v08i101: pic support for xditview, Part01/01
John Amanatides
amana at yetti.cs.yorku.ca
Tue Aug 28 17:54:09 AEST 1990
Submitted-by: amana at yetti.cs.yorku.ca (John Amanatides)
Posting-number: Volume 8, Issue 101
Archive-name: xditv.patch/part01
[ Note: this is not an "official" patch to the program since it was
never submitted to this newsgroup. --dan ]
The X11R4 release of xditview does not have support for pic commands.
Below is the replacement for draw.c with the added support.
Note: you have to include the math library (-lm) now.
* draw.c
* accept dvi function calls and translate to X
* added pic support, John Amanatides, August 1990
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xos.h>
#include <X11/IntrinsicP.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "DviP.h"
extern double sqrt(), atan2();
extern long strtol();
HorizontalMove(dw, delta)
DviWidget dw;
int delta;
dw->dvi.state->x += delta;
HorizontalGoto(dw, NewPosition)
DviWidget dw;
int NewPosition;
dw->dvi.state->x = NewPosition;
VerticalMove(dw, delta)
DviWidget dw;
int delta;
dw->dvi.state->y += delta;
VerticalGoto(dw, NewPosition)
DviWidget dw;
int NewPosition;
dw->dvi.state->y = NewPosition;
FlushCharCache (dw)
DviWidget dw;
if (dw->dvi.cache.char_index != 0)
XDrawText (XtDisplay (dw), XtWindow (dw), dw->dvi.normal_GC,
dw->dvi.cache.start_x, dw->dvi.cache.start_y,
dw->dvi.cache.cache, dw->dvi.cache.index + 1);
dw->dvi.cache.index = 0;
dw->dvi.cache.max = DVI_TEXT_CACHE_SIZE;
if (dw->dvi.noPolyText)
dw->dvi.cache.max = 1;
dw->dvi.cache.char_index = 0;
dw->dvi.cache.cache[0].nchars = 0;
dw->dvi.cache.start_x = dw->dvi.cache.x = dw->dvi.state->x;
dw->dvi.cache.start_y = dw->dvi.cache.y = dw->dvi.state->y;
ClearPage (dw)
DviWidget dw;
XClearWindow (XtDisplay (dw), XtWindow (dw));
static void setGC (dw)
DviWidget dw;
if (dw->dvi.state->line_style != dw->dvi.line_style ||
dw->dvi.state->line_width != dw->dvi.line_width)
XSetLineAttributes (XtDisplay (dw), dw->dvi.normal_GC,
dw->dvi.line_style = dw->dvi.state->line_style;
dw->dvi.line_width = dw->dvi.state->line_width;
DrawLine (dw, x, y)
DviWidget dw;
int x, y;
x += dw->dvi.state->x;
y += dw->dvi.state->y;
XDrawLine (XtDisplay (dw), XtWindow (dw), dw->dvi.normal_GC,
dw->dvi.state->x, dw->dvi.state->y, x, y);
dw->dvi.state->x = x;
dw->dvi.state->y = y;
DrawCircle (dw, diameter)
DviWidget dw;
int diameter;
XDrawArc (XtDisplay (dw), XtWindow (dw), dw->dvi.normal_GC,
dw->dvi.state->x, dw->dvi.state->y - diameter/2,
diameter, diameter, 0, 360*64);
DrawEllipse (dw, a, b)
DviWidget dw;
int a, b;
XDrawArc (XtDisplay (dw), XtWindow (dw), dw->dvi.normal_GC,
dw->dvi.state->x, dw->dvi.state->y - b/2,
a, b, 0, 360*64);
#define RAD2DEG (57.29577951308232)
DrawArc (dw, x0, y0, x1, y1)
DviWidget dw;
int x0, y0, x1, y1;
int radius, angle0, angle1;
radius= sqrt((double) (x0*x0 + y0*y0));
angle0= -64.0*RAD2DEG*atan2((double) -y0, (double) -x0);
if(angle0 < 0)
angle0 += 360*64;
angle1= -64.0*RAD2DEG*atan2((double) y1, (double) x1);
if(angle1 < 0)
angle1 += 360*64;
angle1 -= angle0;
if(angle1 < 0)
angle1 += 360*64;
XDrawArc (XtDisplay (dw), XtWindow (dw), dw->dvi.normal_GC,
dw->dvi.state->x + x0 - radius, dw->dvi.state->y + y0 - radius,
2*radius, 2*radius, angle0, angle1);
dw->dvi.state->x += x0 + x1;
dw->dvi.state->y += y0 + y1;
#define MAX_KNOTS 256
DrawSpline (dw, s, len)
DviWidget dw;
char *s;
int len;
XPoint knots[MAX_KNOTS];
XPoint *points, *ComputeSpline();
int numKnots, numPoints;
/* read knots, duplicate first and last, convert relative to absolute */
knots[0].x= dw->dvi.state->x;
knots[0].y= dw->dvi.state->y;
knots[1]= knots[0];
numKnots= 2;
while(getpoint(&s, &knots[numKnots]) && numKnots < MAX_KNOTS-1) {
knots[numKnots].x += knots[numKnots-1].x;
knots[numKnots].y += knots[numKnots-1].y;
knots[numKnots]= knots[numKnots-1];
points= ComputeSpline(knots, numKnots, &numPoints);
XDrawLines (XtDisplay (dw), XtWindow (dw), dw->dvi.normal_GC,
points, numPoints, CoordModeOrigin);
dw->dvi.state->x= points[numPoints-1].x;
dw->dvi.state->y= points[numPoints-1].y;
int getpoint(buffer, point)
char **buffer;
XPoint *point;
char *end;
if(*buffer == 0 || **buffer == '\0')
return 0;
point->x= (short) strtol(*buffer, &end, 10);
if(end == *buffer)
return 0;
*buffer= end;
point->y= (short) strtol(*buffer, &end, 10);
*buffer= end;
return 1;
#define SUBDIV 4
XPoint *ComputeSpline(knots, numKnots, numPoints)
register XPoint knots[];
int numKnots, *numPoints;
static XPoint spline[SUBDIV*MAX_KNOTS];
register int i, j, n;
double w, t1, t2, t3;
n= 0;
for(i=0;i < numKnots-2; i++)
for(j=0; j < SUBDIV; j++) {
w= (1.0/SUBDIV) * j;
t1= 0.5*w*w;
w -= 0.5;
t2= 0.75-w*w;
w -= 0.5;
t3= 0.5*w*w;
spline[n].x= t1*knots[i+2].x + t2*knots[i+1].x +
t3*knots[i].x + 0.5;
spline[n].y= t1*knots[i+2].y + t2*knots[i+1].y +
t3*knots[i].y + 0.5;
if(n == 0 || spline[n].x != spline[n-1].x ||
spline[n].y != spline[n-1].y)
spline[n++]= knots[numKnots-1];
*numPoints= n;
return spline;
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