v08i094: tgif, Patch4, Part01/01

William Cheng william at CS.UCLA.EDU
Wed Aug 22 17:03:23 AEST 1990

Submitted-by: william at CS.UCLA.EDU (William Cheng)
Posting-number: Volume 8, Issue 94
Archive-name: tgif/patch4
Patch-To: Volume 7, Issue 56-76 (original: tgif-1.2)
Patch-To: Volume 8, Issue 46-48 (Patch1: tgif-1.2 => tgif-1.9)
Patch-To: Volume 8, Issue 58-60 (Patch2: tgif-1.9 => tgif-1.12)
Patch-To: Volume 8, Issue 87-89 (Patch3: tgif-1.12 => tgif-1.13)

Patch4 of tgif takes tgif-1.13 to tgif-1.14.  Below is a list of
added features/bug fixes, followed by the actual patch.

tgif-1.13 => tgif-1.14

1) Fix Imakefile so that it works better with the X11R4 installation.
   This includes commenting out BINDIR, CDEBUGFLAGS, and MANPATH.
   Thanks to David Eckelkamp at MCC and Carl Witty at Stanford for their
   recommentations, and specially David Eckelkamp at MCC for his improvements.

      NOTE:  With the current setup, those who wishes to install tgif
             in places outside of the X11R4 installation has to modify
             the Imakefile (uncomment the definition for CDEBUGFLAGS,
             BINDIR, MANPATH, and redefine TGIFDIR).  Sorry for the

2) Add support for 100dpi fonts.  (Actually, this was done in the previous
   release.  I forgot to mention it.)
3) Fix a small bug in display the current font (pixmap not cleared before).
4) Use XDrawPoint() instead of XDrawLine() in drawing grid points and
   rotated text.  Use the #ifdef construct to get around know server bugs.
5) Minor enhancement in cleaning up events in adding and deleting points.

---------------------------------> cut here <---------------------------------
*** choice.c.orig	Tue Aug 21 21:32:15 1990
--- choice.c	Tue Aug 21 21:32:16 1990
*** 6,10 ****
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/choice.c,v 1.6 90/08/15 16:01:40 william Exp $";
--- 6,10 ----
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/choice.c,v 1.8 90/08/21 15:55:15 william Exp $";
*** 104,108 ****
     register int	i, j;
!    int		x, y, pixel, w, h, saved_x, saved_y;
     XRectangle	recs[1];
     XImage	* image;
--- 104,108 ----
     register int	i, j;
!    int		x, y, w, h, saved_x, saved_y;
     XRectangle	recs[1];
     XImage	* image;
*** 173,176 ****
--- 173,181 ----
+       XSetForeground (mainDisplay, choiceGC, 0);
+       XFillRectangle (mainDisplay, choiceBackingPixmap, choiceGC, 0, 0,
+          choiceWindowW, choiceWindowH);
+       XSetForeground (mainDisplay, choiceGC, 1);
        XDrawImageString (mainDisplay, choiceBackingPixmap, choiceGC, 0,
              canvasFontAsc, "W", 1);
*** 195,201 ****
                    case ROTATE270: x = saved_x+j; y = saved_y-i; break;
! /*             XDrawPoint (mainDisplay, choiceWindow, defaultGC, x, y); */
! /*                Hack to run on RTs -- crash server on RTs             */
                 XDrawLine (mainDisplay,choiceWindow,defaultGC,x,y,x,y);
--- 200,208 ----
                    case ROTATE270: x = saved_x+j; y = saved_y-i; break;
! #ifdef sun
!                XDrawPoint (mainDisplay, choiceWindow, defaultGC, x, y);
! #else
                 XDrawLine (mainDisplay,choiceWindow,defaultGC,x,y,x,y);
+ #endif
*** edit.c.orig	Tue Aug 21 21:32:37 1990
--- edit.c	Tue Aug 21 21:32:38 1990
*** 6,10 ****
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/edit.c,v 1.9 90/08/16 09:35:06 william Exp $";
--- 6,10 ----
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/edit.c,v 1.13 90/08/21 16:03:43 william Exp $";
*** 32,35 ****
--- 32,39 ----
  #include "stretch.e"
+ #ifndef M_PI
+ #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
+ #endif
  #define OFFSET_X(x) (((x) - drawOrigX) >> zoomScale)
  #define OFFSET_Y(y) (((y) - drawOrigY) >> zoomScale)
*** 73,77 ****
     unsigned int			status;
     Window			root_win, child_win;
!    XEvent			input;
     if (!(topSel != NULL && topSel == botSel &&
--- 77,81 ----
     unsigned int			status;
     Window			root_win, child_win;
!    XEvent			input, ev;
     if (!(topSel != NULL && topSel == botSel &&
*** 201,204 ****
--- 205,209 ----
                 old_x+4, old_y+defaultFontAsc, "DEL", 3);
           MarkRulers (old_x, old_y);
+          while (XCheckMaskEvent (mainDisplay, PointerMotionMask, &ev)) ;
*** 218,227 ****
     int		n = PolyPtr->n, already_moved=FALSE, done=FALSE, before;
     XPoint	* vs = PolyPtr->vlist, v[3];
!    int		prev_x, prev_y, x, y, next_x, next_y, new_x, new_y, dx, dy;
     int		orig_x, orig_y, grid_x, grid_y, new_mouse_x, new_mouse_y;
- /* int		prev_dist, next_dist, new_prev_dist, new_next_dist; */
     int		sel_ltx, sel_lty, sel_rbx, sel_rby, num, i;
     double	prev_angle, next_angle, new_angle, theta_1, theta_2;
!    XEvent	input;
     MARK(OFFSET_X(vs[Index].x), OFFSET_Y(vs[Index].y));
--- 223,231 ----
     int		n = PolyPtr->n, already_moved=FALSE, done=FALSE, before;
     XPoint	* vs = PolyPtr->vlist, v[3];
!    int		prev_x, prev_y, x, y, next_x, next_y, new_x, new_y;
     int		orig_x, orig_y, grid_x, grid_y, new_mouse_x, new_mouse_y;
     int		sel_ltx, sel_lty, sel_rbx, sel_rby, num, i;
     double	prev_angle, next_angle, new_angle, theta_1, theta_2;
!    XEvent	input, ev;
     MARK(OFFSET_X(vs[Index].x), OFFSET_Y(vs[Index].y));
*** 237,241 ****
        next_x = vs[1].x;    next_y = vs[1].y;
        prev_x = 2*x-next_x; prev_y = 2*y-next_y;
- /*    prev_dist = next_dist = (x-prev_x)*(x-prev_x) + (y-prev_y)*(y-prev_y); */
     else if (Index == n-1)
--- 241,244 ----
*** 243,247 ****
        prev_x = vs[n-2].x;  prev_y = vs[n-2].y;
        next_x = 2*x-prev_x; next_y = 2*y-prev_y;
- /*    prev_dist = next_dist = (x-prev_x)*(x-prev_x) + (y-prev_y)*(y-prev_y); */
--- 246,249 ----
*** 249,254 ****
        prev_x = vs[Index-1].x; prev_y = vs[Index-1].y;
        next_x = vs[Index+1].x; next_y = vs[Index+1].y;
- /*    prev_dist = (x-prev_x)*(x-prev_x) + (y-prev_y)*(y-prev_y); */
- /*    next_dist = (x-next_x)*(x-next_x) + (y-next_y)*(y-next_y); */
     prev_angle = atan2 ((double)(prev_y-y), (double)(prev_x-x));
--- 251,254 ----
*** 286,300 ****
              before = (theta_1 <= theta_2);
- /*          new_prev_dist = (new_x-prev_x)*(new_x-prev_x) + */
- /*                (new_y-prev_y)*(new_y-prev_y); */
- /*          new_next_dist = (new_x-next_x)*(new_x-next_x) + */
- /*                (new_y-next_y)*(new_y-next_y); */
- /*          if ((new_prev_dist-prev_dist)*(new_next_dist-next_dist) < 0) */
- /*             before = (new_prev_dist < prev_dist); */
- /*          else */
- /*             before = (abs (new_prev_dist-prev_dist) < */
- /*                   abs (new_next_dist-next_dist)); */
              if (before)
              {  /* Add a point between the current and the previous point */
--- 286,289 ----
*** 339,342 ****
--- 328,332 ----
              MarkRulers (grid_x, grid_y);
+          while (XCheckMaskEvent (mainDisplay, PointerMotionMask, &ev)) ;
        else if (input.type == ButtonRelease)
*** 411,420 ****
     int		n = PolygonPtr->n, already_moved=FALSE, done=FALSE, before;
     XPoint	* vs = PolygonPtr->vlist, v[3];
!    int		prev_x, prev_y, x, y, next_x, next_y, new_x, new_y, dx, dy;
     int		orig_x, orig_y, grid_x, grid_y, new_mouse_x, new_mouse_y;
- /* int		prev_dist, next_dist, new_prev_dist, new_next_dist; */
     int		sel_ltx, sel_lty, sel_rbx, sel_rby, i;
     double	prev_angle, next_angle, new_angle, theta_1, theta_2;
!    XEvent	input;
     MARK(OFFSET_X(vs[Index].x), OFFSET_Y(vs[Index].y));
--- 401,409 ----
     int		n = PolygonPtr->n, already_moved=FALSE, done=FALSE, before;
     XPoint	* vs = PolygonPtr->vlist, v[3];
!    int		prev_x, prev_y, x, y, next_x, next_y, new_x, new_y;
     int		orig_x, orig_y, grid_x, grid_y, new_mouse_x, new_mouse_y;
     int		sel_ltx, sel_lty, sel_rbx, sel_rby, i;
     double	prev_angle, next_angle, new_angle, theta_1, theta_2;
!    XEvent	input, ev;
     MARK(OFFSET_X(vs[Index].x), OFFSET_Y(vs[Index].y));
*** 439,445 ****
     next_angle = atan2 ((double)(next_y-y), (double)(next_x-x));
- /* prev_dist = (x-prev_x)*(x-prev_x) + (y-prev_y)*(y-prev_y); */
- /* next_dist = (x-next_x)*(x-next_x) + (y-next_y)*(y-next_y); */
     GridXY (MouseX, MouseY, &orig_x, &orig_y);
     new_mouse_x = MouseX; new_mouse_y = MouseY;
--- 428,431 ----
*** 473,487 ****
              before = (theta_1 <= theta_2);
- /*          new_prev_dist = (new_x-prev_x)*(new_x-prev_x) + */
- /*                (new_y-prev_y)*(new_y-prev_y); */
- /*          new_next_dist = (new_x-next_x)*(new_x-next_x) + */
- /*                (new_y-next_y)*(new_y-next_y); */
- /*          if ((new_prev_dist-prev_dist)*(new_next_dist-next_dist) < 0) */
- /*             before = (new_prev_dist < prev_dist); */
- /*          else */
- /*             before = (abs (new_prev_dist-prev_dist) < */
- /*                   abs (new_next_dist-next_dist)); */
              if (before)
              {  /* Add a point between the current and the previous point */
--- 459,462 ----
*** 506,509 ****
--- 481,485 ----
              MarkRulers (grid_x, grid_y);
+          while (XCheckMaskEvent (mainDisplay, PointerMotionMask, &ev)) ;
        else if (input.type == ButtonRelease)
*** 588,600 ****
  void AddPoint ()
-    register int			i;
     register struct ObjRec	* obj_ptr;
     struct PolyRec		* poly_ptr;
     struct PolygonRec		* polygon_ptr;
!    int				index, n, point_deleted, adding = TRUE;
     int				root_x, root_y, old_x, old_y;
     unsigned int			status;
     Window			root_win, child_win;
!    XEvent			input;
     if (!(topSel != NULL && topSel == botSel &&
--- 564,575 ----
  void AddPoint ()
     register struct ObjRec	* obj_ptr;
     struct PolyRec		* poly_ptr;
     struct PolygonRec		* polygon_ptr;
!    int				index, adding = TRUE;
     int				root_x, root_y, old_x, old_y;
     unsigned int			status;
     Window			root_win, child_win;
!    XEvent			input, ev;
     if (!(topSel != NULL && topSel == botSel &&
*** 662,665 ****
--- 637,641 ----
                 old_x+4, old_y+defaultFontAsc, "ADD", 3);
           MarkRulers (old_x, old_y);
+          while (XCheckMaskEvent (mainDisplay, PointerMotionMask, &ev)) ;
*** grid.c.orig	Tue Aug 21 21:32:44 1990
--- grid.c	Tue Aug 21 21:32:45 1990
*** 6,10 ****
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/grid.c,v 1.6 90/07/16 10:18:38 william Exp $";
--- 6,10 ----
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/grid.c,v 1.7 90/08/20 13:56:57 william Exp $";
*** 42,48 ****
     for (x = XStart; x < XEnd; x += 8)
! /*    XDrawPoint (mainDisplay, Win, defaultGC, x, Y); */
! /*       Hack to run on RTs -- crash server on RTs    */
        XDrawLine (mainDisplay, Win, defaultGC, x, Y, x, Y);
--- 42,50 ----
     for (x = XStart; x < XEnd; x += 8)
! #ifdef sun
!       XDrawPoint (mainDisplay, Win, defaultGC, x, Y);
! #else
        XDrawLine (mainDisplay, Win, defaultGC, x, Y, x, Y);
+ #endif
*** 54,60 ****
     for (y = YStart; y < YEnd; y += 8)
! /*    XDrawPoint (mainDisplay, Win, defaultGC, X, y); */
! /*       Hack to run on RTs -- crash server on RTs    */
        XDrawLine (mainDisplay, Win, defaultGC, X, y, X, y);
--- 56,64 ----
     for (y = YStart; y < YEnd; y += 8)
! #ifdef sun
!       XDrawPoint (mainDisplay, Win, defaultGC, X, y);
! #else
        XDrawLine (mainDisplay, Win, defaultGC, X, y, X, y);
+ #endif
*** text.c.orig	Tue Aug 21 21:33:23 1990
--- text.c	Tue Aug 21 21:33:25 1990
*** 6,10 ****
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/text.c,v 1.16 90/08/16 15:44:38 william Exp $";
--- 6,10 ----
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/text.c,v 1.18 90/08/21 16:24:22 william Exp $";
*** 148,152 ****
     register int		i, j;
     register XImage	* from_image;
!    int			w, h, amount, left, right, len;
     XGCValues		values;
--- 148,152 ----
     register int		i, j;
     register XImage	* from_image;
!    int			w, h, left, right, len;
     XGCValues		values;
*** 290,297 ****
                    for (j = 0; j < h; j++)
                       if (XGetPixel (from_image, i, j) == 1)
! /*                      XDrawPoint (mainDisplay, Win, gc, XOff-j, YOff+i); */
! /*                         Hack to run on RTs -- crash server on RTs       */
                          XDrawLine (mainDisplay, Win, gc, XOff-j, YOff+i,
                                XOff-j, YOff+i);
              case ROTATE180:
--- 290,299 ----
                    for (j = 0; j < h; j++)
                       if (XGetPixel (from_image, i, j) == 1)
! #ifdef sun
!                         XDrawPoint (mainDisplay, Win, gc, XOff-j, YOff+i);
! #else
                          XDrawLine (mainDisplay, Win, gc, XOff-j, YOff+i,
                                XOff-j, YOff+i);
+ #endif
              case ROTATE180:
*** 299,306 ****
                    for (j = 0; j < h; j++)
                       if (XGetPixel (from_image, i, j) == 1)
! /*                      XDrawPoint (mainDisplay, Win, gc, XOff-i, YOff-j); */
! /*                         Hack to run on RTs -- crash server on RTs       */
                          XDrawLine (mainDisplay, Win, gc, XOff-i, YOff-j,
                                XOff-i, YOff-j);
              case ROTATE270:
--- 301,310 ----
                    for (j = 0; j < h; j++)
                       if (XGetPixel (from_image, i, j) == 1)
! #ifdef sun
!                         XDrawPoint (mainDisplay, Win, gc, XOff-i, YOff-j);
! #else
                          XDrawLine (mainDisplay, Win, gc, XOff-i, YOff-j,
                                XOff-i, YOff-j);
+ #endif
              case ROTATE270:
*** 308,315 ****
                    for (j = 0; j < h; j++)
                       if (XGetPixel (from_image, i, j) == 1)
! /*                      XDrawPoint (mainDisplay, Win, gc, XOff+j, YOff-i); */
! /*                         Hack to run on RTs -- crash server on RTs       */
                          XDrawLine (mainDisplay, Win, gc, XOff+j, YOff-i,
                                XOff+j, YOff-i);
--- 312,321 ----
                    for (j = 0; j < h; j++)
                       if (XGetPixel (from_image, i, j) == 1)
! #ifdef sun
!                         XDrawPoint (mainDisplay, Win, gc, XOff+j, YOff-i);
! #else
                          XDrawLine (mainDisplay, Win, gc, XOff+j, YOff-i,
                                XOff+j, YOff-i);
+ #endif
*** 388,392 ****
     int			Just, W, H, Rotate;
!    int	ltx, lty, rbx, rby, mw2, pw2;
     switch (Just)
--- 394,398 ----
     int			Just, W, H, Rotate;
!    register int	mw2, pw2;
     switch (Just)
*** 476,480 ****
     register int		num_lines;
     struct StrRec	* s_ptr = ObjPtr->detail.t->first;
!    int			max_len = 0, len, w;
     SaveCurFont ();
--- 482,486 ----
     register int		num_lines;
     struct StrRec	* s_ptr = ObjPtr->detail.t->first;
!    int			max_len = 0, w;
     SaveCurFont ();
*** 510,521 ****
- static
- int FindEqual (S)
-    register char *S;
- {
-    while (*S != '=' && *S != '\0') S++;
-    return (*S == '=');
- }
  int CreateTextObj ()
     /* returns TRUE if something got created */
--- 516,519 ----
*** 525,530 ****
     struct StrRec	* s_ptr;
     struct AttrRec	* attr_ptr;
!    struct ObjRec	* obj_ptr;
!    int			max_len = 0, len, w, ltx, lty, rbx, rby;
     int			scr_ltx, scr_lty;
--- 523,527 ----
     struct StrRec	* s_ptr;
     struct AttrRec	* attr_ptr;
!    int			max_len = 0, w, ltx, lty, rbx, rby;
     int			scr_ltx, scr_lty;
*** 1314,1319 ****
     XEvent	* input;
-    int			len, x, y;
-    Window		sub_win_id;
     char			s[80];
     XKeyEvent		* key_ev;
--- 1311,1314 ----
*** tgif.c.orig	Tue Aug 21 21:33:32 1990
--- tgif.c	Tue Aug 21 21:33:33 1990
*** 6,10 ****
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/tgif.c,v 1.7 90/08/15 15:05:17 william Exp $";
--- 6,10 ----
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/tgif.c,v 1.8 90/08/21 15:52:54 william Exp $";
*** 54,59 ****
     int	i;
     char	op_name[80], file_name[80], s[80], color_name[80], val_name[80];
!    char	* sp[6], * func_strp, attr_name[80], speed_name[80], type_name[80];
!    char	* c_ptr, id_name[80];
     file_name[0] = '\0';
--- 54,59 ----
     int	i;
     char	op_name[80], file_name[80], s[80], color_name[80], val_name[80];
!    char	* sp[6], * func_strp, attr_name[80], speed_name[80];
!    char	id_name[80];
     file_name[0] = '\0';
*** version.c.orig	Tue Aug 21 21:33:36 1990
--- version.c	Tue Aug 21 21:33:37 1990
*** 6,11 ****
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/version.c,v 1.16 90/08/16 09:41:02 william Exp $";
! char	* version_string = "1.13";
--- 6,11 ----
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/version.c,v 1.17 90/08/21 21:30:03 william Exp $";
! char	* version_string = "1.14";
*** Makefile.noimake.orig	Tue Aug 21 21:33:42 1990
--- Makefile.noimake	Tue Aug 21 21:33:43 1990
*** 4,8 ****
  # Copyright (C) 1990, William Cheng.
! # @(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/Makefile.noimake,v 1.22 90/08/16 13:21:47 william Exp $
--- 4,8 ----
  # Copyright (C) 1990, William Cheng.
! # @(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/Makefile.noimake,v 1.23 90/08/21 16:09:05 william Exp $
*** 13,18 ****
  CC = cc
! CFLAGS = -g -DTGIF_PATH=\"/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF\" -DPSFILE_MOD=\"664\" \
! 		-I/usr/local/include
  LFLAGS = -lX11 -lm
--- 13,18 ----
  CC = cc
! TGIFDIR = /u/tangram/lib/tgif
! CFLAGS = -g -DTGIF_PATH=\"$(TGIFDIR)\" -DPSFILE_MOD=\"664\" -I/usr/local/include
  LFLAGS = -lX11 -lm
*** 194,198 ****
  	ld -o frontend11.o -r $(OBJ1)
! install: $(INSTALLDIR)/tgif $(INSTALLDIR)/tgif2ps
  	@echo Making install ...
--- 194,199 ----
  	ld -o frontend11.o -r $(OBJ1)
! install: $(INSTALLDIR)/tgif $(INSTALLDIR)/tgif2ps \
! 		$(TGIFDIR)/.psmac $(TGIFDIR)/tgificon.obj
  	@echo Making install ...
*** 202,205 ****
--- 203,212 ----
  $(INSTALLDIR)/tgif2ps: tgif2ps
  	install -c tgif2ps $(INSTALLDIR)/tgif2ps
+ $(TGIFDIR)/.psmac: .psmac
+ 	install -c .psmac $(TGIFDIR)/.psmac
+ $(TGIFDIR)/tgificon.obj: tgificon.obj
+ 	install -c tgificon.obj $(TGIFDIR)/tgificon.obj
  OBJDEMO = an-sr-flip-flop.obj fonts.obj slide-demo.obj spice/*.obj
*** Imakefile.orig	Tue Aug 21 21:33:48 1990
--- Imakefile	Tue Aug 21 21:33:48 1990
*** 4,17 ****
  /**/# Copyright (C) 1990, William Cheng.
! /**/# @(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/Imakefile,v 1.23 90/08/17 09:48:59 william Exp $
  PROGRAMS	= tgif prtgif tgif2ps frontend11.o
! BINDIR		= /u/tangram/bin
! MANPATH		= /u/tangram/man
! DEFINES		= -DTGIF_PATH=\"/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF\" \
! 		  -DPSFILE_MOD=\"664\"
--- 4,18 ----
  /**/# Copyright (C) 1990, William Cheng.
! /**/# @(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/Imakefile,v 1.25 90/08/21 21:30:40 william Exp $
  PROGRAMS	= tgif prtgif tgif2ps frontend11.o
! /**/#CDEBUGFLAGS= -g
! /**/#BINDIR	= /u/tangram/bin
! /**/#MANPATH	= /u/tangram/man
! /**/#TGIFDIR	= /u/tangram/lib/tgif
! TGIFDIR	= $(LIBDIR)/tgif
*** 47,50 ****
--- 48,55 ----
+ MakeDirectories(install,$(TGIFDIR))
+ InstallNonExec(.psmac,$(TGIFDIR))
+ InstallNonExec(tgificon.obj,$(TGIFDIR))
  .SUFFIXES: .l .man
---------------------------------> cut here <---------------------------------
Bill Cheng // UCLA Computer Science Department // (213) 206-7135
3277 Boelter Hall // Los Angeles, California 90024 // USA
william at CS.UCLA.EDU      ...!{uunet|ucbvax}!cs.ucla.edu!william

O'Reilly && Associates   argv at sun.com / argv at ora.com
Opinions expressed reflect those of the author only.

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