 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'headers/Ipc.h' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X * Copyright (c) Ken W. Marks 1989, 1990.
X */
X#ifndef _Ipc_h
X#define _Ipc_h
X/* Atoms used by IPC */
Xextern Atom CHAOS_WINDOW;
Xextern Atom MAILBOX;
Xextern Atom MESSAGE_TYPE;
X/* This is the structure sent to the drone processes containing the
X * specifics of the image to be computed. */
Xtypedef struct
X long byte_order;
X long type;
X long serial;
X long width;
X long height;
X long limit;
X long method;
X char p_lo[32];
X char p_hi[32];
X char q_lo[32];
X char q_hi[32];
X} ImageRequest;
X/* This is the header of the image sent to the master process from the
X * drone processes containing the requested image. */
Xtypedef struct
X long byte_order;
X long type;
X long serial;
X long width;
X long height;
X long max_iter;
X} ImageResponse;
X/* This is the size of an ImageResponse of dimension [w,h] */
X#define DATA_SIZE(w,h) ((w) * (h) + sizeof(ImageResponse))
X/* This is the structure sent to the drone processes indicating that
X * it should kick the (bit) bucket. */
Xtypedef struct
X long byte_order;
X long type;
X} TerminateRequest;
X/* This is the structure sent to the master process from the drone processes
X * indicating the window id and hostname of its server. */
Xtypedef struct
X long byte_order;
X long type;
X Window window;
X char hostname[32];
X} RegistrationResponse;
X/* This is the common part of the above structures. */
Xtypedef struct
X long byte_order;
X long type;
X} GenericMessage;
X/* Forward declarations */
XBoolean InitIpc();
Xvoid SetOwner();
XWindow GetOwner();
XBoolean RecvMsg();
XBoolean SendMsg();
X#endif _Ipc_h
if test 1729 -ne `wc -c <'headers/Ipc.h'`; then
echo shar: \"'headers/Ipc.h'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'headers/Ipc.h'
if test -f 'headers/ListP.h' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'headers/ListP.h'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'headers/ListP.h'\" \(1438 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'headers/ListP.h' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X * Copyright (c) Ken W. Marks 1989, 1990.
X */
X#ifndef _ListP_h
X#define _ListP_h
X#include <X11/Xaw/SimpleP.h>
X#include <List.h>
X/* New fields for the List widget instance record */
Xtypedef struct
X /* resources */
X Pixel foreground;
X XFontStruct *font;
X ListItem *list_items;
X XtCallbackList callbacks;
X int selected_item;
X Widget dialogbox;
X int num_visible;
X int chars_wide;
X /* private state */
X GC normal_gc;
X GC reverse_gc;
X Pixmap pixmap;
X Dimension h_pad;
X Dimension v_pad;
X Dimension item_width;
X Dimension item_height;
X Cardinal num_items;
X int active_item;
X int first_visible_item;
X int num_stops;
X Position knob_y;
X Position bar_offset;
X Position bar_min_y;
X Position bar_max_y;
X Dimension bar_height;
X Dimension char_width;
X Dimension char_height;
X Dimension baseline;
X Position baseline_to_center;
X Boolean scrolling;
X} ListPart;
X/* Full instance record declaration */
Xtypedef struct _ListRec
X CorePart core;
X SimplePart simple;
X ListPart list;
X} ListRec;
X/* New fields for the List widget class record */
Xtypedef struct
X int foo;
X} ListClassPart;
X/* Full class record declaration */
Xtypedef struct _ListClassRec
X CoreClassPart core_class;
X SimpleClassPart simple_class;
X ListClassPart list_class;
X} ListClassRec;
X/* Class pointer */
Xextern ListClassRec listClassRec;
X#endif _ListP_h
if test 1438 -ne `wc -c <'headers/ListP.h'`; then
echo shar: \"'headers/ListP.h'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'headers/ListP.h'
if test -f 'headers/SliderP.h' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'headers/SliderP.h'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'headers/SliderP.h'\" \(1426 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'headers/SliderP.h' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X * Copyright (c) Ken W. Marks 1989, 1990.
X */
X#ifndef _SliderP_h
X#define _SliderP_h
X#include <X11/Xaw/SimpleP.h>
X#include <Slider.h>
X/* New fields for the Slider widget instance record */
Xtypedef struct
X /* resources */
X Pixel foreground;
X XFontStruct *font;
X int position;
X int min_value;
X int max_value;
X Boolean show_value;
X XtCallbackList callbacks;
X Widget dialogbox;
X Cursor cursor;
X /* private state */
X GC normal_gc;
X GC clear_gc;
X Pixmap pixmap;
X Position knob_x;
X Position min_x;
X Position max_x;
X Dimension bar_width;
X Dimension value_width;
X Dimension arrow_width;
X Dimension knob_width;
X Dimension char_width;
X Dimension char_height;
X int baseline;
X Position center_to_left_edge;
X Boolean active;
X Boolean scrolling;
X Boolean show_sign;
X char value_in_ascii[16];
X int value_len;
X} SliderPart;
X/* Full instance record declaration */
Xtypedef struct _SliderRec
X CorePart core;
X SimplePart simple;
X SliderPart slider;
X} SliderRec;
X/* New fields for the Slider widget class record */
Xtypedef struct
X int foo;
X} SliderClassPart;
X/* Full class record declaration */
Xtypedef struct _SliderClassRec
X CoreClassPart core_class;
X SimpleClassPart simple_class;
X SliderClassPart slider_class;
X} SliderClassRec;
X/* Class pointer */
Xextern SliderClassRec sliderClassRec;
X#endif _SliderP_h
if test 1426 -ne `wc -c <'headers/SliderP.h'`; then
echo shar: \"'headers/SliderP.h'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'headers/SliderP.h'
if test -f 'maps/gray4.map' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'maps/gray4.map'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'maps/gray4.map'\" \(2694 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'maps/gray4.map' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X0 0 0
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X0 0 0
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X0 0 0
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X244 244 244
X0 0 0
X4 4 4
X8 8 8
X12 12 12
X16 16 16
X20 20 20
X24 24 24
X28 28 28
if test 2694 -ne `wc -c <'maps/gray4.map'`; then
echo shar: \"'maps/gray4.map'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'maps/gray4.map'
if test -f 'maps/gray8.map' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'maps/gray8.map'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'maps/gray8.map'\" \(2670 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'maps/gray8.map' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X48 48 48
X56 56 56
X64 64 64
X72 72 72
X80 80 80
X88 88 88
X96 96 96
X104 104 104
X112 112 112
X120 120 120
X128 128 128
X136 136 136
X144 144 144
X152 152 152
X160 160 160
X168 168 168
X176 176 176
X184 184 184
X192 192 192
X200 200 200
X208 208 208
X216 216 216
X224 224 224
X232 232 232
X240 240 240
X0 0 0
X8 8 8
X16 16 16
X24 24 24
X32 32 32
X40 40 40
X48 48 48
X56 56 56
X64 64 64
X72 72 72
X80 80 80
X88 88 88
X96 96 96
X104 104 104
X112 112 112
X120 120 120
X128 128 128
X136 136 136
X144 144 144
X152 152 152
X160 160 160
X168 168 168
X176 176 176
X184 184 184
X192 192 192
X200 200 200
X208 208 208
X216 216 216
X224 224 224
X232 232 232
X240 240 240
X0 0 0
X8 8 8
X16 16 16
X24 24 24
X32 32 32
X40 40 40
X48 48 48
X56 56 56
X64 64 64
X72 72 72
X80 80 80
X88 88 88
X96 96 96
X104 104 104
X112 112 112
X120 120 120
X128 128 128
X136 136 136
X144 144 144
X152 152 152
X160 160 160
X168 168 168
X176 176 176
X184 184 184
X192 192 192
X200 200 200
X208 208 208
X216 216 216
X224 224 224
X232 232 232
X240 240 240
X0 0 0
X8 8 8
X16 16 16
X24 24 24
X32 32 32
X40 40 40
X48 48 48
X56 56 56
X64 64 64
X72 72 72
X80 80 80
X88 88 88
X96 96 96
X104 104 104
X112 112 112
X120 120 120
X128 128 128
X136 136 136
X144 144 144
X152 152 152
X160 160 160
X168 168 168
X176 176 176
X184 184 184
X192 192 192
X200 200 200
X208 208 208
X216 216 216
X224 224 224
X232 232 232
X240 240 240
X0 0 0
X8 8 8
X16 16 16
X24 24 24
X32 32 32
X40 40 40
X48 48 48
X56 56 56
X64 64 64
X72 72 72
X80 80 80
X88 88 88
X96 96 96
X104 104 104
X112 112 112
X120 120 120
X128 128 128
X136 136 136
X144 144 144
X152 152 152
X160 160 160
X168 168 168
X176 176 176
X184 184 184
X192 192 192
X200 200 200
X208 208 208
X216 216 216
X224 224 224
X232 232 232
X240 240 240
X0 0 0
X8 8 8
X16 16 16
X24 24 24
X32 32 32
X40 40 40
X48 48 48
X56 56 56
X64 64 64
X72 72 72
X80 80 80
X88 88 88
X96 96 96
X104 104 104
X112 112 112
X120 120 120
X128 128 128
X136 136 136
X144 144 144
X152 152 152
X160 160 160
X168 168 168
X176 176 176
X184 184 184
X192 192 192
X200 200 200
X208 208 208
X216 216 216
X224 224 224
X232 232 232
X240 240 240
X0 0 0
X8 8 8
X16 16 16
X24 24 24
X32 32 32
X40 40 40
X48 48 48
X56 56 56
X64 64 64
X72 72 72
X80 80 80
X88 88 88
X96 96 96
X104 104 104
X112 112 112
X120 120 120
X128 128 128
X136 136 136
X144 144 144
X152 152 152
X160 160 160
X168 168 168
X176 176 176
X184 184 184
X192 192 192
X200 200 200
X208 208 208
X216 216 216
X224 224 224
X232 232 232
X240 240 240
X0 0 0
X8 8 8
X16 16 16
X24 24 24
X32 32 32
X40 40 40
X48 48 48
X56 56 56
X64 64 64
X72 72 72
X80 80 80
X88 88 88
X96 96 96
X104 104 104
X112 112 112
X120 120 120
X128 128 128
X136 136 136
X144 144 144
X152 152 152
X160 160 160
X168 168 168
X176 176 176
X184 184 184
X192 192 192
X200 200 200
X208 208 208
X216 216 216
X224 224 224
X232 232 232
X240 240 240
X0 0 0
X8 8 8
X16 16 16
X24 24 24
X32 32 32
X40 40 40
X48 48 48
X56 56 56
if test 2670 -ne `wc -c <'maps/gray8.map'`; then
echo shar: \"'maps/gray8.map'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'maps/gray8.map'
if test -f 'maps/hsb.map' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'maps/hsb.map'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'maps/hsb.map'\" \(2705 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'maps/hsb.map' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X255 58 25
X255 64 25
X255 69 25
X255 75 25
X255 80 25
X255 86 25
X255 91 25
X255 97 25
X255 102 25
X255 108 25
X255 113 25
X255 119 25
X255 124 25
X255 130 25
X255 135 25
X255 141 25
X255 146 25
X255 152 25
X255 157 25
X255 163 25
X255 168 25
X255 174 25
X255 179 25
X255 185 25
X255 190 25
X255 196 25
X255 201 25
X255 207 25
X255 212 25
X255 218 25
X255 223 25
X255 229 25
X255 234 25
X255 240 25
X255 245 25
X255 251 25
X253 255 25
X247 255 25
X242 255 25
X236 255 25
X231 255 25
X225 255 25
X220 255 25
X214 255 25
X209 255 25
X203 255 25
X198 255 25
X192 255 25
X187 255 25
X181 255 25
X176 255 25
X170 255 25
X165 255 25
X159 255 25
X154 255 25
X148 255 25
X143 255 25
X137 255 25
X131 255 25
X126 255 25
X120 255 25
X115 255 25
X109 255 25
X104 255 25
X98 255 25
X93 255 25
X87 255 25
X82 255 25
X76 255 25
X71 255 25
X65 255 25
X60 255 25
X54 255 25
X49 255 25
X43 255 25
X38 255 25
X32 255 25
X27 255 25
X25 255 29
X25 255 34
X25 255 40
X25 255 45
X25 255 51
X25 255 56
X25 255 62
X25 255 67
X25 255 73
X25 255 78
X25 255 84
X25 255 89
X25 255 95
X25 255 100
X25 255 106
X25 255 111
X25 255 117
X25 255 122
X25 255 128
X25 255 133
X25 255 139
X25 255 144
X25 255 150
X25 255 155
X25 255 161
X25 255 166
X25 255 172
X25 255 177
X25 255 183
X25 255 188
X25 255 194
X25 255 199
X25 255 205
X25 255 210
X25 255 216
X25 255 221
X25 255 227
X25 255 232
X25 255 238
X25 255 243
X25 255 249
X25 255 255
X25 249 255
X25 243 255
X25 238 255
X25 232 255
X25 227 255
X25 221 255
X25 216 255
X25 210 255
X25 205 255
X25 199 255
X25 194 255
X25 188 255
X25 183 255
X25 177 255
X25 172 255
X25 166 255
X25 161 255
X25 155 255
X25 150 255
X25 144 255
X25 139 255
X25 133 255
X25 128 255
X25 122 255
X25 117 255
X25 111 255
X25 106 255
X25 100 255
X25 95 255
X25 89 255
X25 84 255
X25 78 255
X25 73 255
X25 67 255
X25 62 255
X25 56 255
X25 51 255
X25 45 255
X25 40 255
X25 34 255
X25 29 255
X27 25 255
X32 25 255
X38 25 255
X43 25 255
X49 25 255
X54 25 255
X60 25 255
X65 25 255
X71 25 255
X76 25 255
X82 25 255
X87 25 255
X93 25 255
X98 25 255
X104 25 255
X109 25 255
X115 25 255
X120 25 255
X126 25 255
X131 25 255
X137 25 255
X143 25 255
X148 25 255
X154 25 255
X159 25 255
X165 25 255
X170 25 255
X176 25 255
X181 25 255
X187 25 255
X192 25 255
X198 25 255
X203 25 255
X209 25 255
X214 25 255
X220 25 255
X225 25 255
X231 25 255
X236 25 255
X242 25 255
X247 25 255
X253 25 255
X255 25 251
X255 25 245
X255 25 240
X255 25 234
X255 25 229
X255 25 223
X255 25 218
X255 25 212
X255 25 207
X255 25 201
X255 25 196
X255 25 190
X255 25 185
X255 25 179
X255 25 174
X255 25 168
X255 25 163
X255 25 157
X255 25 152
X255 25 146
X255 25 141
X255 25 135
X255 25 130
X255 25 124
X255 25 119
X255 25 113
X255 25 108
X255 25 102
X255 25 97
X255 25 91
X255 25 86
X255 25 80
X255 25 75
X255 25 69
X255 25 64
X255 25 58
X255 25 53
X255 25 47
X255 25 42
X255 25 36
X255 25 31
X255 25 25
X255 31 25
X255 36 25
X255 42 25
X255 47 25
X255 53 25
if test 2705 -ne `wc -c <'maps/hsb.map'`; then
echo shar: \"'maps/hsb.map'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'maps/hsb.map'
if test -f 'maps/hsb2.map' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'maps/hsb2.map'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'maps/hsb2.map'\" \(2704 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'maps/hsb2.map' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X255 91 25
X255 102 25
X255 113 25
X255 124 25
X255 135 25
X255 146 25
X255 157 25
X255 168 25
X255 179 25
X255 190 25
X255 201 25
X255 212 25
X255 223 25
X255 234 25
X255 245 25
X253 255 25
X242 255 25
X231 255 25
X220 255 25
X209 255 25
X198 255 25
X187 255 25
X176 255 25
X165 255 25
X154 255 25
X143 255 25
X131 255 25
X120 255 25
X109 255 25
X98 255 25
X87 255 25
X76 255 25
X65 255 25
X54 255 25
X43 255 25
X32 255 25
X25 255 29
X25 255 40
X25 255 51
X25 255 62
X25 255 73
X25 255 84
X25 255 95
X25 255 106
X25 255 117
X25 255 128
X25 255 139
X25 255 150
X25 255 161
X25 255 172
X25 255 183
X25 255 194
X25 255 205
X25 255 216
X25 255 227
X25 255 238
X25 255 249
X25 249 255
X25 238 255
X25 227 255
X25 216 255
X25 205 255
X25 194 255
X25 183 255
X25 172 255
X25 161 255
X25 150 255
X25 139 255
X25 128 255
X25 117 255
X25 106 255
X25 95 255
X25 84 255
X25 73 255
X25 62 255
X25 51 255
X25 40 255
X25 29 255
X32 25 255
X43 25 255
X54 25 255
X65 25 255
X76 25 255
X87 25 255
X98 25 255
X109 25 255
X120 25 255
X131 25 255
X143 25 255
X154 25 255
X165 25 255
X176 25 255
X187 25 255
X198 25 255
X209 25 255
X220 25 255
X231 25 255
X242 25 255
X253 25 255
X255 25 245
X255 25 234
X255 25 223
X255 25 212
X255 25 201
X255 25 190
X255 25 179
X255 25 168
X255 25 157
X255 25 146
X255 25 135
X255 25 124
X255 25 113
X255 25 102
X255 25 91
X255 25 80
X255 25 69
X255 25 58
X255 25 47
X255 25 36
X255 25 25
X255 36 25
X255 47 25
X255 58 25
X255 69 25
X255 80 25
X255 91 25
X255 102 25
X255 113 25
X255 124 25
X255 135 25
X255 146 25
X255 157 25
X255 168 25
X255 179 25
X255 190 25
X255 201 25
X255 212 25
X255 223 25
X255 234 25
X255 245 25
X253 255 25
X242 255 25
X231 255 25
X220 255 25
X209 255 25
X198 255 25
X187 255 25
X176 255 25
X165 255 25
X154 255 25
X143 255 25
X131 255 25
X120 255 25
X109 255 25
X98 255 25
X87 255 25
X76 255 25
X65 255 25
X54 255 25
X43 255 25
X32 255 25
X25 255 29
X25 255 40
X25 255 51
X25 255 62
X25 255 73
X25 255 84
X25 255 95
X25 255 106
X25 255 117
X25 255 128
X25 255 139
X25 255 150
X25 255 161
X25 255 172
X25 255 183
X25 255 194
X25 255 205
X25 255 216
X25 255 227
X25 255 238
X25 255 249
X25 249 255
X25 238 255
X25 227 255
X25 216 255
X25 205 255
X25 194 255
X25 183 255
X25 172 255
X25 161 255
X25 150 255
X25 139 255
X25 128 255
X25 117 255
X25 106 255
X25 95 255
X25 84 255
X25 73 255
X25 62 255
X25 51 255
X25 40 255
X25 29 255
X32 25 255
X43 25 255
X54 25 255
X65 25 255
X76 25 255
X87 25 255
X98 25 255
X109 25 255
X120 25 255
X131 25 255
X143 25 255
X154 25 255
X165 25 255
X176 25 255
X187 25 255
X198 25 255
X209 25 255
X220 25 255
X231 25 255
X242 25 255
X253 25 255
X255 25 245
X255 25 234
X255 25 223
X255 25 212
X255 25 201
X255 25 190
X255 25 179
X255 25 168
X255 25 157
X255 25 146
X255 25 135
X255 25 124
X255 25 113
X255 25 102
X255 25 91
X255 25 80
X255 25 69
X255 25 58
X255 25 47
X255 25 36
X255 25 25
X255 36 25
X255 47 25
X255 58 25
X255 69 25
X255 80 25
if test 2704 -ne `wc -c <'maps/hsb2.map'`; then
echo shar: \"'maps/hsb2.map'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'maps/hsb2.map'
if test -f 'maps/hsb3.map' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'maps/hsb3.map'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'maps/hsb3.map'\" \(2705 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'maps/hsb3.map' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X255 124 25
X255 141 25
X255 157 25
X255 174 25
X255 190 25
X255 207 25
X255 223 25
X255 240 25
X253 255 25
X236 255 25
X220 255 25
X203 255 25
X187 255 25
X170 255 25
X154 255 25
X137 255 25
X120 255 25
X104 255 25
X87 255 25
X71 255 25
X54 255 25
X38 255 25
X25 255 29
X25 255 45
X25 255 62
X25 255 78
X25 255 95
X25 255 111
X25 255 128
X25 255 144
X25 255 161
X25 255 177
X25 255 194
X25 255 210
X25 255 227
X25 255 243
X25 249 255
X25 232 255
X25 216 255
X25 199 255
X25 183 255
X25 166 255
X25 150 255
X25 133 255
X25 117 255
X25 100 255
X25 84 255
X25 67 255
X25 51 255
X25 34 255
X32 25 255
X49 25 255
X65 25 255
X82 25 255
X98 25 255
X115 25 255
X131 25 255
X148 25 255
X165 25 255
X181 25 255
X198 25 255
X214 25 255
X231 25 255
X247 25 255
X255 25 245
X255 25 229
X255 25 212
X255 25 196
X255 25 179
X255 25 163
X255 25 146
X255 25 130
X255 25 113
X255 25 97
X255 25 80
X255 25 64
X255 25 47
X255 25 31
X255 36 25
X255 53 25
X255 69 25
X255 86 25
X255 102 25
X255 119 25
X255 135 25
X255 152 25
X255 168 25
X255 185 25
X255 201 25
X255 218 25
X255 234 25
X255 251 25
X242 255 25
X225 255 25
X209 255 25
X192 255 25
X176 255 25
X159 255 25
X143 255 25
X126 255 25
X109 255 25
X93 255 25
X76 255 25
X60 255 25
X43 255 25
X27 255 25
X25 255 40
X25 255 56
X25 255 73
X25 255 89
X25 255 106
X25 255 122
X25 255 139
X25 255 155
X25 255 172
X25 255 188
X25 255 205
X25 255 221
X25 255 238
X25 255 255
X25 238 255
X25 221 255
X25 205 255
X25 188 255
X25 172 255
X25 155 255
X25 139 255
X25 122 255
X25 106 255
X25 89 255
X25 73 255
X25 56 255
X25 40 255
X27 25 255
X43 25 255
X60 25 255
X76 25 255
X93 25 255
X109 25 255
X126 25 255
X143 25 255
X159 25 255
X176 25 255
X192 25 255
X209 25 255
X225 25 255
X242 25 255
X255 25 251
X255 25 234
X255 25 218
X255 25 201
X255 25 185
X255 25 168
X255 25 152
X255 25 135
X255 25 119
X255 25 102
X255 25 86
X255 25 69
X255 25 53
X255 25 36
X255 31 25
X255 47 25
X255 64 25
X255 80 25
X255 97 25
X255 113 25
X255 130 25
X255 146 25
X255 163 25
X255 179 25
X255 196 25
X255 212 25
X255 229 25
X255 245 25
X247 255 25
X231 255 25
X214 255 25
X198 255 25
X181 255 25
X165 255 25
X148 255 25
X131 255 25
X115 255 25
X98 255 25
X82 255 25
X65 255 25
X49 255 25
X32 255 25
X25 255 34
X25 255 51
X25 255 67
X25 255 84
X25 255 100
X25 255 117
X25 255 133
X25 255 150
X25 255 166
X25 255 183
X25 255 199
X25 255 216
X25 255 232
X25 255 249
X25 243 255
X25 227 255
X25 210 255
X25 194 255
X25 177 255
X25 161 255
X25 144 255
X25 128 255
X25 111 255
X25 95 255
X25 78 255
X25 62 255
X25 45 255
X25 29 255
X38 25 255
X54 25 255
X71 25 255
X87 25 255
X104 25 255
X120 25 255
X137 25 255
X154 25 255
X170 25 255
X187 25 255
X203 25 255
X220 25 255
X236 25 255
X253 25 255
X255 25 240
X255 25 223
X255 25 207
X255 25 190
X255 25 174
X255 25 157
X255 25 141
X255 25 124
X255 25 108
X255 25 91
X255 25 75
X255 25 58
X255 25 42
X255 25 25
X255 42 25
X255 58 25
X255 75 25
X255 91 25
X255 108 25
if test 2705 -ne `wc -c <'maps/hsb3.map'`; then
echo shar: \"'maps/hsb3.map'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'maps/hsb3.map'
if test -f 'maps/hsb4.map' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'maps/hsb4.map'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'maps/hsb4.map'\" \(2704 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'maps/hsb4.map' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X255 157 25
X255 179 25
X255 201 25
X255 223 25
X255 245 25
X242 255 25
X220 255 25
X198 255 25
X176 255 25
X154 255 25
X131 255 25
X109 255 25
X87 255 25
X65 255 25
X43 255 25
X25 255 29
X25 255 51
X25 255 73
X25 255 95
X25 255 117
X25 255 139
X25 255 161
X25 255 183
X25 255 205
X25 255 227
X25 255 249
X25 238 255
X25 216 255
X25 194 255
X25 172 255
X25 150 255
X25 128 255
X25 106 255
X25 84 255
X25 62 255
X25 40 255
X32 25 255
X54 25 255
X76 25 255
X98 25 255
X120 25 255
X143 25 255
X165 25 255
X187 25 255
X209 25 255
X231 25 255
X253 25 255
X255 25 234
X255 25 212
X255 25 190
X255 25 168
X255 25 146
X255 25 124
X255 25 102
X255 25 80
X255 25 58
X255 25 36
X255 36 25
X255 58 25
X255 80 25
X255 102 25
X255 124 25
X255 146 25
X255 168 25
X255 190 25
X255 212 25
X255 234 25
X253 255 25
X231 255 25
X209 255 25
X187 255 25
X165 255 25
X143 255 25
X120 255 25
X98 255 25
X76 255 25
X54 255 25
X32 255 25
X25 255 40
X25 255 62
X25 255 84
X25 255 106
X25 255 128
X25 255 150
X25 255 172
X25 255 194
X25 255 216
X25 255 238
X25 249 255
X25 227 255
X25 205 255
X25 183 255
X25 161 255
X25 139 255
X25 117 255
X25 95 255
X25 73 255
X25 51 255
X25 29 255
X43 25 255
X65 25 255
X87 25 255
X109 25 255
X131 25 255
X154 25 255
X176 25 255
X198 25 255
X220 25 255
X242 25 255
X255 25 245
X255 25 223
X255 25 201
X255 25 179
X255 25 157
X255 25 135
X255 25 113
X255 25 91
X255 25 69
X255 25 47
X255 25 25
X255 47 25
X255 69 25
X255 91 25
X255 113 25
X255 135 25
X255 157 25
X255 179 25
X255 201 25
X255 223 25
X255 245 25
X242 255 25
X220 255 25
X198 255 25
X176 255 25
X154 255 25
X131 255 25
X109 255 25
X87 255 25
X65 255 25
X43 255 25
X25 255 29
X25 255 51
X25 255 73
X25 255 95
X25 255 117
X25 255 139
X25 255 161
X25 255 183
X25 255 205
X25 255 227
X25 255 249
X25 238 255
X25 216 255
X25 194 255
X25 172 255
X25 150 255
X25 128 255
X25 106 255
X25 84 255
X25 62 255
X25 40 255
X32 25 255
X54 25 255
X76 25 255
X98 25 255
X120 25 255
X143 25 255
X165 25 255
X187 25 255
X209 25 255
X231 25 255
X253 25 255
X255 25 234
X255 25 212
X255 25 190
X255 25 168
X255 25 146
X255 25 124
X255 25 102
X255 25 80
X255 25 58
X255 25 36
X255 36 25
X255 58 25
X255 80 25
X255 102 25
X255 124 25
X255 146 25
X255 168 25
X255 190 25
X255 212 25
X255 234 25
X253 255 25
X231 255 25
X209 255 25
X187 255 25
X165 255 25
X143 255 25
X120 255 25
X98 255 25
X76 255 25
X54 255 25
X32 255 25
X25 255 40
X25 255 62
X25 255 84
X25 255 106
X25 255 128
X25 255 150
X25 255 172
X25 255 194
X25 255 216
X25 255 238
X25 249 255
X25 227 255
X25 205 255
X25 183 255
X25 161 255
X25 139 255
X25 117 255
X25 95 255
X25 73 255
X25 51 255
X25 29 255
X43 25 255
X65 25 255
X87 25 255
X109 25 255
X131 25 255
X154 25 255
X176 25 255
X198 25 255
X220 25 255
X242 25 255
X255 25 245
X255 25 223
X255 25 201
X255 25 179
X255 25 157
X255 25 135
X255 25 113
X255 25 91
X255 25 69
X255 25 47
X255 25 25
X255 47 25
X255 69 25
X255 91 25
X255 113 25
X255 135 25
if test 2704 -ne `wc -c <'maps/hsb4.map'`; then
echo shar: \"'maps/hsb4.map'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'maps/hsb4.map'
if test -f 'maps/hsb8.map' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'maps/hsb8.map'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'maps/hsb8.map'\" \(2704 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'maps/hsb8.map' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X220 255 25
X176 255 25
X131 255 25
X87 255 25
X43 255 25
X25 255 51
X25 255 95
X25 255 139
X25 255 183
X25 255 227
X25 238 255
X25 194 255
X25 150 255
X25 106 255
X25 62 255
X32 25 255
X76 25 255
X120 25 255
X165 25 255
X209 25 255
X253 25 255
X255 25 212
X255 25 168
X255 25 124
X255 25 80
X255 25 36
X255 58 25
X255 102 25
X255 146 25
X255 190 25
X255 234 25
X231 255 25
X187 255 25
X143 255 25
X98 255 25
X54 255 25
X25 255 40
X25 255 84
X25 255 128
X25 255 172
X25 255 216
X25 249 255
X25 205 255
X25 161 255
X25 117 255
X25 73 255
X25 29 255
X65 25 255
X109 25 255
X154 25 255
X198 25 255
X242 25 255
X255 25 223
X255 25 179
X255 25 135
X255 25 91
X255 25 47
X255 47 25
X255 91 25
X255 135 25
X255 179 25
X255 223 25
X242 255 25
X198 255 25
X154 255 25
X109 255 25
X65 255 25
X25 255 29
X25 255 73
X25 255 117
X25 255 161
X25 255 205
X25 255 249
X25 216 255
X25 172 255
X25 128 255
X25 84 255
X25 40 255
X54 25 255
X98 25 255
X143 25 255
X187 25 255
X231 25 255
X255 25 234
X255 25 190
X255 25 146
X255 25 102
X255 25 58
X255 36 25
X255 80 25
X255 124 25
X255 168 25
X255 212 25
X253 255 25
X209 255 25
X165 255 25
X120 255 25
X76 255 25
X32 255 25
X25 255 62
X25 255 106
X25 255 150
X25 255 194
X25 255 238
X25 227 255
X25 183 255
X25 139 255
X25 95 255
X25 51 255
X43 25 255
X87 25 255
X131 25 255
X176 25 255
X220 25 255
X255 25 245
X255 25 201
X255 25 157
X255 25 113
X255 25 69
X255 25 25
X255 69 25
X255 113 25
X255 157 25
X255 201 25
X255 245 25
X220 255 25
X176 255 25
X131 255 25
X87 255 25
X43 255 25
X25 255 51
X25 255 95
X25 255 139
X25 255 183
X25 255 227
X25 238 255
X25 194 255
X25 150 255
X25 106 255
X25 62 255
X32 25 255
X76 25 255
X120 25 255
X165 25 255
X209 25 255
X253 25 255
X255 25 212
X255 25 168
X255 25 124
X255 25 80
X255 25 36
X255 58 25
X255 102 25
X255 146 25
X255 190 25
X255 234 25
X231 255 25
X187 255 25
X143 255 25
X98 255 25
X54 255 25
X25 255 40
X25 255 84
X25 255 128
X25 255 172
X25 255 216
X25 249 255
X25 205 255
X25 161 255
X25 117 255
X25 73 255
X25 29 255
X65 25 255
X109 25 255
X154 25 255
X198 25 255
X242 25 255
X255 25 223
X255 25 179
X255 25 135
X255 25 91
X255 25 47
X255 47 25
X255 91 25
X255 135 25
X255 179 25
X255 223 25
X242 255 25
X198 255 25
X154 255 25
X109 255 25
X65 255 25
X25 255 29
X25 255 73
X25 255 117
X25 255 161
X25 255 205
X25 255 249
X25 216 255
X25 172 255
X25 128 255
X25 84 255
X25 40 255
X54 25 255
X98 25 255
X143 25 255
X187 25 255
X231 25 255
X255 25 234
X255 25 190
X255 25 146
X255 25 102
X255 25 58
X255 36 25
X255 80 25
X255 124 25
X255 168 25
X255 212 25
X253 255 25
X209 255 25
X165 255 25
X120 255 25
X76 255 25
X32 255 25
X25 255 62
X25 255 106
X25 255 150
X25 255 194
X25 255 238
X25 227 255
X25 183 255
X25 139 255
X25 95 255
X25 51 255
X43 25 255
X87 25 255
X131 25 255
X176 25 255
X220 25 255
X255 25 245
X255 25 201
X255 25 157
X255 25 113
X255 25 69
X255 25 25
X255 69 25
X255 113 25
X255 157 25
X255 201 25
X255 245 25
if test 2704 -ne `wc -c <'maps/hsb8.map'`; then
echo shar: \"'maps/hsb8.map'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'maps/hsb8.map'
if test -f 'maps/octo.map' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'maps/octo.map'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'maps/octo.map'\" \(2290 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'maps/octo.map' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X255 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 255
X0 255 255
X255 255 255
if test 2290 -ne `wc -c <'maps/octo.map'`; then
echo shar: \"'maps/octo.map'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'maps/octo.map'
if test -f 'maps/random.map' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'maps/random.map'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'maps/random.map'\" \(2696 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'maps/random.map' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X198 126 129
X107 75 251
X226 251 84
X246 189 223
X124 28 225
X135 1 191
X49 222 86
X114 15 71
X103 102 135
X89 170 136
X60 89 234
X86 19 123
X210 133 161
X216 60 84
X85 47 55
X174 101 91
X218 2 121
X152 204 227
X26 118 142
X95 217 153
X143 31 63
X54 238 67
X120 77 13
X250 190 166
X218 228 134
X142 220 41
X109 78 255
X86 225 112
X32 251 143
X177 88 5
X144 197 9
X220 83 205
X170 59 72
X153 82 211
X82 157 6
X159 234 181
X194 6 19
X152 73 178
X1 30 172
X50 136 49
X156 82 70
X149 113 54
X143 87 246
X57 29 22
X250 136 116
X245 152 124
X23 92 65
X187 109 113
X142 15 112
X89 199 1
X27 47 51
X61 145 192
X29 165 13
X13 171 51
X141 126 94
X143 62 230
X104 116 166
X58 177 195
X147 17 168
X100 199 219
X202 224 96
X225 243 191
X9 0 103
X162 227 37
X160 33 49
X135 213 98
X197 168 79
X126 46 9
X107 148 159
X176 109 169
X158 90 11
X70 112 128
X182 207 71
X12 166 165
X42 216 172
X251 160 235
X183 121 36
X114 35 146
X72 128 197
X166 167 133
X183 215 140
X144 228 171
X99 68 82
X102 227 156
X51 37 249
X94 170 186
X115 96 93
X75 113 126
X190 169 140
X87 25 113
X195 202 94
X229 42 51
X172 136 81
X102 161 123
X117 103 100
X154 105 239
X111 86 66
X160 29 81
X197 2 247
X187 146 69
X190 111 13
X182 56 204
X16 253 187
X84 81 28
X123 7 148
X39 147 125
X146 195 212
X198 165 97
X81 1 56
X56 167 191
X241 4 13
X21 155 128
X31 131 213
X164 105 136
X124 159 182
X1 218 147
X23 69 139
X18 178 2
X51 92 80
X214 225 86
X164 173 66
X74 92 221
X134 97 233
X3 18 225
X15 155 234
X38 44 97
X220 98 72
X107 109 20
X224 3 133
X74 114 70
X218 150 200
X125 28 209
X5 62 229
X146 112 67
X95 108 3
X5 179 235
X179 32 53
X77 126 102
X80 1 54
X192 51 225
X15 201 56
X46 233 41
X25 79 94
X177 209 73
X139 59 83
X253 159 63
X238 37 37
X53 123 13
X17 175 76
X17 140 50
X212 218 127
X216 22 87
X225 166 206
X125 193 174
X98 191 19
X228 135 76
X58 193 179
X12 89 153
X71 88 90
X189 120 124
X186 80 1
X237 27 234
X138 73 136
X238 214 20
X133 171 176
X44 222 53
X147 17 45
X1 28 215
X40 67 48
X231 176 8
X237 121 153
X19 81 210
X58 119 173
X61 180 248
X199 202 3
X34 210 201
X198 39 15
X4 206 122
X63 192 104
X44 207 114
X106 9 194
X66 0 114
X94 65 52
X248 150 105
X63 189 58
X88 145 139
X225 204 162
X177 146 221
X119 161 53
X254 243 75
X188 177 227
X55 17 13
X199 101 190
X241 97 229
X94 6 255
X53 199 118
X137 93 244
X110 74 204
X181 84 126
X241 21 200
X160 153 143
X92 112 11
X239 20 198
X229 10 156
X25 180 29
X76 206 86
X6 220 66
X17 37 231
X150 111 15
X33 61 223
X249 87 71
X13 223 43
X106 252 119
X141 213 233
X217 249 181
X224 235 114
X132 26 142
X66 20 29
X138 110 95
X146 58 251
X11 229 246
X228 192 159
X69 214 42
X131 191 177
X205 106 196
X191 140 222
X223 178 247
X121 247 96
X87 252 59
X61 123 46
X203 156 65
X123 39 165
X227 72 88
X21 7 23
X224 185 133
X95 99 168
X246 41 18
X67 0 106
X219 238 100
X36 82 139
X196 59 93
X187 53 24
X162 211 137
X255 178 160
X89 48 242
X219 213 193
X77 106 75
X54 156 93
X120 230 208
X163 146 13
if test 2696 -ne `wc -c <'maps/random.map'`; then
echo shar: \"'maps/random.map'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'maps/random.map'
if test -f 'maps/rgb.map' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'maps/rgb.map'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'maps/rgb.map'\" \(2036 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'maps/rgb.map' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
X0 255 0
X0 0 255
X255 0 0
if test 2036 -ne `wc -c <'maps/rgb.map'`; then
echo shar: \"'maps/rgb.map'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'maps/rgb.map'
if test -f 'maps/special.map' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'maps/special.map'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'maps/special.map'\" \(2824 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'maps/special.map' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 220 220
X6 217 223
X12 214 226
X19 210 229
X25 206 232
X31 203 235
X38 199 237
X44 195 239
X50 190 241
X57 186 243
X63 182 245
X69 177 247
X75 172 248
X81 168 250
X87 163 251
X93 158 252
X99 153 253
X105 148 253
X111 142 254
X117 137 254
X122 132 254
X128 126 254
X133 120 254
X139 115 254
X144 109 254
X149 103 253
X155 97 252
X160 91 251
X164 85 250
X169 79 249
X174 73 248
X179 67 246
X183 61 245
X188 55 243
X192 48 241
X196 42 239
X200 36 236
X204 29 234
X208 23 231
X211 17 228
X215 10 225
X218 4 222
X221 2 219
X224 8 216
X227 14 212
X230 21 209
X233 27 205
X235 34 201
X238 40 197
X240 46 193
X242 53 189
X244 59 185
X246 65 180
X247 71 176
X249 77 171
X250 83 166
X251 89 161
X252 95 156
X253 101 151
X254 107 146
X254 113 141
X254 119 135
X254 124 130
X254 130 124
X254 135 119
X254 141 113
X254 146 107
X253 151 101
X252 156 95
X251 161 89
X250 166 83
X249 171 77
X247 176 71
X246 180 65
X244 185 59
X242 189 53
X240 193 46
X238 197 40
X235 201 34
X233 205 27
X230 209 21
X227 212 14
X224 216 8
X221 219 2
X218 222 4
X215 225 10
X211 228 17
X208 231 23
X204 234 29
X200 236 36
X196 239 42
X192 241 48
X188 243 55
X183 245 61
X179 246 67
X174 248 73
X169 249 79
X164 250 85
X160 251 91
X155 252 97
X149 253 103
X144 254 109
X139 254 115
X133 254 120
X128 254 126
X122 254 132
X117 254 137
X111 254 142
X105 253 148
X99 253 153
X93 252 158
X87 251 163
X81 250 168
X75 248 172
X69 247 177
X63 245 182
X57 243 186
X50 241 190
X44 239 195
X38 237 199
X31 235 203
X25 232 206
X19 229 210
X12 226 214
X6 223 217
X0 220 220
X6 217 223
X12 214 226
X19 210 229
X25 206 232
X31 203 235
X38 199 237
X44 195 239
X50 190 241
X57 186 243
X63 182 245
X69 177 247
X75 172 248
X81 168 250
X87 163 251
X93 158 252
X99 153 253
X105 148 253
X111 142 254
X117 137 254
X122 132 254
X128 126 254
X133 120 254
X139 115 254
X144 109 254
X149 103 253
X155 97 252
X160 91 251
X164 85 250
X169 79 249
X174 73 248
X179 67 246
X183 61 245
X188 55 243
X192 48 241
X196 42 239
X200 36 236
X204 29 234
X208 23 231
X211 17 228
X215 10 225
X218 4 222
X221 2 219
X224 8 216
X227 14 212
X230 21 209
X233 27 205
X235 34 201
X238 40 197
X240 46 193
X242 53 189
X244 59 185
X246 65 180
X247 71 176
X249 77 171
X250 83 166
X251 89 161
X252 95 156
X253 101 151
X254 107 146
X254 113 141
X254 119 135
X254 124 130
X254 130 124
X254 135 119
X254 141 113
X254 146 107
X253 151 101
X252 156 95
X251 161 89
X250 166 83
X249 171 77
X247 176 71
X246 180 65
X244 185 59
X242 189 53
X240 193 46
X238 197 40
X235 201 34
X233 205 27
X230 209 21
X227 212 14
X224 216 8
X221 219 2
X218 222 4
X215 225 10
X211 228 17
X208 231 23
X204 234 29
X200 236 36
X196 239 42
X192 241 48
X188 243 55
X183 245 61
X179 246 67
X174 248 73
X169 249 79
X164 250 85
X160 251 91
X155 252 97
X149 253 103
X144 254 109
X139 254 115
X133 254 120
X128 254 126
X122 254 132
X117 254 137
X111 254 142
X105 253 148
X99 253 153
X93 252 158
X87 251 163
X81 250 168
X75 248 172
X69 247 177
X63 245 182
X57 243 186
X50 241 190
X44 239 195
X38 237 199
X31 235 203
X25 232 206
X19 229 210
X12 226 214
X6 223 217
if test 2824 -ne `wc -c <'maps/special.map'`; then
echo shar: \"'maps/special.map'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'maps/special.map'
if test -f 'maps/special2.map' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'maps/special2.map'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'maps/special2.map'\" \(2824 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'maps/special2.map' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 220 220
X12 214 226
X25 206 232
X38 199 237
X50 190 241
X63 182 245
X75 172 248
X87 163 251
X99 153 253
X111 142 254
X122 132 254
X133 120 254
X144 109 254
X155 97 252
X164 85 250
X174 73 248
X183 61 245
X192 48 241
X200 36 236
X208 23 231
X215 10 225
X221 2 219
X227 14 212
X233 27 205
X238 40 197
X242 53 189
X246 65 180
X249 77 171
X251 89 161
X253 101 151
X254 113 141
X254 124 130
X254 135 119
X254 146 107
X252 156 95
X250 166 83
X247 176 71
X244 185 59
X240 193 46
X235 201 34
X230 209 21
X224 216 8
X218 222 4
X211 228 17
X204 234 29
X196 239 42
X188 243 55
X179 246 67
X169 249 79
X160 251 91
X149 253 103
X139 254 115
X128 254 126
X117 254 137
X105 253 148
X93 252 158
X81 250 168
X69 247 177
X57 243 186
X44 239 195
X31 235 203
X19 229 210
X6 223 217
X6 217 223
X19 210 229
X31 203 235
X44 195 239
X57 186 243
X69 177 247
X81 168 250
X93 158 252
X105 148 253
X117 137 254
X128 126 254
X139 115 254
X149 103 253
X160 91 251
X169 79 249
X179 67 246
X188 55 243
X196 42 239
X204 29 234
X211 17 228
X218 4 222
X224 8 216
X230 21 209
X235 34 201
X240 46 193
X244 59 185
X247 71 176
X250 83 166
X252 95 156
X254 107 146
X254 119 135
X254 130 124
X254 141 113
X253 151 101
X251 161 89
X249 171 77
X246 180 65
X242 189 53
X238 197 40
X233 205 27
X227 212 14
X221 219 2
X215 225 10
X208 231 23
X200 236 36
X192 241 48
X183 245 61
X174 248 73
X164 250 85
X155 252 97
X144 254 109
X133 254 120
X122 254 132
X111 254 142
X99 253 153
X87 251 163
X75 248 172
X63 245 182
X50 241 190
X38 237 199
X25 232 206
X12 226 214
X0 220 220
X12 214 226
X25 206 232
X38 199 237
X50 190 241
X63 182 245
X75 172 248
X87 163 251
X99 153 253
X111 142 254
X122 132 254
X133 120 254
X144 109 254
X155 97 252
X164 85 250
X174 73 248
X183 61 245
X192 48 241
X200 36 236
X208 23 231
X215 10 225
X221 2 219
X227 14 212
X233 27 205
X238 40 197
X242 53 189
X246 65 180
X249 77 171
X251 89 161
X253 101 151
X254 113 141
X254 124 130
X254 135 119
X254 146 107
X252 156 95
X250 166 83
X247 176 71
X244 185 59
X240 193 46
X235 201 34
X230 209 21
X224 216 8
X218 222 4
X211 228 17
X204 234 29
X196 239 42
X188 243 55
X179 246 67
X169 249 79
X160 251 91
X149 253 103
X139 254 115
X128 254 126
X117 254 137
X105 253 148
X93 252 158
X81 250 168
X69 247 177
X57 243 186
X44 239 195
X31 235 203
X19 229 210
X6 223 217
X6 217 223
X19 210 229
X31 203 235
X44 195 239
X57 186 243
X69 177 247
X81 168 250
X93 158 252
X105 148 253
X117 137 254
X128 126 254
X139 115 254
X149 103 253
X160 91 251
X169 79 249
X179 67 246
X188 55 243
X196 42 239
X204 29 234
X211 17 228
X218 4 222
X224 8 216
X230 21 209
X235 34 201
X240 46 193
X244 59 185
X247 71 176
X250 83 166
X252 95 156
X254 107 146
X254 119 135
X254 130 124
X254 141 113
X253 151 101
X251 161 89
X249 171 77
X246 180 65
X242 189 53
X238 197 40
X233 205 27
X227 212 14
X221 219 2
X215 225 10
X208 231 23
X200 236 36
X192 241 48
X183 245 61
X174 248 73
X164 250 85
X155 252 97
X144 254 109
X133 254 120
X122 254 132
X111 254 142
X99 253 153
X87 251 163
X75 248 172
X63 245 182
X50 241 190
X38 237 199
X25 232 206
X12 226 214
if test 2824 -ne `wc -c <'maps/special2.map'`; then
echo shar: \"'maps/special2.map'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'maps/special2.map'
if test -f 'maps/zebra.map' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'maps/zebra.map'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'maps/zebra.map'\" \(2775 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'maps/zebra.map' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 0 0
X0 176 176
X5 217 223
X8 149 158
X17 188 206
X19 164 185
X30 202 235
X26 139 165
X39 175 215
X40 152 192
X57 185 243
X44 127 171
X62 159 222
X60 137 198
X81 168 250
X60 114 175
X83 142 226
X79 122 202
X105 147 253
X77 99 177
X105 123 228
X97 105 203
X128 126 254
X93 84 177
X125 103 228
X115 87 203
X148 103 253
X108 67 176
X144 81 225
X131 68 200
X168 78 249
X121 51 173
X161 60 221
X146 48 196
X188 54 243
X134 33 168
X176 37 215
X160 28 188
X203 29 234
X145 16 161
X189 15 205
X172 7 180
X217 4 222
X154 1 153
X201 7 194
X181 11 169
X230 21 208
X163 18 143
X211 30 180
X190 31 157
X240 45 193
X169 37 132
X219 53 166
X196 51 144
X247 70 176
X174 53 119
X225 74 149
X200 71 128
X252 95 156
X177 70 105
X228 96 131
X203 90 112
X254 119 135
X177 86 91
X228 117 111
X203 107 95
X254 141 113
X177 102 74
X227 135 90
X201 124 76
X251 161 89
X174 116 58
X224 153 69
X197 140 56
X246 180 64
X170 129 41
X217 170 47
X192 154 36
X238 197 39
X164 140 23
X209 184 24
X184 167 16
X227 212 14
X156 151 5
X198 197 1
X174 177 3
X215 225 9
X147 159 11
X187 207 20
X163 187 23
X199 236 36
X137 167 29
X172 216 43
X150 194 43
X183 245 60
X125 172 46
X156 223 65
X135 199 63
X164 250 85
X111 175 63
X139 226 87
X119 202 82
X144 254 108
X97 177 80
X119 228 108
X102 203 100
X122 254 131
X81 177 95
X99 228 127
X84 202 118
X98 253 153
X65 176 110
X78 225 146
X64 200 134
X75 248 172
X48 172 123
X56 220 163
X45 194 148
X50 241 190
X30 167 136
X34 213 179
X24 188 162
X24 232 206
X13 160 147
X10 203 192
X4 178 173
X0 220 220
X4 151 156
X10 192 203
X15 167 183
X24 206 232
X21 142 164
X34 179 213
X35 156 191
X50 190 241
X39 130 170
X56 163 220
X55 141 197
X75 172 248
X56 117 174
X78 146 225
X74 126 201
X98 153 253
X73 103 177
X99 127 228
X93 109 203
X122 131 254
X89 88 177
X119 108 228
X111 92 203
X143 108 254
X104 72 177
X139 87 226
X128 72 200
X163 85 250
X118 55 174
X156 65 223
X143 53 196
X182 60 245
X131 38 170
X172 43 216
X156 33 191
X200 36 236
X142 20 163
X187 20 207
X168 13 182
X214 9 225
X152 2 155
X198 1 197
X179 6 172
X227 14 212
X161 14 146
X209 24 184
X188 27 160
X238 39 197
X168 32 135
X217 47 170
X195 47 148
X246 64 180
X172 49 123
X224 69 153
X200 66 132
X251 89 161
X176 66 109
X227 90 135
X203 85 116
X254 113 140
X177 83 94
X228 111 117
X203 104 99
X254 135 119
X177 98 79
X228 131 96
X202 120 80
X252 156 95
X175 112 62
X225 149 74
X199 136 61
X247 176 70
X172 125 45
X219 166 53
X193 151 42
X240 193 45
X166 137 27
X211 180 30
X186 164 21
X230 209 21
X158 148 9
X201 194 7
X176 175 1
X217 222 4
X150 157 6
X189 205 15
X166 184 18
X204 234 29
X139 165 25
X176 215 37
X153 192 38
X188 243 54
X128 171 42
X161 221 60
X139 198 58
X169 249 78
X114 174 59
X143 225 81
X123 201 77
X148 253 103
X100 177 76
X125 228 103
X106 203 96
X128 254 126
X85 177 92
X105 228 123
X88 203 113
X105 253 147
X69 177 107
X83 226 142
X69 200 130
X81 250 167
X52 173 120
X62 222 159
X50 196 145
X57 243 185
X35 168 133
X39 215 175
X30 189 159
X30 235 203
X17 162 144
X17 206 188
X9 180 171
X5 223 217
if test 2775 -ne `wc -c <'maps/zebra.map'`; then
echo shar: \"'maps/zebra.map'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'maps/zebra.map'
echo shar: End of archive 9 \(of 10\).
cp /dev/null ark9isdone
for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ; do
if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
echo You have unpacked all 10 archives.
rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
echo " " ${MISSING}
## End of shell archive.
exit 0
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